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China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

Who dare to shoot at out trawler? :lol: Even the philippine warship cant do anything to our trawler.

Our exercise in SCS demonstrated PLAN are ready if needed to project power in our sphere of influence.

When Japanese sent their war ships you have sent trawlers as reply, isn't it funny how you project your power :lol:
It's good that we have rattled India to the very core right in their backyard, we must send a crystal clear message to the ruthless savage thugs in India that their belligerence and fascist behaviour towards their peaceful neighbours will not be tolerated by China and the international community.

i have asked this many times, you guys cant take on Vietnam or philipines. how the hell can you handle india?
First china should save own self in their own backyard and than tell a insect ravan evil shri lanka that it will save from mighty india.... Yankees Squardn F-18 flown over shri lanka which gave them fear down the spine.... Where was backward military china than? Good to see india detected 22 times chinese subs. Subs are meant to be hidden and not detected. i see as 22 subs are dead.... Btw america wants a piece of shri lanka but its india who told america to not use military on insect shri lanka. A micro midget nation.... i doubt india will save lanka for long as yankees desperate to take over shri lanka....
i have asked this many times, you guys cant take on Vietnam or philipines. how the hell can you handle india?

What a cheap shot.

Then I challenged you back. You can't even take on S.L, how can you handle China?

When Japanese sent their war ships you have sent trawlers as reply, isn't it funny how you project your power :lol:
When did Japanese send warship? You must have too many BS info feeding from western or India media? You Indian like to distort and lie things. Shame on you. :lol:

Now,This will force India to sign defence treaty with Japan and Australia.They are pushing India to become more vocal on matters pertaining to south china sea. China is treading on dangerous path of irking many powers at same time not good omens for world peace , Fuehrer made same type of mistakes.
India should rely on its own strength. Your population is nearly equal of China. What you need is more self-confidence. China is not unbeatable power.

State of the Art project. Love it!

cheerleader and cheerleading are terms that I created for indians only! :cool:

fire the first bullet at the Sri Lankans and see what happens!

Now go chain-smoking your chillums!
listen mate the Indian Navy is the undisputed king of the IOR(except for the U.S.N.,but then again they are our strategic ally).so the PLAN neither has the power nor the capability to challenge the might of the I.N. in the I.O.R. at this moment and in the future the I.N. gonna operate around 4-5 CBGs plus around 24-30 Boeing P8-I ASW maritime aircrafts which will hunt down anything which is hostile in the IOR.Period!
India should rely on its own strength. Your population is nearly equal of China. What you need is more self-confidence. China is not unbeatable power.

india dont need lesson from vietnam whom lost every war they fought and colonised by three different countries , man you vietcong really think you are something embaressing
You lay one finger on our Sri Lankan brothers and you entire overpopulated country will be carpet bombed back to the Stone Age. Indian military is a mediocre military that is more about Indian media hype than actual capability.
you're gonna carpet bomb us with what!your PLA won't last a day against our Air Defence and your PLAN won't last a few hours if it try to challenge the Indian Navy in the IOR.we'll simply cut your supply route by blocking the Mallaca strait and our ASW aircrafts gonna take care of your Ming-Ding-Dong submarines operating in the IOR:omghaha:
Have they done it yet? Dioplomatic Talk is cheap... But comes to the real thing, Russia will not offend China. Who is bigger allies to Russia? Don't tell me is Vietnam :lol:
Vietnam has been the true ally of Russia since 62 years. Remember of Soviets-Vietnam military alliance?
If you haven´t noticed Russia and VN have worked together to exploit oil since 1981. And more are to come.

PVEP, Vietsovpetro sign oil and gas contract | VOV Online Newspaper
Vietsovpetro targets 5.4 million tonnes of crude oil in 2013 | VOV Online Newspaper
listen mate the Indian Navy is the undisputed king of the IOR(except for the U.S.N.,but then again they are our strategic ally).so the PLAN neither has the power nor the capability to challenge the might of the I.N. in the I.O.R. at this moment and in the future the I.N. gonna operate around 4-5 CBGs plus around 24-30 Boeing P8-I ASW maritime aircrafts which will hunt down anything which is hostile in the IOR.Period!

You mean 4-5 fishing trawler build in future?? Look at Indian amphibious forces. what do you have? You even need to beg from US to get an Austin class LDP, can't even build a single one of it. Do you have LCAC to transport heavy MBT to unprepared shore?

And your state of art Kolkata class destroyer is still a crap. How are you going to provide air defense for your projection forces? :lol:
What a cheap shot.

Then I challenged you back. You can't even take on S.L, how can you handle China?

When did Japanese send warship? You must have too many BS info feeding from western or India media? You Indian like to distort and lie things. Shame on you. :lol:


Japanese coast guard repelled Chinese activists and you countered them with trawlers :lol:
Vietnam has been the true ally of Russia since 62 years. Remember of Soviets-Vietnam military alliance?
If you haven´t noticed Russia and VN have worked together to exploit oil since 1981. And more are to come.

PVEP, Vietsovpetro sign oil and gas contract | VOV Online Newspaper
Vietsovpetro targets 5.4 million tonnes of crude oil in 2013 | VOV Online Newspaper

Russian are practical people. You can continue stay in your delusion that they will offend China now for few oil field. :lol:
It's good that we have rattled India to the very core right in their backyard, we must send a crystal clear message to the ruthless savage thugs in India that their belligerence and fascist behaviour towards their peaceful neighbours will not be tolerated by China and the international community.
as if we care about the chinese people and their obsolete and crappy armed forces!you make a move in the IOR and the next thing that you'll see will be all your subs sitting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean!
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