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China should now take 'pushy' India seriously: Chinese daily

its amusing to see CN members huffing n puffing while CPC is pushing for peace talks.
glad to see saner minds at the helm, who are in touch with ground realities.
its amusing to see CN members huffing n puffing while CPC is pushing for peace talks.
glad to see saner minds at the helm, who are in touch with ground realities.
Hu and Wen are leaving power in March 2012. And then who will protect india from PLA and Xi Jinping?
Hu and Wen are leaving power in March 2012. And then who will protect india from PLA and Xi Jinping?

its a bit too early to tell, lets see what the next chinese leadership does.
keep in mind, an aggressive china will only invite further US alliances across asia.
The atomic bomb was invented by a Chinese citizen working the US. That's why PRC was able to produce a thermonuclear bomb in 1967!

Chien-Shiung Wu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indeed.......i agree that only bomb was discovered by chineese.........but the NUCLEAR WARHEAD inside of bomb was discovered by americans through operation trinity..........

don't make jokes in defence threats......
when has india done anything without others direct help? your political system and antique railway system is built by the brits, and your army is literally built by russians and french, seems the british will build your 'proud' airforce soon. and in terms of war, indians always running like headless chickens

bro...............world knows....who was a headless chicken.............

u said others build india.........british loots india in real sense...............u r talking railway.......even nepal has railway

army built by russians...............we buy licenced weapons.......allthough reverse engineering is not in our list..............
its a bit too early to tell, lets see what the next chinese leadership does.
keep in mind, an aggressive china will only invite further US alliances across asia.
An aggressive China will demonstrate no alliance member will actually fight a war against China for one another, especially USA.
Japan surrendered to China in 1945 and we occupied former Japanese territory like Manchukuo and Taiwan (ROC occupied now). They also paid us bling bling for decades as reparations.

But millions were killed in india because the British took away your food to fight the Japanese!

Bengal famine of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then in 1971 millions of hindus were massacred in East Pakistan but india did nothing because it was scared of a US carrier called the Enterprise!

Task Force 74 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like india has plenty of reason to fear the Anglo. :rofl:
Japan surrendered to China?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh bunny i thought Japan surrendered to US.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Thanks for making me laugh so loudly after so many days
China's diplomacy relies on bullying others into submission. They're trying their darnedest to browbeat India too and were almost succeeding, until, thankfully someone at the helm thought enough is enough! India needed to stand up to this bullying and start thumbing its nose at China.

As the saying goes: "Do not hit others unless they do it first. But if they do, close your fist as hard as you can and aim for the tip of their nose. Even the biggest boys will drop and cry!"


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