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China Quantum Communiations Technology: Cryptography, Radar, Satellite, Teleportation, Network

QKD is more relevant in an industrial control sort of scenario(remember Iran and the Siemens centrifuges) rather than securing communications over larger distances. The cases for security over larger distances are few. More over with the available encryption technology and reasonable tech savvy person can ensure secure communication.
China to launch the world's first quantum communication satellite in 2016

China to build global quantum communication network in 2030

Editor: zhangyerong 丨Xinhua

11-03-2014 09:15 BJT

HEFEI, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- China will build a global quantum communication network by 2030, said a leading Chinese quantum physicist on Sunday.

"China's quantum information science and technology is developing very fast and China leads in some areas in this field," said Pan Jianwei, a Chinese quantum scientist and professor at the University of Science and Technology of China.

The field of quantum communication, the science of transmitting quantum states from one place to another, grabbed global attention in recent years after the discovery of quantum cryptography, which is described as a way of creating "unbreakable" messages.

China will achieve Asia-Europe intercontinental quantum key distribution in 2020 and build a global quantum communication network in 2030, said Pan at the 2014 International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing,which opened Sunday in east China's Hefei city.

In 2011, China initiated a program to launch a satellite for quantum information and technology experiments in 2016, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The program is going smoothly and major technological breakthroughs have been achieved:enjoy:, according to Pan, who won the International Quantum Communication Award in 2012.

"The technology of metropolitan quantum communication is basically mature, but if we want to achieve worldwide communication, we need the help of satellites," he said.

This is the first time that China hosts the world's most influential biannual quantum conference, which will last until Thursday.

More than 400 experts from 28 countries and regions will discuss research, achievements and industrialization in the quantum information field during the meeting.

China to build global quantum communication network in 2030 - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

This can significantly hamper SIGNIT capabilities of nations attempting spying on China
Tests of China's first low-earth orbit comsat complete

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2014-10-28
  • 16:30 (GMT+8)
The Ling Qiao, China's first low-earth-orbit communications satellite (comsat), designed by Beijing's Tsinghua University and Xinwei Telecom Enterprise Group, has completed its orbit test, marking a breakthrough for China, reports the website of China's Global Times.

Weighing 130 kilograms, the satellite runs at a Sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of about 800 kilometers, covering an area 2,400 km in diameter. China launched the satellite with the Long March 2A rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Sept. 4, starting an in-orbit test communications task between mobile phones and hand-held GPS devices.

Two hundred and eight spacecraft were successfully launched in 2013 worldwide, exceeding the record high of 173 during the 1990s, due to the launch of a remarkably large amount of small satellites. Small satellites below 500 kg account for 63% of total spacecraft, and among them 44% weigh less than 10 kg.

Compared to big satellites, the functions of small satellites are limited when taken in isolation, but when several small satellites are deployed in multiple orbits, in what are called constellation networks, they provide greater resolution, an increase in coverage and decrease signal diminishing. The US recently updated their Iridium satellite constellation which was developed during the 1990s.

There was no effective or low-cost way for telecommunications technology to cover more than 80% of China's land mass and 95% of its claimed ocean territory until the development of the Ling Qiao satellite. It will provide an affordable mobile telecom service for fishermen and forestry workers, according to the project manager.

It is possible that the satellite will be used for rescue work during natural disasters if the time between launch and operation can be reduced. The satellite could also enhance the positioning ability of Beidou, the Chinese satellite navigation system. It may also have military applications, according to the website.
Secure quantum communications go the distance

Nov 13, 2014

Lockdown: quantum cryptography works across 200 km

A quantum protocol designed to prevent hackers from stealing secret keys has been implemented across a 200 km fibre-optic link – which is four times further than previous incarnations of the scheme. This latest implementation of the "measurement-device-independent quantum-key distribution" (MDIQKD) protocol can also transmit keys more than 500 times faster than previous set-ups.

Quantum cryptography involves two people – Alice and Bob – sharing a secret key that they can use to encode and decode messages. The key is encoded into a string of quantum particles, such as polarized photons, so that any eavesdropper – Eve – attempting to copy the key as it passes from Alice to Bob reveals her presence by virtue of the laws of quantum mechanics – which dictate that the act of measuring affects the system being measured.

While this quantum-key distribution (QKD) is completely secure in principle, imperfections in the equipment used to implement it make QKD vulnerable to hackers. In 2011, for example, physicists in Norway and Singapore showed that the single-photon detector used by Bob can be "blinded" with bright light so that it works as a classical rather than a quantum device. This allows Eve to intercept keys without Bob or Alice noticing.

