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China’s Utilities Cut Energy Production, Defying Beijing


Mar 15, 2010
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YIYANG, China — It is a power struggle that is causing a power shortage — one that has begun to slow China’s mighty economic growth engine.

Balking at the high price of coal that fuels much of China’s electricity grid, the nation’s state-owned utility companies are defying government economic planners by deliberately reducing the amount of electricity they produce.

The power companies say they face financial ruin if the government continues to tightly limit the prices they can charge customers, even as strong demand is sending coal prices to record levels. The chairwoman of one giant utility, China Power International, recently warned that one-fifth of China’s 436 coal-fired power plants could face bankruptcy if the utilities cannot raise rates.

The utilities’ go-slow tactics include curtailing the planned expansion and construction of power plants, and running plants for fewer hours a day. And in a notable act of passive defiance, the power companies have scheduled an unusually large number of plants to close for maintenance this summer — right when air-conditioning season will reach its peak.

So far there have been no public confrontations between Beijing officials and utility executives. But the dispute indicates that China’s unique marriage of market competition and government oversight may be starting to fray after three decades of phenomenal economic success.

“The Chinese electricity companies are firing a shot across the bow, and essentially saying they’re not going to just sit there and take massive losses,” said Jeremy C. Carl, a Stanford University researcher on Chinese energy issues. “It’s almost the equivalent of a corporate sick-out.”

The official Xinhua news agency reported late Monday that the country’s main electricity distribution company, the State Grid, had warned that power shortages this year could be worse than in 2004, when China had its worst blackouts in decades. That year, the problem involved railroad bottlenecks in getting coal to power plants — an issue largely resolved with the subsequent investments in more rail lines.

This time, the impasse between government and industry is not the only cause of China’s electricity shortages. Surging electricity demand is also a factor.

China’s 700 million rural residents have been on a two-year buying spree of electric devices, purchasing hundreds of millions of air-conditioners and other energy-hungry appliances with government subsidies aimed at narrowing the gap in living standards between cities and rural areas.

In a little-noticed milestone, the latest data from Beijing and Washington shows that China passed the United States last year as the world’s largest consumer of electricity.

Since March, responding to the power shortages, government officials in six provinces have begun rationing electricity, including here in Hunan province. At least five more provinces are preparing to do so, according to official reports.

In Yiyang, a town of 360,000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three. Even gasoline stations in this region are silent more days than not, because the pumps lack electricity.

Meanwhile, blackouts are starting to slow the nation’s torrid growth of energy-intensive industries like steel, cement and chemicals. Unlike garment makers and other small manufacturers, the big factories cannot easily switch to backyard diesel generators.

To accommodate businesses that do use diesel back-ups, China last week banned exports of diesel fuel to conserve scarce supplies.

The power cuts are a reason the year-on-year growth rate of China’s industrial production dipped last month — to 13.4 percent in April, down from 14.8 percent in March — and seems to be continuing to fall.

The lower productivity of factories, plus high diesel costs for those using generators, is likely to further raise average prices of American imports from China. Prices of Chinese exports are already up 2.8 percent in the last 12 months, after years of gradual decline that helped restrain inflation in the United States.

As power-deprived factories in China have less demand for raw materials, the impact has rippled around the world among China’s suppliers as well, contributing to 10 percent declines in global prices for commodities like iron ore and copper. That is impinging on the economies of countries like Australia and Brazil, for which China is a big customer of natural resources.

Looking ahead, China has placed big bets on wind turbines for generating electricity. And despite Japan’s recent nuclear travails, China is also cautiously proceeding with plans to lead the world in the construction of nuclear power plants in the coming decade.

But coal is still king in China. The country has nearly half of the world’s total coal-fired capacity, and coal plants currently represent 73 percent of this nation’s total generating capacity.

Hydroelectric power, at 22 percent, is a distant second and has been hampered by droughts this year.

If Beijing and the utilities can resolve their differences, China plans to build even more coal-powered plants. Doing so would produce another big surge in emissions of greenhouse gases, of which China is already the world’s largest emitter.

“Only coal can provide new capacity in the time and scale needed,” said David Fridley, a China energy expert at the University of California, Berkeley.

The idea of recalcitrant utilities balking at Beijing’s dictates might seem to contradict the popular perception of China’s government-guided economy. But while the electric utilities are majority-owned by the government, they are also profit-motivated companies accountable to the other holders of their publicly traded stock. So the power companies’ incentives are not necessarily aligned with those of central planners in Beijing.

The government, for its part, has imposed a growing array of price controls, including on electricity rates, as it struggles to insulate the Chinese public from inflation. Consumer prices are rising 5.3 percent a year according to official figures, and Chinese and Western economists say the true rate may be nearly double that.

But coal prices, which the government deregulated in 2008, are rising even faster in China, which is a net importer of coal, despite having its own extensive mining operations.

Huaneng, China’s biggest electric utility, said last month that electricity rates it charges customers should have been 13 percent higher last year to match the increase in coal prices. But regulators held utility rates essentially flat.

