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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Agriculture


MNS University to launch Sino-Pak dual diploma in livestock management​

By Khalid Aziz
Jun 20, 2023

ISLAMABAD - The Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (FVAS), MNS University of Agriculture, Multan, and Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, China, held an online meeting to launch Sino-Pak dual diploma program in livestock management at FVAS.
MNS University to launch Sino-Pak dual diploma in livestock management

Under the dual diploma program, students will study initial two years in Pakistan and one year in Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, according to an update by the FVAS. The two institutions had signed an MoU in February 2023 for the purpose.

A Faculty Exchange Program will also be funded in addition to online training of animal husbandry and veterinary science teachers of FVAS.

Furthermore, Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College will establish modern agriculture and animal husbandry demonstration training centre at MNS University to organize trainings for Pakistani veterinary professionals, technical personnel and industrial partners.

Vice Chancellor Dr Asif Ali said on the occasion that this partnership will not only benefit students but also contribute to the development of livestock industry in Pakistan.

Dr Asif Raza, Dean FVAS, said that aim of the program will provide the students with a diverse and enriching learning experience to develop their skills in livestock management and animal care in a multicultural environment.

Prof. Yang Guiquan, Principal of Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College; Guo Qinghe, Deputy Director of Animal Science and Technology Institute; Jiang Xiaoxin, Dean Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine and Ma Wenjing, Dean of Int’l Cooperative Office from Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, attended the meeting.

Max Ma, Director and Executive President of Tang Pakistan was also present during the online meeting, among others.
MNS University to launch Sino-Pak dual diploma in livestock management
A Chinese company wants to set up a state-of-the-art dairy farm in Punjab

By Staff Reporter
Jul 5, 2023

LAHORE .... During the second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to focus on agriculture and livestock, China's Royal Group plans to set up a state-of-the-art dairy farm in Punjab.

According to the statement of the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT), a meeting was held in Lahore on Tuesday between the Royal Group of China and the officials of the Department of Livestock and Dairy Punjab.

Secretary Livestock presided over the meeting aimed at setting up a modern dairy farm with 500 animals in collaboration with Royal Group, PBIT added that the Department of Livestock and Dairy Development has produced dairy products as per international standards.

PBIT pledged to assist the Royal Group in finding local partners for joint ventures, particularly in the production of value-added dairy products. PBIT is also committed to support the export of dairy and meat products to China. According to the statement, these efforts represent a significant step towards creating opportunities for China to begin exporting.

Last year, a Royal Group delegation comprising management and senior scientists visited Pakistan to establish a Buffalo Embryo Development Facility in Lahore. According to the plan, the facility will use high quality buffaloes and 50 percent of the gin production will be used to meet local needs while the rest will be exported to China.

Apart from the Buffalo Embryos Laboratory project, the Royal Group also plans for intensive processing of buffalo milk (milk powder, cheese, fresh milk, etc.). If implemented, this project will not only increase the quality of buffaloes in Pakistan but also create thousands of jobs for local people.

Pak-China Floriculture cooperation to boost Pakistan's economy​

By Saira Iqbal
Jul 25, 2023


"Pakistan is a country of small farming households with a long history and rich experience in floriculture. There is a huge potential for cooperation between China and Pakistan in the flower industry," said Naeem Iqbal Cheema, Political Counsellor at the Embassy of Pakistan in China.

Floriculture is a high-profit industry. In recent years, multiple related programs started in Pakistan to encourage farmers to plant flowers. Hashopee Garden in Gilgit-Baltistan is one of the examples. "We want to show people that flowers are not only used for beauty, for weddings and funerals, but also an important economic crop.

Farmers can get maximum income from a small area through floricultural crop production," said GM Saqib, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture, Shigar, Gilgit-Baltistan. Now, the new cash crop, flower, is gaining popularity among local farmers.

"Here you will find more than 80 flower varieties in Hashopee Garden. It is a very profitable business that we should bring people to. For instance, one kanal of land can produce 10,000 sticks of lily flower, and one stick can sell for 400 rupees in the market of Karachi. The lily bulbs left in the ground after cutting is also a separate asset with separate value. This is dual income." Saqib said, emphasizing the high profit of the flower industry.

