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China population: concerns grow as number of registered births in 2020 plummet

China is probably the only country which can easily deal with issues like this. China is run by engineers not lawyers/politicans like other countries. China implemented 1 child policy. It can simply change it to any number it wants and get results easily.

all that is easier said than done. as society gets richer, it naturally wants less kids. we see that in Japan, South Korea, and Western countries. also, the richer people get, the less likely they are to listen to communists who tell when to fuk, why to fuk, etc. authoritarian rule works when people are poor, not when they become rich.
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no that was my point. If you have 10000 stupid people increasing that to 1000000 stupid people won't make them smart. Only a tiny few people in a small number of nations create everything.
Those who mention these supposed Israelis, remember, ONLY ONE man was Israel. The Israelites were NOTHING without Joseph. ONE MAN was great.

as population ages and shrinks, due to lower than replacement birth rate and increases life expectancy, the working population shrinks. since the retirees are no longer working and arent dropping dead the moment they retire, they will vote for policies that give them greater health coverage and more pensions/benefits. they have a vote, so that is what they will use their vote for. the retirees and those about to retire are not interested in the younger generations (they didnt care when they were young, and made few babies), so they wont vote for decrease in education spending, long term investments in cutting edge technology and projects, which will adversely affect the young generations in the long term. the young generations on the other hand will want more education, investment in new tech, long term projects that will reduce costs in the long term, but they will be outvoted by the old generation. the tax paying working population will be taxed heavily to pay for the increased healthcare costs and pensions/benefits. this will further exacerbate the problem, and young people will feel they dont have enough money to start a family, so birth rate drops even lower.

we are seeing this in all the developed countries, and they have all realised the disaster of having a population replacement rate below 2.1, and they include Japan, South Korea, European countries, Russia, and even China. this is why they are desperately trying to increase the fertility rate. they are all wealthy countries and they can easily invest in robotics if they thought that was the solution. but they dont think that is the solution, and they have greater minds working on these issues than those present in this internet forum. either they are all dumbos, and you and @Indus Pakistan are a bunch of geniuses. or the 2 of you are dumbos and the rest of the world is right.
all that is easier said than done. as society gets richer, it naturally wants less kids. we see that in Japan, South Korea, and Western countries. also, the richer people get, the less likely they are to listen to communists who tell when when to fuk, why to fuk, etc. authoritarian rule works when people are poor, not when they become rich.

is it being rich that causes fewer children or is it being educated? people around the world are becoming more educated at a much faster rate than they are becoming rich.
Nepal...1.9 births/woman. still VERY poor but now more educated
Belarus...1.4 births/woman poor, supposedly not great place to live but well educated.

Highest birth rates are in poor AND uneducated African nations.

after that big article of how old people making selfish votes buggers the country you add China to the list of nations with problems.
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Highest birth rates are in poor AND uneducated African nations.
This stupuid bas*tard has never heard of the concept - quality over matter. He has had even Chinese members telling him such. Shits lie him buy into these self serving theories. I even see this in UK. His type have 10 useless kids who grow up to be low IQ useless adults.
This stupuid bas*tard has never heard of the concept - quality over matter. He has had even Chinese members telling him such. Shits lie him buy into these self serving theories. I even see this in UK. His type have 10 useless kids who grow up to be low IQ useless adults.

find me one analyst, one, just one that supports your theories. not a single developed country that is going through declining birth rate supports your stance. not one. that will prove to you that you are a fucking idiot
find me one analyst, one, just one that supports your theories. not a single developed country that is going through declining birth rate supports your stance. not one. that will prove to you that you are a fucking idiot

so how are the flood our nation with immigrants doing? Like how is the USA doing?
Complacence attitude after Deng Xiaoping, also the same time they promote Confucius teachings. They are related.
so how are the flood our nation with immigrants doing? Like how is the USA doing?

USA seems fine. they are open to the idea of immigration. obviously as white population declines they will last out and blame immigrant for their own failure to produce enough kids, which caused the nation to accept immigrants. the more developed and rich people are, the less religious they are, the fewer kids they produce and they eventually go extinct. this was even an issue in the days of the Romans.
USA seems fine. they are open to the idea of immigration. obviously as white population declines they will last out and blame immigrant for their own failure to produce enough kids, which caused the nation to accept immigrants. the more developed and rich people are, the less religious they are, the fewer kids they produce and they eventually go extinct. this was even an issue in the days of the Romans.

