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China poised to become "World's MOST CHRISTIAN Nation" in 15 years as numbers grow exponentially.

OT: One of the most beautiful churches in the world are in the Middle East. The ones in Syria, Lebanon, Jerusalem, and Egypt are...just breathtaking. Someday, GOD WILLING, I'll be able to perform a Pilgrimage throughout the Holy Land. :)

you will be amazed by the Holy Land. It is truly the land of the Prophets. Even Syria.

This is what I tell everybody. If you want to see the most ancient civilizations, come to the Middle East

St. Anthony Monastery, Egypt



Orthodox priests and monks in St. Anthony Monastery.

They look Greek Orthodox
you will be amazed by the Holy Land. It is truly the land of the Prophets. Even Syria.

This is what I tell everybody. If you want to see the most ancient civilizations, come to the Middle East

BY GOD'S WILL, my friend. Alhamdulillah!!
"Religion is Poison" is the theory put forward by CCP .
I think the correct term is opium, NOT poison.
And it is said by Karl Marx.
Opium of the people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Religion is the opium of the people" is one of the most frequently paraphrased statements of German economist Karl Marx. It was translated from the German original, "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes" and is often rendered as "religion... is the opiate of the masses."
Christianity doesn't dictate how you should dress, what you can eat, cannot eat, don't tell you you cannot marry non-Christians or your spouse has to be converted.
i don't mean any offence to anyone, but Christianity claims to 'derive' (lack of better word) from Judaism, so you would expect that Christians would circumcise, avoid alcohol, pig meat (which is also forbidden in Christianity, if i remember correctly from readding the Bible) and some other food etc, but the Christian lifestyle of the Christians i have seen in real life and on tv has become too liberal. it has 'lost' characteristics that i would expect from Abrahamic religions. In that sense jews and muslims stick more to the core of the rules on lifestyle and the belief in 1 God without any associates. Imo Christianity has been reformed so much in order so it can fit into (m)any societies easily. im not taking any side by the way nor am i trying to promote islam or judaism.
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