Bad patches

While commercial QKD systems are now resilient to blinding – and all other weaknesses identified to date – this has involved a number of "patches", which leave the systems vulnerable to future, unknown attacks. In the latest work, a group from the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei led by Jian-Wei Pan and Qiang Zhang has demonstrated a QKD protocol that aims for immunity against both known and unknown threats, by taking the detector out of Bob's hands.

Rather than Alice sending photons to Bob, both send streams of photons to an untrusted third party – who could even be Eve – to carry out a public measurement. Alice and Bob prepare their photons so that they are randomly polarized in one of four possible states – horizontally, vertically, or along one of two opposing diagonals – and Eve then measures the interference from each pair of incoming particles. If she hears a click she knows that Alice's photon is anti-correlated with Bob's, but she cannot know what specific states those photons are in, whereas the two senders can work out the state of their partner's photon simply by knowing the state of their own. Alice and Bob then publically compare a fraction of their bit strings to see how many errors Eve has made – if she has made too many they know that she has been lying.

Splices and interconnectors

The MDIQKD protocol was proposed by Hoi-Kwong Lo of the University of Toronto and colleagues in 2012, and has since been demonstrated by several groups including Lo's and Pan's. However, these previous tests involved low transmission rates – up to 0.1 bit/s – and were carried out across just a few tens of kilometres.

Now, Pan and colleagues have upped the bit rate by more than a factor of 500 along a lab-based spooled fibre-optic cable some 200 km long. They also field-tested using a 30 km underground cable-television fibre in Hefei. This only managed 17 bit/s because of losses at cable splices and interconnectors.

To get to higher bit rates, Pan's group increased the pulse rate of the two transmitting lasers. This was a major challenge because pulses from the two devices must remain indistinguishable, having the same pulse shape and frequency spectrum as well as arriving simultaneously. The group also increased the efficiency of its single-photon detector.

Not all is lost for hackers :enjoy:
Vadim Makarov, University of Waterloo

One of the members of the Singapore/Norway hacking group,Vadim Makarov, now at the University of Waterloo in Canada, believes that the latest demonstration represents an "important technological step" in the development of quantum cryptography. But he says that "not all is lost for hackers", arguing that while eavesdroppers have been "defeated at the photon detector", they might still be able to exploit loopholes "lurking in the photon source".

Zhang agrees, explaining that complete security could be achieved by having Eve send pairs of entangled photons along a lossless channel to perfectly functioning detectors operated by Alice and Bob. However, he says, such high-performance devices would be very difficult to make, and argues that, in any case, photon detectors are far more vulnerable to attack than the sources are, because they must receive whatever a potential eavesdropper can throw at them. "Our scheme is less beautiful than the theoretically perfect one," he says, "but it is more practical."

Lower-cost option

Commercializing the scheme will involve further increasing the laser repetition rate and the detector efficiency. But Zhang argues that once a high-enough bit rate has been achieved, MDIQKD should prove ideal for building quantum networks. One important cost benefit of the scheme is that a network would only need one single-photon detector. This is the most expensive component in a QKD system, and existing commercial systems require one detector per receiving Bob.

For Makarov, however, it remains to be seen whether industry adopts the scheme. "It requires more sophisticated parts and finer engineering than today's commercial products," he says.

The research is published in Physical Review Letters.
Data teleportation: The quantum space race
Fierce rivals have joined forces in the race to teleport information to and from space.

05 December 2012

Three years ago, Jian-Wei Pan brought a bit of Star Trek to the Great Wall of China. From a site near the base of the wall in the hills north of Beijing, he and his team of physicists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei aimed a laser at a detector on a rooftop 16 kilometres away, then used the quantum properties of the laser's photons to 'teleport' information across the intervening space1. At the time, it was a world distance record for quantum teleportation, and a major step towards the team's ultimate aim of teleporting photons to a satellite.

If that goal is achieved, it will establish the first links of a 'quantum Internet' that harnesses the powers of subatomic physics to create a super-secure global communication network. It will confirm China's ascent in the field, from a bit-player a little more than a decade ago to a global powerhouse: in 2016, ahead of Europe and North America, China plans to launch a satellite dedicated to quantum-science experiments. It will offer physicists a new arena in which to test the foundations of quantum theory, and explore how they fit together with the general theory of relativity — Einstein's very different theory of space, time and gravity.

