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China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

And which country has stabbed Pakistan in the back many times in times of need despite being allies ?
Technically - Pakistan stabbed itself without reading the fine print or knowing its allies. Much like it is doing with CPEC and China.

No one said SEATO was for India, yet Pakistan assumed so - Kennedy reached out to India well before the 65 war to combat against China and the democratic government sanctions were applied equally on the conflict - not the US fault that Pakistan went into misadventures in Kashmir and had a majority of US equipment. Same with 71, Nixon did send an aircraft carrier and things were hot but the USSR was stronger and in the case of China said it would outright attack it in case it tried to help and so on.

Even with the pressler amendment , the US state policy was to not let any country acquire a nuclear weapon that could threaten its primary ally including Israel - Pakistan knew this and still went ahead with the program.

As far as China is concerned, it had much to gain by creating the ally in Pakistan and while CPEC was a bad loan and should never have been taken - but China did not force Pakistan into it, Pakistanis didn’t bother(or more likely the decision makers are/were ignorant or unqualified or more likely corrupt and were to profit) to read the fine print and started regretting it.

Transactional relationships are transactional relationships. I am not criticizing China, I am validating the criticism they have of Pakistanis getting upset at CPEC and other things.

The Chinese have realized that they have a the situation of “Better to have a smart enemy than a foolish friend” in Pakistan. But since it is a long relationship and it has helped them land tighter relationships with the middle east and elsewhere, they are now just stringing it along.

Even those Chinese who might hold positive views of Pakistan and Pakistanis, will do a complete 720 when they actually interact with and meet some.
Depends - on the some. Keep in mind, the some are focused on pushing the better some either out of Pakistan , oppressed or finish them entirely so they can continue to rule
Forget China. Even countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which claim to be fortresses of Islam have played their part in oppressing Muslims, destroying places of worship, and trampling on civil liberties.

Keep in mind, the some are focused on pushing the better some either out of Pakistan , oppressed or finish them entirely so they can continue to rule
Unfortunately, we do a good enough job of that ourselves. The dysgenic culture and society does not produce much bright folks to begin with, and even then having degrees does not automatically make one wise or enlightened. The "better some" is a myth.
Forget China. Even countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which claim to be fortresses of Islam have played their part in oppressing Muslims, destroying places of worship, and trampling on civil liberties.

Except China has done nothing of that sort. Uyghurs have the full rights to speak their language, practice their religion, granted financial support for more expensive halal food. They were also exempt from the previous one-child policy.

One protest on a mosque's illigal expansion and people go all :flame:
Except China has done nothing of that sort. Uyghurs have the full rights to speak their language, practice their religion, granted financial support for more expensive halal food. They were also exempt from the previous one-child policy.
Under CCTV cameras, high police/secret agent presence, and hardcore surveillance surrounding every corner and aspect of their lives.
If there's no reason for Pakistan for this buiness Pakistan wouldn't be in in the first place, business is also two ways, if a business only benefits one party, it can't be conducted.
China does want to diversify it's energy route, but it's not in a hurry, besides, Russia and central Asia are more convenient suppliers.
Sure, you keep thinking that. Meanwhile you nation has enabled a climate of infighting in Pakistan, just like the good ol'US of A.
It’s an internal matter. Let China worry about its citizens, we have enough concerns of our own.
First it was the "Hui are model citizens and the Uyghur are foreigners and trouble makers", now it's Hui are foreigners and trouble makers Ever since that the Uyghurs have successfully been dealt with.

The comment also comes with a bonus completely made up testimony 👌.

At what point are Pakistani muslims gonna realize that the Chinese government just don't like Muslims and have an even worse opinion about Islam?

@LeGenD @beijingwalker @RescueRanger @SQ8
So if Uyghurs and Hui erupt into battles and massacre each other. Considering that they are all Muslims. Who will Pakistanis support?
Are you too slow to understand that two different people have two different opinions? It seems so. And if you're too slow to understand that, you're certainly far too slow to understand that China's supporters aren't "shills."
Nah, bro. It's pretty clear that most of you here are paid shills.

It's less a matter of opinion and more of a matter of official narrative. I'm not the only one who thinks this.

So if Uyghurs and Hui erupt into battles and massacre each other. Considering that they are all Muslims. Who will Pakistanis support?
Lmao, nice try, dweeb.

I'm not gonna Plat along with your false choice argument.

China never ever tries to stop you from having cozy friendly relations with US and the west, does China? non interference is the corner stone of the Chinese foreign policies from day one.
China absolutely does, and to pretend otherwise is foolish, or in your case clearly propaganda.
Sure, you keep thinking that. Meanwhile you nation has enabled a climate of infighting in Pakistan, just like the good ol'US of A.
But if the Uyghurs support India to eliminate Pakistan. Will Pakistan still worry about the "1 million Uyghurs" living in concentration camps in China?

Nah, bro. It's pretty clear that most of you here are paid shills.

It's less a matter of opinion and more of a matter of official narrative. I'm not the only one who thinks this.

Lmao, nice try, dweeb.

I'm not gonna Plat along with your false choice argument.

