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China, Russia And Pakistan: New Superpower Triangle

With 180-200 million we can easily rectify our problems no matter where we are. With billions of people you reach a stage whereby nothing can ever be resolved.
You can't rectify your problems on ground.
If your go by percent calculations you are way way behind India.Pakistan has around 34% in BPL where India has 17% living under BPL..The thing is we are rectifying our problems fast..We have decreased our BPL population from 440 Millions to 225 Millions in decade...Believe it or not it's up to you only.All stats are available in world bank report.

As of 2016, it's 15.2% for India and 22% for Pakistan.


I don't say India is a heaven but we were even behind Pak few years ago. We were even far behind in GDP per capita, literacy, HDI till 80s and 90s, but overtaken many countries one by one enough for certification for our pace improvement.

well, you have spoiled the thread with socio economic debate, strategic games are not concerned with living standards, country needs overall economic and military, which actually is holded by India substantially, not Pakistan. but I don't wanna spoil by bringing India which has chosen other ways. So, please.
It's not 22% but 33% approx..Also they don't have proper census by govt so ground reality might be worse.
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Russia has Western Europe to deal with. They will milk India in trade for whatever they can but will not side with India in a war against China or Pakistan for that matter.

The 'block' has already formed. Trade with India but do not back India if it starts wars at behest of US. Recent defence agreements with Pakistan are a clear sign and Indians got a bitter pill when Russia refused to pull the military exercise and that too in the critical CPEC region of GB!
Even with a billion population, we have higher per capita than Pakistan with 180 million
Even with a billion population we have better HDI than Pakistan with 180 million
Even with a billion population we have better Hunger Index than Pakistan with 180 million
and I can go on and on and prove each of my point with latest data from credible source like IMF, UN, World Bank, etc

You are just good at giving excuses and only excuses
You can't rectify your problems on ground.
If your go by percent calculations you are way way behind India.Pakistan has around 34% in BPL where India has 17% living under BPL..The thing is we are rectifying our problems fast..We have decreased our BPL population from 440 Millions to 225 Millions in decade...Believe it or not it's up to you only.All stats are available in world bank report.

It's not 22% but 33% approx..Also they don't have proper census by govt so ground reality might be worse.

Okay, say if you are correct then does 33-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's severely malnourished and extreme poor equate to 15.2% of india's population?:



If yes then india is facing a population time bomb catastrophe not witnessed in human history that can destroy you or if not then the indian government is lying as the figures don't add up. Either way it doesn't bode well for your kind.

Please correct the above articles if they wrong and explain it. NO indian on PDF has been able to disprove the above.

PS: As Pakistan's population is more than 7× less than India's, any poverty we do have can be dealt with very easily and it's effects easily minimised and contained. So it's not a big issue.
You can't rectify your problems on ground.
If your go by percent calculations you are way way behind India.Pakistan has around 34% in BPL where India has 17% living under BPL..The thing is we are rectifying our problems fast..We have decreased our BPL population from 440 Millions to 225 Millions in decade...Believe it or not it's up to you only.All stats are available in world bank report.

It's not 22% but 33% approx..Also they don't have proper census by govt so ground reality might be worse.
I already know but didn't mention to avoid trolls. I still wonder how do they calculate poverty ratio and GDP per capita.
Okay, say if you are correct then does 33-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's severely malnourished and extreme poor equate to 15.2% of india's population?:



If yes then india is facing a population time bomb catastrophe not witnessed in human history that can destroy you or if not then the indian government is lying as the figures don't add up. Either way it doesn't bode well for your kind.

Please correct the above articles if they wrong and explain it. NO indian on PDF has been able to disprove the above.

PS: As Pakistan's population is more than 7× less than India's, any poverty we do have can be dealt with very easily and it's effects easily minimised and contained. So it's not a big issue.
India's population bomb? Pakistani population growth rate is much higher than India's.

In fact, India's fertility rate is at par with second world countries, with current balance of population growth rate and fertility rate, Indian population will even decline after 3-4 decades.

Now, Pakistan for effects of large no., not catastrophe, since 80s when India was a poor fourth world country to a developing country today, we have only gone up faster, will go into middle income economy league in a decade.

India managed a rapid pace of improvement even after such a huge population.
But Pakistan never took advantage of small numbers which are easy to minimize. When we got freedom, you had our double GDP per capita, higher HDI till 1991, way better poverty ratio,

Riaz Haq trolled us in 2012 for ranking below Pakistan in this hunger Index,

what has happened? Beaten up in most fields, gap minimized in rest (like poverty ratio). That's clear what advantage did you draw.

India has sustained 50% higher GDP growth than that of Pakistan for 20+ years, double since last two years and is aiming for triple in few years. If sustained for next 30 years, India will have 75% of GDP per capita of China.

