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China passes law to make Islam 'compatible with socialism'


Jul 18, 2016
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China passes law to make Islam 'compatible with socialism'

China has passed a new law that seeks to "Sinicize" Islam within the next five years, the latest move by Beijing to rewrite how the religion is practised.

China's main English newspaper, Global Times, reported on Saturday that after a meeting with representatives from eight Islamic associations, government officials "agreed to guide Islam to be compatible with socialism and implement measures to Sinicize the religion."

The newspaper did not provide further details or the names of the associations that agreed to the decree.

China has embarked on an aggressive "Sinification" campaign in recent years with faith groups that were largely tolerated in the past seeing their freedoms shrink under Chinese President Xi Jinping, China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.

Practising Islam has been made forbidden in parts of China, with individuals caught praying, fasting, growing a beard or wearing a hijab, a headscarf worn by many Muslim women who feel it is part of their religion, facing the threat of arrest.

According to the UN, more than one million Uighur Muslims are estimated to be held in internment camps where they are forced to denounce the religion and pledge allegiance to the officially atheist ruling Communist Party.

Rights groups have accused China of engaging in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. In August, a Washington Post editorial said the world "can't ignore" the campaign against Muslims.

Islamic crescents and domes have been stripped from mosques, and according to the Associated Press news agency, religious schools and Arabic classes have been banned and children barred from participating in Muslim activities.

China has rejected the criticism, saying it protects the religion and culture of its minorities.

However, in the past week alone, authorities in China's Yunnan province, which borders Mynamar, have closed three mosques established by the marginalised Hui Muslim ethnic minority, the South China Morning Post has reported.


Islam with Chinese character, I like it.
Seems like now they have made in China Islam
International Law protects 'Freedom of Religion' and so does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I don't like the fact that China thinks its above International Law by introducing something backwards after years of abuse and then packaging it as forward thinking and progressive.
International Law protects 'Freedom of Religion'

Not really. Countries choose to be whether they are secular (India), theocratic (Pakistan) or atheist (China).

I don't like the fact that China thinks its above International Law by introducing something backwards after years of abuse and then packaging it as forward thinking and progressive.

As long as they don't go around killing Muslims, the international community will largely ignore whatever else happens to them beyond lip service.

Muslims will have to protect their own.
Not really. Countries choose to be whether they are secular (India), theocratic (Pakistan) or atheist (China).

As long as they don't go around killing Muslims, the international community will largely ignore whatever else happens to them beyond lip service.

Muslims will have to protect their own.

Well, you have freedom of religion that is superior to your passport.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 2

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

This is pure propaganda.

islam and Muslims have been in china for more than 1400 years, even before it came to indian sub continent.

not even gengis khan or most ruthless chinese empires could do anything about it, because chinese citizens are accepting islam in great numbers.

i lived in china for 7 years i have Practicing Muslim friends from all over china not just xinjiang and everyone is free to pray go to mosque , fast keep a beard have a tattoo on their arms that says La ilaha Illallah Muhammad u Rasul Allah in arabic and chinese.

westerners and indians are nit picking small grieviences and cases to portray a bad image of the chinese government and china in general to the Muslims.

Chinese Muslims will protect countries like Pakistan, iran and indonesia in near future, Chinese Muslims don't need protection but they do need support and show of solidarity. for 1400 years chinese muslims never needed anyone from outside china. God Almighty and his teachings have been enough for practicing muslims in china.

Religious freedom is not that much all over china its not specific to Islam, but to christians jews and budhists even. government doesn't like religious gatherings and preachings in public places as they see it as a tool against influence of the governemnt.

as long as chinese citizens don't pose a threat to national unity and harmoney , be they Muslim, christian, jew budh or any other group they can practice their faith with full freedom at homes and in places of worship like temples and mosques.

keeping a beard is a chinese traditional culture as well. no one in the right mind woulds allege such stupid things. there have been incidences in past like in gengis khans time where opressive leaders have called for eating pork and shaving beards but muslims and jews always faught with pen , voice and weapons against them and han chinese always protected Freedom of chinese citizens.

