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China probably saved hundreds of thousands of coronavirus cases-WHO


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China probably saved hundreds of thousands of coronavirus cases-WHO

February 24, 2020
7:54 AM EST

BEIJING — China’s “incredibly difficult measures” in tackling the coronavirus that emerged late last year has probably prevented hundreds of thousands of cases in the country, the head of a visiting World Health Organization (WHO) delegation said.

Bruce Aylward, speaking at a joint press briefing with officials from China’s National Health Commission (NHC), said multiple data sources supported the general downward trend in the number infections being reported by the commission despite some statistical issues observed in recent weeks.

The WHO team in recent days inspected various parts of China including Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province and the epicenter of the outbreak.

The NHC earlier on Monday reported 409 new coronavirus cases, down from 648 a day earlier, as China began to unwind transport and travel curbs put in place since January to keep the virus from spreading further.

More than 20 province-level jurisdictions including Beijing and Shanghai reported zero infections, the best showing since the outbreak began.

Top leaders including President Xi Jinping have continued to preach vigilance, however, exhorting the public to keep its guard up. The virus has killed nearly 2,600 people in mainland China alone and infected nearly 80,000 to date.

More than 3,000 medical staff in China had been infected by the new coronavirus, National Health Commission official Liang Wannian told reporters, underscoring the threat posed by the virus.

Those infections mostly occurred in Hubei and were likely due to the lack of protective gear and fatigue, he said.

Concerning almost 3,000 medical staff members got impacted very serious illness no doubt
UN chief praises China's contribution to global fight against COVID-19
Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-25 06:13:12|Editor: yan

GENEVA, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday praised China's contribution to the global fight against COVID-19, noting that the Chinese are making efforts for humanity.

After discussing COVID-19 outbreak with the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva, Guterres called on all countries to assume their responsibilities in combating COVID-19.

The UN chief urged all countries to "do everything to be prepared" for containing the epidemic, stressing the principle of non-discrimination, non-stigmatization and human rights should be respected.

"If some fail, if some do not do everything that is needed, this disease can still become out of control with dramatic consequences in global health and economy," he warned.

In response to a question from Xinhua, Guterres expressed his gratitude to all the people in China who are sacrificing many aspects of their normal lives to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

The decline of the number of new cases since the beginning of February is a very good indication, Guterres said, expressing the hope that this trend can be maintained on a continuous basis.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 10:24
Experts applaud handling of outbreak
By Andrew Moody
Country plays vital role as 'global citizen'



China has bought the world time in the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, according to an internationally renowned virologist.

Paul Hunter, professor of health protection at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, said the measures taken by China may yet be seen to have averted a global disaster.

"What China is doing is almost certainly delaying the spread and, hopefully, it will be delayed to a point where we have mass vaccination available. The availability of a vaccine is the thing that is going to make a difference to the total number of deaths," he said.

"People are working on this more than any other vaccine in history. Everything is uncertain."

China's response to the outbreak has been unprecedented, demonstrating how seriously the country takes its responsibilities to its own citizens and to people around the world.

It not only sealed off Wuhan, Hubei province, the outbreak's epicenter, but made the genetic sequence of the virus available at the earliest opportunity and has also been issuing daily bulletins on the latest information about the epidemic.

At a key meeting on Sunday, President Xi Jinping said China will continue to maintain close contact with the World Health Organization, share its experiences on disease control with relevant countries and enhance international cooperation on the research and development of medicines and vaccines.

Koh King Kee, president of the Centre for New Inclusive Asia, a leading Asian think tank based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, said China has shown itself to be a true global citizen in its moment of crisis.

"The Chinese people have demonstrated unity and made huge sacrifices to contain the spread of the virus for their own good and that of the world. China deserves loud applause from around the world," he said.

Robert Dingwall, a leading medical sociologist and professor at the School of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University in the UK, said China has taken extraordinary steps that would not be possible in the West.

"It has done many things that are only possible in a society with a strong central government able to take rapid initiatives once decisions have been made," he said.

However, he believes that local governments in China also need to learn lessons from the outbreak.

"Once the crisis is over, China will need to consider how local governments can be empowered to act more on their own initiative, rather than waiting for authorization from an appropriate level in the central government," Dingwall said.

The efforts made by China to stem the crisis have not always been recognized by some leading international political figures and the global media. Chinese people have also been subjected to cruel incidences of xenophobia.

Alistair Michie, chairman of the international board at the Centre for China and Globalization, an independent think tank based in Beijing, regards this as highly regrettable.

"Despite all the efforts China has made, there has been a lot of negative coverage in the media. The eyes and ears of the world are often closed to almost any communication coming out of China," he said.

Michie, a prominent figure in the UK business community in China, believes that when the war against the virus has been won, there will need to be a "rethinking" about how China gets its message across. He has previously called for a "new mindset in communication".

"Many in Europe and the United States are very ignorant about China and the astounding changes I have witnessed over the past 30 years. It was fresh thinking and policies that created the success that was reform and opening-up. There needs to be similar thinking to make a comparable change in communications," he said.

Michie believes this is fully recognized by the Chinese leadership-in particular, by President Xi Jinping.

He said that in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2017, Xi expressed the goal of "building a community of shared future for mankind".

"This is China's concept of being a global citizen and it is this powerful message that needs to be communicated. We are certainly seeing this in action during this outbreak."

Dingwall said he particularly regrets the xenophobia being encountered by Chinese people.

"It is unfortunate that the outbreak has coincided with an upsurge of nationalism in many other countries that has already led to xenophobia and fear of people who have different ideas, beliefs and cultures," he said.

"While people always try to blame new diseases on 'outsiders', we are in particularly fertile times for this to have serious consequences for the individuals who are stigmatized."

