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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramazan - World - DAWN.COM


BEIJING: Some local governments in China's unruly far western region of Xinjiang are stepping up controls on the Islamic faith followed by the Uighur people ahead of Ramazan, including making officials swear they will not fast.

The holy month, which begins this week, is a sensitive time in Xinjiang following an uptick in deadly attacks blamed by Beijing on Islamist militants over the past three years in which hundreds have died.

In recent days, state media and government websites in Xinjiang have published stories and official notices demanding that party members, civil servants, students and teachers in particular do not observe Ramazan, something that happened last year too.

In Jinghe county near the Kazakh border, food safety officials decided last week that they would “guide and encourage” halal restaurants to stay open as normal during Ramazan, the government said on its website.

Those that do stay open would get fewer visits from food safety inspectors, it added.

Other government institutions have given similar instructions.

In Maralbexi county, where 21 died in violent unrest in 2013, party officials had to give verbal as well as written assurances “guaranteeing they have no faith, will not attend religious activities and will lead the way in not fasting over Ramazan”, state media said.

Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say the government's repressive policies in Xinjiang, including restrictions on religious practices, have provoked unrest, allegations denied by Beijing.

“China is increasing its bans and monitoring as Ramazan approaches. The faith of the Uighurs has been highly politicised, and the increase in controls could cause sharp resistance,” Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled Uighur group, the World Uyghur Congress, said in a statement.

Telephone calls to the Xinjiang government's spokesman seeking comment were not answered.

The government there has always denied trying to curb fasting, though officials and people younger than 18 are banned from participating in religious activities.

On Sunday, Xinjiang's Communist Party chief, Zhang Chunxian, warned that the region's stability faced “sustained pressure” from religious extremists.

China's Communist Party says it protects freedom of religion, but it maintains a tight grip on religious activities and allows only officially recognised religious institutions to operate.

China has around 20 million Muslims spread throughout the country, only a portion of which are Uighur, a Turkic-language speaking group that calls Xinjiang home.
The denial of Ramadan fasting by Chinese authorities in Uighuristan in condemnable. The Ccommunist authorites have destroyed mosques and Muslum monuments in order to destroy native Uighur culture. Millions of ethnic Hans are being settled in Uighuristan in order to change its ethnic balance in order to to make native Uighurs a minority.
another an old mechanical style anti-China False or exaggerated propaganda articles:blink:
However, what effect?:patsak:
The denial of Ramadan fasting by Chinese authorities in Uighuristan in condemnable. The Ccommunist authorites have destroyed mosques and Muslum monuments in order to destroy native Uighur culture. Millions of ethnic Hans are being settled in Uighuristan in order to change its ethnic balance in order to to make native Uighurs a minority.
How dare you speak the truth and show spine ?
Sometimes the communist party of China is so stupid. Muslims can practise all over China (not to the fullest like all religions in China) except Xinjiang?
IF this is true, and China is doing this, then that's just messed up. They should not intervene in people's personal religious affairs and order them around. Such actions will only further alienate and antagonize the native Uighur population against the Chinese government.
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What BS. So China allowed it for all it's history, but now in 2015, they suddenly disallow it. The anti-China propaganda machine is spinning full power.
another an old mechanical style anti-China False or exaggerated propaganda articles:blink:
However, what effect?:patsak:

Correction ..this is Pakistani "propaganda" against China.

China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramazan - World - DAWN.COM

One can asses the truth of situation, when one's best friend starts criticizing you.
they should do as they are told. the Chinese government knows best. if not China should start a program to emigrate a million Han into Xianjing.
they should do as they are told. the Chinese government knows best. if not China should start a program to emigrate a million Han into Xianjing.

Do you like being told what to do also? if China knows best :lol: would you jump of a cliff?
they should do as they are told. the Chinese government knows best. if not China should start a program to emigrate a million Han into Xianjing.

Already did that

In what is perhaps the ultimate attempt at ethnic dilution, China's strict one-child policy has been waived for Han Chinese willing to move to Xinjiang; they are allowed to have two children, a benefit which encourages further immigration. In effect, there has been a systematic policy to reduce the Muslim heritage of Xinjiang. As a result of the increase in Han settlers in Xinjiang employed by the PCC or otherwise, the region has gone from 76% Uighurs in 1949 to 45% Uighurs today. The increase in Han settlement has been a major source of friction in Uighur-Chinese relations

http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The Dialogue/7_3/Dialogue_July_September2012_235-254.pdf
they can only have 2 children?? that should be lifted to at least 4. Xinjiang is a land of opportunity.
There is shortage of Pork there, which could be a difficult to accept for largest consumers of pork when considering migration to Xinjiang.
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If this was India JUD and HS would be spitting venom and declaring jihad on kafir India :rolleyes:
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