People are free to practice their faith in china. its not an alarming situation as portrayed above for muslims or otherwise. but yes i do accept chinese government is afraid of religions and faiths in general as they see it a dangerous tool which can topple and break chinese harmoney.

for now people of china weather muslim or atheists enjoy equal rights and are free to believe and practice their life styles as they see fit. i bear witness to it. i was in north and west and east of china many cities and provinces , cultures iv seen Muslims free and fasting keepign beards going to mosques . without hassel. this has been a practice in china for more than 1400 years. united states and india who have just had muslims for half the time can't possibly dictate about the situation.

it is for the chinese citizens to demand anything they need in china. Muslims outside chinese borders have no authority what so ever. Muslims of 2019 follow the laws and borders of soverign countries.

if we Muslims eventually get a system of integration and a universal no border system under a leader like a caliph or an Imam then these things will be of value.

for now Muslims all around the world follow Soverrignity and countries and follow charter of united nations. if united nations however declares war on China and tells the world that chinese government is bad then all muslims of the world and even non muslims will go fight china.

but for now we know its pure propaganda and Chinese muslims live better lives than indian or pakistani muslims in 2019. Muslims we including me , we want ilve styles and oppertunities available to chinese musilms in china. we aspire to gain that strength. and wealth and education and jobs. and businesses ...

this is mere propaganda to weaken china and turn muslim countries into enemy of china, nothing else. they want us to fight the chinese and make muslims and chinese kill each other, while they watch from a safe distance smiling and providing weapons for the fight. i swear united states will arm muslim nations against china to teeth if they decide to go against china.

but why go against china?? We muslims are not evil people. we dont transgress and break nations unless we find proof of oppression. there is no proof of chinese oppression , just propaganda.

let united nations and global organizations provide proof. let india give proof let usa give proof and declare war on china then muslims after seeing the proof shall decide what is right.

fuckk off propaganda machine of india and west. chinese Muslims will keep china strong and Musim countries like Pakistan and iran will strengthen china , we will not be enemies of chinese.
westerners and indians are nit picking small grieviences and cases to portray a bad image of the chinese government and china in general to the Muslims.

I'm glad you are having a great time in China. This is not nitpicking.

The whole world is aware of the terrible ethnic cleansing, persecution and suppression by the Chinese. This is not about Muslim or Islam but the rights of humanity.

This is not a propaganda war. There are people as we speak in the 21st century version of concentration camps. I would expect you, as a human to stand up to tyranny.

When it comes down to it, let me tell you that most modern, civilised, intellectual people will sell off governments in favour of human and social rights. What do you think is going on in France right now?
I'm glad you are having a great time in China. This is not nitpicking.

The whole world is aware of the terrible ethnic cleansing, persecution and suppression by the Chinese. This is not about Muslim or Islam but the rights of humanity.

This is not a propaganda war. There are people as we speak in the 21st century version of concentration camps. I would expect you, as a human to stand up to tyranny.

When it comes down to it, let me tell you that most modern, civilised, intellectual people will sell off governments in favour of human and social rights. What do you think is going on in France right now?

if i see tyranny i will fight the tyrant as it is my religious duty. if i am weak to fight i will report it will full proof and videos and documents. and testiments in court.

let those who have proof come forth in courts , and in united nations. i live in china. i go every year . i have never seen things as grave as reported above or even heard about such things.

i only know east turkistan movemnt ETC is a terrorist/seperatist organization which is supported by CIA and uniteds states, they ETM call themselves muslims and liberators of turkistan they are very few in number . they have killed innocent chinese people many times with knives , sticks and injections. they have hijacked aircraft civlian airliners etc. Thank God china doesn't allow guns or weapons or else it would be very bad mess in there.

only ETM in xinjiang has problems with chinese beacause they want a nationalistic idea, a Nation of turkish people free from china. it has nothing to do with islam or humanity. pure politics ... dirty politics nothing else.

i would stand for humanity each and every time my friend. i am from kashmir u seem to be a very humanity loving person please help us Kashmiriz against indian opression we have proof and united nations even accepts the proof and has declared that kashmir is a disputed territory and there are human rights violations every day. i as a kashmir ask u and others even indian nationals is this humanity? u go after china where there is no war and no opression and no problems and want to liberate them? while in kashmir there is a genuine problem with 100% proof u dont take name of kashmir cause and kashmiri muslims but u feel deep pain of chinese muslims who are so much happy and see no war or opression while we kashmiriz take bullets on our bodies ??

