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China, Russia, Cuba win UN rights council seats


Oct 10, 2013
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China, Russia, Cuba win UN rights council seats
Nov. 12, 2013 6:36 PM ET

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cuba and Algeria won seats Tuesday on the U.N. Human Rights Council, riling independent human rights groups who said their election undermined the rights watchdog's credibility.

The General Assembly elected 14 new members to the 47-seat Geneva-based council, which can shine a spotlight on rights abuses by adopting resolutions — when it chooses to do so. It also has dozens of special monitors watching problem countries and major issues ranging from executions to drone strikes.

Britain, France, the Maldives, Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia and South Africa were also elected to three-year terms.

Human Rights Watch noted that five of the new council members — China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Algeria — have refused to let U.N. investigators visit to check alleged abuses. China, Russia and Algeria have 10 or more unfulfilled requests for visits by U.N. experts, some dating back to 2000, the group said. Saudi Arabia and Vietnam each have seven outstanding requests, they said.

"Countries that haven't allowed U.N. experts appointed by the council to visit have a lot of explaining to do," said Peggy Hicks, global advocacy director of the New York-based non-government group. "It's like hiring someone, then not allowing them to enter the office."

Across the street from the main gate of U.N. headquarters, pro-Tibet activists hung a huge banner saying "China Fails Human Rights."

Seats, allotted by region, are sometimes contested and sometimes not. All 193 members of the General Assembly can vote by secret ballots, which were collected in wooden ballot boxes from delegates.

Geneva-based UN Watch, a frequent critic of U.N. rights practices, denounced what it considered the worst new members.

"China, Cuba, Russia, and Saudi Arabia systematically violate the human rights of their own citizens, and they consistently vote the wrong way on U.N. initiatives to protect the human rights of others," said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer. "For the U.N. to elect Saudi Arabia as a world judge on human rights would be like a town making a pyromaniac into chief of the fire department.

"Regrettably, so far neither the U.S. nor the EU have said a word about hypocritical candidacies that will undermine the credibility and effectiveness of the UN human rights system. By turning a blind eye as human rights violators easily join and subvert the council, leading democracies will be complicit in the world body's moral decline."

UN Watch and other groups have also criticized the Human Rights Council for its preoccupation with reports and resolutions criticizing Israel over the Palestinian issue. By contrast, Neuer said that the council has never adopted a resolution critical of Russia, China or Saudi Arabia.

This year's election had some added backstage drama. Saudi Arabia had been expected to run into trouble in the General Assembly vote because last month it won, and then a day later rejected, a seat on the Security Council for 2014-2015, an unprecedented move. The kingdom was apparently protesting differences with the United States on issues in the Mideast, including Washington's response to the Egypt and Syria crises and its outreach with Iran, the Saudis' regional foe.

Until last week, Jordan had also been a candidate. But then it dropped out of the Human Rights Council race, clearing the way for Saudi Arabia to win unopposed. Jordan, meanwhile, is angling to replace Saudi Arabia on the Security Council.

The losers in Tuesday's balloting were Uruguay, beaten by Cuba and Mexico for seats in the Latin America and Caribbean group; and South Sudan, which failed to get enough votes to win one of the four African seats.

The United States is among the current members of the council, with a term set to expire in 2015.

After the election, U.S. U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power released a statement saying: "Fourteen countries were elected to the Human Rights Council today, including some that commit significant violations of the rights the Council is designed to advance and protect."

"Today's election in the General Assembly is a reminder that the Council's important work remains unfinished," she said, without naming any offenders.

On the web:

Is there STILL any doubt that the U.N. should be bulldozed into the East River ?
Watch this video and try to say US do not have a human right problem with a straight face.

And in other very recent news.

Tyler Comstock Killing: Iowa police shoot unarmed 19-year-old after father calls authorities to report the teen stole his truck - Crimesider - CBS News
The officer who shot the teen in Ames, Iowa Monday was cleared Thursday of wrongdoing, and the investigation was closed, reports the DeMoines Register.

Cop Caught Shooting Unarmed Man Faces No Criminal Charges | News One
Cook County prosecutors announced Tuesday that Chicago Police Officer Gildardo Sierra (pictured), who was caught on video shooting an unarmed man 16 times, will not face criminal charges.

Hundreds Gather To Protest Police Shooting Of Teen With Toy Gun
When the boy turned toward the deputies, Deputy Erick Gelhaus, 48, shot him seven times, according to authorities.
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Millions of people, including Chinese, do say so with straight faces.

Ask Vietnamese children that are born deformed due to agent orange exposure.

Ask Iraqi children that are born deformed due to depleted uranium exposure.
Ask Vietnamese children that are born deformed due to agent orange exposure.

