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China says Australia should consider Japan's war history before submarine contract


Oct 24, 2012
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© AFP/Getty Images Julie Bishop says she and Wang Yi B exchanged ‘forthright, candid’ views about the South China Sea and she urged all countries to act with restraint and settle their disputes peacefully.

China has called on the Australian government to consider Japan’s wartime history when deciding whether to grant it a multibillion-dollar contract to build a new fleet of submarines.

China’s foreign affairs minister, Wang Yi, pointedly said that Japan– one of three bidders for the contract due to be awarded later this year – was defeated in the second world war and Australia should take into account “the feelings of the people of Asian countries because of that part of history”.

Wang was speaking in Beijing on Wednesday alongside the Australian foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, after annual strategic talks between the two countries.

The post-meeting media conference was dominated by China’s apparent decision to deploy surface-to-air missile launchers to a disputed island in the South China Sea – with Wang defending Beijing’s “limited and necessary self-defence facilities”.

Bishop said the pair had exchanged “forthright, candid” views about the South China Sea and she had urged all countries to act with restraint and settle their disputes peacefully.

The ministers were also asked by reporters about the strategic dimensions of Australia’s forthcoming decision on the replacement for the Collins-class submarine fleet, for which the government sought Japanese, German and French construction proposals.

Wang flatly dismissed the notion that an Australian decision to buy submarines from Japan would constitute an effort to contain China’s rise.

“I don’t think that is the intention of Australia’s policy and I actually don’t think that any country or force in the world can stop that rise,” he said.

The minister referred to the second world war in explaining historical limits on Japan’s military posture.

Japan was the country that was defeated,” he said.

“That is why for decades it has been asked to follow very strict constraints under a pacifist constitution and its domestic laws in terms of exporting weapons to other countries and cooperation in this regard.

We do hope that, in this military cooperation with Japan, Australia will take into full account this historical context and take into consideration also the feelings of the people of Asian countries because of that part of history and we hope that Australia will use its concrete actions to support the peaceful development of Japan and the Japanese efforts to uphold this pacifist constitution, not otherwise.”

Bishop, who visited Tokyo earlier in the week before heading to Beijing, said Australia was deepening its strategic and defence relationships with a number of countries in the region, including China.

“Our interests are in obtaining a new submarine fleet that meets our capability requirements, our technological requirements in terms of range and capacity, and that’s what will drive the competitive evaluation process that is currently under way,” she said.

Australia faces a delicate balancing act responding to the rise of China, which is its biggest trading partner, and maintaining its long-standing alliance with the US, a strategic rival to China.

Australia supported the passage of Japan’s controversial security legislation to reinterpret the country’s pacifist constitution. The legislation, passed last year, allows Japan to exercise collective self-defence, or coming to the aid of an ally, even if Japan is not directly threatened.

In their remarks on Wednesday, both Wang and Bishop welcomed the implementation of the China-Australia free trade agreement, which took effect in December.

China says Australia should consider Japan's war history before submarine contract
Well @Nihonjin1051 ...so much for a Japan/China détente. They still have you in the crosshairs.

meh, the 6 of them say one thing, the government of 1.3 billions says and do otherwise. It's not quite hard to see what is actually going on behind the scene.

I would say, let them dream, in fact, it may be wise for japan to live under Chinese Government for once, then they can come back and tell us "How Nice" the so called North East Asian government was. In fact, I personally know someone who have already had plan to crave up Japan when said thing happens. And it does not look nice for the Japanese women and Children...

I suppose China is against Japan's embedding into integrating further in the American Alliance System. As is natural. There is nothing wrong in stating diplomatic protest. It is simple diplomatic procedure.

Then why didn't they simply state that...why pull the "remember big bad Japan" instead.
China is always concerned about Japanese military potential as those Japanese in power are still wishing to go back to their "glorious" days in WWII.
Well @Nihonjin1051 ...so much for a Japan/China détente. They still have you in the crosshairs.