u guys support a dellusional humanitarian or muslim issue in a place where it is non existant while where it exists kashmir u dont even think about saying anything?

i spit on such humanitarian asperations and help who help aid courption in the world and fear and death and violence and who promote violence in peaceful china. while in kashmir it can't end bloodshed and violence.

i spit on it the 2nd time. and i spit on it the 3rd time.

leave china and chinese muslims in peace. show ur humanitarianism in places where it is needed the most, war zones,. kashmir, palistine, syria, afghanistan, ukraine .

let each country worry about their citizens. or if u have a problem mark that country as a oppressor and let united nations declare it with proof then all the world will follow ur call. this is what united nations was built for.
if i see tyranny i will fight the tyrant as it is my religious duty. if i am weak to fight i will report it will full proof and videos and documents. and testiments in court.

let those who have proof come forth in courts , and in united nations. i live in china. i go every year . i have never seen things as grave as reported above or even heard about such things.

i only know east turkistan movemnt ETC is a terrorist/seperatist organization which is supported by CIA and uniteds states, they ETM call themselves muslims and liberators of turkistan they are very few in number . they have killed innocent chinese people many times with knives , sticks and injections. they have hijacked aircraft civlian airliners etc. Thank God china doesn't allow guns or weapons or else it would be very bad mess in there.

only ETM in xinjiang has problems with chinese beacause they want a nationalistic idea, a Nation of turkish people free from china. it has nothing to do with islam or humanity. pure politics ... dirty politics nothing else.

i would stand for humanity each and every time my friend. i am from kashmir u seem to be a very humanity loving person please help us Kashmiriz against indian opression we have proof and united nations even accepts the proof and has declared that kashmir is a disputed territory and there are human rights violations every day. i as a kashmir ask u and others even indian nationals is this humanity? u go after china where there is no war and no opression and no problems and want to liberate them? while in kashmir there is a genuine problem with 100% proof u dont take name of kashmir cause and kashmiri muslims but u feel deep pain of chinese muslims who are so much happy and see no war or opression while we kashmiriz take bullets on our bodies ??

u guys support a dellusional humanitarian or muslim issue in a place where it is non existant while where it exists kashmir u dont even think about saying anything?

i spit on such humanitarian asperations and help who help aid courption in the world and fear and death and violence and who promote violence in peaceful china. while in kashmir it can't end bloodshed and violence.

i spit on it the 2nd time. and i spit on it the 3rd time.

leave china and chinese muslims in peace. show ur humanitarianism in places where it is needed the most, war zones,. kashmir, palistine, syria, afghanistan, ukraine .

let each country worry about their citizens. or if u have a problem mark that country as a oppressor and let united nations declare it with proof then all the world will follow ur call. this is what united nations was built for.

I cant speak on the specifics of the cases you have mentioned, as we know the advanced psychological manipulation and false flag state ideology governments employ on a daily basis.

You mistake humanitarians for hippies. This is not about a Utopian ideology employing peace and love, if you are anti-human rights you are the enemy of humanity.

This is not about Muslim, I couldn't care less about what religion you subscribe to, it doesn't change the act of enemy of humans. If I see enemy acts of aggression in China, Tibet or Africa I will speak and so will millions of others.

At the end of the day, you're either on the human side, or against it.
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money talks, since they control world money no one will be allowed to even point finger at china and all we can do is watch chinese muslims population become atheist in next couple of decade.
More likely it's an attempt to Westnized the Muslim in China.

The Chinese civilization ended with Mao's cultural revolution.
if i see tyranny i will fight the tyrant as it is my religious duty. if i am weak to fight i will report it will full proof and videos and documents. and testiments in court.

let those who have proof come forth in courts , and in united nations. i live in china. i go every year . i have never seen things as grave as reported above or even heard about such things.

i only know east turkistan movemnt ETC is a terrorist/seperatist organization which is supported by CIA and uniteds states -
You have "full proof and videos and documents and testiments in court" of CIA support of the ETC? Please share!
Article 2

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

That mostly deals with itself, not with other countries.

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