Sorry for not giving sources in lack of time.
I already know but didn't mention to avoid trolls. I still wonder how do they calculate poverty ratio and GDP per capita.

India's population bomb? Pakistani population growth rate is much higher than India's.

In fact, India's fertility rate is at par with second world countries, with current balance of population growth rate and fertility rate, Indian population will even decline after 3-4 decades.

Now, Pakistan for effects of large no., not catastrophe, since 80s when India was a poor fourth world country to a developing country today, we have only gone up faster, will go into middle income economy league in a decade.

India managed a rapid pace of improvement even after such a huge population.
But Pakistan never took advantage of small numbers which are easy to minimize. When we got freedom, you had our double GDP per capita, higher HDI till 1991, way better poverty ratio,

Riaz Haq trolled us in 2012 for ranking below Pakistan in this hunger Index,

what has happened? Beaten up in most fields, gap minimized in rest (like poverty ratio). That's clear what advantage did you draw.

India has sustained 50% higher GDP growth than that of Pakistan for 20+ years, double since last two years and is aiming for triple in few years. If sustained for next 30 years, India will have 75% of GDP per capita of China.

Sorry for not giving sources in lack of time.

If 1.3 billion are growing by any amount that is very ominous and dangerous not just for india but the world in general. It is far far worst than Pakistan having a higher or lower poverty rate than India or having a higher population growth rate. It will definitely hit a point that even if india's economy overtakes America's and China's, it will not be able to stop the indian population explosion catastrophe. Pakistan only has a population of around 180-200 million max. But we need to put measures in place now so we don't have your problems in the future.

Please explain, is 17% of poor indians equal to 33-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's severely malnourished and extreme poor:


And the Indian economy is miles ahead right ? Your per capita is almost the same as Pakistan. If 2 guys have $ 10 dollars(Pakistan) and 5 guys have $25(India) it doesnt make the latter better .

1. That is not how global power scales work.

2. Money is power.

It does not matter how rich or poor ever single Indian is , India as a whole is a single nation and has ten times the spending power of Pakistan's and that is where, India's worth lies to the world.

3. Indian per capita is about $200 higher than Pakistan's and the difference is increasing every year, with India economy growing at a faster rate than Pakistan's and population growth is at a slower rate than Pakistan's.
1. That is not how global power scales work.

2. Money is power.

It does not matter how rich or poor ever single Indian is , India as a whole is a single nation and has ten times the spending power of Pakistan's and that is where, India's worth lies to the world.

3. Indian per capita is about $200 higher than Pakistan's and the difference is increasing every year, with India economy growing at a faster rate than Pakistan's and population growth is at a slower rate than Pakistan's.

World bank 2015

India $ 1590
Pakistan $ 1440

Thats a difference of $ 150 . Considering that Indian society is more unequal a normal Pakistani is likely to be much well off compared to an Indian . Our middle class and poor are much wealtheir.
World bank 2015

India $ 1590
Pakistan $ 1440

Thats a difference of $ 150 . Considering that Indian society is more unequal a normal Pakistani is likely to be much well off compared to an Indian . Our middle class and poor are much wealtheir.
Wrong again as usual.

India Per capita 2016


Pakistan Per capita 2016


Difference: $400

And this difference will keep increasing further and further as India is growing at the rate of >7.5 percent every year while Pakistan is growing at the rate of <4 %
Wrong again as usual.

India Per capita 2016


Pakistan Per capita 2016


Difference: $400

And this difference will keep increasing further and further as India is growing at the rate of >7.5 percent every year while Pakistan is growing at the rate of <4 %

There is no IMF figure for 2016 because of our IMF programme . It will be updated soon. Nice try in spinning figures . If world bank had a bigger difference for you it would have been the gospel:D . Again it isn't growing at 4 , it grew at 4.8 % .
There is no IMF figure for 2016 because of our IMF programme . It will be updated soon. Nice try in spinning figures . If world bank had a bigger difference for you it would have been the gospel:D . Again it isn't growing at 4 , it grew at 4.8 % .

I am unable to post link so here is the image of the site. Denial doesn't help anyone, and Pakistan is no exception.

I am unable to post link so here is the image of the site. Denial doesn't help anyone, and Pakistan is no exception.


