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China Replacing AL-31F Engines with WS-10A Engines for J-10 jets


WJ600 jet-powered UAV


WJ600 jet-powered UAV frontal view
China is No Copycat, But its Made to Copy, as it is facing Embargoes from the west, If It has to Succeed it needs to reverse Engineer without Active R&D Input.... I do not know what the world Calls it but it Is Defined to as Copying, Tell me any One Aircraft of theirs which Has a Different Design than an Aircraft which Already is in the Market

I have posted plenty of choices for you. Pick one.
Strategypage is a specialist of China Bashing. Its editorial does not accept critics or counter arguments. They make speculation and analysis based on stereotypes and believe that China is still a poor under developed country while China is the second biggest economies in the world.:china::pakistan:
Strategypage is a specialist of China Bashing. Its editorial does not accept critics or counter arguments. They make speculation and analysis based on stereotypes and believe that China is still a poor under developed country while China is the second biggest economies in the world.:china::pakistan:

I was under the impression that the website bashed any country/organization besides NATO members.
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