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China population: concerns grow as number of registered births in 2020 plummet

go to the plumber next time you have a medical issue.

No. I will go to an expert that is NOT wrong and knows what he is doing (your experts are wrong!). I will not go to some idiot whose traitorous self serving actions have rewarded evil, robbed the honest, looted nations and caused many deaths.
ith no facts and no experts to back you up.
Honestly, I disengaged from the discussion with you the moment it dawned on me that you have low IQ. No point in duscussing with a meathead. There are Chinese here that told you they are aiming for AI and technology as solution . Fcuking a women and pumping out dozen kids is not exactly difficult or need brains.

The difficult bit is the one where you invest i your kids and equip them to be physically and mentally the best in the world. Instead your suggesting that what the masses do in Pakistan is the solution. Have dozens of kids. No education or barely any education or send them to madaris. Result 10s of millions of oafs walking about producing fcuk all as one look at Pakistami economy tells.

10 million is shockingly low. US which has less than one fourth of chinese populaiton has nearly 4 million.

UK is in terrible condition? who says that ?
10M is before correction. The final number is more like to be 13M.
all that is easier said than done. as society gets richer, it naturally wants less kids. we see that in Japan, South Korea, and Western countries. also, the richer people get, the less likely they are to listen to communists who tell when to fuk, why to fuk, etc. authoritarian rule works when people are poor, not when they become rich.
I second that.
China has high GDP because China has the population to work for in full employment. China had relatively the same population of the Continent of Europe in 1900. Before then China was larger than Europe. China is a continent, united in one country. That is China's strength.

With Europe's modernity and birth control and reduced population is some places. Europe is 750M. Europe chose stagnation. And is taking in migrants to help with their population woes. China continued to grow and is the largest economy because of her population. If you are of the mind-set that population bring woes, how can you figure out a policy of a consumer driven Chinese economy, since that would collapse the economy if Chinese turned to a high consumer economy because too many people = burden and trouble.

China = Europe. China area size is almost the size of Europe. I repeat, China is a united continent as one country. China is like the Roman Empire continuing for thousands of years. China should have a high population. China falling to half the population of Europe for zero population growth and to lessen burdens on CCP, means CCP is useless.

China can make 1000s of subs and 1000s of frigates and warships because of China's high population. China is a continent. Don't limit China as some country comparable to Sweden. Sweden is limited due to low population in making a large fleet.

Machines making machines does not limit prosperity. If a 7 million population country can make AI robots to make life easy for 7 million. A 1.4 billion population country can make enough robots to make life easy for 1.4 billion. Limited resources limit AI machines making machines. Which is why I advise China to stockpile 100 years or more of raw materials like iron and steel, and other metals, so China can survive not only sanctions and war, China can survive shortages of raw materials used for development and quality of life, and military defense. This is why Australia exporting iron ore, makes me happy. Places like US should be stripped of rare earths to the global supply chain. Australia should run out of ore before the free world of China runs out. Use up their resources, don't use up China's resources, and if you need to, import even more iron ore and stockpile, don't dump steel on the US wasting money and steel. Raw materials are the most important thing, other than tech, in that future of AI, and machines serving citizens, of robots and driverless cars.

I seek ways to prepare China for a future of limited resources. If you want the population of China to be 300 million, you are not preparing for 1.4 billion with a vibrant economy and enough resources. You are simply blaming too many people and the need for zero children and a bright future of a few million Chinese enjoying the fruits of a future economy.
I certainly don't think China should worry about the aging population. We are in the 21st century, having large raw human labour to support a nation's economy and social life style is so yester-year.

Human can delegate all monotonous, dirty. hard works to AI machines, and concentrate on works need human intelligence.

Chinese people are just fine at present as well as in future. They don't need 100 million young people do all the hard monotonous work to support families and country. 1 million AI robots can produce more GDP than 200 million factory workers.
China is probably the only country which can easily deal with issues like this. China is run by engineers not lawyers/politicans like other countries. China implemented 1 child policy. It can simply change it to any number it wants and get results easily.
Old boy, u really think by changing policy Chinese will miraculously start having more children just to follow the law? Lool you are very wrong about that. I'm very surprised to see some Chinese here having a favourable view of their country's Draconian one child policy. A policy that has devastated the country's social structure and created a huge demographic issue that will last for centuries to come . There are now tens of millions of young Chinese males who will never have a partner since there are tens of millions more Chinese men compared to women and that gap will only keep increasing(due to femicide, which came about due to one child policy). This desperate young men have to resort to importing brides from neighbouring countries and abroad like Vietnam, Cambodia, Ukraine etc. This should have been a wake up call to Chinese authorities decades ago. They let the issue persist for too long now it seems it's ABIT too late to correct that (albeit their now 2 child policy. Lol)
The thing is young Chinese couples have been killing their unborn baby girls due to this genocidal one child policy since most parents want a boy at least, and they had just one chance to get it right. This trend will and is still going on. It has also let to a situation where single only child children become spoilt since they are the only child and the burden on them also increases with time since they have no siblings and have to support while family alone. Honestly I feel bad for them,I can't imagine how I will feel if I never had brothers and sisters to play with and interact with while growing up and even after reaching adulthood. Can't imagine myself without any siblings whatsoever. There's a whole generation of young Chinese who don't know what it feels like to have a sibling. This is just crazy and can also affect some psychologically.

