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China-Pakistan: Relations perturb Washington, New Delhi


Feb 2, 2007
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With expanding relations between Pakistan and China, Washington and New Delhi seem to be perturbed. China is undertaking a number of significant mega development projects in Pakistan’s northern parts prompting India to oppose increasing presence of China in Pakistan Administered Kashmir known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit- Baltistan- a territory that is claimed by both India and Pakistan.

Pakistan since its inception considers China as its most trusted friend and termed relationship with it as "higher than the Himalayas and deeper than see". Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to China in July this year signed many agreements including $18 billion economic corridor from Kashgar on China's western border to the Gwadar port in Pakistan’s trouble province of Balochistan.

China’s is interested in Pakistan’s trade and energy corridor, from the Gwadar port to Western regions of China, which would connect China with oil routes in Western Pakistan. Pakistan’s Karakoram highway provides the shortest possible route from Gwadar to the western regions of China. This route is short, secure and can serve as an alternative to the sea route through the pirate prone Straits of Malacca, where China currently transports most of its crude oil imports.

China is also helping Pakistan to overcome the energy crisis. Currently various Chinese firms and companies are working on over a dozen mega projects in the energy sector in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. A very significant project in hand is the upraising of the Mangla Dam reservoir by sixty feet. As part of resettlement of the dam affectees, the Chinese firm, International Water and Electric Corporation (CIW&EC) is also working on the construction of a bridge over Jhelum River in the same area. Another very vital project is Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Power Project which aims at diversion of the water of Neelum river through a tunnel into Jhelum River, at a cost of US$12.6 billion.

A Chinese company also awarded contract to build Kohala Power Project in Pakistan Administered Kashmir at a cost of US$ 2.155 billion with a capacity to generate 969 MW of electricity. China’s Three Gorges Project Corporation is constructing Diamir-Bhasha Dam on the Indus River with a total investment of US$ 12.6 billion.

The Chinese firms are also working on about half dozen mega power projects in Gilgit-Baltistan that include : US$7.8 billion Dasu Hydropower Project, US$ 70 million Phandar Project, US$ 40.01 million Bashu Hydropower Project, US$ 44.608 million Harpo Hydropower Project and US$ 6 billion Yulbo Hydropower Project. China is also investing an amount of US$ 300 million in housing, communication sectors.

India is quite wary of Chinese involvement in development projects in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir and views it as a calculated move to build Chinese influence in these areas, a charge vehemently dismissed by China. China is also helping Pakistan in the nuclear power sector too.

A nuclear power plant at Chashma with a power generating capacity of 330 MW of electricity has already been completed and integrated with the National Grid and two more similar plants are scheduled to be completed by 2016-17. The agreement for these projects was signed on June 8, 2010 during President Zardari’s visit to China, notwithstanding the fact that US raised objections on the nuclear cooperation between the two countries.

China-Pakistan: Relations perturb Washington, New Delhi : The Canadian National Newspaper
Actually it worries Indians, not South Block. They actually are happy that they can sell the country to you.
With expanding relations between Pakistan and China, Washington and New Delhi seem to be perturbed. China is undertaking a number of significant mega development projects in Pakistan’s northern parts prompting India to oppose increasing presence of China in Pakistan Administered Kashmir known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit- Baltistan- a territory that is claimed by both India and Pakistan.

Pakistan since its inception considers China as its most trusted friend and termed relationship with it as "higher than the Himalayas and deeper than see". Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to China in July this year signed many agreements including $18 billion economic corridor from Kashgar on China's western border to the Gwadar port in Pakistan’s trouble province of Balochistan.

China’s is interested in Pakistan’s trade and energy corridor, from the Gwadar port to Western regions of China, which would connect China with oil routes in Western Pakistan. Pakistan’s Karakoram highway provides the shortest possible route from Gwadar to the western regions of China. This route is short, secure and can serve as an alternative to the sea route through the pirate prone Straits of Malacca, where China currently transports most of its crude oil imports.

China is also helping Pakistan to overcome the energy crisis. Currently various Chinese firms and companies are working on over a dozen mega projects in the energy sector in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. A very significant project in hand is the upraising of the Mangla Dam reservoir by sixty feet. As part of resettlement of the dam affectees, the Chinese firm, International Water and Electric Corporation (CIW&EC) is also working on the construction of a bridge over Jhelum River in the same area. Another very vital project is Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Power Project which aims at diversion of the water of Neelum river through a tunnel into Jhelum River, at a cost of US$12.6 billion.

A Chinese company also awarded contract to build Kohala Power Project in Pakistan Administered Kashmir at a cost of US$ 2.155 billion with a capacity to generate 969 MW of electricity. China’s Three Gorges Project Corporation is constructing Diamir-Bhasha Dam on the Indus River with a total investment of US$ 12.6 billion.

The Chinese firms are also working on about half dozen mega power projects in Gilgit-Baltistan that include : US$7.8 billion Dasu Hydropower Project, US$ 70 million Phandar Project, US$ 40.01 million Bashu Hydropower Project, US$ 44.608 million Harpo Hydropower Project and US$ 6 billion Yulbo Hydropower Project. China is also investing an amount of US$ 300 million in housing, communication sectors.

