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China rolls out red carpet for Sudan president

LOL, you do know I am an American Indian right? please post your source for the 100 million. I would really like to see if your just pulling it out of the air you you actually read it. No matter what though it is rediculously high.

It was disease that killed most American Indians. smallpox alone killed 70 - 90% of those it infected. Then you had Typhus, Chollera, ECT. the wars killed aproximately 30,000 Indians.

you came from india to america? uh you have a really fancy life i must say. a former pilot and also from india, i like you! :D
Mr "WISE GUY", read my POST carefully one more time, try to use your brain for once in your life time, will you, WHAT i MEANT was how the arms suppliers which including your beloved INDIA knew HOW will the Sudan government use the "WEAPONS" for??
Perhaps if a gun shop SOLD a gun to a customer, do the customer need to tell the shop whats the purpose for the "gun", should the gun shop be "RESPONSIBLE" for the crime if ever committed by using of the GUN being "SOLD"? Are you for real DN? :what:
PS, i really feel sorry for you when you need to edited your POST almost every single time, it really proved how ......you are.

You are one slow SN. I thought that the high IQ claim would have some bearing when discussing topics with you folks. But then again you guys are known for not 'getting' enterprise level deals ALA the known breaching of the Russian TOC - So let me do this in baby steps for you.

when one does govt to govt deals there are explicit terms and conditions that are requested . e.g. don't reverse engineer our engines! . similarly, when you do a deal with Sudan - the TOC would include ( one would imagine if you want to follow UN rules- don't use it to bomb villages ( why?) because we know you use aircrafts for those purposes as documented previously.

Then there are others terms- like don't paint the aircraft white with UN flags to try to deceive that the UN is bombing villages ( as they have done previously) or don't try to use these for any, let's say ' genocide purpose'.

Maybe perhaps do like the Americans do in their 'sensitive countries ' deals, like the F16 deal w/ pakistan- where they have stronger stipulations, aircarfts altered with maybe a kill switch in the software and have their own folks at the airfield, to ensure the aircrafts are not being used outside the TOC. Certainly sudan would fall under " sensitive " deal given strict UN guidelines.

then if you find they are doing so- you cease relationships.

In spite of all these infractions the Chinese continued to give them aircrafts and arms that they knew was being used against the defenseless tribals.

Instead what we saw with these breaches, in the case of Sudan ( apart from red carpets ), was - " During a meeting in Beijing, the Defense Minister of China reportedly told Sudan's joint chief of staff that military relations had been "developing smoothly" and said: "[We] are willing to further develop military co-operation between our two countries in all areas

So you see SN- this is not as simple as a gun shop selling a gun to a person- these are govt to govt deals, contractual terms that way more intense, binding and has higher level of repercussions over a retail sale.

Now I may come back and edit my post to add more to it like the quote I added from the Chinese or simply correct some typos- but you be sure to be continually perturbed grasshopper. Because the bigger picture for you SN's are not the message but how you can distract from it. :wave:
Omar Bashir only crime is that he tried to maintain stablity in his country against west back terrorist who are hungry for oil rich south sudan!
He recieved the same grand slam welcome in KSA two years ago..despite having an arrest warrant..if any arrest warrant is to be enforced..it should be first on GW Bush and Blair as war mongers and war criminals resulting in direct death of 2.5 million people.
Thats more than Omar Bashir, Saddam, Ghaddafi and Assad combined!
Omar al-Bashir, Sudan President, Should Have Been Arrested In China: U.N.


GENEVA -- The U.N.'s top human rights official criticized China on Thursday for failing to arrest Sudan's president so that he can be brought to trial on war crimes charges.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told reporters in Geneva she was "disappointed" that China welcomed Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir during a visit this week, rather than arrest him to ensure he stands trial.

Pillay said that "the whole world favors trial" for al-Bashir for his role in the civil war in Sudan that killed more than 2 million people.

China has a duty to enforce warrants by the International Criminal Court, she said, despite the fact that it's not a member of The Hague, Netherlands-based tribunal.

"There is a duty and a responsibility on the part of every government including China to assist the court in bringing to justice individuals who have been indicted by the court," Pillay said. "It's disappointing when states do not deliver on this responsibility."

