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China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

Japanese coast guard repelled Chinese activists and you countered them with trawlers :lol:

:lol: Indian are number one in delusion. Even caught with lie and they still put on a thick skin attitude. You can lie and distort but you can rebuke facts. Or is the truth too hard for you to accept? :lol:
India should rely on its own strength. Your population is nearly equal of China. What you need is more self-confidence. China is not unbeatable power.

It isn't stone age when population was considered strength.

It would be foolhardy to take on China , and Pakistan alone we won't take that risk. We need to form alliances with countries to keep China under check.
i think what the Chinese leader meant was that he would protect sri lanka from any UN resolutions against it. Not against India...unless he was talking about Indian fisher men straying into sri lankan waters.

You mean 4-5 fishing trawler build in future?? Look at Indian amphibious forces. what do you have? You even need to beg from US to get an Austin class LDP, can't even build a single one of it. Do you have LCAC to transport heavy MBT to unprepared shore?

And your state of art Kolkata class destroyer is still a crap. How are you going to provide air defense for your projection forces? :lol:
and now look at your warships.
couple of dozens of Ming-ding-dong obsolete subs with WW-II tech.,a few type-056 luhu class fishing trawlers

and a floating casino aka a/c varyag:omghaha:
as if we care about the chinese people and their obsolete and crappy armed forces!you make a move in the IOR and the next thing that you'll see will be all your subs sitting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean!
Crappy is yours!



Show what can you can used to land your MBT in enemy unprepared shore of your power projection? None :lol:
It isn't stone age when population was considered strength.

It would be foolhardy to take on China , and Pakistan alone we won't take that risk. We need to form alliances with countries to keep China under check.
The question is: if India leadership wants to make alliances?
and now look at your warships.
couple of dozens of Ming-ding-dong obsolete subs with WW-II tech.,a few type-056 luhu class fishing trawlers

and a floating casino aka a/c varyag:omghaha:

At least its a working casino.



Not like some faulty carrier with non workable boiler engine :lol:

And this is our workable and commission state of art 052C destroyer. Save your cheap shot somewhere.. :lol:

VLS SAM with 200km range, AESA radar.

Crappy is yours!



Show what can you can used to land your MBT in enemy unprepared shore of your power projection? None :lol:
have you heard about INS Jalaswa aka former USS Trenton which can carry around 20-30 MBT plus a thousand troops and wait I.N. has already issued R.F.I. to acquire around 4 L.P.D.s which will be most probably Mistal class L.P.D.

-INS Jalaswa
INS Jalashwa (L41) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now that China has shown its cards, it is good for Indian policy makers. Their work is cut out. They were till now like headless chickens. For strategic alliance with Vietnam, Australia, SK, Japan and work closely with U.S in SCS and Indian Ocean. Have some naval assets venture out in SCS waters.
:lol: Indian are number one in delusion. Even caught with lie and they still put on a thick skin attitude. You can lie and distort but you can rebuke facts. Or is the truth too hard for you to accept? :lol:

What is that lie, Chinese way of debating and spoon feed attitude, point here is Japan used force of their coast guard or military what ever, but china responded by making chinese fishermen as their cannon fodder :lol:
listen mate the Indian Navy is the undisputed king of the IOR(except for the U.S.N.,but then again they are our strategic ally).so the PLAN neither has the power nor the capability to challenge the might of the I.N. in the I.O.R. at this moment and in the future the I.N. gonna operate around 4-5 CBGs plus around 24-30 Boeing P8-I ASW maritime aircrafts which will hunt down anything which is hostile in the IOR.Period!

Indian navy is technologically inferior and cannot produce a single naval platform with indigenous components. Indian navy is nothing more than target practise for the PLAN. India neither has the money nor the technology to be any challenge to China now or for the rest of the 21st century. India has alot of grandiose dreams, but that's all they will remain....dreams.
India cannot even defend their own backyard and China is only getting richer and technologically more capable by the day.
The question is: if India leadership wants to make alliances?

Well said. Capacity is there but is the political will there for Indian leaders?

As for Indians - wake up and smell coffee on how to deal with SL - friendly nation my ***.
you're gonna carpet bomb us with what!your PLA won't last a day against our Air Defence and your PLAN won't last a few hours if it try to challenge the Indian Navy in the IOR.we'll simply cut your supply route by blocking the Mallaca strait and our ASW aircrafts gonna take care of your Ming-Ding-Dong submarines operating in the IOR:omghaha:

We will carpet bomb you with the same military that massacred you in 1962. You neither have the capability nor the will to cut off supply routes. India barely have a navy to boast about let alone taking in the PLAN.
india dont need lesson from vietnam whom lost every war they fought and colonised by three different countries , man you vietcong really think you are something embaressing

Lost every war? Lol...you don´t know at all.

Here are some pics showing 11,800 French soldiers walking into prison camp after the battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954):



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