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China planning powerful carrier rocket for manned moon landing

yeah, actually, as long as US has the most powerful weapons in this world, debt is none big deal. the whole world owe U.S. when U.S carriers are still hanging around in the seas.

It's the same effect as buying a gun and then using that gun to rob the gun store
Uh, something called the national economy?

Seriously, the US isn't as bankrupt as you think. They're still much richer than China.

Yes, the US is richer than China, but it's private wealth. The US governments (Fed, State, Local) are all essentially insolvent when you add the entitlements. The 2008 crisis only transferred even more wealth by making private debts public. China is running a 2% deficit and is much richer from a public wealth perspective (a legacy of communism). It is public wealth that finances massive science projects like Mars, not private wealth.
Yes, the US is richer than China, but it's private wealth. The US governments (Fed, State, Local) are all essentially insolvent when you add the entitlements. The 2008 crisis only transferred even more wealth by making private debts public. China is running a 2% deficit and is much richer from a public wealth perspective (a legacy of communism). It is public wealth that finances massive science projects like Mars, not private wealth.
That is a silly argument. You are talking as if those who accumulated wealth hoard them. How do you think they got 'wealthy' in the first place? By spending it and creating more of it. They save some, invest some, be risky with some, and gave away some. No country got 'wealthy' by doing nothing with what they create. If anything, the legacy of communism was mismanaged natural resource, aka 'public wealth', by communists and the result was always the same all over -- poverty. China rapidly got better, or 'wealthier', by allowing private individuals to create their own 'wealth' and spend it as they see fit. I cannot help but...:rolleyes:...at this argument.
Gambit trying to out-talk somebody who's working in finance about finance. Everyday he shouts that he has a God given right to blather on because he's been in the air force and how he is in the know/everyone else shouldn't be entitled to a say, now when it comes a subject he should stfu up about, he won't. What hypocrisy.
Gambit trying to out-talk somebody who's working in finance about finance. Everyday he shouts that he has a God given right to blather on because he's been in the air force and how he is in the know/everyone else shouldn't be entitled to a say, now when it comes a subject he should stfu up about, he won't. What hypocrisy.

i feel the same, maybe he knows everything, i mean virtually everything!! :D
That is a silly argument. You are talking as if those who accumulated wealth hoard them. How do you think they got 'wealthy' in the first place? By spending it and creating more of it. They save some, invest some, be risky with some, and gave away some. No country got 'wealthy' by doing nothing with what they create. If anything, the legacy of communism was mismanaged natural resource, aka 'public wealth', by communists and the result was always the same all over -- poverty. China rapidly got better, or 'wealthier', by allowing private individuals to create their own 'wealth' and spend it as they see fit. I cannot help but...:rolleyes:...at this argument.

You can find any developing country better than China ? Of course, democracy in developing countries.
Forgive the ignorance but I'd assume the Long March 5 series are powerful enough for a moon mission. o_O
That is a silly argument. You are talking as if those who accumulated wealth hoard them. How do you think they got 'wealthy' in the first place? By spending it and creating more of it. They save some, invest some, be risky with some, and gave away some. No country got 'wealthy' by doing nothing with what they create. If anything, the legacy of communism was mismanaged natural resource, aka 'public wealth', by communists and the result was always the same all over -- poverty. China rapidly got better, or 'wealthier', by allowing private individuals to create their own 'wealth' and spend it as they see fit. I cannot help but...:rolleyes:...at this argument.

Exploration of Space is not profitable for private industry. War is more profitable. Space has always been viewed as a public good because science/knowledge eventually benefits mankind, but probably not in the next quarter. Yes, there is private capital to finance space tourism and NASA is trying to privatize rocket launches, but Mars takes public money period. You'll notice Americans now begrudge school teachers that make $48,000. They are not financing a trip to Mars.

I will give you another example of public vs. private finance. Something like 40% of US bridges are in disrepair and dangerous. Look up where all the new bridges in the world are being built. Building a bridge is like going to Mars, China has the money for it but the US doesn't.
It was my understanding that Obama's space plan is to orbit Mar's moon Phobos, with no plans to land on Mars.

Considering how young and clever he is, I must say I was disappointed with his lack of space vision. He scrapped a concrete plan to return the US to the moon that was short only on budget, and replaced it with a wishy-washy plan that puts progress so far into the future it is likely to be scrapped by the next guy in the White House. Add to that job cuts in NASA and no wonder people there are demoralized.

It would be both actually, first the moons then mars (orbit i assume). Whether we walk there or not is to me irrelevant, actually getting there is a tremendous advancement, landing on one of the 'moons' would be nice, but landing on mars would seem impossible to me without any prior preparation (presumably by unmanned robots)

If the govt isn't willing to pay for the plan, and its behind schedule, it isn't a good plan no matter its goals. Unfortunately political realities apply.

I'm alot more optimistic about commercial spaceflight than I ever was about constellation.

Hopefully Visible signs of Chinese progress will kick the Government (and of course the American people) into more support of NASA (or a similar new organization), but i'm not optimistic with the state of things.

NASA is not the be all end all of American spaceflight that it once was imo. There is a rising tide of commercial sector spacecraft that will come into their own within the decade.
Hopefully Visible signs of Chinese progress will kick the Government (and of course the American people) into more support of NASA (or a similar new organization), but i'm not optimistic with the state of things.

A second Sputnik moment?
good news then,sad for the failed of the satelite yesterday.keep it up:what:

Eh Orbital sciences will work it out, their other rockets apparently have 90-99% success rates, this ones giving them trouble though.
It was my understanding that Obama's space plan is to orbit Mar's moon Phobos, with no plans to land on Mars.

Considering how young and clever he is, I must say I was disappointed with his lack of space vision. He scrapped a concrete plan to return the US to the moon that was short only on budget, and replaced it with a wishy-washy plan that puts progress so far into the future it is likely to be scrapped by the next guy in the White House. Add to that job cuts in NASA and no wonder people there are demoralized.

Obama is just another puppet for the Wall Street-CIA mafia regime. If he tries to be independent, haha, remember what happened to Kennedy? There's alot of misguided white racists out there, who knows if one day security gets tired.
when the regime owes $14.19 trillion to the rest of the world?
you know that everyone is laughing at you, right?

After I am done with you on this post-issue, everybody would laugh at you!

US with International hard currency that feeds 90% of the worlds reserve banks, can not fail.
If the currency can not fail (it takes just four cents to print 100 USD bill), the country wont!
Take it to the bank.
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