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China poised to become "World's MOST CHRISTIAN Nation" in 15 years as numbers grow exponentially.

Its not about peace. Its about power.
Indonesia is already at 2.4 TFR. That is near to replacement level. As Indonesian economy grows, it will become more expensive and their TFR will steady at or below 2.1

In either case, the biggest Muslim concentration on Earth will be India and Pakistan.

The collective power of 400 million prosperous Muslims in one stable and prosperous region will change the center and focus of Islamic world from Middle East to South Asia provided the Indians and Pakistani's take that leadership and position from the Middle East. Now as Indians grow richer, they already exert more and more influence across the globe. We are certainly going to do it.

Now if Pakistanis were to become more nationalistic and care for their own people more, they would join India in this. The Gulf will change to accommodate Pakistani instead of Pakistani's changing their ambitions to accommodate middle eastern concerns. Gulf countries have already started to take Indian wants and needs far more seriously than before.

All this can only happen if Pakistani's understand this. But they have been fooled into becoming dumber by their leaders who are subservient to Arabs and have now made Pakistani's mentally subservient to Arabs. It suits the Arabs perfectly to make Pakistani's keep falling head over heels and hat in hand for ummah and Islam, instead of talking about Pakistan first.

The question is are Pakistani's willing to take their focus away from Middle East and take leadership or are they happy to constantly look to Middle East for inspiration. Currently its the latter, the real question is whether and when it becomes the former.

As I said for better or worse, the future of Islam will be decided in India and Pakistan, not Middle East or anywhere else.

@Hyperion @Oscar @Manticore . @Jungibaaz @Secur I am sure you realized this as well. And your views are most interesting to me.

You are right that is it eventual that Pakistan will lead the Muslim world but India cannot because they are not a Muslim majority nation, Pakistan just needs to get its head out of its ***.
China...and for that matter, India, have been here long before even christianity and islam were born. We were practicing our own religions/cultures. There have been several attempts by the christians and muslims to attack our cultures. Many nations have fallen. But China and India stood the test of time and are standing today having majority as the indigenous people....and nothing can change that status.
The Vatican's church is illegal in China, CCP only allow CCP official church of Jesus Chris.
China police can ban them anytime.

It is Jesus Christ, not Jesus Chris.

Actually Mao tried this a while back. It failed so miserably despite his massive effort to wipe out Christianity from china. To be honest, Christianity has always thrived under "persecution".

You can read the following:

Amid Increased Persecution, Christianity Growing in ‘Global South’

Read more: Amid Increased Persecution, Christianity Growing in ‘Global South’ | Daily News | NCRegister.com

When the Bakufu outlawed Christianity in the 17th century, still many segments of the Japanese population practiced it in secrecy. You're right about Christianity succeeding in times or societies that outlaw them. This was manifest in the Roman Empire, as well. Well, we all know that Christianity eventually became the state religion of the Roman Empire after Constantine.

They keep talking. Islam will grow certainly but Christianity is growing as well.
Muslim birth rates will start falling in another decade or two. They are already stabilizing across the globe.

For better or worse, the future of Islam will be decided in India and Pakistan, not anywhere else. Together these two nations will house the largest Muslim population anywhere on Earth.

It is a great opportunity for Indians, provided we are wise to avail of it.

In regards to battles of faith; China is a great 'fertile land' so to say for the seed of faith to take root in. Christian , and Muslim missionaries are there.
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Sigh. You could know everything Chinese are willing to do is '‘most’ for the population size.
There are many Christian around me and most of them are around 40-50.
I am boring when some of them spread the stupid dooms day brochures with ‘scientific proof’.
I prefer to Confucious as idealogy or religion in a certain degree.

But a Christian nation? Impossible.
Why not make Taoism/Confucius the official religion of china and enact laws to prohibit conversion,you can deal the evangelist conversion easily. Anti-conversion laws are the best way to tackle such things otherwise you will slowly keep losing people day by day.
It is Jesus Christ, not Jesus Chris.

When the Bakufu outlawed Christianity in the 17th century, still many segments of the Japanese population practiced it in secrecy. You're right about Christianity succeeding in times or societies that outlaw them. This was manifest in the Roman Empire, as well. Well, we all know that Christianity eventually became the state religion of the Roman Empire after Constantine.

In regards to battles of faith; China is a great 'fertile land' so to say for the seed of faith to take root in. Christian , and Muslim missionaries are there.
Thats a lie propagated by evangelists that christianity spreads under persecution.As long as they enjoy support from the vatican which is the biggest bank and intelligence agency in world,they can persevere,cut off source from vatican,they wither and die in some time.

China and India are both on the radar of Evangelists,these two nations are their last unconquered bastions, neither of them have Abrahamic faiths Judaism/Christianity/Islam. So both sides Islam and christianity are battling it out over who can harvest most souls, once these countries are totally converted they will start global crusades claiming they are the only true religion of the world.The last one standing will be the winner.Both have same goals of World domination.
China on the other hand is fertile land because people need some spiritual support in times of grief and despair.By being atheist, they are giving way to christians to easily convert their people.
The christians are providing the spiritual support to people,thereby converting them.
If china considers taoism/buddhism/confucius as its state religion it will close the space for evangelists as their only reason to be in china is there is no god or spiritual helper for people.
But i don't know how CCP thinks,perhaps they too know about this, but fear by declaring any religion as official they might lose control on people and country might implode, since they consider "Religion is Poison".

