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China setup its own peace prize

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Nov 12, 2007
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(From AP)

BEIJING – Only three weeks after the idea was first publicly floated, China has cobbled together its own peace prize and plans to award it Thursday — the day before the Nobel Committee honors an imprisoned Chinese dissident in a move that has enraged Beijing.

Since Liu Xiaobo's selection, China has vilified the 54-year-old democracy advocate, called the choice an effort by the West to contain its rise, disparaged his supporters as "clowns," and launched a campaign to persuade countries not to attend Friday's ceremony in Oslo. The government is also preventing Liu — who is serving an 11-year sentence for co-authoring a bold appeal for political reforms in the Communist country — and his family members from attending.

Amid the flurry of action came a commentary published on Nov. 17 in a Communist Party-approved tabloid that suggested China create its own award — the "Confucius Peace Prize" — to counter the choice of Liu.

Three weeks later, The Associated Press has learned, China is doing just that.

Named after the famed philosopher, the new prize was created to "interpret the viewpoints of peace of (the) Chinese (people)," the awards committee said in a statement it released to the AP on Tuesday.

Awards committee chairman Tan Changliu said his group was not an official government body, but acknowledged that it worked closely with the Ministry of Culture. He declined to give specifics about the committee, when it was created and how the five judges were chosen, saying it would be disclosed later.

The first honoree is Lien Chan, Taiwan's former vice president and the honorary chairman of its Nationalist Party, for having "built a bridge of peace between the mainland and Taiwan." A staffer in his Taipei office said she could not comment Tuesday because she knew nothing about the prize.

Chan was chosen from among eight nominees — some of whom are regularly mentioned for, or have already won, that other peace prize: billionaire Bill Gates, former South African President Nelson Mandela, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and the Panchen Lama, the second-highest figure in Tibetan Buddhism.

While China regularly disparages the Dalai Lama, the religion's spiritual leader, the current Panchen Lama is a 20-year-old who was hand-picked by Beijing. The original boy named by the Dalai Lama has disappeared.

"We should not compete, we should not confront the Nobel Prize, but we should try to set up another standard," said Liu Zhiqin, the Beijing businessman who suggested the prize in The Global Times. "The Nobel prize is not a holy thing that we cannot doubt or question. Everyone has a right to dispute whether it's right or wrong." Liu said in the phone interview that he was not involved in setting up the awards.

Tan, who leads the awards committee, acknowledged that the new prize, which comes with a purse of 100,000 yuan ($15,000), doesn't have international recognition: "It needs to grow gradually, and we hope people will believe the award is of global significance."

In the meantime, China is chipping away at the Nobel: It succeeded in persuading 18 other countries to boycott the upcoming ceremony, including longtime allies like Pakistan, Venezuela and Cuba as well as business partners Saudi Arabia and Iran.

But Beijing's hastily arranged efforts to provide a distraction to the Nobel ceremony are counterproductive, said Oxford University China scholar Steve Tsang.

"The whole thing is too obviously being rushed to counter the Nobel Prize to Liu Xiaobo. People will see it for what it is. That being the case, it's not going to be very credible," he said.

If anything, China's heavy-handed reactions in the wake of the announcement, which include putting Liu's wife and other supporters under house arrest and barring dozens of activists from traveling to Oslo, "simply give the rest of the world the impression that human rights is really in trouble in China," he said.
kindly include the source?
but don't bother if it is TOI
Heard about this one

Chinese general gets shanzhai Peace Prize


As Ban Ki-moon finalized his preparations for his visit this week to Beijing, one of his top UN advisors, Sha Zukang, traveled to China to present an award to a retired Chinese general who had authority over troops that fired on unarmed civilians during the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown.

Sha, the U.N. Undersecretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, presented the World Harmony Award -- a glass plaque cut in the shape of a dove -- to former Chinese Defense Minister, Gen. Chi Haotian, in honor of his unspecified contributions to world peace, according to a report in Chinese state media. The World Harmony Foundation, a private charity headed by a Chinese businessman named Frank Liu, established the award.

(this one might be different.)
^seems like a private charity award for unspecified contributions.
oh well, if it works for China who are we to say anything.

Its Nothing new, its just that east has also started enjoying private parties like Nobel party awards!
Frustrated reaction from CCP......Khisyani billi khamba noche(Frustrated and Embarrassed cat scratches a pillar)
This is not called frustrated reaction. This is called getting the rights of speech. The current world is dominated by western propaganda which of course serve for their own purposes and set up their own standards. It is time to have different voice and time to show the world what kind people should really be award world peace prize.
Frustrated reaction from CCP......Khisyani billi khamba noche(Frustrated and Embarrassed cat scratches a pillar)

on the contrary, this is a excellent strategy move. it is time for China to set up and speak out its own standards to the world.

At the beginning of publicing the China's version of Top 500 universities of the world (ARWU) in 2003, nobody cares or even herd of it. But after its 2010 list published, almost half of the european countries' education ministry officers come to visit the publisher to "negotiate or communicate" with them about the standard being used, just because their ranking is too low or the listed numbers are too small. which means they care now.

the same thing also happen in Sovereign Credit Ratings which was monopolised by three US companies, 3G and 4G mobile communication standards, next generation IP network protocols etc.

if you are sensitive enough to feel the changing trends, you may have noticed that: during last centery, govs wage military war to conquer other nations so as to gain financial benefits. But now, they just wage financial war to achieved that goal, and standard is one of the lethal weapons.
More power to you guys. I don't agree with the imprisonment and have die heard democratic principle - but as long as you guys don't take others going to the noble prize ceremony to some sanction level , I guess no harm no foul.
After copy of YouTube, Facebook etc etc now a copy of Nobel prize.. Lol, amazing move!!
come on now cardsharp, I'm sure many Chinese found it at least a bit humorous. here in the US when our politicians do something like that, we laugh at it too. its called grandstanding like Baghdad Bob. :mod:
Well its nothing new.... Even India has "Gandhi Peace prize" and "Indra Gandhi Peace prize"
come on now cardsharp, I'm sure many Chinese found it at least a bit humorous. here in the US when our politicians do something like that, we laugh at it too. its called grandstanding like Baghdad Bob. :mod:

If you want a chuckle, come up with some original material. The Chinese alway copy thing has been done to death.
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