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China-Pakistan Deal Highlights Waning U.S. Influence In Region

If you want to support rebellion than don't be angry on those who support rebellion in other countries

it is vice versa. now saudi is invading yemen then tomorrow don't be angry if any other invade saudi wahabi kingdom too.

the problem is not rebellion in yemen. the problem is foreign military intervention, air and sea blockade by saudi.

The war will soon spill over and will not end. let season of Hajj comes near. alqaida and isil are reaching there.
it is vice versa. now saudi is invading yemen then tomorrow don't be angry if any other invade saudi wahabi kingdom too.

the problem is not rebellion in yemen. the problem is foreign military intervention, air and sea blockade by saudi.

The war will soon spill over and will not end. let season of Hajj comes near. alqaida and isil are reaching there.

And i wonder if you believe in Qura'n or not? Dont worry young man, Hajj is not anywhere near now it will be ramadan first, then eid then hajj that is we are talking about. Allah himself has promised to protect these two holy lands.

Aint to so naive of you ?
Your bild hatred towards arabs is just as appalling as your judgement skills.

You make it sound like Iran had no play in this at all, like nothing.

Thanks to your mad mullah regime the Syria is suffering anyway, there always sectarian war in Iraq.

See this is what exactly what ai m talking about your baised against Arabs only, well in fact its two way street where at one end there is terrorist supporter Iran and at the other end hypocrites Arabs. Irani are no better than Arabs and vice versa.

Keeping their country safe and burning others is what these too hypocrites always do.

Your argument against Arab is just too weak out blind hatred thats all just as dubious claims you make

yes. Islamic democracy under divine leadership.

It is not, Its Khilafaat system. In islam there is no such thing as national boundaries.
The Idea that was long removed by both arabs and Iranis.

Divine leadership or should i say captured leadership. How do you someone is divine ? Ho does that only makes him right while yoyre wrong. This is your silly interpretation of Islam, No wonder we have this terrorist fanatic like boko haram and ISIS who interpret Islam in their own way
And i wonder if you believe in Qura'n or not? Dont worry young man, Hajj is not anywhere near now it will be ramadan first, then eid then hajj that is we are talking about. Allah himself has promised to protect these two holy lands.
Aint to so naive of you ?
Your bild hatred towards arabs is just as appalling as your judgement skills.
You make it sound like Iran had no play in this at all, like nothing.
Thanks to your mad mullah regime the Syria is suffering anyway, there always sectarian war in Iraq.
See this is what exactly what ai m talking about your baised against Arabs only, well in fact its two way street where at one end there is terrorist supporter Iran and at the other end hypocrites Arabs. Irani are no better than Arabs and vice versa.
Keeping their country safe and burning others is what these too hypocrites always do.
Your argument against Arab is just too weak out blind hatred thats all just as dubious claims you make

again non sense for granted.

Arabs will win and wahabi aliens will be losers.
again non sense for granted.

Arabs will win and wahabi aliens will be losers.
How conveniently you deny the atrocities carried out My mad mUllah regime of Iran is just disgusting and the way you point all the blame on arabs.
Sheesh no wonder everyone says youre always into shia-sunni conflict.
It is not, Its Khilafaat system. In islam there is no such thing as national boundaries.
The Idea that was long removed by both arabs and

who told you that ? when according to you their is no country then why you talk pakistan.

you only know the spelling and rest is blank.

we prefer you make your own king and call it khalifa just like isil or taliban do.

you will follow ISIL and al qaida.

we will play with them.

How conveniently you deny the atrocities carried out My mad mUllah regime of Iran is just disgusting and the way you point all the blame on arabs.
Sheesh no wonder everyone says youre always into shia-sunni conflict.

but still that is better than your kings and caliphs.

you people make it shia sunni when loose just like this. isil or qaida or taliban are not shias.
who told you that ? when according to you their is no country then why you talk pakistan.

you only know the spelling and rest is blank.

we prefer you make your own king and call it khalifa just like isil or taliban do.

you will follow ISIL and al qaida.

we will play with them.
We? As youre Irani?
I m confused, no dumbhead i old you what is the proper islamic governance system used by by Sahabas and not some lame divine democracy as you mentioned earlier, which made no sense at all, you even failed to identify its name.

we prefer? are you Irani? like i give a fllying fck of what a mad supporter of terrorist country has to say.

Kid get out of the propaganda shit that you're used of it anyway, the world doesnt revolve around you or Iran. No wonder Iran has been off the scene for i don't like 40 years now.
Divine my arse,

who told you that ? when according to you their is no country then why you talk pakistan.

you only know the spelling and rest is blank.

we prefer you make your own king and call it khalifa just like isil or taliban do.

you will follow ISIL and al qaida.

we will play with them.

but still that is better than your kings and caliphs.

you people make it shia sunni when loose just like this. isil or qaida or taliban are not shias.
Whoi said i suport monrachy? or terrorist state like you do, You see your hatred is blinding your judgement skills.
I hate both of them
they both are hypocrites, one is suffering, the other one just got in game.
My suggestion to both of you is to look up Theodemocracy.
@salarsikander @B@KH

Iran is a theocracy. Pakistan is a theodemocracy.
i will surely look into that, my only issue here is, we stuill have people people in our nation who are ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for either hypocrites arabs or Iranis.

While overlooking the fact that all this shit is created by these two entities
i will surely look into that, my only issue here is, we stuill have people people in our nation who are ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for either hypocrites arabs or Iranis.

While overlooking the fact that all this shit is created by these two entities
Absolutely. If it ever comes to Iran vs Pakistan, i don't think any shia in Pakistan will side with Iran. They are Pakistanis first.
Same goes for KSA vs Pakistan.
We? As youre Irani?
I m confused, no dumbhead i old you what is the proper islamic governance system used by by Sahabas and not some lame divine democracy as you mentioned earlier, which made no sense at all, you even failed to identify its name.
we prefer? are you Irani? like i give a fllying fck of what a mad supporter of terrorist country has to say.
Kid get out of the propaganda shit that you're used of it anyway, the world doesnt revolve around you or Iran. No wonder Iran has been off the scene for i don't like 40 years now.
Divine my arse,
Whoi said i suport monrachy? or terrorist state like you do, You see your hatred is blinding your judgement skills.
I hate both of them
they both are hypocrites, one is suffering, the other one just got in game.

Sahabas fought battles and cut necks of each others. thousands perish. they are not authority for us. but you can consider them authority.

For us the Only Authority in Islam is Quran and Hadith and Imamat. After Quran and Hadith, Islam revolves around Imamat. This is Eternal and Islamic gains are not for loose.

you are confused and hate like confused khawarij. it is your choice but like isisl and qaida you can also build a new thing and call it islamic state.

saudi may be as you said but not Iran.

you blame both and consider self pious and not astray and could not find the thing you need.
Sahabas fought battles and cut necks of each others. thousands perish. they are not authority for us. but you can consider them authority.

For us the Only Authority in Islam is Quran and Hadith and Imamat. After Quran and Hadith, Islam revolves around Imamat. This is Eternal and Islamic gains are not for loose.

you are confused and hate like confused khawarij. it is your choice but like isisl and qaida you can also build a new thing and call it islamic state.

saudi may be as you said but not Iran.

you blame both and consider self pious and not astray and could not find the thing you need.

Point one ayyat in Quran which orders us to obey Imamat or only progeny of Prophet is only fit to rule Muslims ?

Contrary to your believe, Point one flaw in the administration and governance of abu bakr and Omar and pray tell us if so called Imamat would have done better. Let's talk on facts here
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