Al-Bashir, who left Beijing on Wednesday for the eastern Chinese port city of Qingdao, was expected to leave China later Thursday to return to Sudan.

Pillay said she could assure everyone, based on her experience as a judge for the ICC, that it would conduct a fair trial.

"It's not like we're calling for an execution of someone, we're calling for an arrest of someone," she said.

The International Criminal Court has twice issued warrants for his arrest on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. China is not a court member and says it's reserving opinion.
At the end of the day its just business, not sure whats with all the flaming bashing going on. The countries that we are from all have some history or working with Genocidal countries and dictators at one point. At the end of the day is anyone really that stupid to believe that all countries just do business with just good people. Britain was shipping tear gas to Libya days before the airstrikes started (Maybe they thought it was laughing gas)

With regards to religion aspect its real funny how some people on the thread are trying to claim superiority though they themselves most likely believe in another religion. At the end of the day its not as if the shared ideology in some aspects are going to bring the two cultures nearer, Muslims and Christians share some similar ideology has anyone heard a christian lecturing a Muslim about Islam and getting taken seriously. Honestly people.
you came from india to america? uh you have a really fancy life i must say. a former pilot and also from india, i like you! :D

lol, American Indian a.k.a Native American and Chogy was the pilot, I was in the Army Special Forces.
What's wrong with Sudan president?
u ignore the bombing and the killing of Afghan and Syrian civilians that's going on RIGHT NOW. 200,000 civilian casualties in the war in Iraq.
Killed them.
And somehow, someWAY, people see a problem with the economic development of another country just because u happen to be in a rut.
The hypocrisy is just staggering. less
You are one slow SN. I thought that the high IQ claim would have some bearing when discussing topics with you folks. But then again you guys are known for not 'getting' enterprise level deals ALA the known breaching of the Russian TOC - So let me do this in baby steps for you.

when one does govt to govt deals there are explicit terms and conditions that are requested . e.g. don't reverse engineer our engines! . similarly, when you do a deal with Sudan - the TOC would include ( one would imagine if you want to follow UN rules- don't use it to bomb villages ( why?) because we know you use aircrafts for those purposes as documented previously.

Then there are others terms- like don't paint the aircraft white with UN flags to try to deceive that the UN is bombing villages ( as they have done previously) or don't try to use these for any, let's say ' genocide purpose'.

Maybe perhaps do like the Americans do in their 'sensitive countries ' deals, like the F16 deal w/ pakistan- where they have stronger stipulations, aircarfts altered with maybe a kill switch in the software and have their own folks at the airfield, to ensure the aircrafts are not being used outside the TOC. Certainly sudan would fall under " sensitive " deal given strict UN guidelines.

then if you find they are doing so- you cease relationships.

In spite of all these infractions the Chinese continued to give them aircrafts and arms that they knew was being used against the defenseless tribals.

Instead what we saw with these breaches, in the case of Sudan ( apart from red carpets ), was - " During a meeting in Beijing, the Defense Minister of China reportedly told Sudan's joint chief of staff that military relations had been "developing smoothly" and said: "[We] are willing to further develop military co-operation between our two countries in all areas

So you see SN- this is not as simple as a gun shop selling a gun to a person- these are govt to govt deals, contractual terms that way more intense, binding and has higher level of repercussions over a retail sale.

Now I may come back and edit my post to add more to it like the quote I added from the Chinese or simply correct some typos- but you be sure to be continually perturbed grasshopper. Because the bigger picture for you SN's are not the message but how you can distract from it. :wave:

Heck, bravo! all you need was only 15 hrs to figure out this crap post of yours? BTW, make up your mind whether you are replying me as an Indian or the so-called American then perhaps you might worth a response from me, OK DN?:lol:
Chinese serves China period. We are not wasting our tax dollars on every other country!! We are not being the world police!
We don't interfere in anyone else's internal affairs. China is in Sudan just for business, not like US building military bases all over the world.
Thats it SN or is it YN? :P -thats all you could muster up in 12 hrs - personal attacks in response to educating you about commerical deals on govt to govt level? and now even the UN is taking a swipe at China. Let's see- Amnesty , ICC, UN and the world over vs china


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