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China’s Navy is Worrying Its Neighbors

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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China’s Navy is Worrying Its Neighbors

Brinkmanship is making for a testy summer in East Asia. In recent years, China has been building up its naval fleet, enabling it to maintain control over trade routes. Now, its activities are provoking pushback from neighbors, and attempts to contain the rising superpower appear to be entering a new phase.

A key flash point is the South China Sea. Its resource-rich islands have drawn competing sovereignty claims from China, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam—with China acting the least cooperatively. At July’s ASEAN Summit in Hanoi, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pleased regional leaders by targeting China’s harassment of foreign ships and declaring peaceful resolution of territorial disputes an American “national interest.” But China’s Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi labeled her comments an “attack” and warned against internationalizing the issue.

The spat occurred at a sensitive time: the U.S. and South Korea had just begun joint naval exercises in the East Sea. Originally intended to show solidarity against China’s ally, North Korea, its unprecedented scale—involving some 20 warships, 200 aircraft, and 8,000 troops—angered Beijing. But the bad feelings are mutual. This year, China’s own war games have grown. Japan claims two Chinese submarines and eight destroyers passed through its waters in a brazen incursion in April.

Such belligerence “really puts a question mark in the minds of the Asia-Pacific countries about China’s claims for a peaceful rise,” says Abraham Denmark of the Center for a New American Security. The result: the region is now in the throes of a naval buildup, motivated at least partly by the need to hedge against Beijing’s power. Japan is boosting its submarine fleet for the first time in 36 years; Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia are also ramping up acquisitions. Even as Vietnam celebrates a “Year of Friendship” with China, it has bought six Kilo-class fast-attack submarines and has moved to strengthen defense ties with India, which is concerned about Chinese encroachment in the Indian Ocean.

As for America, says the Asia Society’s Charles Armstrong, its challenge is reconciling its role as a regional stabilizer in Asia with the “reality of its declining power.” In June, the U.S. agreed to extend its command presence in South Korea ’til 2015. Still, China’s neighbors are moving to belatedly assert themselves because they realize an overstretched U.S. won’t always be around.

China's Neighbors Move To Hedge Its Power - Newsweek
Well, Its there nation and They have every right to Protect there boundaries From any Aggression, Fortunately It Would Be a Reason for India to pile Up its defense acquisitions Aswell.... So Its Not a Worry For Us, But certainly a Concern as Is For Any nation sharing the Boundary with it....
We are not worried and we are China's neighbor, in fact we are delighted at China's rise :D:pakistan::china:
We are not worried and we are China's neighbor, in fact we are delighted at China's rise :D:pakistan::china:

If China builds up its Navy, India will do the same. Seeing India buildup its Navy, Pakistan like always will be worried. Pakistan is discussing possible deals with Germany and France to get some subs. So Pakistan is feeling the heat too. Directly or indirectly. This is also seen in the recent news about a chines firm getting a contract to build a few sea based infrastructure.
This is old news, the disputes for the island goes back to the 80's. If you guys are anticipating push back to slow China down, you're sadly mistaken.
If China builds up its Navy, India will do the same. Seeing India buildup its Navy, Pakistan like always will be worried. Pakistan is discussing possible deals with Germany and France to get some subs. So Pakistan is feeling the heat too. Directly or indirectly. This is also seen in the recent news about a chines firm getting a contract to build a few sea based infrastructure.

You might be true. BUT even after that we want China to build up it's navy at a very very fast pace. We want to see it being build up massively in month not in years. :lol:

Hahahahahaha what a mind job... Trying to portray Pakistan's modernizing efforts as feeling the heat. Your comment implies as if Pakistan was quite cozy with india before the recent rise of China! Pakistan navy in fact is feeling quite cool as its time tested and true ally gains strength upon strength and those who are jealous of China's rise only feel the heat.
Guys, we must admit and appreciate the rise of PLAN and Chinese initiative. They're pretty serious about their country and mean business. If so many countries are going on an alert, definitely they are rising fast. IN should take a cue and increase their already good work.

Nice article though.
newsweek hasn't bankrupted yet? the tabloid channel must be Indians' favorate along wtih bollywood "white" stars. :lol:
This year, China’s own war games have grown. Japan claims two Chinese submarines and eight destroyers passed through its waters in a brazen incursion in April.

Such belligerence “really puts a question mark in the minds of the Asia-Pacific countries about China’s claims for a peaceful rise,” says Abraham Denmark of the Center for a New American Security.

Chinese submarines and destroyers didn't passed through Japanese waters in April, it merely sailed through international waters between two Japanese islands on their way to an exercises.

So Newsweek thinks Chinese navy sailing on international waters is brazen belligerence? I thought the the cornerstone of U.S maritime policy is about 'freedom of movement'. Apparently Newsweek believes only U.S and its allies has the right to use international waters.

It's also rather telling the only evidence of Chinese naval aggression Newsweek came up with is Chinese navy passing through international waters.
newsweek hasn't bankrupted yet? the tabloid channel must be Indians' favorate along wtih bollywood "white" stars. :lol:
Just as People's Daily and Xinghua are your regular tabloids isn't it? Don't bring needless stuff where it is not needed. The article talks about all countries boosting their defense about worry.

Come on, don't tell me PLAN doesn't worry about anyone. Every country has its concerns and that's what's being discussed here. Don't troll.
newsweek hasn't bankrupted yet? the tabloid channel must be Indians' favorate along wtih bollywood "white" stars. :lol:

Speeder 2, go troll Indians on the Indian sub-forum. I'd like to see this community kept clean.
Speeder 2, go troll Indians on the Indian sub-forum. I'd like to see this community kept clean.

Are you his employer or PDF ka Kachra walla? :rofl:


Good for India,We"ve trained Vietnamese navy personnel last time,now we might get requests from Philippines or maybe even Malaysia too. i.e more nations to strengthen our defence ties :cheers:
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