Spot coal prices in China have surged an additional 20 percent this year — to a record $125 a metric ton for top grades — partly because of floods in Australia’s and Indonesia’s coal fields and partly because Japan is buying more from the global market to offset its lower nuclear power output.

But Chinese regulators have let electricity prices climb only 2.5 percent this spring. Residential users in China’s cities pay 8.2 cents a kilowatt-hour. That compares to a national average of 11 cents in the United States and 15 cents in the heavily urban mid-Atlantic region. Chinese industrial users in cities are supposed to pay 12 cents a kilowatt-hour, although politically connected businesses receive discounts; the average industrial rate in the United States is 7 cents, and 9 cents in the mid-Atlantic region.

Big power generators like Huaneng buy nearly half their coal on the spot market and the rest on long-term contracts with prices that rise more slowly.

The government has put pressure on China’s coal mines, also largely state-owned, to continue supplying power companies with coal at below-market prices under long-term contracts. But the coal mines, which are also profit-oriented operations, have responded with their own form of passive resistance — by sending their cheapest, lowest-quality coal with the most polluting sulfur.

As a result, many power plants across China are now paying penalties to yet another arm of the government — environmental regulators — for burning the sulfur-spewing coal. That has further added to the utilities’ cost of doing business, said Howard Au, the chief executive of Petrocom Energy, a Hong Kong company that builds coal-blending facilities.

Trying to help utilities reduce those environmentally and financially costly emissions, Petrocom has built an immense series of gray silos and red conveyor belts at Lianyungang port in northern China to dilute high-sulfur Chinese coal with low-sulfur imported coal.

Blackouts appear to be the worst in smaller towns like Yiyang here in Hunan, one of China’s largest and most populous provinces. The power shortages are threatening to curb the explosive growth the province has experienced since the opening in late 2009 of a high-speed electric train link to prosperous Guangdong province to the south, which helped companies tap Hunan’s cheaper land and labor force.

In rationing electricity, Hunan officials have given priority to big cities like Changsha, the provincial capital. Even there, though, industrial districts are blacked out one day in three.

In Yiyang, meanwhile, multiday blackouts have ruined a tiny restaurant run by Xu Zhanyun, 48, who now must cook meals over lumps of coal instead of his electric stove. “I have so much food in my refrigerators that all went bad,” he said.

There is running water only every other day because the pumping station requires electricity. And so he must haul water from a well — as he did as a boy, before China’s economy surged.

In other cities, factories require employees to work at odd hours when electricity is available.

“They shut down the electricity for a day every three days,” said Jin Jianping, manager of an umbrella factory in Ningbo, in east-central China. “We just arrange night shifts for everyone,” Mr. Jin said. “We all have to work at night every three days now.”


Wow, I didn't know China exercized price controls and rationing. You guys were more communist than I expected.
Wow, I didn't know China exercized price controls and rationing. You guys were more communist than I expected.

Lots of countries have state control of "esentials" like electricity and water with out being comunist.
the current price of electricity has failed to reveal the recent inflation especially the rising price of coals and oil, thus resulting a electricity-coal price dilemma, the more electricity the power plants sells, the more loss it have to face.
for the long run, a reformation of the mechanism of power price and the melting down of the last piece of central-planned economy ice would be expected.
Wow, I didn't know China exercized price controls and rationing. You guys were more communist than I expected.
When the company is state owned, the government has the power to determine prices. Take ICBC in your area for example, they can determine your car insurance due to government monopoly.
It's really tough for the executives of the power companies, since they're state employees. On one hand, they need to fufill their duty to the public by providing electricity at low prices as ordered by government. At the same time, if they run a deficit in budget, then they would probably get sacked after after a while. I actually sympathize with them since they're caught between a rock and a hard place.

It's time for China to further develop its nuclear power stations. At the moment, renewable energy sources simply cannot provide the amount needed. When you take into the scale of things, some provinces in-land has yet to reached their full industrial potential. Nuclear power is the only answer to the crisis.
Time for greater investment in alternative energy.

We are already on a right track regarding alternative energy. China planing to invest $1.5 trillion in seven key industries including nuclear and clean, renewable energy and shift the world's number two economy away from its role as a supplier of cheap goods, sources said.

A recent Bloomberg New Energy Finance report shows China spent $34.6 billion on renewable energy in 2009. That works out to over $94.7 million per day, nearly twice what the U.S. did.

More over, Bloomberg didn’t include government spending in that story. It covered private investment in renewable energy projects. And it detailed money raised in stock offerings, venture capital and private equity deals by companies within the industry.
China's Renewable Energy Industry

World Environment News - China Plans To Spend Big On Nuclear Power, High-Speed Rail - Planet Ark


China has lumped nuclear, solar and wind energy in one group as new, or alternative, energy.

China had just 10.8 gigawatts of nuclear power capacity at end-2010. The official nuclear target for 2020 of 40 GW is still less than 5 percent of its current installed electricity generating capacity.

However, officials said that goal is likely to be raised to 80 GW or more for 2020.

The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's powerful economic planner, has said that the wind-power industry is already suffering from overcapacity.
We are already on a right track regarding alternative energy. China planing to invest $1.5 trillion in seven key industries including nuclear and clean, renewable energy and shift the world's number two economy away from its role as a supplier of cheap goods, sources said.