Vatican does not finance non catholic Christian factions. According to most sources, it is not catholicism that is thriving in china.....rather, its the protestant churches and underground pentecostal churches.

Christianity has ALWAYS thrived under persecution.

Vatican does not finance non catholic Christian factions. According to most sources, it is not catholicism that is thriving in china.....rather, its the protestant churches and underground pentecostal churches.

Christianity has ALWAYS thrived under persecution.
That is what the Vatican makes you think it only finances Catholic churches,upholding and supporting christianity is its prime goal, and it gives covert support to whatever faction it is as long as they are christian.
That is a big lie propagated by Christianity that it thrives under persecution.Their thriving comes from support and funds of christian nations,cut off that support it will wither.
That is what the Vatican makes you think it only finances Catholic churches,upholding and supporting christianity is its prime goal, and it gives covert support to whatever faction it is as long as they are christian.
That is a big lie propagated by Christianity that it thrives under persecution.Their thriving comes from support and funds of christian nations,cut off that support it will wither.

The Roman Catholic Church is but one denomination of the Christian Faith, my friend. There are thousands of denominations that make up Protestant Christianity, not even including other proto-Christian Churches such as Orthodoxy, Coptics etc etc.
And each of these church denominations have their own sets of priorities. Let's not generalize and stigmatize, shall we?

Thats a lie propagated by evangelists that christianity spreads under persecution.As long as they enjoy support from the vatican which is the biggest bank and intelligence agency in world,they can persevere,cut off source from vatican,they wither and die in some time.

China and India are both on the radar of Evangelists,these two nations are their last unconquered bastions, neither of them have Abrahamic faiths Judaism/Christianity/Islam. So both sides Islam and christianity are battling it out over who can harvest most souls, once these countries are totally converted they will start global crusades claiming they are the only true religion of the world.The last one standing will be the winner.Both have same goals of World domination.
China on the other hand is fertile land because people need some spiritual support in times of grief and despair.By being atheist, they are giving way to christians to easily convert their people.
The christians are providing the spiritual support to people,thereby converting them.
If china considers taoism/buddhism/confucius as its state religion it will close the space for evangelists as their only reason to be in china is there is no god or spiritual helper for people.
But i don't know how CCP thinks,perhaps they too know about this, but fear by declaring any religion as official they might lose control on people and country might implode, since they consider "Religion is Poison".

For one, religion is not poison, and second, Christianity in its core is a Religion that Spreads the Good News. Christianity , namely through the New Testament spreads the Gospel of Christ, which emphasizes the salvation of man's sins through faith in Christ Jesus. This is the core tenet, and let's not involve politics with this.
You are right that is it eventual that Pakistan will lead the Muslim world but India cannot because they are not a Muslim majority nation, Pakistan just needs to get its head out of its ***.
That is simply not possible.
On its own Pakistan would have only 200 million people, less than Indonesia. On its own it will never have the overwhelming numbers, or overwhelming wealth, enough to be able to become the center of Islamic world. It would remain an important player, but never the leader.

With wealth I mean it will never become a global military powerhouse, it will never become an industrial powerhouse that exports most things to the world, it will never become the Center of finance like UAE is to Middle East.

It is India which will provide all of the above. And though India is a non Muslim majority nation, if we play smart, we can easily become a power of the Islamic world by leveraging our 180 million muslims, which basically means massive influence in the Middle East.
The Roman Catholic Church is but one denomination of the Christian Faith, my friend. There are thousands of denominations that make up Protestant Christianity, not even including other proto-Christian Churches such as Orthodoxy, Coptics etc etc.
And each of these church denominations have their own sets of priorities. Let's not generalize and stigmatize, shall we?

For one, religion is not poison, and second, Christianity in its core is a Religion that Spreads the Good News. Christianity , namely through the New Testament spreads the Gospel of Christ, which emphasizes the salvation of man's sins through faith in Christ Jesus. This is the core tenet, and let's not involve politics with this.
I know that, during the crusades the call was out for all christians to unite and fight, not exclusively catholic,likewise outwardly they might look different,but inside they all support the conversion of heathens and who better it is, than the most largest bank with the biggest network in world. "Vatican"

Everyone knows about their gospel of christ,we been facing them for 200 years till present time.They were the ones who did horrible crimes against my people in goa,Read "Goan Inquisition".
Even now they have evil plans against my nation.
What is the need to spread the good word? if a person seeks enlightenment he will seek it out, it does not need to spoon fed.
Do you tell everyone how magnificent is the sun?you don't people realise what is good ffor themselves and they always say your path is wrong, only my god, my way is right, if you don't join my path you will die as sinner and burn in hell!
I mean what is that?Every person is free to choose his own path,we believe all paths lead to the same destination,albeit some might take long time, but eventually they will reach the same destination.There is no exclusive path to god.
That is the reason we have place for everyone from animists, to agnostics to devout orthodox people.
While this accommodation is not available in Christianity.
"Religion is Poison" is the theory put forward by CCP .
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In regards to battles of faith; China is a great 'fertile land' so to say for the seed of faith to take root in. Christian , and Muslim missionaries are there.
As Christianity takes deeper root in China. CCP will start taking steps to promote and protect Budhism and Confucianism. They are not unaware that the culture of China is different and to preserve it, it needs to preserve and promote its traditional religion.