Oliver Stelling, a communications adviser specializing in emerging markets, the Middle East and Asia, said he believed the media had its eyes elsewhere and were slow to catch up with what was happening in China.

"It took until late January before there was any global awareness (about the outbreak). For most of December and January, the world was absorbed by (US President Donald) Trump's impeachment trial, Brexit and the UK election, Harry and Meghan, and the Australian bushfires. Perhaps this is a wakeup call," said Stelling, who is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

It has become clear during the outbreak that global cooperation is vital to defeat it, and UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is among those who have underlined this message.

"The coronavirus outbreak represents an unprecedented global health challenge. No single country can overcome, or fully defend against, the threat that coronavirus presents," he wrote in UK newspaper The Sunday Telegraph on Feb 16.

"Whether it is looking out for our nationals around the world or finding a vaccine for the virus, the international community must work together," Raab said.

However, Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, who has become a familiar face in the media in recent weeks, believes this is easier said than done.

"Getting the global community to act together on these things is very difficult. This outbreak will be difficult to contain in China and it will spread to being a pandemic some time this year, although the scale of it might be reduced because of the measures China has taken," he said.

Dingwall said such problems can only be dealt with by "joined up thinking" across governments.

"Epidemics and pandemics are not exclusively public health problems and cannot be approached as such. In the UK, we have, since the early 2000s, been thinking about them as civil emergencies that require cross-government responses, rather than being exclusively the property of the Health Department," he said.

This is certainly the case now in China, where the whole apparatus of the State is focused on tackling the emergency.

Stelling, the communications expert, said that despite these being tough times for China, the country's international reputation could eventually be enhanced by the way in which it has dealt with the crisis.

"If it proves it has handled this well, China's global standing will rise dramatically," he said.

The CCP tyrants covered up the virus which resulted in thousands of innocent people dying and now kissing CCP’s backside.

The WHO head is the former foreign minister from Ethiopia. He has been downplaying the virus until it became too big to ignore. He is more loyal to the CCP than to the WHO. All he did was play a major part in the cover up of the virus to protect the reputation of the CCP.

Only US officials should run important positions in the UN. CCP influence in the UN through pro-CCP puppets resulted in innocent lives lost.

This is exactly what I’ve been saying about the CCP.
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WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 holds press conference in Beijing
Feb 24, 2020

Experts from China and the World Health Organization have given the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak at a press conference in Beijing.

Liang Wannian, head of the Chinese expert panel on outbreak response and disposal, said that most patients have mild symptoms and will recover. The percentage of people showing mild, severe and critical symptoms is around 80, 13 and 6 percent respectively.

Bruce Aylward, head of WHO Experts Team, said the change in the graphic could mean hundreds of thousands of people have avoided infection. He also said that the world needs China's experience to control the epidemic and China has proved that it's done a great job.
The CCP tyrants covered up the virus which resulted in thousands of innocent people dying and now kissing CCP’s backside.

The WHO head is the former foreign minister from Ethiopia. He has been downplaying the virus until it became too big to ignore. He is more loyal to the CCP than to the WHO. All he did was play a major part in the cover up of the virus to protect the reputation of the CCP.

Only US officials should run important positions in the UN. CCP influence in the UN through pro-CCP puppets resulted in innocent lives lost.

This is exactly what I’ve been saying about the CCP.
Haha, suddenly WHO becomes a CCP organ, get a life , man.
China achieves notable results in blocking COVID-19 human-to-human transmission: China-WHO expert team
Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-25 15:34:11|Editor: huaxia

A press conference of the China-WHO joint expert team is held in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 24, 2020. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

China has also played a critical role in protecting the international community, buying precious time for countries to adopt active prevention and control measures and providing them with worthwhile experience, said the China-WHO Joint Mission on COVID-19.

BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- China's unprecedented public health responses to the COVID-19 outbreak have yielded notable results in blocking human-to-human transmission of the virus, preventing or at least delaying hundreds of thousands of cases, said a joint expert team consisting of experts from China and the World Health Organization.

The assessment was given at a press conference on Monday in Beijing after the 25-member team conducted a nine-day field study trip in China's Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan and Hubei.

China has also played a critical role in protecting the international community, buying precious time for countries to adopt active prevention and control measures and providing them with worthwhile experience, the team said.

Bruce Aylward, an epidemiologist who led an advance team from the WHO, speaks during a press conference of the China-WHO joint expert team in Beijing, Feb. 24, 2020. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

China is taking prudent, phased and orderly steps to gradually restore order in social, economic, education and healthcare sectors, it said, adding that other countries should swiftly reassess the measures taken toward China.

Noting that the novel coronavirus is a new pathogen, the team said more information is needed to better understand the transmission dynamics and the severity of the disease, adding that global prevention and control work still faces severe challenges.

Bruce Aylward speaks during a press conference of the China-WHO joint expert team in Beijing, Feb. 24, 2020. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

The team advised countries to take active monitoring measures, strive for early detection, diagnosis, quarantine and treatment, and closely trace and quarantine close contacts.

Countries with imported cases or seeing a surge of cases are advised to immediately activate national emergency plans to ensure governments at every level take necessary intervention measures to block the spread.

Bruce Aylward speaks during a press conference of the China-WHO joint expert team in Beijing, Feb. 24, 2020. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

Countries should be prepared and make emergency response plans and adopt stricter measures if necessary, the team said.

It also called on countries to strengthen exchange of information on the outbreak and stay united to jointly deal with the challenges brought by the COVID-19.
The CCP did not handle the initial response to the virus
Face the reality - this is the face of your technocratic undemocratic closed society
Did Koreans, Italians do any better? How did Republicans or democrats handle H1N1?
Coronavirus is China's fault. I don't know why Chinese nationalists are trying to claim they've saved humanity when they're the one's who spread this disease in the first place.
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