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China plans tourist hub close to disputed areas near Arunachal Pradesh bord

yaa take back *s*h*i*t ... PLA is welcome anytime they wanna try this... we Indians will hand over thr arses in a platter to your CCP ... this aint 62' beaaatchh .. no nehru is ruling india.. this time its the Tibet that will get freed...

Mr Singapore... Tibet is an occupied land ... chinese are occupying this beautiful place and migrating Han chinese thr ... thr is no way india will co operate with china on this.. i know your ethnicity is chinese but do remember before supporting CCP ... Tibetans are burning themselves under this occupation ... we Indians will not support chinese occupation of Tibet... as India will get stronger .. India we surely change her policy ... ultimate aim.. freedom to Tibet
MR Indians, India is an occupied land, Aryan Indians should get out from India and let india be india. return the land to the black locals.
One possible way for China to get back South Tibet is to covertly support insurgency in North East India:

Insurgency in Northeast India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



India is always nervous about North East India, because the local population there want independence. Because of this nervousness, India wants to have an India friendly govt. in Bangladesh, hence a very heavy handed interference and infiltration in internal politics. India used to support some rebel insurgents in Burma, but it changed its policy in 1990's and became close to Burmese junta to flush out Indian insurgents from Burmese sanctuary. With a change of govt. in 2009 in Bangladesh, some long time settled ULFA (Assamese rebel group) leaders were handed over by our India friendly govt. to India. But by end of 2013, we are hoping that this party Awamy League will be out of power and BNP will be in, which might open some window of opportunity.

In my opinion, China is neglecting this NE-Burma theater.
Be careful, you might give Chinese think tanks some ideas as I know some of them do search forum like this for new inspirations.

Are you fcking kidding me? This is how dumb Chinese think tanks are, that they need to need to troll the interwebs for ideas?:lol:
MR Indians, India is an occupied land, Aryan Indians should get out from India and let india be india. return the land to the black locals.

Aryan theory is a myth created by Britishers ... when they realized that ... Indian indigenous religions and philosophy is a whole level up then the one they are trying to spread during british raj.. and realized Indians can not be converted ... they came up with this **** ... so that they can find a common pool between Indians and western nations... Arya in Sanskrit means noble ... and Aryavarat is the ancient name of India.. called the land of nobles...
Now we have to learn our history from Chini brothers? Huh.
MR Indians, India is an occupied land, Aryan Indians should get out from India and let india be india. return the land to the black locals.

Kallu - Your dreams will remain dreams. Why don't you focus in developing your own country instead?
What a shameful post coming from a person who has no pride in his own country.
One possible way for China to get
back South Tibet is to covertly support insurgency in North East India:

Insurgency in Northeast India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



India is always nervous about North East India, because the local population there want independence. Because of this nervousness, India wants to have an India friendly govt. in Bangladesh, hence a very heavy handed interference and infiltration in internal politics. India used to support some rebel insurgents in Burma, but it changed its policy in 1990's and became close to Burmese junta to flush out Indian insurgents from Burmese sanctuary. With a change of govt. in 2009 in Bangladesh, some long time settled ULFA (Assamese rebel group) leaders were handed over by our India friendly govt. to India. But by end of 2013, we are hoping that this party Awamy League will be out of power and BNP will be in, which might open some window of opportunity.

In my opinion, China is neglecting this NE-Burma theater.
Be careful, you might give Chinese think tanks some ideas as I know some of them do search forum like this for new inspirations.

This is probably the 2nd funniest quote I have heard in my time here at PDF :rofl: The first funniest would be where the Pakistani poster claimed that India was trying to be friendly with Pakistan because we wanted to sleep with their women :rofl:
No issue with it, Arunachal Pradesh will forever remain the part of India and we are never going to get back Aksai Chin.

It is not really AP that they are looking for . They are after Tawang district and are hell bent on getting it . Not that they can
so you'll take back your territor only after you build a city for 10 million?
lol we didn't even need to do that. you should learn from us just like you have learned Buddhism from us.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: That's as bad as trying to learn nuclear science from a Kindergarten kid. Didn't the Chinese already spank you in war some 40+ years ago?
Bangaladeshi keeps advocating division of india and myanmar , better protect his own country which is going under water in 100 years anyway:lol: .

Btw bangladesh was born due to india dividing pakistan , we can do the same with you . And with the help of myanmar things will become very easy ;)
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