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China Pass US as TOP Trade Partner for Much of World: Changing Lives Global

you are mistaken. I am more extremer than common chinese.
and I am fan of Adolf Hitler.

If i look at this thread, you are the only Chinese that makes sense and is down to earth...look what i quoted below, verbal dhiarea because the guy is paid not to have a conversation, or when he cannot steer opinion he tries his best to change topic.

Hitler was on dope all the time, his doctor was injecting him with amphetamines through the whole war. It probably cost the lives of millions of troops when he called out the no retreat orders high on amphetamine optimism that things might work out. Just a lil' bit of Hitler you probably didn't know.

Indian getting upset I see. :D Going back to the typical 50 cent line, which is of course against the forum rules, but who cares right?

I know it must be fantastic thinking of yourself as some Indian Bollwood hero, and watching all the major Credit Agencies downgrading India, thinking to yourself: "But alas... I am the only one who knows the truth... they are downgrading the WRONG COUNTRY". :azn:

In every discussion we have had, it is always you putting down China on behalf of America.

You don't need to explain it to me A1kaid, I already understand.

It's about facts, not putting down, fact is US is still the world's leading industrial power, and still the most high-tech manufacturer in the world, although it appears no longer the number one manufacturer by output. I could argue you are putting US down in on behalf of China in every discussion we have had.
It's about facts, not putting down, fact is US is still the world's leading industrial power, and still the most high-tech manufacturer in the world, although it appears no longer the number one manufacturer by output. I could argue you are putting US down in on behalf of China in every discussion we have had.

The Americans bomb your country on a daily basis and you worship the white man :lol:. No wonder South Asia never develops. You can worship the white man forever but they will never ever respect your type.

China is the worlds largest country in industrial output.
China is the largest manufacturer.
China is the largest trading nation.

China produces high tech goods like electronics, machinery, equipment, etc.
go read about the Chinese economy, not listen to the stereotypical bullsh*t the white man has infected your gullible mind with.
Leave it Communist, who cares if they want to suck up to America, even as the Americans bomb their civilians and soldiers.
China is surrounded by highly populated poverty striken countries,in this part of the world,getting enough cheap laborers is never a problem.

Wow, what a arrogance!

Let me see: China´s yearly average income of urban people is about 3,000 euro, rural 660 euro. Comparing with Germany 20,000 euro, yeh that is true: China is full of poverty striken people (source: German magazine 2013).
I agree, you guys are really hilarious. :lol:

Laughing at China's economy even though every major Credit Ratings agency is downgrading India.

I guess they didn't get your memo. Since according to you, it should be China who is getting this:

Don't panic on S&P downgrade: Pranab - Indian Express

The Hindu - Fitch downgrades India’s credit rating

You need to send them the memo again, so they will downgrade the right country this time. :azn:

Keep up your hopes... even if you have to keep quoting "Pranab". I have forgotten how long back he was finance minister !

Also please let us know about the rupee rate, which you were so fond of? - Is USDINR at 60 or 80?

Oh..I forgot the "monsoons" .... chinese have stopped posting the "monsoon updates". :laugh:

Anyway, keep your hopes up .. and try sending something to Moody's, since they don't support your hopes.

Meanwhile, how's the coal mining business going? Still digging? :laugh:

Dig.. Dig .. Dig.. :tup:
The Americans bomb your country on a daily basis and you worship the white man :lol:. No wonder South Asia never develops. You can worship the white man forever but they will never ever respect your type.

China is the worlds largest country in industrial output.
China is the largest manufacturer.
China is the largest trading nation.

China produces high tech goods like electronics, machinery, equipment, etc.
go read about the Chinese economy, not listen to the stereotypical bullsh*t the white man has infected your gullible mind with.

If there's any justice in the world, that's gotta be worth 1 yuan!


China also produces 60.000 maimed young men a year in industrial accidents. Oh, wait, white man bs, sorry....
The Americans bomb your country on a daily basis and you worship the white man :lol:. No wonder South Asia never develops. You can worship the white man forever but they will never ever respect your type.

China produces high tech goods like electronics, machinery, equipment, etc.
go read about the Chinese economy, not listen to the stereotypical bullsh*t the white man has infected your gullible mind with.

You can just ignore him, sir.

He can digest whatever he is fed and uphold whatever he choose to believe. He only voice his own opinion, on behalf of no one. People are just pathetic little soul surfing on the vastness of unknown. Some will choose to be blind of the obvious, some will see the insight.

If China is not taking over the US in the argued content, THAT will let down the mass who are hurt by the drones or other evil means over the tragic years. Keep up your good achievement, China.
If there's any justice in the world, that's gotta be worth 1 yuan!


China also produces 60.000 maimed young men a year in industrial accidents. Oh, wait, white man bs, sorry....

This is funny. Can anyone enlighten me how that maimed old man R. that led the USA out of 1930 crisis and put up forces against Germany and Japan?
This is funny. Can anyone enlighten me how that maimed old man R. that led the USA out of 1930 crisis and put up forces against Germany and Japan?

Roosevelt was a president, he was wheelchaired around by aides, but the thing im talking about are young working men that can never work properly again for the rest of their life. Kinda hard for a country which needs growth for legitimacy and which according to latest research has already peaked at it's workforce.


Please read and educate yourself. To dispel your doubts about this being western propaganda, the article itself comes from China, from one of theirs most liberal newspapers.

You can just ignore him, sir.

He can digest whatever he is fed and uphold whatever he choose to believe.

some will choose to be blind of the obvious, some will see the insight.