It will also mark the culmination of Pan's long, yet fiercely competitive, friendship with Anton Zeilinger, a physicist at the University of Vienna. Zeilinger was Pan's PhD adviser, then for seven years his rival in the long-distance quantum-teleportation race, and now his collaborator. Once the satellite launches, the two physicists plan to create the first intercontinental quantum-secured network, connecting Asia to Europe by satellite. “There's an old Chinese saying, 'He who teaches me for one day is my father for life',” says Pan. “In scientific research, Zeilinger and I collaborate equally, but emotionally I always regard him as my respected elder.”

Fast mover
Pan was only in his early thirties when he set up China's first lab for manipulating the quantum properties of photons in 2001, and when he proposed the satellite mission in 2003. And he was 41 in 2011, when he became the youngest researcher ever to be inducted into the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “He almost single-handedly pushed this project through and put China on the quantum map,” says team member Yu-Ao Chen, also at the USTC.

Pan's drive dates back to his undergraduate years at the USTC in the late 1980s, when he first encountered the paradoxes at play in the atomic realm. Quantum objects can exist in a superposition of many states: a particle can spin both clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time, for instance, and it can simultaneously be both here and over there. This multiple personality is described mathematically by the particle's wavefunction, which gives the probability that it is in each of those states. Only when the particle's properties are measured does the wavefunction collapse, choosing a definite state in a single location. Crucially, there is no way, even in principle, to predict the result of a single experiment; the probabilities show up only as a statistical distribution and only when the experiment is repeated many times.

Things get even weirder when two or more particles are involved, thanks to the quantum property of entanglement. Multiple particles can be prepared in such a way that measurements on one are correlated with measurements made on the others, even if the particles are separated by huge distances — and even though the phenomenon of superposition demands that these properties cannot be fixed until the instant they are probed. It is as strange as a physicist in Beijing and another in Vienna flipping coins in unison, and finding that they always either both throw heads or both throw tails. “I was obsessed with these quantum paradoxes,” says Pan. “They distracted me so much that I couldn't even study other things.” He wanted to test the veracity of these almost inconceivable claims, but he could not find a suitable experimental quantum physics lab in China.

The natural progression for budding Chinese physicists in Pan's position was to study in the United States — so natural, in fact, that fellow students joked that their university's acronym, USTC, actually stood for 'United States Training Centre'. But Pan wanted to learn from a quantum experimental master. And for him, one physicist stood out: Zeilinger.

In 1989, Zeilinger had collaborated with physicists Daniel Greenberger, now at the City University of New York, and Michael Horne, now at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts, on a key theorem governing the entanglement of three or more particles2. The work was a turning point for the field — and for Zeilinger. “At conferences, I realized that very important older physicists had started to regard me as the quantum expert,” he says. By the mid-1990s, Zeilinger had set up his own quantum lab at the University of Innsbruck in Austria and needed a student to test some of his ideas. Pan seemed the perfect fit. So, in a rare move for a Chinese student, Pan relocated to Austria, beginning a relationship with Zeilinger that would see their careers develop in tandem over the next two decades.

Even as a graduate student, Pan had big ambitions for his home country. At their first meeting, Zeilinger asked Pan what his dream was. “To build in China a world-leading lab like yours,” Pan replied. Zeilinger was impressed. “When he first came, he knew nothing about working in a lab, but he quickly picked up the rules of the game and was soon inventing his own experiments,” he says. “I always knew he would have a wonderful career — but the incredible success that he has had, I don't think anyone could have foreseen. I am very proud of him.”

While Pan was mastering his craft in Zeilinger's lab, physicists around the world were slowly embracing the notion that the esoteric quantum features that so enchanted Pan could be harnessed to create, say, ultra-powerful quantum computers. Standard computers chug slowly through information coded in binary digits — strings of zeros and ones. But as early as 1981, the physicist Richard Feynman had pointed out that quantum bits, known as 'qubits', need not be so encumbered. Because a qubit can simultaneously exist in superpositions of 0 and 1, it should be possible to build faster, more powerful quantum computers that would entangle multiple qubits together and perform certain calculations in parallel, and at breathtaking speed.

Another emerging idea was ultra-secure quantum encryption for applications such as bank transactions. The key idea is that measuring a quantum system irrevocably disrupts it. So two people, Alice and Bob, could generate and share a quantum key, safe in the knowledge that any meddling by an eavesdropper would leave a trace.

By the time Pan returned to China in 2001, the potential for quantum-based technologies was recognized enough to attract financial support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. “The lucky thing was that in 2000 the economy of China started to grow, so the timing was suddenly right to do good science,” Pan says. He plunged into building his dream lab.