"Two important climatic factors are required for flower bulb production. One is the large difference in temperature between day and night. The other is the dry weather with low rainfall. These conditions are very suitable in Gilgit-Baltistan and many other places in Pakistan." He added. To boost the potential of Pakistan's floriculture industry, further efforts in technology improvement and industrialization need to be done.

As Pakistan has very good ties with China, which is now the world's largest flower producer as well as an important participant in the foreign trade of flowers, China can be a potential partner that Pakistan can cooperate with and has great floricultural experience that Pakistan can refer to.

Pingyin county of Shandong, China is now home to a rose planting area of about 4,000 hectares and more than 40 rose processing enterprises. "Almost every household in our village grows roses because the soil and climate here are suitable for it," said Yao, a 70-year-old local farmer who grows one mu (0.067 hectares) of roses, adding that the flower industry not only makes his village very beautiful in April and May but brings good incomes to the villagers.

To help farmers grow roses more easily and earn more, the county government also built a big data platform to provide them with growing data such as weather and marketing. A lot of companies and processing plants were established in the town, so that farmers can sell their flowers easily. Products made with roses in the county range from food and cosmetics to medicine, and have been sold to more than 10 countries and regions.

Aside from experience reference, Pak-China cooperation in the flower industry can also help Pakistan expand its sale channels. Currently in Pakistan, fresh flowers are normally used for ceremonial and decorative purposes, while dried petals and potted plants are mainly exported to Gulf countries.

As one of the biggest flower consumers in the world, China's flower imports have been growing rapidly in recent years. "Contract farming with Chinese stakeholders for production of dried flower buds and petals for export to Chinese markets is a feasible avenue.

The presentation of value-added products such as flower essential oil, flower jam and cosmetics will further expand the visibility of Pakistani flowers among Chinese customers," suggested Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor of University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF).

"Pakistan's floriculture exports could also be enhanced by targetting global markets through the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)." Naeem Iqbal Cheema added. Earlier this year, the BRI Rose Industry Consortium was officially established to promote bilateral and multilateral trade and personnel exchanges among the BRI countries.

Productive clusters of Pakistani roses have also been established along the Belt and Road to bring additional gross revenues. In the future, such floriculture cooperation will be extended to more flower varieties.

Better for Pakistanis to fall in Chinese trap. They have nothing to offer in the field of agriculture. Pakistani agriculture is far more advanced as it produces fine grain as compared to Chinese coarse grain which cannot be eaten directly but good for animal feed.

Dairy farms; same is true. Chinese do not any knowledge of milk. It is not part of their diet hence do not know much about it. Pakistanis and Indians mastered milk producing animals and domesticated them centuries back.

Chinese sesame testing farm ready for harvest in Pakistan​

By Fatima Javed
Aug 2, 2023

Chinese sesame testing farm ready for harvest in Pakistan

CMEC sesame testing farm near Lahore

LAHORE, Aug. 3 (Gwadar Pro) - China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) established a sesame testing farm near Lahore and is expecting their first sesame harvest next week. The trial yield will be 850-1000 kg per acre.

The company has started cultivation of 20 acres of sesame for testing purposes and performance. The testing farm started early this year will boost innovative farming and agricultural cooperation between the two countries.

Talking to Gwadar Pro, Dai Bao, Vice General Manager of CMEC Pakistan said we are testing seeds and field management. Hope to start sesame trading and contract farming in future to improve Pakistan sesame yield and trading volume.

Chinese sesame testing farm ready for harvest in Pakistan

CMEC sesame testing farm near Lahore

Sesame is adaptable to many types of soils. However, it performs better in well- drained soils and is usually produced in upland plains. Production costs per acre are modest and almost comparable to the cost of producing soybeans.

Fertilizer costs are primarily for nitrogen, which can be met through organic sources. Harvest costs are similar to other grains.

