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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China seeking to gain influence in the Indian Ocean, has reportedly increased its aid to Sri Lanka dramatically since 2005, a US Congressional report has said.

“In the view of some analysts and observers, China is seeking to gain influence with the Sri Lankan government as part of a ‘‘string of pearls’’ naval strategy to develop port access in the northern reaches of the Indian Ocean,” said the report by bi-partisan and Congressional Research Service.

Indian defence planners are reportedly particularly concerned with Chinese efforts to develop ports in the region, the eight-page rare report on Sri Lanka said.

China is reportedly investing significantly in the development of a port in Hambantota in Sri Lanka on the country’s southeastern coast.

“China is also reportedly helping to develop port facilities in Gwadar, Pakistan; Chittagong, Bangladesh; and Sittwe, Burma. Colombo was also reportedly upset with Western calls for a truce in the lead up to their defeat of the LTTE in May 2009,” the report said.

It also said that Sri Lanka offers a test case of how to respond to a brutal military victory over a violent ethnic nationalist separatist movement.

The report said that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has a firm hold on government and popular support among the Sinhalese majority for his leadership in presiding over a military victory over the LTTE in 2009.

“The government’s reluctance to seriously entertain notions that the Sri Lanka army’s conduct was in any way suspect at the conclusion of the war raises questions about whether public international condemnations of what appear to be heinous war crimes can be effective,” it said.

It informed the lawmakers that the UN Security Council is unlikely to meet the demands of the human rights bodies and several countries about the need to set up an enquiry into war crime victims in Sri Lanka, because of the opposition from two veto wielding members.

“The Security Council would have to request the ICC (International Criminal Court) to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka.

Russia and China, as permanent members, have veto power in the Security Council and are thought to oppose formal Security Council involvement in the matter,” it said.

At the same time it noted that some have observed that a strong effort by the United Nations and the international community to force a criminal investigation into war crimes could be counter-productive as it would likely further bolster Rajapaksa’s popularity on the basis of Sinhalese nationalism.

Sri Lanka News-Adaderana-Truth First - China seeks influence in Indian Ocean through aid to Lanka: US congress report
Good for La:cheers:nka, good for China and good for the peace of the world
United States need to learn from United Kingdom.

Always maintain friendly diplomatic relations with us (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka & United Kingdom maintains stable diplomatic relations, Growing Economic ties & also stable defence ties.

British Defence Secretary to visit Sri Lanka

British Defence Secretary Liam Fox will be in Sri Lanka to deliver the Lakshman Kadirgamar memorial lecture on Saturday, the British High Commission in Colombo confirmed yesterday.

Although Mr. Fox’s visit will be an official one no further details were disclosed regarding it.

Liam Fox due here on Saturday | Front Page
You need to learn that the US does not learn - it's too good to learn
Hambantota port – A Commercial Port

Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port targets USD $5 billion investments by 2015

Sri Lanka’s southern deep sea-port of Hambantota, in its second phase of development is targeting to attract investments worth USD five billion by 2015, said a top official.

“Hambantota being brand a new port attracted one billion dollar investment. Our target is to reach at least five billion dollars by 2015,” said Priyath Bandu Wickrama, chairman of Sri Lanka Port Authority.

The Hambantota port, located along the ancient “Silk road” trading route and one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes saw its first phase open in November last year, funded by China.

The entire project on the island’s southern tip costing $1.5-billion-dollars is intended to be drive Sri Lanka's economic recovery.

Its second phase, slated to be completed by 2014 is expected to lure foreign investment in transshipment and spin-off business opportunities.

Wickrama said SLPA authorities are actively promoting the port development activities in international forums to attract potential investors.

“We now participate in exhibitions and forum and share our plans with many other people who control this industry,” he told an economic summit held in Colombo recently.

He added that Sri Lanka is to hold an international conference on port and port related activities, which is expected to create a platform to lure international investors to the island.

“We are planning to bring all the key stakeholders in the world to see what Sri Lanka has done during the last couple of years.”

Lanka Business Report
Building ports and docking naval vessels are two different kettle of fish.

The Indian Ocean shipping lanes carry a great part of the world strategic commodities. That is why there was the superpower rivalry in the IOR during the Cold War.

Today, the US claims it is there own pond and they have their Fleet based out of Bahrain and have now positioned naval assets permanently in Singapore.

No matter which nation may like to take interest in the IOR, the US will prevent such a happening.

If the US blocks the Strait of Malacca, the Straits of Hormuz and Bab el Mandep, it is curtains for any fleet caught in the IOR or the ports in the IOR.

The US Fleets have the capability to do exactly that.
"Indian" Ocean it's just a name, Actually it's Sri Lankan Ocean so we will care about it. :lol:
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