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China satellite navigation starts services to Asia


Nov 4, 2011
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China satellite navigation starts services to Asia
Associated Press in Beijing
Thursday, 27 December, 2012, 2:24pm

A Chinese satellite navigation network created to eventually compete with America’s Global Positioning System has started offering services to Asian users outside the country.

The network’s spokesman, Ran Chengqi, said in a press briefing that the Beidou system is offering from Thursday services including positioning, navigation, time and text messaging to users in the Asia-Pacific region.

China expects Beidou to generate a 400 billion yuan (HK$492 billion) annual market for services to the transport, meteorology and telecommunications sectors.

China, and especially its military, has long been wary of relying on the United States’ dominant GPS network, fearing that Washington might take the system offline in a conflict or an emergency.



北斗导航:总体性能与GPS相当 拥有“独门绝技”  


Beidou has something better than GPS,though I don't quite understand how this part works.
Beidou has something better than GPS,though I don't quite understand how this part works.

It means Beidou will also be transmitting information about the place you are at, not just location.
In short, when i come to Beijing, i wont need you as a tour guide...ill just search for anything on the Beidou interface or (more likely by then) a smart phone app.
Apps on Android and Garmin Nav have this also.
It means Beidou will also be transmitting information about the place you are at, not just location.
In short, when i come to Beijing, i wont need you as a tour guide...ill just search for anything on the Beidou interface or (more likely by then) a smart phone app.
Apps on Android and Garmin Nav have this also.

it has the limited ability to send and transmit short messages(sms service), more than just tourism, its meant as a life saving measure, for instance a lost fishing ship, tht has lost its propulsion, can transmit a short sos to the government.
Just another technology that will be misused by the communist to track its people.

I don't see this going too well with any country that has conflicts with china. Just like their telecom companies being banned because of the lack of integrity on secrurity
Typical FoxNews bravado. Go slow on your cable package and eat some desi foods!

Just another technology that will be misused by the communist to track its people.

I don't see this going too well with any country that has conflicts with china. Just like their telecom companies being banned because of the lack of integrity on secrurity
Typical FoxNews bravado. Go slow on your cable package and eat some desi foods!

vs. blind umbrage you show your enablers? stop donning the crown of kissing up :lol:

I don't need Fox to tell me they use technology to regulate their own people and that their telecom companies are banned by several countries because of the potential for the CCP to misuse it.
vs. blind umbrage you show your enablers? stop donning the crown of kissing up :lol:

I don't need Fox to tell me they use technology to regulate their own people and that their telecom companies are banned by several countries because of the potential for the CCP to misuse it.

The US government can track you using GPS as well. In fact, it's perfectly legal for the US government to stick a GPS tracker on your car and follow you without a warrant.

People who are paranoid of governments wouldn't use GPS anyway.
The US government can track you using GPS as well. In fact, it's perfectly legal for the US government to stick a GPS tracker on your car and follow you without a warrant.

People who are paranoid of governments wouldn't use GPS anyway.

US law enforcement can track you if you use pay as you go phones and only if law enforcement suspects one of criminal activities vs. big brother snooping activities that China uses it's technology for. http://consumerist.com/2012/08/15/c...ta-on-pay-as-you-go-phones-without-a-warrant/

I think it's hilarious you would even compare US govt to China's proven usage of technology to track its citizens everyday.

GREAT! Future who has her own GPS, who will own the world (no any secret and dark shadow,the truth in her eyes)
US law enforcement can track you if you use pay as you go phones and only if law enforcement suspects one of criminal activities vs. big brother snooping activities that China uses it's technology for. Court Says Cops Can Track GPS Signal Data On Pay-As-You-Go Phones Without A Warrant

I think it's hilarious you would even compare US govt to China's proven usage of technology to track its citizens everyday.


The point is that governments everywhere already have the technology to track your every move. And they have used it whenever they want to. We're not much different from animals with RFID tags.

And oops, you're right, they changed the law this year to require a search warrant for GPS tracking.
Well if you are paranoid, then using a cell phone with a sim card that is associated with you would allow others to track you, not only government.
Beidou has the potential to track you even outside the cellular network coverage area like if you are out in the open in ocean or remote area.
It can also potentially save your life if you get lost in a remote area by letting the rescuer locate you.
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