2 child policy won't change much, Chinese have now gotten used to having one or no children. Moreover the country has been growing wealthy so birth rates will fall even more not increase. So government adopting 1 or 2 or 3 or even 10 child policy won't change anything. You can't go to people's room to force them to make babies if they don't want to or don't feel the need for one. So I think it's too late for that. The one child policy only brought forward China's declining demographic birth rates. So CCCP just accelerated the process.
No, you can force ppl to have children. Bachelor tax for men and women and people will gladly have more children. That's the last resort solution. Firstly you can and should give benefits for people with two children, like money, free education, nurseries, eligibility for cheap big apartments, etc.

I haven't count China's TFR for this year, but with 10 million births it could fall down below 1.0 8-) Also it could be the first-year when China's population starts declining. Last year it was very close to 10 million deaths. Japan's population started declining in 2005. China is 16 years behind. What's more long-term Japanese demographic is better than the Chinese with higher TFR. China is following South Korea.
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No, you can force ppl to have children. Bachelor tax for men and women and people will gladly have more children. That's the last resort solution. Firstly you can and should give benefits for people with two children, like money, free education, nurseries, eligibility for cheap big apartments, etc.

Europeans, Japan and South Korea are all trying this and its not working.
Europeans, Japan and South Korea are all trying this and its not working.
It's working pretty decently. Japan and South Korea haven't come even close to European benefits.

Look at France. If China had demographics like 1.6 TFR or French 1.8 I wouldn't be worried. But with 1.2-1.3 for decades, and now it's going below 1.0 population of China are going to fall from a cliff.

Yup, it is still being practiced in Indonesia until Today where our elderly will be taken care by their kids.

It's widely practiced across Muslim societies, to look after our parents is a religious duty.

I'm not sure about other non Muslim societies, but in the UK/US there is a culture of leaving the parents in care homes. That is not the case with all people though. My neighbours are elderly and English and both their daughters look after them. One moved house to live next door and the other lives with her parents. They also get outside help. A former colleague of mine quit her high paying IT job at Goldman Sachs to look after her grandfather who was terminally ill. Not everyone is motivated with greed, but some are.
No. The other way around. Population should be encouraged to be reduced. High population is unsustainable on the environment. But there is another issue. Quality of human life. The lower the number of workers the economy is forced to invest on the limited manpower to create a highly productive, educated workforce. Meaning a rocket engineer is worth more than a taxi driver or show polisher. But then I hear you say we all can't be rocket engineers. Who will drive taxis? Who will polish shoes? Well maybe in the 21st century it is time for technology to do such tedious, low paying jobs. Meaning as cheap labour force numbers drop the economy is forced to INVEST in technology to compensate for that. What is the main differance between Third World and developed world? So many jobs you see in the Third World are done by machines.

As we move forward this process of technology replacing mundane jobs should speed up. But it won't if you have loads of cheap labour lying around. I have seen this in UK myself. In mid 1990s there was huge increase in auto-car wash places. I stopped washing car at home. You just drove to these auto-places and used your card payment, parked the car and the machine washed your car.

Today we have gone backwards in UK. Since 2000s we have had millions of cheap labour pour in from Eastern Europe and illegal migrants from Middle East etc. Now many of those auto-washes places have gone bankrupt because on every empty lot a bunch of cheap migrant labour is holding brushes and pressure washers. They actually are so cheap they beat the machines.

This is not progress. How about more technology, less workers, but highly qualified to live nice lives.

I agree, I think of society evolves to rely on tech more, it can sustain a reduction in population. I just think many societies are not there yet tech-wise and also there is a huge number of people who could be replaced with tech who are currently too stupid or too old to re-train. For this reason governments won't encourage the move to tech - as supporting the people replaced would require something like universal income and a wealth tax - and the people bankrolling political parties don't want either of those things.

Just think about how much of todays jobs can be automated;

Drivers, warehouse operatives, cooking, car washes as you mentioned, my friend has a robot in his pharmacy fulfilling prescriptions for care homes.
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It's working pretty decently. Japan and South Korea haven't come even close to European benefits.

Look at France. If China had demographics like 1.6 TFR or French 1.8 I wouldn't be worried. But with 1.2-1.3 for decades, and now it's going below 1.0 population of China are going to fall from a cliff.

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it doesnt seem to be working for Europe. they are still having a shortfall in birth rate and are having to make up for it with immigration and the immigrants babies. that will bring the culture change which will lead to friction in society and the rise of the alt-right. but yes, China is definitely more screwed than Europe.
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