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China should ditch BRICS for Pakistan

Exactly. India is anti-China, wants to be and is a member of the West camp.
Absolutely, if we want to make this group a real something to exert unique global influence other than just a name, member states have to be like minded and geopolitically aligned like G7.
Those give likes to your post don’t have clear mind.

India is not in west camp although they have land dispute with China. We can do business with them, but it’s hard to build trust. On the other way, Pakistan is our friend and we have mutual trust as always.
Yes, India wants to be aligned with US and Europe to the bone and it just wants to take advantages of SCO and BRICS platforms largely to engage and get close to Russia at the same time to spoil China-Russia close relationship. India is a member of QUAD which is anti-China as we all know and it also has close military cooperation with US directed against China.
Economy is economy and politics is politics. Our economic relationship with Japan has been very close and stable, hasn't it?
India won't stop trying to block China entering Indian market because of BRICS, we can do business with India without this bloc. where in the future this bloc will go depends on how the major members shape it today.

With all due respect, the SCO is a geopolitical organization. We should really find a way to get India out of the SCO.
However, BRICS is an economic organization, which represents the global emerging economies. India is a very important member of BRICS.
Personally, I think the BRICS countries should be composed of these seven countries: China, Russia, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan.
SCO will be China's Nato and BRICS should be China's G-7
See how G-7 formed an highly united front against China? with India, BRICS could never form such a united front.

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India won't stop trying to block China entering Indian market because of BRICS, we can do business with India without this bloc. where in the future this bloc will go depends on how the major members shape it today.
BRICS can do without India for the better, but China can still trade or do business normally with India just as with Japan if it's in India's economic interests to do so. New BRIC + countries should also coordinate in other areas such as politics in the foreseeable future.
That's why Japan is not a member of Chinese AIIB and not a partner of Chinese BRI since it is pro-US and Anti-China to the bone.
Japan is originally one of the countries with vested interests in the Western order. Over the years, we have snatched away the markets of their pillar industries, such as furniture, electrical appliances, shipbuilding, etc. Now even their last pillar of the economy, the automobile manufacturing industry, will be defeated by our new energy vehicles. In this case, do you expect the Japanese not to be anti China? Before the Japanese completely went bankrupt and surrendered to us in despair, they must be an important pawn of the West. Therefore, we should treat Japan with the attitude towards western countries.
Yes, India wants to be aligned with US and Europe to the bone and it just wants to take advantages of SCO and BRICS platforms largely to engage and get close to Russia at the same time to spoil China-Russia close relationship. India is a member of QUAD which is anti-China as we all know and it also has close military cooperation with US directed against China.
India-Russia, China-Pakistan, this won’t change for a long time.

When China Russia relationship is good, China India relationship will be little bit better, but I don’t expect too much from it. Doing business is fine, but mutual trust is the other way around.

Even Bajwa is not up to expectation, I would rather believe Pakistan army cause the trust is indeed.
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India won't stop trying to block China entering Indian market because of BRICS, we can do business with India without this bloc. where in the future this bloc will go depends on how the major members shape it today.

SCO will be China's Nato and BRICS should be China's G-7
See how G-7 formed an highly united front against China? with India, BRICS could never form such a united front.

SCO is led by both China and Russia, And you can see that China can’t dominate BRICS or we can say China is not willing to do so. Chinese are not Americans, we do business.
Pakistan will join BRICS, China will exert our influence on India and Russia.
Japan is originally one of the countries with vested interests in the Western order. Over the years, we have snatched away the markets of their pillar industries, such as furniture, electrical appliances, shipbuilding, etc. Now even their last pillar of the economy, the automobile manufacturing industry, will be defeated by our new energy vehicles. In this case, do you expect the Japanese not to be anti China? Before the Japanese completely went bankrupt and surrendered to us in despair, they must be an important pawn of the West. Therefore, we should treat Japan with the attitude towards western countries.
As long as American troops are stationed in Japan or as long as Japan is powerful, I am convinced the Japanese want to be on top of China or anti-China, definitely not subordinate to China.
India won't stop trying to block China entering Indian market because of BRICS, we can do business with India without this bloc. where in the future this bloc will go depends on how the major members shape it today.

SCO will be China's Nato and BRICS should be China's G-7
See how G-7 formed an highly united front against China? with India, BRICS could never form such a united front.