LMAO, as we all expect, when @Nihonjin1051 don't say something to please Americans or those anti-China, he will become a target, believe me you guys will dig other dirty stories trying to stir up trouble and don't think you can get away so easily. And regarding this threat, what is a big deal about that, agree to disagree that how diplomat work, and it's not the first time nor the last time that China and Japan stone throw at each other...that why we need to accelerate the NEAU process :D
LMAO, as we all expect, when @Nihonjin1051 don't say something to please Americans or those anti-China, he will become a target, believe me you guys will dig other dirty stories trying to stir up trouble and don't think you can get away so easily. And regarding this threat, what is a big deal about that, agree to disagree that how diplomat work, and it's not the first time nor the last time that China and Japan stone throw at each other...that why we need to accelerate the NEAU process :D

LOL, they are so used to thinking that Japan is a "Yes Man", that when Japanese say something contrary to their belief system, they resort with rather vehemence. I know how Americans are like. It is always quite interesting really.

The poor souls actually believe that all Japanese glorify America. If only they can understand Japanese and actually hear and see what Japanese patriots say about them and their country.

Are they not surprised? That we fought a war with them and engaged in the largest naval conflict with them should not hide our true feelings.

But Americans think that they are the greatest thing the world had seen.

LOL, they are so used to thinking that Japan is a "Yes Man", that when Japanese say something contrary to their belief system, they resort with rather vehemence. I know how Americans are like. It is always quite interesting really.

The poor souls actually believe that all Japanese glorify America. If only they can understand Japanese and actually hear and see what Japanese patriots say about them and their country.

Are they not surprised? That we fought a war with them and engaged in the largest naval conflict with them should not hide our true feelings.

But Americans think that they are the greatest thing the world had seen.


oh brother! I have no clue what you are talking about. I never asked about Japan's stance or what Japan's opinion is.
I asked what you thought of China's rational. You replied that China's answer had more to do with the American alliance than WW2 wounds...my reply was well why didn't they just say that. You then go on some "Yes man" tangent.
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LOL, they are so used to thinking that Japan is a "Yes Man", that when Japanese say something contrary to their belief system, they resort with rather vehemence. I know how Americans are like. It is always quite interesting really.

The poor souls actually believe that all Japanese glorify America. If only they can understand Japanese and actually hear and see what Japanese patriots say about them and their country.


We Chinese dare to say "NO" and give the middle finger and Americans learn to get used with it but they hate us :rofl:.
We Chinese dare to say "NO" and give the middle finger and Americans learn to get used with it but they hate us :rofl:.

THAT is what i Admire. And not only give the figurative 'middle finger', but also engage in eloquent politic as well e.g, AIIB, CPEC, SCO, ASEAN-CN, CSKJ-FTA, Maritime Silk Road, Silk Road, African Development Paradigm, EU-CN FTA. Seriously, eloquent.
Ms Bishop expressed disappointment at the resumption of whaling in the southern ocean. "We do not believe that lethal methods are needed in order to pursue information-gathering management conservation of whales. Japan disagrees."
Japan and Australia already got something to disagree upon :azn:
Where I used to live in Shenzhen, there was a few older gentlemen there which was born on the 40s and 50s. They cannot wait for China to occupy Japan and start raping the Japanese Teenager freely for pay back from the war.

I remember one explicitly said "If they allowed the American to do that, why not allow us to do some pay back?"

No disrespect or offend intended, just I say what I hear back in the days when I was a young lad living in China

I think you did not get what i was trying to say; but, however, your answer reveals more about YOUR character.

I have lost a lot of respect for you in your vile attempt of injury.
Very true this sentence.

Where I used to live in Shenzhen, there was a few older gentlemen there which was born on the 40s and 50s. They cannot wait for China to occupy Japan and start raping the Japanese Teenager freely for pay back from the war.

I remember one explicitly said "If they allowed the American to do that, why not allow us to do some pay back?"

No disrespect or offend intended, just I say what I hear back in the days when I was a young lad living in China

I believe you said this

I believe from the video, you use the word "Please"

Don't make your fantasy dream with your Shenzhen fairy tail, you said that because your obsession to see that he don't take your anti-China position, so you just want to vent your frustration, you can keep the fantasy for yourself.

And what is the big deal about that video, we continue with our land reclamation while US is begging us to stop :rofl:
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