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China refutes Modi's 'expansionist mindset' remark

And some people claimed China doesn't care. :-)

What you expect when a journalist ask question to Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson? to just be mute and give a middle finger to journalist ? Her sole purpose there is to answer questions and trained to avoid to be provocative with the answers. Our leaders always present carrot before our General's stick as how Zou En Lai sing Chini-Hindi blai blai to your Nehru prior 1962. :coffee:

Good job my NaMo to show its stance regarding AP. He wants good relation with China but with no compromises,

Sure your electorate candidate can say anything he want, we don't judge the book by the cover, would India dare to declare that South Tibet is no compromises? then why come to the boundary negociation table every single time when China convoke India over this issue.
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Sure your electorate candidate can say anything he want, we don't judge the book by the cover, would India dare to declare that South Tibet is no compromises? then why come to the boundary negociation table every single time when China convoke India over this issue.

It is good that both countries are talking and want to do some compromises. India and China are sensible countries and want to develop and any war pull back only backwards. AP is integral part of India and NaMo was only stating the obvious.
I don't think Northeastern is integral part of India.

People in the mainland India streets indicate that.
Would India dare to declare that South Tibet is no compromises? then why come to the boundary negociation table every single time when China convoke India over this issue.

We have dared to do that long back and will continue to maintain that position, the negotiations are for making you shed your unsubstantiated claims on our Arunachal Pradesh.

I don't think Northeastern is integral part of India.

People in the mainland India streets indicate that.

Unfortunately what you "Think" has no value.
We have dared to do that long back and will continue to maintain that position, the negotiations are for making you shed your unsubstantiated claims on our Arunachal Pradesh..

You dare to do that because we're busy elsewhere and have much important score to be set, Your temporary occupation of our south Tibet doesn't mean you're able so swallow and digest it, we will fix you when time is right, nothing is irreversible.
Something from ancient Chinese wisdom to ponder upon:

If you want to be taken seriously, first you have to take yourself seriously/act in a serious manner.
You dare to do that because we're busy elsewhere and have much important score to be set, Your temporary occupation of our south Tibet doesn't mean you're able so swallow and digest it, we will fix you when time is right, nothing is irreversible.

Stop giving excuses for your inability and helplessness.
Stop giving excuses for your inability and helplessness.

What you expect for us to repeat 1962? We have enough to hear these Pinoys and Vietnameses cry that China became too assertive in SCS and we don't need Indians to do the same with our South Tibet :lol: ..not as yet:coffee:
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