SCO is a geopolitical organization with China and Russia as the core. Russia must let India join the SCO in order to balance China's power, and is unwilling to let the SCO become China's SCO. We must let Pakistan join the SCO for the same reason.
As for the BRICS countries, this is a global economic platform, which is mainly used for the cooperation and adjustment of economic relations between organizations. We don't need to Force India to reform the market according to our standards. Even if India does not cooperate with us, as long as it is willing to cooperate with other BRICS countries, it will also be helpful to our interests. As I said before, India is still essentially one of the emerging economies that challenge the old economic order. Its economic needs around the world will inevitably converge with ours, such as climate, environmental protection, energy and other issues.

Absolutely, if we want to make this group a real something to exert unique global influence other than just a name, member states have to be like minded and geopolitically aligned like G7.
Even the G7 group does not always maintain the same position on geopolitics. For example, on the issue of West Africa, China and the United States are cooperating against France. The USA also cooperated with the Soviet Union to seize British control of the Suez Canal. Germany also fully opposed the Iraq war.
If you must ask other members to be consistent with you on all issues, then you want a servant country, not a partner.
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SCO is a geopolitical organization with China and Russia as the core. Russia must let India join the SCO in order to balance China's power, and is unwilling to let the SCO become China's SCO. We must let Pakistan join the SCO for the same reason.
As for the BRICS countries, this is a global economic platform, which is mainly used for the cooperation and adjustment of economic relations between organizations. We don't need to Force India to reform the market according to our standards. Even if India does not cooperate with us, as long as it is willing to cooperate with other BRICS countries, it will also be helpful to our interests. As I said before, India is still essentially one of the emerging economies that challenge the old economic order. Its economic needs around the world will inevitably converge with ours, such as climate, environmental protection, energy and other issues.
We can do all the exchanges with India without India being in BRICS. As for China and Russia, US and EU also don't see eye to eye on everything but because of the overall strategic interests are largely the same, their differences are mediatable and they can still form a pretty united front against outside rivals, this same situation also goes for China and Russia.
China needs some counter balance to Nato and G-7, SCO and BRICS are China's best shots.
Age of consent is 14 in many European countries.
There's no age consent in India, despite whatever Indians tell you about their laws. What Indians want, they will 'invade'. Indian women are seen as sub-human species born to serve Indian men's wants and needs. Ever watched the video of Indian wives proudly drink the soiled water that they just washed their husbands' feet? Yeah, these women need to drink the feet-washed water with smiles.
We can do all the exchanges with India without India being in BRICS. As for China and Russia, US and EU also don't see eye to eye on everything but because of the overall strategic interests are largely the same, their differences are mediatable and they can still form a pretty united front against outside rivals, this same situation also goes for China and Russia.
China needs some counter balance to Nato and G-7, SCO and BRICS are China's best shots.
So I agree to use the Ukrainian war to drive India out of the SCO, but I am opposed to driving India out of the BRICS.
So I agree to use the Ukrainian war to drive India out of the SCO, but I am opposed to driving India out of the BRICS.
You see how many new small economic and geopolitical groups US and the west established especially for countering China during the past couples of years? those groups, not matter in what nature, won't allow China friendly countries in, otherwise they'll become meaningless.
Even the G7 group does not always maintain the same position on geopolitics. For example, on the issue of West Africa, China and the United States are cooperating against France. The USA also cooperated with the Soviet Union to seize British control of the Suez Canal. Germany also fully opposed the Iraq war.
If you must ask other members to be consistent with you on all issues, then you want a servant country, not a partner.
All these cases of cooperations outside G7 have relatively minor importance when compared to the dominant goals of the strategic alliance of G7 group, that is against China and Russia, and before it was against Soviet block.
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All these cases have relatively minor importance when compared to the dominant goals of the strategic alliance of G7 group, that is against China and Russia, and before it was against Soviet block.
Rather than targeting China and Russia, the G7 is targeting all non western countries. The G7 is a knife that divides the cake of world economic interests, while China and Russia are countries that have the strength to fight the G7. Many countries are also suffering from exploitation by the G7, but they are just unable to resist. Do you really think G7 is not aimed at India? India exports a large number of elite talents to the west every year. These elite talents are cultivated by using Indian resources, but they serve the western countries. India can only use some low educated, incompetent and corrupt people to fill key positions. The inefficiency and corruption of the government have always been one of the important reasons hindering India's economic development.

G7 is the vested interest of the old order, and they only need to guard the order. We are the revolutionaries of the old order, and we cannot adopt the same way as them. Any successful revolution in history has been achieved by expanding the groups of interest convergers as much as possible.
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