Back in Austria, meanwhile, Zeilinger had moved to the University of Vienna, where he continued to set quantum records thanks to his penchant for thinking big. One of his most celebrated experiments showed that buckyballs, fullerene molecules containing 60 carbon atoms, can exhibit both wave and particle behaviour3 — a peculiar quantum effect that many thought could not survive in such large molecules. “Everyone had been talking about maybe trying this experiment with small, diatomic molecules,” recalls Zeilinger. “I said, 'no guys, don't just think of the next one or two steps ahead, think about how to make a huge unexpected leap beyond everyone's thinking'.”

That was a lesson that Pan heeded well. Physicists around the world were beginning to imagine the futuristic quantum Internet, based on links between quantum computers that had yet to be built. At a time when most practitioners were still happy to get quantum information safely across a lab bench, Pan was already starting to think about how to teleport it across the planet.



Jian-Wei Pan is working on ways to teleport photons between Earth and space.

First proposed in 1993 by computer scientist Charles Bennett of IBM in New York and his colleagues4, quantum teleportation earned its sensational name because, “like something out ofStar Trek”, says Chen, it allows all information about a quantum object to be scanned in one location and then recreated in a new place. The key is entanglement (see 'Quantum at a distance slideshow'): because operations carried out on one of the entangled particles affect the state of its partner, no matter how far away it is, the two objects can be manipulated to act like two ends of a quantum telephone line, transmitting quantum information between two widely separated locations.

The challenge arises when entangled particles, which must be produced together, are transmitted to their respective ends of the phone connection. Such a journey is fraught with noise, scattering interactions and all manner of other disruptions, any of which can destroy the delicate quantum correlations required to make teleportation work. Currently, for example, entangled photons are transported through optical fibres. But fibres absorb light, which keeps the photons from travelling more than a few hundred kilometres. Standard amplifiers can't help, because the amplification process will destroy the quantum information. “For teleporting to distances beyond the range of a city, we need to teleport through a satellite,” says Chen.

But would entanglement survive the upward trip through Earth's turbulent atmosphere to a satellite hundreds of kilometres overhead? To find out, Pan's team, including Chen, began in 2005 to carry out ground-based feasibility tests across ever-increasing expanses of clear air to find out whether photons lose their entanglement when they bump into air molecules. But they also needed to build a target detector that was both small enough to fit on a satellite and sensitive enough to pick out the teleported photons from background light. And then they had to show that they could focus their photon beam tightly enough to hit the detector.

The work aroused Zeilinger's competitive instincts. “The Chinese were doing it, so we thought, why not try it?” he says with a laugh. “Some friendly competition is always good.” The race began to push the distance record farther and farther (see 'Duelling records'). Over the next seven years, through a series of experiments carried out in Hefei, then by the Great Wall in Beijing and finally in Qinghai, the Chinese team teleported over ever-greater distances, until it passed 97 kilometres5. The researchers announced their results in May, posting a paper on the physics preprint server, arXiv — much to the chagrin of the Austrian team, which was writing up the results of its own effort to teleport photons between two of the Canary Islands. The Austrian group posted its paper on arXiv eight days later, reporting a new distance record of 143 kilometres6. The papers were eventually published, in quick succession, in Nature5, 6. “I think that was in recognition of the fact that each experiment has different and complementary merits,” says Xiao-song Ma, a physicist at the University of Vienna and a member of the Austrian team.
7 and their polarizations would undergo a tiny, random rotation8 — effects that could be large enough to be picked up at the ground station. “A satellite will open a truly novel window into a regime that experimenters haven't had access to before — and that is fantastic,” says Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, a physicist at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Pan, Zeilinger and their teams are currently scrutinizing the ideas generated in a recent series of workshops at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, where physicists were asked to come up with other foundational questions that could be tested by satellites9. The questions that arose included: how does an entangled particle always know the result of a measurement made on its far-distant partner? Do the pairs somehow communicate though some still-unknown information channel? What causes the quantum wavefunction to collapse when it is measured? Is gravity somehow involved? And is time a precisely defined quantity, as described in general relativity — or is it fuzzy, as might be expected from quantum mechanics?

Answering such questions will require apparatus of extraordinary sensitivity, says Pan. But meeting the technical challenges they raise will be easier now that the teams have joined forces, he says. The Austrian group, too, is seizing the new collaboration with enthusiasm. As Zeilinger says, “One of my students has just started learning Chinese.”




