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China Says Navy Ship Hits Rocks In Disputed Waters

Salvage operations could be diplomatically challenging, given the vessel appears to have run aground within 200 kilometres of the Philippines coast, which is squarely within what Manila claims to be its Exclusive Economic Zone. ( from OP's article)

I wonder what kind of writer is this. EEZ is not sovereign water, so why should there be 'diplomatic challenge' for China to salvage her vessel? The ship was grounded on the international water.
Even the friggin rocks hate you...Mother nature to Beijing...come in noodles......
Yes so embarrassing, because something like this NEVER happens. Guess what now? China will now need to send a 'rescue team' to the area, which is inside what the Philippines claim as its territory. The rescue team may be escorted by a fleet of warships because you never know what will happen in enemy waters.

If the rescue is successful, perhaps we will have another ship get stuck near Manila. ;)

Ahhhh you should not say this. :azn: It is an accident, as the Navy said.
Accidental or not, we should leave the frigate there as a permanent structure. Of course, simply chase away any Philippines ships that interferes with our "rescue".

That "rescue" is going to take decades.
It will be one expensive structure!
Confiscate the frigate? Don't just talk buddy, do it i say. This would give China a good reason to send the whole fleet for the rescue operation.
It's a trick! Look at the ship, it seems to be rather old and would probably be decommissioned very soon anyway. And the Chinese nave is building quite many new ship as I can see on the Chinese sub-forum. So why not run this old ship into a rock and make an excuse of not leaving that area anymore? :D
Götterdämmerung;3179067 said:
It's a trick! Look at the ship, it seems to be rather old and would probably be decommissioned very soon anyway. And the Chinese nave is building quite many new ship as I can see on the Chinese sub-forum. So why not run this old ship into a rock and make an excuse of not leaving that area anymore? :D

Uhuh, Cuz incompetency is the first thing to display over areas that you wish you asserted control over.....:lol:
It will be one expensive structure!
Not really, considering that ship is old and obsolete.

:rofl: this could be the top joke of the day for stupit and funny thread.
It's no funnier than any Indian weapons program.

Uhuh, Cuz incompetency is the first thing to display over areas that you wish asserted control over.....:lol:
Did you know the Portugal had one of their ships "ran aground" in Macau during Qing Dynasty? Their "rescue effort" with military resulted in a new colony for them.
Confiscate the frigate? Don't just talk buddy, do it i say. This would give China a good reason to send the whole fleet for the rescue operation.

This frigate is at least 20 years ahead of what PH has in their 'navy'.

Götterdämmerung;3179067 said:
It's a trick! Look at the ship, it seems to be rather old and would probably be decommissioned very soon anyway. And the Chinese nave is building quite many new ship as I can see on the Chinese sub-forum. So why not run this old ship into a rock and make an excuse of not leaving that area anymore? :D

Actually PH did exactly what you said in the past and partially succeeded.
Occam's razor says this is simple incompetence on the part of the person in charge.
PH says no protest as Chinese ship leaves

Agence France Presse
Posted at 07/15/2012 2:35 PM | Updated as of 07/15/2012 2:35 PM

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines said Sunday it would not lodge a diplomatic protest after China extricated a naval frigate from a disputed South China Sea shoal where it had been stranded for four days.

Last week's stranding of the ship on Half Moon shoal, which Manila calls Hasa Hasa, was likely an accident, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said.

"We don't believe that there were ill-intentions that accompanied the presence of that ship in our EEZ (exclusive economic zone)," del Rosario said.

"As far as filing a diplomatic protest is concerned, my stance is that we will probably not do that," he said.

The ship was reportedly on "routine patrol" when it got stranded Wednesday on the shoal, which sits just 60 nautical miles from the western Philippine island of Palawan, within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

International law defines a country's exclusive economic zone as being up to 200-nautical-miles from its shores.

The Chinese embassy in Manila said the frigate was "refloated successfully" before daybreak Sunday, and del Rosario said he was informed it was already en route back to China.


I agree that the Chinese ship running aground was no accident, it was due to Chinese incompetence!!! The Chinese captain should be sacked and sent to the re-education(through labor)camps.

Re-education through labor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uhuh, Cuz incompetency is the first thing to display over areas that you wish you asserted control over.....:lol:

When an U.S. $1 billion missile cruiser runs aground, you anti-China clowns never say anything. When China has an accident, you anti-Chinese trolls hop up and down. Why the double standard?


Navy ship runs aground off Honolulu - US news - Military - msnbc.com

"Navy removes fuel to lighten grounded ship
$1 billion missile cruiser gets stuck on shoal off Honolulu
updated 2/7/2009 11:54:57 PM ET

HONOLULU — The Navy offloaded fuel, water and personnel from a grounded, $1 billion guided missile cruiser so tugboats and a salvage ship can try again early Sunday morning to free it from a rock and sand shoal.

The USS Port Royal ran aground on Thursday evening, about a half-mile south of the Honolulu airport where it was visible from several vantage points on Oahu.

No one was injured and no oil or other contaminants have leaked, said representatives of the Navy and Coast Guard, as well as state officials.

At a press conference, Rear Admiral Joseph Walsh, deputy commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said the ship is structurally sound. But he added that a thick, underwater rubber encasement that surrounds sonar equipment at the bow has taken on seawater.

A barge received fuel and fresh water from the Port Royal on Saturday, which Walsh said should make the grounded vessel approximately 200 tons lighter. The 9,600-ton warship will also be an additional 15 tons lighter because half the crew of 360 is on shore.

Another reason for moving half the crew was that the ship’s air conditioning was not functioning because the vent through which seawater is drawn to cool the system is blocked as the ship sits on the shoal, Walsh said.

A lighter Port Royal, combined with a peak high tide and the pulling power of an oceangoing tug, some smaller harbor tugs and the salvage ship Salvor, should do the trick when a third effort is made to free the ship around 3:25 a.m. on Sunday, Walsh said.

“The issue becomes one of how much weight is on the ship versus our ability to pull that weight off of the reef,” Walsh said.

Four-month routine

Two previous efforts on Friday and Saturday mornings using harbor tugs that tried to pull the ship backward and away from the shoal were unsuccessful.

The 15-year-old Port Royal had just ended a four-month routine maintenance visit to Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and was finishing the first day of sea trials when it ran aground at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday.

“The ship was maneuvering to off-load some of the sailors and some of the contractors and shipyard personnel, and she was in her normal spot for doing those types of small-boat transfers,” Walsh said.

He added later that the shoal was known to the Navy. “Clearly, the ship is not where the ship should have been. The investigation will determine exactly why the ship got to the point where she was in shoal water,” Walsh said.

The Port Royal is sitting in about 22 feet of water, aground along the length of her port side on a bed of sand and rock of the type that was used to construct one of the nearby airport’s runways, Walsh said."
lol I say a again south sea is china! why this frigate aground in Half Moon Shoal . That very easy !This is our plot, we come to the Half Moon Shoal construction of military bases.
If they were surveying the area since the 13th century, they would know by now where the rocks are.

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