A recent Bloomberg New Energy Finance report shows China spent $34.6 billion on renewable energy in 2009. That works out to over $94.7 million per day, nearly twice what the U.S. did.

More over, Bloomberg didn’t include government spending in that story. It covered private investment in renewable energy projects. And it detailed money raised in stock offerings, venture capital and private equity deals by companies within the industry.
China's Renewable Energy Industry

World Environment News - China Plans To Spend Big On Nuclear Power, High-Speed Rail - Planet Ark


China has lumped nuclear, solar and wind energy in one group as new, or alternative, energy.

China had just 10.8 gigawatts of nuclear power capacity at end-2010. The official nuclear target for 2020 of 40 GW is still less than 5 percent of its current installed electricity generating capacity.

However, officials said that goal is likely to be raised to 80 GW or more for 2020.

The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's powerful economic planner, has said that the wind-power industry is already suffering from overcapacity.

Despite the recent "Nuclear Scare" in Japan I think that Nuclear energy will ultimately replace fossil fuel as the predominant source of energy this century.
This is a short term squeeze on energy. Nuclear and alternative may provide solutions in the longterm but this is a problem that the government has to resolve this problem now with either a subsidy for the SOE or let them increase prices.
This is a short term squeeze on energy. Nuclear and alternative may provide solutions in the longterm but this is a problem that the government has to resolve this problem now with either a subsidy for the SOE or let them increase prices.

The problem for this news is the Coal!!!!

The price of Coal importation for China has risen and so, less buying from abroad.. Infact, China is importing 18 million metric tons monthly and not even counting the local producation of Coal, which by the way for some reason is going down!!

CCP is very smart because they have the power to control the natural order of economy itself, infact they are the God of Economy!!!!!!

In due time it will be fixed.....
We desperately need nuclear, hydro and solar up. The slow pace of nuclear expansion is due to not owning the IP on the latest 3rd gen technology, which is instead owned by Areva and Westinghouse. Coincidentally the former head of China Nuclear Corporation Kang Rixin was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes from Areva.
When the company is state owned, the government has the power to determine prices. Take ICBC in your area for example, they can determine your car insurance due to government monopoly.

That is not the issue. Of course the government branch responsible for public corporations can mandate prices. For ICBC the BCUC decides the rate for basic auto insurance, but unlike your homeland, other branches of the provincial or national governments cannot intervene.

If you had read the article you would have realized that the state utilities executives (equivalent of BCUC) demand price changes. However, economic planners in Beijing surpressed decisions made by these corporations and cast an one-size-fit-all cap on prices. This is called price control.

Besides, your government excercises price control over not only state but also private enterprises; even discussing price hikes is banned. Unilever got fined for hinting price increases on TV.

China fines Unilever in inflation crackdown | Business | guardian.co.uk

Hard to believe that China is still a state-run economy? It is not if you actually read non-state publications. Oh wait, all Chinese media distributers are state-owned. Is there any form of information dissemination that is not regulated by your communist government?
That is not the issue. Of course the government branch responsible for public corporations can mandate prices. For ICBC the BCUC decides the rate for basic auto insurance, but unlike your homland, other branches of the provincial or national governments cannot intervene.

If you had read the article you would have realized that the utilities executives (equivalent of BCUC) demand price changes. However, economic planners in Beijing surpressed decisions made by these corporations and cast an one-size-fit-all cap on prices. This is called price control.

Besides, your government excercises price control over not only state but also private enterprises, even discussing price hikes is banned. Unilever got fined for hinting price increases on TV.

China fines Unilever in inflation crackdown | Business | guardian.co.uk

Hard to believe that China is still a state-run economy? It is not if you actually read non-state publications. Oh wait, all media distributers are state-owned. Is there any form of information dissemination that is not regulated by your communist government?

China is more capitalist than some democratic countries. You will be surprise how much price control is enforced by my government, electricity, water, sugar, chicken meat, flour, rice, cooking oil, busfare, taxi fare, train fares etc etc are in our price control list. LOL we are a Westminster style parliamentary democratic country!!!
That is not the issue. Of course the government branch responsible for public corporations can mandate prices. For ICBC the BCUC decides the rate for basic auto insurance, but unlike your homland, other branches of the provincial or national governments cannot intervene.

If you had read the article you would have realized that the utilities executives (equivalent of BCUC) demand price changes. However, economic planners in Beijing surpressed decisions made by these corporations and cast an one-size-fit-all cap on prices. This is called price control.

Besides, your government excercises price control over not only state but also private enterprises, even discussing price hikes is banned. Unilever got fined for hinting price increases on TV.

China fines Unilever in inflation crackdown | Business | guardian.co.uk

Hard to believe that China is still a state-run economy? It is not if you actually read non-state publications. Oh wait, all media distributers are state-owned. Is there any form of information dissemination that is not regulated by your communist government?

Because unilever was conspiring with other large consumer chemical producers to uniformly raise prices. It was damn right to fine unilever and other foreign companies that try to use illegal price collusion to milk us for more money.
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