China absolutely does, and to pretend otherwise is foolish, or in your case clearly propaganda.
So you don't know the hatred between Uyghurs and Hui people? Oh. Muslims are very united. They have never had a conflict.... really?
Only the energy supply lines from Russia and central Asian countries are really critical, urgent and safe for China's security and development. All the rest BRI projects are not too important and urgent for China even though China gets to diversify its trades along the routes from the West. CPEC is an alternate strategic trade route from China to Middle East and Africa, Pakistan also benefits from CPEC. But, if US navy is able to block Chinese ships at strait of Malacca in time of conflict, then China would certainly not expect the sea lanes from the Persian gulf and Africa to Gwadar port to be operational since US navy is stronger there and can easily cut off the Chinese sea routes in the Arabian sea.
You clearly don't understand the differences between blocking rhetoric strait of Malacca and the Persian Gulf, or the issues that the US would face doing so.

Listen, it's okay not to know what you're talking about, but the height of foolishness to pretend you do and get called out for it.

Just a hint for you, how many nations near the Persian Gulf that exist depend on the Persian Gulf for trade would tolerate a closure?

Compare that To the nation's near the strait of Malacca almost all of whom are US allies.

You'll get how ridiculous your comment is when you realize this simple fact.

But if the Uyghurs support India to eliminate Pakistan. Will Pakistan still worry about the "1 million Uyghurs" living in concentration camps in China?
Nice try trying to change the subject.

This is why you and the Chinese PDF members do when you get called out. You change the subject and gang up on the one guy making a simple observation y'all don't like.

So you don't know the hatred between Uyghurs and Hui people? Oh. Muslims are very united. They have never had a conflict.... really?
Nope, nice try again trying to put words into my mouth and trying to change the subject.

Not gonna let you do it.

Stick to the subject, and stop with this pathetic attempt.
So if Uyghurs and Hui erupt into battles and massacre each other. Considering that they are all Muslims. Who will Pakistanis support?

No one. In fact we do not want their militants on our territory. We saw what happened in the 2014 Karachi airport attack.

We had a number of Uyghurs and Uzbeks in Waziristan attacking our people, so our government and intelligence are smart enough not to have this "ummah" mentality and moved quickly to eradicate them.
Nah, bro. It's pretty clear that most of you here are paid shills.

It's less a matter of opinion and more of a matter of official narrative. I'm not the only one who thinks this.

Lmao, nice try, dweeb.

I'm not gonna Plat along with your false choice argument.

China absolutely does, and to pretend otherwise is foolish, or in your case clearly propaganda.
People who lack the ability to think independently often consider others as paid warriors...

No one. In fact we do not want their militants on our territory. We saw what happened in the 2014 Karachi airport attack.

We had a number of Uyghurs and Uzbeks in Waziristan attacking our people, so our government and intelligence are smart enough not to have this "ummah" mentality and moved quickly to eradicate them.
No if. It's just a fact. The Uyghurs support Israel and India.
Technically - Pakistan stabbed itself without reading the fine print or knowing its allies. Much like it is doing with CPEC and China.

No one said SEATO was for India, yet Pakistan assumed so - Kennedy reached out to India well before the 65 war to combat against China and the democratic government sanctions were applied equally on the conflict - not the US fault that Pakistan went into misadventures in Kashmir and had a majority of US equipment. Same with 71, Nixon did send an aircraft carrier and things were hot but the USSR was stronger and in the case of China said it would outright attack it in case it tried to help and so on.

Even with the pressler amendment , the US state policy was to not let any country acquire a nuclear weapon that could threaten its primary ally including Israel - Pakistan knew this and still went ahead with the program.

As far as China is concerned, it had much to gain by creating the ally in Pakistan and while CPEC was a bad loan and should never have been taken - but China did not force Pakistan into it, Pakistanis didn’t bother(or more likely the decision makers are/were ignorant or unqualified or more likely corrupt and were to profit) to read the fine print and started regretting it.

Transactional relationships are transactional relationships. I am not criticizing China, I am validating the criticism they have of Pakistanis getting upset at CPEC and other things.

The Chinese have realized that they have a the situation of “Better to have a smart enemy than a foolish friend” in Pakistan. But since it is a long relationship and it has helped them land tighter relationships with the middle east and elsewhere, they are now just stringing it along.
Don't BS, US cut arms supplies to Pakistan in both the 1965 and 1971 wars, that ultimately helped the Indians becos they could get arms supplies from the Soviets, and the US all the time call Pakistan an ally. Pakistan helped the US fought two wars in Afghan too, but when finished, US just turned its back and stabbed Pakistan as in many other your relations such as with South Vietnam and ROC too twice. CPEC is both beneficial to Pakistan and China too, don't be a smartass think you Americans should know and decide what's good for Pakistan, they can decide for themselves. Don't drag in and slander China in any situation to cover up American evil doings in the world.
You clearly don't understand the differences between blocking rhetoric strait of Malacca and the Persian Gulf, or the issues that the US would face doing so.

Listen, it's okay not to know what you're talking about, but the height of foolishness to pretend you do and get called out for it.

Just a hint for you, how many nations near the Persian Gulf that exist depend on the Persian Gulf for trade would tolerate a closure?

Compare that To the nation's near the strait of Malacca almost all of whom are US allies.

You'll get how ridiculous your comment is when you realize this simple fact.

Nice try trying to change the subject.

This is why you and the Chinese PDF members do when you get called out. You change the subject and gang up on the one guy making a simple observation y'all don't like.


Nope, nice try again trying to put words into my mouth and trying to change the subject.

Not gonna let you do it.

Stick to the subject, and stop with this pathetic attempt.
Just talking about the facts. What triggered you? Because the Uyghurs support Israel and India?
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