Global demand for sesame seeds has been rising over the years. The crop is gaining momentum as a health- enhancing food, which is used in many dishes.

If testing goes well, in the future we will introduce modern technology to improve the yield and will export more sesame to China, said Dai.

Pak-China to sign export and technical collaboration agreement on hybrid chilli​

Fatima Javed
Jul 31, 2023

ISLAMABAD- Pakistan and China will soon sign a deal to have technical collaboration on hybrid chilli and subsequent export of chilli to China under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Talking to Gwadar Pro, Chairman of Pakistan Hitech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) Shahzad Ali Malik said, "besides ongoing hybrid rice collaboration between Pakistan's Guard Agri and China's Longping, another agreement is going to be signed for the cultivation of hybrid chilli and subsequent export of chilli to China."

He said the signing ceremony will be held during the 1st International Food and Agriculture Exhibition on 10th - 12th August 2023 at Karachi Expo Centre, where Guard is exhibiting along with Longping and Litong Food.

“Hybrid chilli seed will be provided by Peppara Seeds along with technical support for commercial cultivation and buyback of dried chilli for export to China will be through Litong Food,” he added.

Pakistan-China collaboration in the agricultural sector, particularly in the development of new varieties of hybrid seeds in the private sector has significant benefits for both countries.
Chairman PHHSA who is also visiting China said that such projects can lead to the creation of tailored hybrid seed varieties that cater to the specific needs of Pakistani farmers and align with the country's agricultural practices and climate.

He emphasized that fruitful meetings between agricultural organizations from different countries can be beneficial for exchanging knowledge, technology, and expertise in the field of seed development and agriculture.

Hybrid seed development in Pakistan has a significant impact on food security by increasing crop productivity, resilience, and nutritional value. To ensure its effectiveness, there must be continued investment in research, infrastructure, and extension services to facilitate the adoption of hybrid seed technology by farmers across the country.

Pakistan and China to set up joint lab to control crop pests​

By Staff Reporter
Aug 5, 2023

BEIJING (China Economic Net) .. The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) and the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (IPPCAAS) held a conference on crop pest control in Beijing last Thursday. A LoI was signed for the establishment of a joint laboratory between Pakistan and China.

According to the IPPCAAS, the two sides will establish a joint laboratory and conduct tests, demonstrations and joint research on crop pest and integrated disease control technologies, as well as training and exchange of technical personnel. will do

Professor Muhammad Jalal Arif, chairman of UAF's Department of Entomology, told China Economic Net that Pakistan is heavily affected by pest problems. For example, whitefly is affecting cotton, lemon, guava, etc. When our fruits and vegetables are being exported to various countries in the Middle East, sometimes they are rejected due to the presence of flies and pesticide residues on these fruits. Out of 1,300 registered insecticide molecules in Pakistan, not a single molecule is able to control whitefly.

He said that Pakistan is also facing the problem of economic limitation and weak economy. When we decide to control a pest, we should consider pest scouting, pest monitoring, and pest population estimation. When they exceed a certain number, we decide to use insecticides, with which we use our various devices, tools. In the last 75 years we have had an old system which should be revised in the coming days.

According to the Director, Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization of UAF, Professor Mohammad Jafar Jaskani, this collaboration is part of Pakistan's efforts towards climate-smart agriculture. It would be good to secure food for future generations. So genetic modification, the use of biotechnology... these are the tools that can make food safe in both countries.

Dr. Abid Ali of UAF Department of Enthology said that collaboration with University of Faisalabad is of national importance for Pakistan. Faisalabad is a textile city. The presence of Special Economic Zone calls for additional research to accelerate its industrial development. We also have the Confucius Institute which has nurtured 6,000 students who have passed various levels of Chinese language and can act as a bridge between the two sides for cooperation. Located in the heart of Pakistan, it is easy for us to reach farmers in different parts of the country.

Canola seed from China to improve food safety of Pakistan​

Saira Iqbal
Aug 11, 2023

“From this year to the next, we plan to promote 1.2 million acres of hybrid canola. 500,000 tons of high-quality cooking oil and 1 million tons of high-quality rapeseed meal are expected to be produced, which can generate a revenue of around USD300 million,” said Zhou Xusheng, director of the international business department of Wuhan Qingfa-Hesheng Seed company of China.

