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China shot JL-2 from the South China Sea

Do you understand the fundamental concept of the nuclear deterrence?

If China didn't possess these things, then the entire Asia would be in big trouble. Just look at Iraq and Syria, the US wouldn't be hesitated to bring in a region without a strong military pillar.
if I understand the fundamental concept of the nuclear deterrence?

is it when two guys hold guns on each other heads hoping no guy dares to pull the trigger first?
or will you threaten to unleash a nuclear strike in return on America if she fires first?

you should know it is a big gamble, because
- in the first case, you are the first who dies if the other guy is the first who pulls the trigger.
- similar the second case. if America launches the first strike on China, she will launch 1,000 missiles, at least, to make sure you can´t return the favour. because there isn´t much left over afterwards. don´t come here with the excuse you have en masse underground bunkers.

If China didn't possess these things, then the entire Asia would be in big trouble?

do you mean Japan is in big trouble if China hasn´t nukes?
will you say Vietnam is doomed if you haven´t mass destruction weapons?

you have humour.

the tension in the East and South China sea has the root in China.

one thing you shall understand is nuclear weapons is deterrence, but won´t hinder a nuclear war. because the human factor is greater. human mistake and miscalculation. read Cuban missiles crisis. read the near catastrophe in the 1980s during the height of the cold war.
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if I understand the fundamental concept of the nuclear deterrence?

is it when two guys hold guns on each other heads hoping no guy dares to pull the trigger first?
or will you threaten to unleash a nuclear strike in return on America if she fires first?

you should know it is a big gamble, because
- in the first case, you are the first who dies if the other guy is the first who pulls the trigger.
- similar the second case. if America launches the first strike on China, she will launch 1,000 missiles, at least, to make sure you can´t return the favour. because there isn´t much left over afterwards. don´t come here with the excuse you have en masse underground bunkers.

If China didn't possess these things, then the entire Asia would be in big trouble?

do you mean Japan is in big trouble if China hasn´t nukes?
will you say Vietnam is doomed if you haven´t mass destruction weapons?

you have humour.

the tension in the East and South China sea has the root in China.

one thing you shall understand is nuclear weapons is deterrence, but won´t hinder a nuclear war. because the human factor is greater. human mistake and miscalculation. read Cuban missiles crisis. read the near catastrophe in the 1980s during the height of the cold war.

The reason for us to test JL2 is exactly that we hope there could be something left if US launches 1000 missiles to us. It's self-defense.

None of us like nuclear war, but it doesn't mean we should not make some preparations for it.

Anyway, I said already, JL2 is not prepared for Vietnam. No need for Vietnam to worry about it. We two countries have shared border line, there exists no reason for China to launch JL2 against Vietnam.

BTW, the tension in South China sea has the root in Vietnam. It's because you steal our islands. But even though, there still no need for Vietnam to worry about JL2. JL2 is not prepared for Vietnam.
if I understand the fundamental concept of the nuclear deterrence?

is it when two guys hold guns on each other heads hoping no guy dares to pull the trigger first?
or will you threaten to unleash a nuclear strike in return on America if she fires first?

you should know it is a big gamble, because
- in the first case, you are the first who dies if the other guy is the first who pulls the trigger.
- similar the second case. if America launches the first strike on China, she will launch 1,000 missiles, at least, to make sure you can´t return the favour. because there isn´t much left over afterwards. don´t come here with the excuse you have en masse underground bunkers.

If China didn't possess these things, then the entire Asia would be in big trouble?

do you mean Japan is in big trouble if China hasn´t nukes?
will you say Vietnam is doomed if you haven´t mass destruction weapons?

you have humour.

the tension in the East and South China sea has the root in China.

one thing you shall understand is nuclear weapons is deterrence, but won´t hinder a nuclear war. because the human factor is greater. human mistake and miscalculation. read Cuban missiles crisis. read the near catastrophe in the 1980s during the height of the cold war.

It is impossible to wipe out China in a pre-emptive nuclear strike without getting retaliated in a massive scale.

- China is not North Korea, China has a trillion dollar of space assets such as infrared satellites that provides China the early warning for the incoming nuclear missiles.

- China's underground great wall isn't some ordinary bunker, since it is located several hundred meters beneath the mountains that across the entire China, it is extremely hard to be destroyed by the nuclear attack.

- The US doesn't have 1000 nuclear missiles (450 Minuteman ICBMs + 336 Trident II SLBMs = 786 nuclear missiles in the total inventory ) that only reserved for China, and she has to take care of Russia as well.

- PS, China has many secret weapons such as DF-ZF and DN-2/3 that put the US in great concern about the efficiency of their nuclear weapons.

So, stop dreaming about China getting military obliterated by the US or Russia for the behalf of Vietnam, it isn't going to happen, or it will trigger the imminent nuclear Armageddon.
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trillion dollar of space assets

Any sources? How does China have a trillion dollar worth of space resources?

I don't think the amount adds up to even a 100 billion dollars. China is actually pretty deficient in its space sensing capabilities from space compared to US.

You are a Chinese Nationalist. I understand that, but shouldn't a nationalist judge the nation as it is, and not boast and dream things about it?
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