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I was kidding mate :D, but actually "Indian Ocean" is just a name.

Just like the name "india" :tup: We the only country in history to have whole darn ocean named after us. So cool w00T!
"Indian" Ocean it's just a name, Actually it's Sri Lankan Ocean so we will care about it. :lol:

You're amusing. Try influencing it. We dare you :devil:

china want to be freiendly to all south asia country except one

And India wants to be friendly to all east Asian countries except one too.
Just like the name "india" :tup: We the only country in history to have whole darn ocean named after us. So cool w00T!

We say right "ispe tera naam likha hai jo ye tera hai?". Here we can actually apply that logic if someone questions it. In fact, if we did not have such a lackey government, We'd have actually been owning IOR. Since it simply belongs to us.
So China seems to have two allies in South Asia,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Who's next?
Indian Ocean not owned by one country. Anyone can operate navel ships in IOR. If someone blocks trade activies in IOR. it will be a act of war.
by the way the so aircraft carriers will be useless, if China reacts with DF-21 ASBM with its base's in Myanmar. Only that will happen if someone blocks IOR.
by the way the so aircraft carriers will be useless, if China reacts with DF-21 ASBM with its base's in Myanmar. Only that will happen if someone blocks IOR.

Yeah and India sends its AC as scout patrol, looking for Chinese ships. Who said of blocking the ocean. If china reacts with DF-21 on any warships, then the ocean will be blocked.
What is new in this news????????? US has just said this now but India knows it from before.
China is trying to establish its footprint in Ind Ocean through Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Thailand.
They have a naval base near andamans on the side of Thailand, they are investing heavily in Bangladesh esp in port projects.
Everyone knows about hambantota.
India is countering this by look east policy. Vietnam is part and parcel of this.
According to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea we get 200nm new area I think.
What is new in this news????????? US has just said this now but India knows it from before.
China is trying to establish its footprint in Ind Ocean through Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Thailand.
They have a naval base near andamans on the side of Thailand, they are investing heavily in Bangladesh esp in port projects.
Everyone knows about hambantota.
India is countering this by look east policy. Vietnam is part and parcel of this.

Who care about this. India can freely go to wherever she wants, whereas we will establish our permanent base in the India Ocean, and nothing will change our mind.
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