At the seminar of National Food Security theming "Green Pakistan Initiative" recently held by Fauji Foundation, Zhou gave a keynote speech entitled Pak-China Cooperation on canola technology to create a healthy oil industry, providing a solution to the shortage of healthy edible oil in Pakistan.

“We wish to cooperate with Pakistan on large modern farming of canola and its downstream industries, it will provide high-quality edible oil and animal feed for national food security. This technology development can reduce 25-30% of import bill and provide millions of jobs in related industries.” Zhou said in the speech.

The company is working on transferring technology to Pakistan to make it efficient in smart agriculture. "We want to transfer the harvesting technology through which the farmers can use some attachments on their harvesters to reduce the wastage." Zhou said, adding that the company will also introduce processing units across Pakistan, through which even in villages people can install them and produce oil.

Wuhan Qingfa-Hesheng has carried out the breeding of hybrid double-low rapeseed varieties in Pakistan since 2009. “There was little progress at the beginning due to the large differences in climate and cultivation between the two countries, so we developed a new breeding mindset to re-create genetic resources according to local climate characteristics and experimental data.

In the end, with the assistance of molecular technology, we successfully bred HC-021C, a new hybrid canola variety with better oil content and quality.” Zhou told us that HC-021C was approved and registered by the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) in 2019, and thus became the first double-low rapeseed variety in the history of Pakistan.

“Due to HC-021C’s excellent performance, Punjab Province provided a planting subsidy of Rs 5,000 per acre to farmers who plant it. Compared with local varieties, the oil content of HC-021C is at least 10% higher, and its yield is 5% higher. It is very popular among the oil processing plants.” Zhou Xusheng said. “The remaining rapeseed meal can be used as high-quality feed additives.

The promotion of HC-021C cultivation can be conducive to edible oil production and poultry sector in Pakistan, and thus improve the food safety of Pakistan.”
PCJCCI proposes to grow Chinese varieties of potatoes to enhance disease free production


PCJCCI proposes to grow Chinese varieties of potatoes to enhance disease free production​

By Gwadar Pro

LAHORE, Sep 7 , 2023 - Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) on Wednesday afternoon proposed to grow Chinese varieties of potatoes to enhance disease free production.

PCJCCI leaders - during a think-tank session at the PCJCCI Secretariat - mentioned that Chinese potato varieties were known for their resistance to pests and diseases, making them a valuable resource for Pakistan to enhance its potato germ plasma.

They suggested the establishment and promotion of Tissue-Culture Laboratories, highlighting that Pakistan is a significant potato exporter and self-sufficient in domestic potato consumption.
Moazzam Ghurki, President of the joint chamber, noted that recent floods had caused extensive damage to various crops in Pakistan, but potato production had risen to 7.937 million tonnes in the fiscal year 2022-23, a 35 percent increase from 5.873 million tonnes in the previous fiscal year.

This growth was attributed to the fact that Punjab, a major potato-producing region, was unaffected by the floods.

In contrast, Pakistan imports 20,000 tons of potato seeds annually, leading to a heavy reliance on foreign seeds and high initial production costs, as around 35 to 40 percent of the expenses are allocated to seeds.
Ghurki emphasized th
e need to make potato seed production cost-effective for small-scale farmers and proposed the promotion of Tissue-Culture Laboratories within Pakistan to produce affordable potato seeds on a large scale, reducing dependency on costly foreign imports.
Fang Yulong, PCJCCI's Senior Vice President, highlighted that Pakistani and Chinese businesses were actively exploring cooperation opportunities in this sector.

Beyond seed production, Chinese investors expressed interest in potato by-products, mechanized harvesting, and pest control initiatives. “They are also collaborating to establish Pakistan's largest potato tissue culture lab. Chinese potato varieties are known for their resistance to pests and diseases, making them a valuable resource for Pakistan to enhance its potato germ plasma,” he added.

