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China-Pak nuclear deal: ‘India opened a Pandora’s box’

China Thursday vowed to take its military ties with Pakistan to a new height and defended its nuclear cooperation with Islamabad to build two new reactors for the country. Gen Kayani heading a high level Pakistani military delegation is currently on visit to China.“Cooperation between the Chinese and Pakistani armed forces is exemplary and has been fruitful,” Liang said during the meeting.The Minister also said that the two countries should make continuous efforts to boost their joint defence programmes.

His remarks assume significance as Pakistan and China are collaborating in the manufacture of advanced fighter aircraft.As the two countries were holding military level talks a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang commenting on the US reaction on the deal, told reporters “China and Pakistan have maintained cooperation in recent years in the civilian use of nuclear energy.”

“This cooperation is in line with our respective international obligations and totally for peaceful purposes and under the safeguards and supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),” Qin said.In Islamabad, the Foreign Office Spokesman said, Pakistan-China civilian nuclear cooperation is under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and concerns, if any, are misplaced.

now who is crying hahahah india
I really dont understand....why India is making a issue about this deal ?

For all that matters India cannot do a jack about this deal..If the Chinese feels like they need to go ahead then they will !!
I really dont understand....why India is making a issue about this deal ?

For all that matters India cannot do a jack about this deal..If the Chinese feels like they need to go ahead then they will !!

India is making an issue and globalizing it. And thats what they want.
I really dont understand....why India is making a issue about this deal ?

For all that matters India cannot do a jack about this deal..If the Chinese feels like they need to go ahead then they will !!

Perhaps its "Self testing" for government of India regarding its international influence. :argh::usflag:
I think india should make its effort to pretest against the deal and after this if the NSG still goes mum then its India which is in gain. India can go ahead and do whatever it takes for its interest and show the so called NSG that you guys are not so important collectively.

I think there is no relevance of NSG anymore as a collective unit and this will prove it beyond doubt. One reason why India do not want to sign the NPT.
I think india should make its effort to pretest against the deal and after this if the NSG still goes mum then its India which is in gain. India can go ahead and do whatever it takes for its interest and show the so called NSG that you guys are not so important collectively.

I think there is no relevance of NSG anymore as a collective unit and this will prove it beyond doubt. One reason why India do not want to sign the NPT.

there they go crying against NSG now.. lol
who knows what next to come.. :toast_sign:
Trust me, an educated Indian will never want any country to disappear, remember we have faught togather for our own independence. We dont want anything against pakistan, however you guys are getting a taste of your own deeds.

Trust me blame your own politicians..
In soviet war of Afghanistan, US used you to defeat Russian. Created Taliban, now you are clearing up the mess.
Now Its China using you to defeat India, when the burden of US is still not gone. You will be used from one side and pressurized from other.

A very honest openion, no one is a friend of anyone here. What you can do here is develope your own abilities. US is doing it, China is doing is, India is doing it why not you?....

Start trying now before its too late. and to start that first you have to detach yourself from the clouts.

Who doesnt want a prosporous neighbour who you can trade with, both of us will get profit, even China and India have disputes today but China cant stop trading with India which is as big as multi billions in dollars. We both can do the same.

Start thinking logically now.

There are not many of these educated Indians or are there, just by reading the comments of Indians on popular websites you can tell what their intentions are and the prevalent mindset.

We were in clear and present danger becuase of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, this invasion also allowed us to build our Nuclear program through the American funding meant for the Mujahideen.

China is not using us, that is what you are told. We are well aware of what we have to do to ward off your hegemonic designs for South Asia.

We were developing it very well, we had high growth during the Musharraf years, we always performed better than you but in the 90's when sanctions were placed on us, we suffered as a consequence. But of course you would not admit to it and just bring in your own version that suits your standing.

Yes, India should detach itself from US and Russia. US just wants to use you to counter China, does your country want to be dependent on their business and support to continue your growth.

India does not want a prosperous neighbour, they want to see a weak submissive Pakistan and they try every dirty trick in the book to achieve it. Look at what Milton Bearden, a former C.I.A. station chief said about India.

Every ten years Indians get happy that Pakistan will face its demise soon and they can move forward with their hegemony in the region. After USSR invaded, Indians were having wet dreams, after the Pressler Amendments sanctions, they were ecstatic as Bearden said. Recently the whole failed nation propaganda and the spillover of war made you people tremendously happy. Alas we salvaged ourselves and are still standing and returning to our high growth and development.

India should start thinking logically, it tried to hurt us through the WOT, supported the Balochistan separitists and played a dirty game to destabilise us. Now logic dictates that we should return the favor as and when we can, the game is about to get a whole lot worse for you.

This deal is just a start and look how paranoid your government is, they know what is in store and USA or NATO will not be around to help you. They do not care what happens in your country, they just want to use you as a counter weight to China so they remain at the top.

There is a saying in sanskrit, "VINASHKALE VIPAREET BUDDHI" !!!

At the onset of self destruction, the intellect goes sore (begins to justify whats irrational and suicidal).
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