(06 December 2012)


Data teleportation: The quantum space race : Nature News & Comment
This is a great story in Nature!

Pan Jianwei, if he succeeds can win a Nobel for China! Also, China should work hard to bring the exceptional Chinese talent in foreign land, by giving them all kinds of benefits.
The prototyping of the 1st quantum communication satellite,the launch of which is scheduled for 2016,is going smoothly and all according to the plan。
Three aspects of Quantum physics that could not be explained by classical physics...

1. observer effect on wave particles( wave collapse)
2. discontinuous quantum leaps(discrete quantum states)
3. Entanglement at a distance

Just imagine our view of this world if we could formulate physics at microscopic level. It is commendable that our neighbour is taking the lead in this understanding of mysteries of quantum physics.
Quantum communication advances in China

Staff Reporter


China will soon complete a quantum communication line linking Beijing and Shanghai, as the country leads the way in technology that will offer a more secure delivery of information, the Chinese-language New Century magazine reports.

Pan Jianwei, a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, is behind China's head position in the development of quantum communications technology, the magazine said.

A paper Pan co-wrote with Anton Zeilinger and other scientists in 1997, titled "Quantum Computing with Controlled-NOT and Few Qubits," was named by Nature as one of the 21 influential publications of the 20th century. Other publications chosen by the science journal include Roentgen's discovery of X-rays and Einstein's Theory of Relativity, according to the magazine.

Pan returned from Austria in 2001 and his team helped build the quantum communication hotlines used for China's military parade on Oct. 1, 2009, when his country celebrated its 60th anniversary.

According to Pan, his work in 2009 made China the first country in the world to adopt the technology for practical use.

Pan's team then designed a pilot quantum communication network in Hefei, Anhui province, where his university is located. The network at that time cost 60 million yuan (US$9.9 million) and was completed in February 2012 after 18 months of construction.

The network in Hefei offers government agencies, financial institutions, medical facilities, weapon manufacturers and research institutes lines that can make secure phone calls or video calls.

Another network was inaugurated in March 2014 in Jinan, Shandong province, the magazine added.

The two existing networks, along with a main communications line between Beijing and Shanghai, which is set to be completed this year, will begin providing transmission of information at the highest level of security between the two metropolises starting in 2016, according to the magazine.

Pan told the magazine that China is now building satellites to be deployed for quantum communications.

Jianyu Wang, deputy head of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Shanghai branch, said during a forum late last year that China is set to launch the world's first quantum communication satellite in 2016.

Pan expects China can achieve delivery of the distribution of quantum key, which is used to decode encrypted information, between Asia and Europe by 2020 and around the world by 2030.

Zhao Yong, president of one of the two companies Pan's university set up to commercialize the technology, said quantum communication technology plays a supplementary role to offer more secure channels but will not replace existing methods.

Quantum communication advances in China|Technology|Business|WantChinaTimes.com
China Leads in Unhackable Quantum Communication, Completing 2000km Network by 2016

China will complete and put into service the world’s longest quantum communication network stretching 2,000km from Beijing to Shanghai by 2016, say scientists leading the project.

International Daily News carries Xinhua Nov. 2 report that at the 12th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC), University of Science and Technology of China Prof. Pan Jianwei told the conference that as China has successfully carried out quite a few experiments at Qianhai Lake, it is now conducting a project to build a quantum communication satellite.

For over a decade, Chinese scientists have been world leaders in making major top breakthroughs to make quantum communication one of the not many sophisticated technologies China excels in the world.

At the beginning of 2012, Pan’s team successfully established in Hefei city world first large-scale quantum communication network covering the area of a city with 46 nodes, the largest in number of nodes compared to all similar networks in the world. It marked a key breakthrough in the technology of quantum communication network with large capacity.

Prof. Pan said that the technology in citywide quantum confidential communication network was in the main mature. SCMP says in its report on Nov. 4, “China will complete and put into service the world’s longest quantum communication network stretching 2,000km from Beijing to Shanghai by 2016, say scientists leading the project.”

However, Prof Pan says that satellites have to be used for a quantum communication network covering vast area.

According to Xinhua, China is carrying out smoothly its project of “Quantum Scientific Experimental Satellite”. After successful launch of a quantum communication satellite, China will continue its research in order to set up a global satellite quantum communication network by 2030.

Source: International Daily News “China to complete global quantum communication network by 2030” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)

Source: SCMP “China to launch hack-proof quantum communication network in 2016”
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