Hamza Khalid, Vice President of the Joint Chamber, stressed the importance of localized high-quality seed production, technological improvements, and mechanization.

He suggested that these efforts could potentially enable Pakistan to export potatoes to other countries, especially those with limited arable land for potato cultivation.

In conclusion, PCJCCI proposed enhancing Pakistan's potato exports through the establishment of Tissue-Culture Laboratories, reducing dependency on costly foreign seeds, and exploring opportunities for collaboration with Chinese enterprises in various aspects of potato production and processing.
Pakistan enterprises eyes potential in aquacultural cooperation with China

By Saira Iqbal
Sep 19, 2023

"More and more Pakistani aquatic product exporters enjoy zero tariffs and become aware of the details of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA). We have registered new species under the second phase of CPFTA, which can help increase our exports to China," said Ghulam Qadir, commercial counselor of the Pakistani Embassy in China.

At present, many Pakistani companies seek to deepen their cooperation with Chinese partners to increase their exports of aquatic products. On September 13, a Pakistani agricultural delegation led by Shahid Firoz, representative of Pakistan Arfeen Group and vice chairman of Belt and Road Development Company, paid a visit to the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance(CAPPMA) in Beijing, China, and had an in-depth discussion on deepening China-Pakistan cooperation in aquaculture industry.

"Our company is a comprehensive enterprise in Pakistan with businesses covering trade, food processing, agriculture, etc. We also own abundant water resources such as lakes and reservoirs.

The main purpose of our visit is to get connections with excellent aquatic product companies," said Shahid Firoz. He also hoped that Chinese enterprises could assist them in the development of aquaculture and promote trade cooperation.

“Our association is a leading industry organization in the fishery industry, with more than 1,800 member enterprises in China. We also maintain close cooperation with many national and international fishery-related organizations,” said Cui He, chairman of CAPPMA.

He is willing to help Arfeen Group build partnerships with other aquatic product companies. “We have rich experience and knowledge in the circulation and processing of aquatic products. We are willing to provide necessary technical and marketing support to Pakistani friends for the development of the fishery industry."

Shahid Firoz eyes great potential in Pak-China cooperation in the aquaculture industry, and he is ready to take actions to deepen the cooperation. "For example, the production efficiency and product quality of our aquaculture industry can be improved with China's advanced technology and experience.

We can also jointly promote the processing of Pakistani aquatic products and their sales in the Chinese market. On the other hand, the import of Chinese fish fry and fish feed can be increased by better marketing with our support." He added.

China-Pak crop pest management seminar held in Chengdu​

By Wu Siya | China Economic Net
Sep 25, 2023

CHENGDU–In order to strengthen the mutual learning and cooperation between China and Pakistan in the fields of crop pest management technology, prevention and control measures and management standards, the Seminar on Methods and Standards of Crop Pest Management in China and Pakistan was held by International Standardization Talent Training Base (Chengdu), and co-hosted by University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) and University of the Punjab, on September 25 online, attended by technicians of agricultural enterprises engaged in crop pest control and experts of related scientific research institutes from both countries.

Honored guest Dr. Abid Ali, Associate Professor, Department of Entomology at University of Agriculture Faisalabad, gave a keynote speech titled Standard System and Current Situation of Pest Control of Major Crops in Pakistan.

“We are facing growing severe pressure from pests, which is a serious threat to survival and security for Pakistan, an agricultural country. Climate change and high temperatures have intensified pests, in the meantime, extensive cropping signifies a lack of systematic and scientific control. Moreover, blind abuse of pesticides has led to more and more pests becoming resistant further. Such a vicious cycle keeps the cost of plant protection high.”