India is quite wary of Chinese involvement in development projects in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir and views it as a calculated move to build Chinese influence in these areas, a charge vehemently dismissed by China. China is also helping Pakistan in the nuclear power sector too.

A nuclear power plant at Chashma with a power generating capacity of 330 MW of electricity has already been completed and integrated with the National Grid and two more similar plants are scheduled to be completed by 2016-17. The agreement for these projects was signed on June 8, 2010 during President Zardari’s visit to China, notwithstanding the fact that US raised objections on the nuclear cooperation between the two countries.

China-Pakistan: Relations perturb Washington, New Delhi : The Canadian National Newspaper
With more weapon deals specially of Submarines and Frigates and Fighter jets man India would hate this relation more and also with development of economic corridor and a gawadar becoming both a trading and also Naval Base for China that is going to hurt both USA and India a lot more @Aeronaut
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Time to offer China military bases in Pakistan after dislodging the Americans from there. China is a friend that makes no demands from Pakistan, which means it is a true friend. On the other hand the USA not only intimidates us but makes our task to defeat the terrorists harder by claiming Pakistan is complicit in the support to terrorists. For an all-weather friend we should stick to China. Here are a list of points I made over why we need to abandon USA and piggyback on China. If China suceeds, which it seems it will, we succeed with it.

Why not US?:

1) Nuke deal with India but refused to Pakistan
2) Davis kills 2 Pakistanis and escapes. There is no proof of Afia being a terrorist and still in jail and will be there forever.
3) Fazlullah hiding in Kunar. Faqir Mohammed's (Ex-Bajaur Chief's) bases in Afghanistan.
4) US refusal to condemn India for the Siachen incursion but raising an outcry on the Kargil one which was made by fauji's after the Siachen debacle when they took 1000 miles of our land.
5) USA's offer to sell better quality F16's to India compared to what they sold us.
6) Framing of Pakistani innocents in the name of terrorism-Seen it, researched it.
7) Maltreatment of Pakistanis in airports and hounding of Pakistani political Organizations in north America. Even secular ones. Yes-this is the only thing they are good at.
8) Support for dictators in Pakistani land. 3 major ones had their backing. Zia was the one who Islamicized Pakistan with their blessing in case you did not notice.
9) Presler Amendment. When we were not needed by USA anymore. Cold war over, Afghanistan in ruins but of course the Soviets disgraced as they wanted that is what came. Military and economic cooperation CUT and mark my words IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-200% chance and I bet on my life when this war on terror is over this will come again. They will harass us even more than they are now.
10) The blame Pakistan suffers on a daily basis. Pakistan is held responsible for every failure. I believe you think we are responsible. Partly I agree, yes. But you do not know about the successes, Ramzi yousuf, Baradar, Khalid Sheikh (top 9/11 terrorist) were all capture by us.
11) Pakistan counting on US support and not getting any in 1971. Weak point? Leave that then. I think it is too. But consider the rest.
12) Add to this the Indian nuclear test smiling Buddha in 74 being ignored by the US while ours in 98 resulting in our military and economy being sanctioned.
13) Add to this the framing of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in a false case as an ISI agent in another attempt to malign ISI

Why China:
1) Helped us greatly with nukes-US applied sanctions
2) Common interests. Chinas war with India in 1962.
3) Chinese rise as a superpower. Piggyback on it and we can rise too but we don't see the opportunity. As US sinks China will rise.
4) Higher than mountains and deeper than the seas-thats our relationship Hu Jin Tao said. They have helped us up when we were going through sanctions and were not getting exotic US machinery, J10's, JF17's.
5) One day China will beat the US economically and militarily. We should choose the right side and consider our future.
Time to offer China military bases in Pakistan after dislodging the Americans from there. China is a friend that makes no demands from Pakistan, which means it is a true friend. On the other hand the USA not only intimidates us but makes our task to defeat the terrorists harder by claiming Pakistan is complicit in the support to terrorists. For an all-weather friend we should stick to China. Here are a list of points I made over why we need to abandon USA and piggyback on China. If China suceeds, which it seems it will, we succeed with it.