And where are Pakistan's figures ? like i said ours is available till 2015. As for Indian figures obviously world bank disagrees with you . Dont quote IMF or world bank whenever it suits your agenda . My advise is worry about 600 million poor . Check credit suisse to see whos middle class or poor are wealthier . Thank your 30 billionaires for getting your per capita this far :D
And where are Pakistan's figures ? like i said ours is available till 2015. As for Indian figures obviously world bank disagrees with you . Dont quote IMF or world bank whenever it suits your agenda . My advise is worry about 600 million poor . Check credit suisse to see whos middle class or poor are wealthier . Thank your 30 billionaires for getting your per capita this far :D
If 1.3 billion are growing by any amount that is very ominous and dangerous not just for india but the world in general. It is far far worst than Pakistan having a higher or lower poverty rate than India or having a higher population growth rate. It will definitely hit a point that even if india's economy overtakes America's and China's, it will not be able to stop the indian population explosion catastrophe. Pakistan only has a population of around 180-200 million max. But we need to put measures in place now so we don't have your problems in the future.

Please explain, is 17% of poor indians equal to 33-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's severely malnourished and extreme poor:



Did you even bother to read my post?
India's population growth rate is slowing down and fertility rates are already low, projected at 1.7 billions at maximum by UN in 3-4th quarters of century undergoing a decline.

For pace of improvement, we are still rocking every year.
You are judging it all over a britard source BBC which has never published any single positive thing about India.:D
World bank 2015

India $ 1590
Pakistan $ 1440

Thats a difference of $ 150 . Considering that Indian society is more unequal a normal Pakistani is likely to be much well off compared to an Indian . Our middle class and poor are much wealtheir.
Updated figures:
India: $1820 Pak: $1570
But as GDP per capita is always measured in PPP.
India: $6599
Pak: $5000
Gap is expanding since last 10+ years.

You have bigger middle class but you have more illiteracy and malnourishment. Even current data will be flawed because record of 70 million Pakistanis, nearly 35.7% of population is not available.
There is no IMF figure for 2016 because of our IMF programme . It will be updated soon. Nice try in spinning figures . If world bank had a bigger difference for you it would have been the gospel:D . Again it isn't growing at 4 , it grew at 4.8 % .
Just divide GDP growth rates by population growth rates.

There was a day when you enjoyed double per capita income and ishallah, a day will come when we will.:D

Nobody is rotating figures. Since 1991, India's per capita GDP growth has remained higher than Pak every year and this fact can't be changed.
For equities, Pakistan ranks out of top 100 in GCI. So, there's no guarantee of sustaining this sudden pour of money by investors.

Only Pakistanis are such experts in maths where 224 millions (just 169 millions in WB and 98 by IMF in PPP) in nominal poverty jumps to 600 millions.

Hey, PPP GDP per capita projections by IMF are available.
For 2021: India: $10146 Pak: $6400
Did you even bother to read my post?
India's population growth rate is slowing down and fertility rates are already low, projected at 1.7 billions at maximum by UN in 3-4th quarters of century undergoing a decline.

For pace of improvement, we are still rocking every year.
You are judging it all over a britard source BBC which has never published any single positive thing about India.:D

Updated figures:
India: $1820 Pak: $1570
But as GDP per capita is always measured in PPP.
India: $6599
Pak: $5000
Gap is expanding since last 10+ years.

You have bigger middle class but you have more illiteracy and malnourishment. Even current data will be flawed because record of 70 million Pakistanis, nearly 35.7% of population is not available.

Just divide GDP growth rates by population growth rates.

There was a day when you enjoyed double per capita income and ishallah, a day will come when we will.:D

Nobody is rotating figures. Since 1991, India's per capita GDP growth has remained higher than Pak every year and this fact can't be changed.
For equities, Pakistan ranks out of top 100 in GCI. So, there's no guarantee of sustaining this sudden pour of money by investors.

Only Pakistanis are such experts in maths where 224 millions (just 169 millions in WB and 98 by IMF in PPP) in nominal poverty jumps to 600 millions.

Hey, PPP GDP per capita projections by IMF are available.
For 2021: India: $10146 Pak: $6400

So the bbc and other independent sources are incorrect? So it's just propaganda then? Funny you say that because the bbc has always been seen to be pro-indian.
So the bbc and other independent sources are incorrect? So it's just propaganda then? Funny you say that because the bbc has always been seen to be pro-indian.
Yes, not quoting actual reports and mental masturbation by britards is simply incorrect. I will appreciate any source if it's correct plus not picking one sided factors which is found unlikely in 3: Al Jazeera, BBC and any random Blog.

It's funny to hear that British became pro Indian from some day.:enjoy: I faced them elsewhere, on their forum, now banned don't wanna talk so.

From their newspapers to their forums, ever check out. They are even openly hardcore anti Muslim (even more than Indians) on their forums, creating insulting threads.

And I would suggest you to keep a strategic thread on strategic issues. China and Russia have living standards nowhere near USA but they are giving 'em sleepless nights. Cuz socio economics doesn't matter here.
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