After analyzing the complex situation of crop pest management in Pakistan, Dr. Ali took several major pests such as Fall Armyworm (FAW) as examples to introduce Pakistan’s current management system (chemical control), and pointed out that Pakistan lacks adequate pest monitoring and forecasting systems, which means that pesticides still dominate prevention and control measures. Statistics shows that Pakistan’s annual pesticide use has soared from 50,000 tons/year in 2001 to 200,000 tons/year in 2020 in the past 20 years.
China-Pak crop pest management seminar held in Chengdu

Fall Armyworm causes major damage both in Pakistan and China [Photo/ Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences]
Therefore, studying the population distribution of natural enemies of pests in different phenological stages and crops will help Pakistan establish a biological management system, by which reduce the use of pesticides. “China has leading technology in the field of biological control. Through learning related experience, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of biological control in Pakistan.”

China-Pak crop pest management seminar held in Chengdu

Pests Intelligent Big Data Monitoring Equipment [Photo/Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science]

Another attendant, Liu Jie, Deputy Director, National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center, detailed Monitoring and Warning Technology of Agricultural Pests and Diseases Based on IoT and Big Data, focusing on cutting-edge Agro tech such as intelligent testing equipment, which can rely on automatic image recognition to detect and report all insects that enter the trap range, and identify the type, quantity, and gathering period of pests in certain area.

“In the context of global economic integration, high-speed circulation of global agricultural products through trade networks has brought a greater variety of pests to a certain extent. In addition to climate change, the threat of invasive alien species driven by socioeconomic factors has greatly intensified,” Liu stressed.

“Currently, China has established a remote sensing dynamic prediction model that combines multi-scale monitoring results of pests and diseases with epidemic migration patterns of pests and diseases, realizing remote dynamic prediction of remote sensing and migration paths of major pests and diseases areas. We take delight in sharing experiences in this regard between the two countries.”

Besides, China' s standard system for the management of major food crop diseases and pests, along with China’s prevention and control policies and measures for major agricultural pests and diseases were also amplified by experts.

It was noted that China and Pakistan will kick start a series of tests, demonstrations and joint research on integrated disease control technologies for crop pests and diseases of common concern, as well as technical personnel training and personnel exchange and training.

Balochistan delegation visited Henan for agri cooperation​

Saira Iqbal
Sep 28, 2023

On 23th of September, a Pakistani delegation from Balochistan led by Nawabzada Shazain Bugti, Pakistan's former minister for narcotics control, traveled to Grain Innovation and Development Center of Henan University of Technology in Henan, China to attend an agricultural forum organized by Pei Shaofen, director of the center.

The main purpose of the delegation's visit to Henan is to seek cooperation in corn, wheat, soybean, peanut, sugarcane, vegetables and related agricultural technologies and equipment. Chinese entrepreneurs from seed companies in Henan province, including Henan Qiule Seed Technology, Henan Jifeng Group and Henan Bio King Company, were invited to participate in the forum.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the experimental base of Henan Jifeng Group located in Xingyang, China, accompanied by Dr. Yuan Liang, a young breeder of the company.

“Henan Jifeng Group has an excellent research and development team and advanced breeding technologies of maize, wheat and other crops. We’d like to invited the leaders and experts of the company to Pakistan for field trip. We hope that they can have more cooperation with Pakistan,” said Nawabzada Shazain Bugti.

Chinese technology vital to multiplying agricultural revolution in Pakistan:​

By Shafqat Ali

ISLAMABAD, - Caretaker Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Dr. Kausar Abdullah Malik said on Tuesday afternoon that Chinese technology is vital to multiplying agricultural revolution In Pakistan.

The minister chaired a meeting on Seed System of Pakistan and reviewed its challenges and future prospects at Islamabad.

The meeting was attended by all the main stakeholders of Seed Sector from all over Pakistan. The country Chief of The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Pakistan presented the salient points of the recently launched documents on National Seed Sector: Prospects and Challenges.

The report highlighted that the regulatory system in Pakistan is improving but due to relatively weak enforcement it is unable to attract enough foreign companies in the seed sector. Moreover, Pakistan’s breeding industry suffers from the chronic problem of intellectual property theft.

The Seed Amendment Act of 2015 liberalized the seed sector resulted in mushroom growth of domestic private seed companies. At the meeting, officials held extensive and in-depth discussions on how to use advanced genomic technology and information technology systems to optimize the breeding industry as a whole. So far, the Ministry of National Food Security and Research has launched a field-farmer overall tracking and analysis system for wheat crops to better control the overall wheat planting status.