LOL the factories are all gone from the USA and it is in massive debt. People are rioting and near civil war. You call that seems fine? haha you are grasping a straws, dude.

immigration with the current form of economy is a compete and total failure. It has destroyed the labor and financial markets within nations. It is NOT only a failure for the nation that allows immigrants it is also a failure for many immigrants (doctors as taxi drivers) AND for the nations that lose their skilled people.
LOL the factories are all gone from the USA and it is in massive debt. People are rioting and near civil war. You call that seems fine? haha you are grasping a straws, dude.

immigration with the current form of economy is a compete and total failure. It has destroyed the labor and financial markets within nations. It is NOT only a failure for the nation that allows immigrants it is also a failure for many immigrants (doctors as taxi drivers) AND for the nations that lose their skilled people.

USA just needs some reforms. right now the rich are getting taxed less and they are getting too many subsidies and tax breaks. if that gets solved then USA will be fine, economically. but the racial tension wont go away while the white population dont come to terms with immigration or boost their own fertility rate.

a society with a declining fertility rate, and an ageing population, has no solution to prevent their economy from collapsing if they dont increase fertility rate, unless they allow immigration. there is no other solution. robotics only helps a little bit. even those advocating for increased robot participation in society are saying what i just said. like i said, the experts back my stance. meanwhile you and @Indus Pakistan are just pulling crap out of thin air, with no facts and no experts to back you up.
like i said, the experts back my stance. meanwhile you and @Indus Pakistan are just pulling crap out of thin air, with no facts and no experts to back you up.

Experts are wrong or just traitorous paid shills of the bankster vanpyres. How do we know?
for citizens everything is going to shit in lands that allow immigration. Lands that don't allow much immigration Japan, SK and China prosper. Rapidly improve. Like I said look at the USA, which you say is seems fine and is obviously NOT fine.

Immigrants foreigners outsiders bring doom. Nothing new, Germans came and brought war then the dark ages to Europe, Romans brought genocide. Spanish and Portuguese brought genocide to the Americas. and so on. European nations brought poverty to China and India. French and US brought war and massive death to Vietnamese.
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Experts are wrong or just traitorous paid shills of the bankster vanpyres.

experts are wrong. doctors dont know jack about medicine. engineers dont know nothing about engineering. plumber doesnt know a damn thing about plumbing. whatever. believe what you want. sorry to ruin your fantasy of living to see and participate in the robot sex orgy you envision as the future. carry on.
experts are wrong. doctors dont know jack about medicine. engineers dont know nothing about engineering. plumber doesnt know a damn thing about plumbing. whatever. believe what you want. sorry to ruin your fantasy of living to see and participate in the robot sex orgy you envision as the future. carry on.

If a bridge collapses do you hire the same engineer and use the same design to rebuild the same bridge? youtube Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
If a doctors patients keep dying people want that doctor or go to a better one?
"Doctor Death"
If an "expert" plumber has rigged the pipes so that sewage is backing up a sane person would get a new plumber an idiot would keep using the same, so called "expert", plumber.

"Experts" on the economy and finance have made a mess, a complete failure. They have done it intentionally so they and their allies could have a party and loot the West. Just look at who has been getting richer or has more and you can see the enemy.

"Slave to Love" song lyrics...."the strong get weak, the rich get poor, slave to love" So those who get strong or rich are enemies of love.
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If a bridge collapses do you hire the same engineer and use the same design to rebuild the same bridge? youtube Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
If a doctors patients keep dying people want that doctor or go to a better one?
"Doctor Death"
If an "expert" plumber has rigged the pipes so that sewage is backing up a sane person would get a new plumber an idiot would keep using the same, so called "expert", plumber.

"Experts" on the economy and finance have made a mess, a complete failure. They have done it intentionally so they and their allies could have a party and loot the West. Just look at who has been getting richer or has more and you can see the enemy.

"Slave to Love" song lyrics...."the strong get weak, the rich get poor, slave to love" So those who get strong or rich are enemies of love.

you are just here to talk shit. you have resorting to that after you said you didnt care what experts have to say on the matter. do what you want.
you are just here to talk shit. you have resorting to that after you said you didnt care what experts have to say on the matter. do what you want.

I said, the experts are wrong. Your "experts" have built the economic and social equivalent of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
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