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China shot JL-2 from the South China Sea

- there is no difference whether the rapist is from China or America. America being bad does not give you the free hand to do what you like. you can´t use this excuse.

If what you refer to is SCS problem, that's a legacy of colonialism and your country does not have cleaner track record than other stake-holders.

- nations usually act upon own egoistic interests. so Russia. nevertheless, expecting Russia to support you to bully other smaller nations in the region is ways too far, too optimistic.

Wait until the joint naval drill is conducted in the SCS. Russia has already helped China by becoming its largest energy partner, and thus easening its energy security concerns to some degree. This is what I call strategic partnership, not US-Vietnam master-vassal relationship.

- China can´t expect others to stay peaceful if she advances aggressions. slamming them as being slaves, pawns to America if they seek to protect themselves is really ridiculous, to say the least. does China expect them to be defenceless?

Historically, it is true that there are pawns and slaves of the US in the region, and that predates China's recent rise as world's second most powerful nation. So, please do not ascribe the sad state of your national mentality to the rise of China.

Remember, in the new millennium, it was your countrymen shedding China's nationals' blood, not the vice versa.
If what you refer to is SCS problem, that's a legacy of colonialism and your country does not have cleaner track record than other stake-holders..
legacy of colonialism? where have you been to school? CCP brainwashing institute?
VN history is longer than 100 years with the French. is China a product of Japan colonialism?
we annihilated in war the kingdom of Champa that once controlled the sea lanes from India to Vietnam to Japan.
Wait until the joint naval drill is conducted in the SCS. Russia has already helped China by becoming its largest energy partner, and thus easening its energy security concerns to some degree. This is what I call strategic partnership, not US-Vietnam master-vassal relationship...
yes yes you can repeat master-slave relationship 1,000 times, I don´t care.
yes yes We all can wait for Russia. your new master. is it Russia that holds a large part of China?
Historically, it is true that there are pawns and slaves of the US in the region, and that predates China's recent rise as world's second most powerful nation. So, please do not ascribe the sad state of your national mentality to the rise of China.

Remember, in the new millennium, it was your countrymen shedding China's nationals' blood, not the vice versa.
rise and fall of China is not a new phenomenon to Vietnam. We have seen when the Han, the Tang, Ming, Qing collapsing. hundreds of thousands of Chinese refugee coming to Vietnam. no surprise brother. do you think Chinese commie is immune? if I recalled, also Chinese nationalists thought they were immortal.
legacy of colonialism? where have you been to school? CCP brainwashing institute?
VN history is longer than 100 years with the French. is China a product of Japan colonialism?
we annihilated in war the kingdom of Champa that once controlled the sea lanes from India to Vietnam to Japan.

yes yes you can repeat master-slave relationship 1,000 times, I don´t care.
yes yes We all can wait for Russia. your new master. is it Russia that holds a large part of China?

rise and fall of China is not a new phenomenon to Vietnam. We have seen when the Han, the Tang, Ming, Qing collapsing. hundreds of thousands of Chinese refugee coming to Vietnam. no surprise brother. do you think Chinese commie is immune? if I recalled, also Chinese nationalists thought they were immortal.

China shooting the intercontinental SLBM in the South China Sea, why you are getting mad?

The US shooting its own intercontinental SLBM in the Pacific Ocean, and I saw no country around the Pacific rim ever complained about it.
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China shooting the intercontinental SLBM in the South China Sea, why you are getting mad?

The US shooting its own intercontinental SLBM in the Pacific Ocean, and I saw no country around the Pacific rim ever complained about it.
you can test what you like. no, I am not getting mad because you launch missile, but chinese bullshit. claiming your weapons are for peaceful purposes, throwing insults to others if they respond. if you think more weapons make you safer, and more bullying will earn sympathy, then just do it. there is a world outside China, in case you haven´t noticed. and it is not only America, that exists.
you can test what you like. no, I am not getting mad because you launch missile, but chinese bullshit. claiming your weapons are for peaceful purposes, throwing insults to others if they respond. if you think more weapons make you safer, and more bullying will earn sympathy, then just do it. there is a world outside China, in case you haven´t noticed. and it is not only America, that exists.

China tests a few weapons and you go throw your toys out of the pram.
you can test what you like. no, I am not getting mad because you launch missile, but chinese bullshit. claiming your weapons are for peaceful purposes, throwing insults to others if they respond. if you think more weapons make you safer, and more bullying will earn sympathy, then just do it. there is a world outside China, in case you haven´t noticed. and it is not only America, that exists.

Then why are you buying too many weapons from Russia with your pitifully small economy?
Then why are you buying too many weapons from Russia with your pitifully small economy?
Just because our economy is pitifully small as you said it, should we give up our army, our defence?

No. Bro. We don't want to make thing too easy for you.

Vietnam has SLBM?
No. Not yet. But we have submarine launched cruise missiles klub-s against ships and land targets.

Just because our economy is pitifully small as you said it, should we give up our army, our defence?

No. Bro. We don't want to make thing too easy for you.

No. Not yet. But we have submarine launched cruise missiles klub-s against ships and land targets.
what insane logic you give, just like your insane country:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
you can test what you like. no, I am not getting mad because you launch missile, but chinese bullshit. claiming your weapons are for peaceful purposes, throwing insults to others if they respond. if you think more weapons make you safer, and more bullying will earn sympathy, then just do it. there is a world outside China, in case you haven´t noticed. and it is not only America, that exists.

hey dude, calm down. Such missiles are not prepared for Vietnam. We have shared land border, so definitely no need for China to launch a JL2 to against Vietnam.
hey dude, calm down. Such missiles are not prepared for Vietnam. We have shared land border, so definitely no need for China to launch a JL2 to against Vietnam.
ok. china needs more peaceful cats like you.
ok. china needs more peaceful cats like you.

Do you understand the fundamental concept of the nuclear deterrence?

If China didn't possess these things, then the entire Asia would be in big trouble. Just look at Iraq and Syria, the US wouldn't be hesitated to bring war in a region without a strong military pillar.
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