Why not US?:

1) Nuke deal with India but refused to Pakistan
2) Davis kills 2 Pakistanis and escapes. There is no proof of Afia being a terrorist and still in jail and will be there forever.
3) Fazlullah hiding in Kunar. Faqir Mohammed's (Ex-Bajaur Chief's) bases in Afghanistan.
4) US refusal to condemn India for the Siachen incursion but raising an outcry on the Kargil one which was made by fauji's after the Siachen debacle when they took 1000 miles of our land.
5) USA's offer to sell better quality F16's to India compared to what they sold us.
6) Framing of Pakistani innocents in the name of terrorism-Seen it, researched it.
7) Maltreatment of Pakistanis in airports and hounding of Pakistani political Organizations in north America. Even secular ones. Yes-this is the only thing they are good at.
8) Support for dictators in Pakistani land. 3 major ones had their backing. Zia was the one who Islamicized Pakistan with their blessing in case you did not notice.
9) Presler Amendment. When we were not needed by USA anymore. Cold war over, Afghanistan in ruins but of course the Soviets disgraced as they wanted that is what came. Military and economic cooperation CUT and mark my words IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-200% chance and I bet on my life when this war on terror is over this will come again. They will harass us even more than they are now.
10) The blame Pakistan suffers on a daily basis. Pakistan is held responsible for every failure. I believe you think we are responsible. Partly I agree, yes. But you do not know about the successes, Ramzi yousuf, Baradar, Khalid Sheikh (top 9/11 terrorist) were all capture by us.
11) Pakistan counting on US support and not getting any in 1971. Weak point? Leave that then. I think it is too. But consider the rest.
12) Add to this the Indian nuclear test smiling Buddha in 74 being ignored by the US while ours in 98 resulting in our military and economy being sanctioned.
13) Add to this the framing of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in a false case as an ISI agent in another attempt to malign ISI

Why China:
1) Helped us greatly with nukes-US applied sanctions
2) Common interests. Chinas war with India in 1962.
3) Chinese rise as a superpower. Piggyback on it and we can rise too but we don't see the opportunity. As US sinks China will rise.
4) Higher than mountains and deeper than the seas-thats our relationship Hu Jin Tao said. They have helped us up when we were going through sanctions and were not getting exotic US machinery, J10's, JF17's.
5) One day China will beat the US economically and militarily. We should choose the right side and consider our future.
Your analysis was pretty to the point. However, a couple of issues:

Firstly you claim that India captured 'YOUR' land in Siachen. How was it ever YOURS? If you have any knowledge of ground realities you wouldn't be making this statement. Goes to show the propaganda machinery is doing pretty well considering that you guys are falling hook line and sinker on whatever is dished out by your Establishment.

Secondly, I'm a little amused by your wanting to always 'piggy back' on others. Firstly it was America and now China! When are you guys ever going to attempt to stand on your own feet? :azn:

Thirdly, the whole of Kashmir you say is disputed territory and shout from the rooftops that the 'wishes of the Kashmiri people' must be taken into account. Ok, so how come you guys are unilaterally doing whatever you want in your part of Kashmir without the permission of the Kashmiris? After all the land belongs to them, right? If tomorrow (Hypothetically) the Kashmiris are granted independence what would be the legal status of these projects? There are many Kashmiris who want nothing to do with the Chinese and their influence in the region. So are you prepared for another round of militancy by these groups who will do whatever they can to sabotage the Chinese out there in the GB region?
it is very hard to develop any muslim country because islam never favor of technology in a manner other religion do. so if china spend trillion of dollar in pakistan. it will make no sense. they will never become develop.

KId did you ever have been to school? or this is what you have learn in key board hindu warriors schools?
it is very hard to develop any muslim country because islam never favor of technology in a manner other religion do. so if china spend trillion of dollar in pakistan. it will make no sense. they will never become develop.

If u be really really quite you can hear Indian Rupee crying listen it saying Help Help i am sinking.
it is very hard to develop any muslim country because islam never favor of technology in a manner other religion do. so if china spend trillion of dollar in pakistan. it will make no sense. they will never become develop.
Man seriously you really need to learn about Islam. You are one of those people who are ignorant of some thing and feel themselves to be the most authentic person to comment.You are one of those persons who believe every thing began from India(Hinduism) and the rest of people/religion are just a piece of crap.

Get out of this "Hatred Against Islam Phobia",it will make your life easy.
The fact is that Pakistan can never be independent of the Yanks and/or Saudi Arabia. China unlike them does not give free hand- outs. I stopped reading this bad piece of journalism as soon as I realised that the writer couldn't spell the word "sea" properly @line 2 of paragraph 2 :D
it is very hard to develop any muslim country because islam never favor of technology in a manner other religion do. so if china spend trillion of dollar in pakistan. it will make no sense. they will never become develop.

Well, with that kinda analogy or reasoning, Hinduism must NOT favor, a toilet system, hence the concept of sanitation & consequently a sewage system!!!!

Enjoy Defecating in the open!!!

WOT + Energy Crises: But still INR is enjoying more sensation despite these two factors are not there

Both WOT and Energy Crisis are of Pakistan's own making.. How does that become an excuse for a currency in the dumpster (@104).. Specially when your countrymen have the audacity to comment on India's currency reaching 65
WOT + Energy Crises: But still INR is enjoying more sensation despite these two factors are not there

Sir lakin aaap ki tou maujeiiin hain naaa ? PKR neecheiii girtaa haii tou aaap waaapis Bhabhi ko jo paisee bhejjteiii hain woh pehleiii sei ziyadaa ho jateiii haiiin ! :azn:

Phir Bhabi uss ka niya suit aur necklace aur bachooon kei liyeee toys lei leiteiii hain ! :)

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