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China, Russia veto on Syria is 'deplorable,' White House says


Jan 27, 2010
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The White House blasted the governments of China and Russia for vetoing a new U.N. Security Council resolution designed to stem the ongoing violence in Syria.

They "are on the wrong side of history," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Western nations have struggled over how to respond to the ongoing violence in Syria, where opposition forces are battling to topple Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Thursday's resolution is the third major U.N. attempt that both countries blocked.

The resolution would have demanded a military withdrawal by Syrian forces from population centers — and carry with it a threat of sanctions.

Those vetoes are "very regrettable," "deplorable" and "highly unfortunate because it is absurd to send forth unarmed U.N. observers in the face of the brutality of the Assad regime if the consequences of failing to live up to," Carney said.

"The Assad regime's commitments are nonexistent. There have to be consequences," Carney said. "There is no doubt that Syria's future will not include Bashar al-Assad. His days are numbered, and it's a mistake to prop up the regime as it comes to an end."

"The decision by a very small minority of the Security Council to veto this action is deplorable and regrettable," Carney said.

China, Russia veto on Syria is 'deplorable,' White House says - POLITICO.com
Good job. Russia and China should veto more often, if nothing else, trying to show the US/NATO that their way is not necessary the right way anymore.

But Bashar needs to move quickly as well, the suicidal bomber in this week is a serious warning to him and his regime, stop imagine about the peace, the enemy is trying to destroy you at any cost.


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this week the saudi backed terrorist network in syria has shown themselves to be the brutal murderers they are, and their terrorist means used to attain their terrorist goals must now be answered with increased firmness of the syrian state. it is time assad shows some real determination in defending his country and his people and unleashes a justly vengeful campaign against the saudis and their goons. there is only so much time russia and china can buy him before anglo-americans take off their saudi gloves and start to harm syrians more directly and more brutally
Iran, China and Russia are the real targets. If the countries targeted don't act in unity they will eventually pay the price themselves. It seems (I hope) that Russia and China have understood that the West is relentlessly pursuing full spectrum dominance.
I'm afraid Assad has not been ruthless enough with the terrorists earlier on because he feared the west will use media to call for NATO action, thus he didn't use full force to destroy the terrorist.

Now the terrorists are fully armed and entered the capital.

It won't be long before Assad falls imo.

He should have used full force at the start of this and hoped Russia and china will veto any resolution.

The Russians should have backed Assad, because the opposition are terrorists that do suicide bombings.
Iran, China and Russia are the real targets. If the countries targeted don't act in unity they will eventually pay the price themselves. It seems (I hope) that Russia and China have understood that the West is relentlessly pursuing full spectrum dominance.

Sounds like you are against the position of Turkey in regarding to Syria.
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