Ask Iraqi children that are born deformed due to depleted uranium exposure.
Actually, I asked plenty of Chinese engineers who emigrated here, became US citizens, married local gals, and would eventually get their parents here.
Actually, I asked plenty of Chinese engineers who emigrated here, became US citizens, married local gals, and would eventually get their parents here.

Don't worry about us, we are doing well in
China, in Yankee land and every other place. By 2050 Chinese will be everywhere in the world, more Chinese people in this world, the better.

We can get pu$$y anywhere, Vietnam helps out our sex hungry boys.

That's not what the topic is about is it.

Did you ask the deformed children that suffered from gross human rights violations by the Yankees?

Answer the question instead of ranting about irrelevant garbage.
Don't worry about us, we are doing well in
China, in Yankee land and every other place. By 2050 Chinese will be everywhere in the world, more Chinese people in this world, the better.

We can get pu$$y anywhere, Vietnam helps out our sex hungry boys.

That's not what the topic is about is it.

Did you ask the deformed children that suffered from gross human rights violations by the Yankees?

Answer the question instead of ranting about irrelevant garbage.
If you are from China and are currently in the US, then you know -- KNOW -- that the sh1t you spew about US is exactly -- sh1t. Human rights organizations do not base out of China. They base out of the US and other Western countries. That says enough about the thuggocracy that is your China. And keep up with the racist bile. It says much about you and your fellow Chinese.
If you are from China and are currently in the US, then you know -- KNOW -- that the sh1t you spew about US is exactly -- sh1t. Human rights organizations do not base out of China. They base out of the US and other Western countries. That says enough about the thuggocracy that is your China. And keep up with the racist bile. It says much about you and your fellow Chinese.

What did I just say? :lol:

I said no ranting about irrelevant garbage. Did everything I said just go wooosh over your head?

Have you met with the deformed children from Iraq and Vietnam that has suffered from the horror of American war crimes and cruel human rights abuses?

If not, you are in no position to talk about human rights.

As bad as the human rights is in China, the US humans rights abuses are far -- FAR -- worse than anything China has done.

Nothing -- NOTHING -- is worse than dropping depleted uranium and agent orange on civilian populations and destroying entire generation of humans and towns and villages.

That's even worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews.
What did I just say?
Either nothing worthwhile or sh1t.

Are you living in the US? If yes, then you KNOW that you are living in the most free and most prosperous country on Earth.

Choke on that...:lol:
Either nothing worthwhile or sh1t.

Are you living in the US? If yes, then you KNOW that you are living in the most free and most prosperous country on Earth.

Choke on that...:lol:

Hey I like the US. I didn't say I hate the US, just don't agree with US foreign policy.

I'm a big fan of US culture and all that, I like people like Ron Paul and many other American things.

But China will surpass the US, I have absolutely no doubt about that.

But, you still avoid my question of depleted uranium use in Iraq and agent orange use in Vietnam. Answer my question please :coffee:
Hey I like the US. I didn't say I hate the US, just don't agree with US foreign policy.

I'm a big fan of US culture and all that, I like people like Ron Paul and many other American things.

But China will surpass the US, I have absolutely no doubt about that.

But, you still avoid my question of depleted uranium use in Iraq and agent orange use in Vietnam. Answer my question please :coffee:
It must sucks being you, a Chinese living in the US and seeing the great contrasts between the two countries. You KNOW that every time you pick up a newspaper, it is not censored by the government, that if you have any problems there would be an army of lawyers the police fear, that you can speak and even insult the American President and there is nothing the government can do about it, and that it is American values that are being exported to your China -- WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

Choke on that...:lol:
It must sucks being you, a Chinese living in the US and seeing the great contrasts between the two countries. You KNOW that every time you pick up a newspaper, it is not censored by the government, that if you have any problems there would be an army of lawyers the police fear, that you can speak and even insult the American President and there is nothing the government can do about it, and that it is American values that are being exported to your China -- WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

Choke on that...:lol:

Why so angry?

You speak as if you're an American but your just an Asian.

Hey American values are great, I welcome them, but I really want you to stop avoiding the question and answer me about American human rights violations in Iraq and Vietnam, especially the use of depleted uranium and agent orange.

Can you answer me that.
This election proved to me the international communities are getting fetch up with the horseshit, two-face, hypocrisy of the West. The rule is this, it is not against human rights if you kill million of Muslim, torture people, or spy on global citizens as long as you are part of the exclusive Western club.
Gambit is notorious avoiding topics that put US in bad spot light, so he always likes to go off track during discussions. This is a well known fact here.
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