Same thing for you....you got some insight quoted above. I think you will stay blind even after reading it.
The Americans bomb your country on a daily basis and you worship the white man :lol:. No wonder South Asia never develops. You can worship the white man forever but they will never ever respect your type.

China is the worlds largest country in industrial output.
China is the largest manufacturer.
China is the largest trading nation.

China produces high tech goods like electronics, machinery, equipment, etc.
go read about the Chinese economy, not listen to the stereotypical bullsh*t the white man has infected your gullible mind with.

Nobody's worshipping the white man here you moron. As I've stated it's about facts I understand you're too insecure to accept the reality that what US manufactures is far more advance than what China manufactures for the most part. In fact, it is was western companies than exported their manufacturing base to China in the 1970-80's which gave China its first modern experience in manufacturing. China may lead in manufacturing output, but its quality of manufacturing output and industrial power is far less than US, US is more technologically advance than any country in the world. This is called accepting reality not worshipping.

US manufactures heavy machinery, aircraft, missiles, military hardware and equipment, space technology, automobiles, farming equipment, turbine engines, computer technology-chips and processors, etc.

Americans bomb your country on a daily basis

Though that has nothing to do with the manufacturing and industrial power, Pakistani Government authorizes drone strikes on certain TTP targets in FATA this is known, perhaps you are too stupid to understand that, the bombing is completely allowed as it has been successfully in eliminating TTP key figures.

China is the worlds largest country in industrial output.
China is the largest manufacturer.
China is the largest trading nation.

That's a great achievement but US still leads in quality of manufacturing and industrial output, US economy in many respects is a high value-added manufacturer. While the only reason China became the worlds largest manufacturer is because of cheap labor, you talk about worshipping the white man when hundreds of millions of Chinese work at the white mans company and factories in China. China's manufacturing base for the most part is a low value added and a lower cost economy.

The Chinese Economy: A Low

The U.S. tends to make stuff that requires more technology and engineering know-how, like planes, semiconductors and machinery. Basic economics tells us that is exactly how things should be. Since China has so many, low-wage laborers, there is no way high-wage America can possibly compete in products that require teams of workers to manufacture, like toys, apparel, consumer electronics, and a lot of other stuff you’ll find on Wal-Mart shelves. Making such products in the U.S. would simply be too expensive; companies that did so would not be able to compete with cheaper imports made in lower-cost economies

Source: Can China compete with American manufacturing? | TIME.com

You can just ignore him, sir.

He can digest whatever he is fed and uphold whatever he choose to believe. He only voice his own opinion, on behalf of no one. People are just pathetic little soul surfing on the vastness of unknown. Some will choose to be blind of the obvious, some will see the insight.

If China is not taking over the US in the argued content, THAT will let down the mass who are hurt by the drones or other evil means over the tragic years. Keep up your good achievement, China.

If China is not taking over the US in the argued content, THAT will let down the mass who are hurt by the drones or other evil means over the tragic years. Keep up your good achievement, China

You're pathetic as if China is going to come to save you from drones, fool the drones are authorized by Government of Pakistan "that will let down mass who are hurt by drones" then what about GoP or Pakistani military? What are they doing? They have authorized drone use and allow.

You can be delusional as you like and lack basic information.
As of now, US is still the #1 trading nation because of how much US imports. But China will take over the US as the #1 trading nation in the coming years. Its a no brainer. Why argue over facts? all trends are pointing that way.
You're pathetic as if China is going to come to save you from drones, fool the drones are authorized by Government of Pakistan "that will let down mass who are hurt by drones" then what about GoP or Pakistani military? What are they doing? They have authorized drone use and allow.

You can be delusional as you like and lack basic information.

Nobody is coming to your rescue unless your own salvage. Try Tell the nation and spread the propaganda that it's our gov authorize the Americans bombing and killing our children and civilians and now voice to bring the drone attacks to the UN.

Pathetic is a good word and wish that could honor you a American soul and bring this nation out of miserables.
our factory facing this problem currently. it is harder to recruit experience worker nowadays.
especially arround chinese new year
have lot of headache.
I think we have to abandon one child policy in near future.
or other solution could be: give working visa to northkoreans or pakistanis.

the problem is most of young people also dont have interrest to be a worker anymore.
many resigned before chinese new year. and will not come back....

hope the best for china

Also, according to the World Bank, China has one of the lowest Age dependency ratios on the planet:

Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) - World Bank

China - 38 dependents per 100 working people

India - 54 dependents per 100 working people

USA - 50 dependents per 100 working people

UK - 52 dependents per 100 working people

Japan - 58 dependents per 100 working people


So 100 working age people in China only need to take care of 38 dependents.

Compared to India where 100 working age people need to take care of 54 dependents.

good point...but thats because our population is much younger compared to all the countries mentioned above..and the number decreases as the time pass..and for your info..when china was at our demographic dividend want to know how many dependents were there in china???its 64...so were better off
@topic..congrats china

Age dependency ratio is not a good indicate of working age , it look at below 15 and about 64, the reason why you see India has 54 is because the median age of India , is about 25.9( est 2010 ) compare to china which is about 35.9

So in 30 yrs, India will still be below what China is now and by 2050 dependency ration will fall to very small number..

Hence the predication by 2050-70 India will be a top player , there will be lots of young India running around for every old Chinese

The issue is India is run by old people average politician age is 65+ compare average population of 25.

As of now India population growth is 1.41% while china growth is around 0.47% .. so you get the drift.

Napoleon once said about China "Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world."

Perhaps similar analogy applies to Indian's in coming decade's..

well said..
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