I am sorry to say, though you are a Christian, I dont think Christianity will ever become the biggest religion of China.

Just as Islam never became the biggest religion of India. Even after 600 years under direct Islamic rule, India was the break-water of the Islamic world which stretches from Morocco to Pakistan. It is in India where the expansion stopped. We are the only major country that was able to do so. Egypt, Iran and all, after falling under Muslim rule, mass converted and became almost 100% Muslim.

Had we converted, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc would have come under Islam as well.
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I know that, during the crusades the call was out for all christians to unite and fight, not exclusively catholic,likewise outwardly they might look different,but inside they all support the conversion of heathens and who better it is, than the most largest bank with the biggest network in word. "Vatican"

Everyone knows about their gospel of christ,we been facing them for 200 years till present time.They were the ones who did horrible crimes against my people in goa,Read "Goan Inquisition".
Even now they have evil plans against my nation.
What is the need to spread the good word? if a person seeks enlightenment he will seek it out, it does not need to spoon fed.
Do you tell everyone how magnificent is the sun?you don't people realise what is good ffor themselves and they always say your path is wrong, only my god, my way is right, if you don't join my path you will die as sinner and burn in hell!
I mean what is that?Every person is free to choose his own path,we believe all paths lead to the same destination,albeit some might take long time, but eventually they will reach the same destination.There is no exclusive path to god.
That is the reason we have place for everyone from animists, to agnostics to devout orthodox people.
While this accommodation is not available in Christianity.
"Religion is Poison" is the theory put forward by CCP .

It is understandable that many people around the world have qualms with some of the injustices made by the European crusaders. When religious faith is used as pretext for political activity, it is usually not being practiced in its core. Now I know there is a considerable Christian population in India, as i have friends from Kerala who are quite active in my particular church. The point I'm saying, my friend, that there is beauty and Truth in all religions, the stigmatization and demonization of a particular faith by the wrongs made by some has no bearing. That's all.

Thanks for your input, too. Also, in my opinion, I don't believe any man has the right to tell anyone whether he or she will be burning in Hell. The Lord God , who is full of compassion, and Love, sees through the person's Heart can make such a judgment.

Take care my friend.

As Christianity takes deeper root in China. CCP will start taking steps to promote and protect Budhism and Confucianism. They are not unaware that the culture of China is different and to preserve it, it needs to preserve and promote its traditional religion.

I am sorry to say, though you are a Christian, I dont think Christianity will ever become the biggest religion of China.

Just as Islam never became the biggest religion of India. Even after 600 years under direct Islamic rule, India was the break-water of the Islamic world which stretches from Morocco to Pakistan. It is in India where the expansion stopped. We are the only major country that was able to do so. Egypt, Iran and all, after falling under Muslim rule, mass converted and became almost 100% Muslim.

Had we converted, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc would have come under Islam as well.

My only point is that everyone in China should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and that Government shouldn't repress it. The power of the Spirit of God can effect change even in the most hardest of places, my friend. China doesn't necessarily has to be 'fully Christian', so long as that Christians in China are not persecuted or repressed for their faith in Christ. That's all.
It is understandable that many people around the world have qualms with some of the injustices made by the European crusaders. When religious faith is used as pretext for political activity, it is usually not being practiced in its core. Now I know there is a considerable Christian population in India, as i have friends from Kerala who are quite active in my particular church. The point I'm saying, my friend, that there is beauty and Truth in all religions, the stigmatization and demonization of a particular faith by the wrongs made by some has no bearing. That's all.

Thanks for your input, too. Also, in my opinion, I don't believe any man has the right to tell anyone whether he or she will be burning in Hell. The Lord God , who is full of compassion, and Love, sees through the person's Heart can make such a judgment.

Take care my friend.
I agree with all your points, but it was not us who said these things, the christians did when they arrived in our country.They claimed we worship demons and our gods are satan and should be broken and our people forcibly converted.
That led to backlash.
Anyways, have a good day my friend :)
My only point is that everyone in China should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and that Government shouldn't repress it. The power of the Spirit of God can effect change even in the most hardest of places, my friend. China doesn't necessarily has to be 'fully Christian', so long as that Christians in China are not persecuted or repressed for their faith in Christ. That's all.
I agree with your post 100%.
China can and should promote its own traditional culture and religion, but it should never persecute people for following any religion nor ban any religion. That is just plain wrong, morally unacceptable.

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