Dr. Kausar Malik said that government is committed to uplift agro based industry in the country as solution of all our economic woes lies in the development of agriculture sector.

The doctor said that with the help of China, Pakistan currently urgently needs to establish a unified regulatory system for all crop varieties to improve the development of Pakistan's seed industry.

He added that currently, there is a widespread problem in Pakistan of low-quality seeds and unapproved seeds occupying the agricultural market, which has seriously affected Pakistan's crop production. “There is large gap of 66 percent between supply and demand of certified seeds in the country,” he stressed.

Pakistan and China to step up academic coop in rapeseed​

By Saira Iqbal
Oct 7, 2023

SHAANXI - "We are willing to assist Pakistan in the development of the rapeseed industry. We have discussed with the Pakistani delegation and reached a cooperation intention in rapeseed which includes the exchange of germplasm resources, cooperative breeding and regular exchange visits,” said Li Dianrong, rapeseed expert at Hybrid Rapeseed Research Center in Shaanxi, China.

Last Wednesday, a delegation led by Fateh Marri, vice chancellor of Sindh Agriculture University, visited the Hybrid Rapeseed Research Center for investigation and exchange, accompanied by Li Dianrong and Li Youli, deputy secretary of the center.

During the visit, Li Dianrong introduced the latest progress in rapeseed research. Engaged in research of rapeseed breeding and cultivation technology for 50 years, Li has independently cultivated 22 hybrid rape varieties. He is also known as father of hybrid rape.

“Our center is willing to provide support in personnel training and services to contribute to the development of Pakistan’s rapeseed industry. We also plan to try out new rapeseed varieties in the Pak-China agricultural demonstration park." He said.

The delegation visited the crop breeding sharing platform, molecular design breeding laboratory, plant culture room and other research sites of the center.

Impressed by the center’s achievements and advanced technologies in rapeseed breeding, Fateh Marri expressed his wish to cooperate with the center in the rapeseed industry. He also gave plenty of information about Sindh Agriculture University and Pakistan’s rapeseed industry.

Sino-Pak Bio health Agriculture Park inaugurated at University of Haripur​

By Fatima Javed
Oct 30, 2023

Sino-Pak Bio health Agriculture Park inaugurated at University of Haripur

Sino-Pak Bio health Agriculture Overseas Sci-tech Demonstration Park was inaugurated at the University of Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa last week.

The bio health agriculture park is a cooperation between the University of Haripur, Pakistan and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University Xianyang, China.

“By sharing new technologies and crop varieties, the project aims to modernize Pakistan’s agriculture, increase productivity, and lift more people out of poverty,” Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, Postdoctoral fellow at North West A & F University told.

He said, the cultivation of Chinese and local high yielding varieties of different crops and vegetables remained a major area of cooperation.

The park will be constructed in three phases.

- In the first phase, a demonstration area will be established to plant crops with low input and high value addition.
- In the second phase, more will be invested in high-tech agricultural products. Joint efforts will also be made on talent training and agricultural laboratory establishment.
- The third phase will focus on agricultural macro monitoring, management and big data.

During the meeting, both sides agreed to extend cooperation in exchange for vegetables and other agricultural varieties through modern agricultural cooperation. They discussed many important aspects of the development of agriculture, especially how to increase yields, the quality of vegetables, fruit and agricultural crops.

The Chinese university delegation later also visited the University of Lahore to observe the field trials underway and the application of Nano biochar which proved effective in improving the yield of Okra, gourd, and eggplant.

They witnessed the research carried out including promotion of vegetable production through bio-healthy agriculture, physiological perspectives of salt tolerance in wheat, impacts of biofertilizers on salt stress tolerance and maize.

Bio-health Nano fertilizers adoption and applications for sustainable and climate-resilient farming in Pakistan, production of bioactive oligosaccharides from cress seed mucilage through microbial bioprocessing was also observed.
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