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What happened to ChinaSpaceflight.com?

The site is no longer updated, and the last tweet dated from May 17 even more scary:

9:54 PM - 17 May 2018

Any clue? @JSCh

Same question for the excellent @hadukino (last updated 23 May 2017).
No idea why, but it stop frequent update since beginning of this year.


"Spaceflightfans.cn" [chuckle, chuckle]
is simply another website for fanboys that only report some spacenews superficially, it includes insignificant international news -like the Israeli moon hoax-, but it can not be compared with "chinaspaceflight.com", a website that was covering China's space activities only and with a depth that made it unique or similar to @hadukino!

"Spaceflightfans.cn" [chuckle, chuckle]
is simply another website for fanboys that only report some spacenews superficially, it includes insignificant international news -like the Israeli moon hoax-, but it can not be compared with "chinaspaceflight.com", a website that was covering China's space activities only and with a depth that made it unique or similar to @hadukino!
spaceflightfans is the best site for china's latest space activities right now. you can't find a better one. trust me, i've been crawling all over the internet searching for an alternative to chinaspaceflight :D

just go to their chinese news section only. don't bother with the international crap
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China developing in-orbit satellite transport vehicle
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-19 20:37:03|Editor: Xiang Bo

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) -- China is developing a space vehicle to help transport orbiting satellites that have run out of fuel, Science and Technology Daily reported Thursday.

Fuel is a key factor limiting the life of satellites. Most satellites function for years after entering orbit, but eventually, they have to end their missions and burn up into the atmosphere due to fuel exhaustion.

The vehicle is being developed by an academy affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. The carrier, instead of refueling the satellite, will use a robotic arm to dock with it, and will then carry the satellite to maintain its original orbit.

Hu Di, the chief designer of the vehicle, said compared with foreign research that focuses on refueling satellites that have run out of fuel, their option is much simpler and efficient.

The vehicle will take about two years to complete.

On June 19 last year, China's communications satellite Zhongxing-9A failed to enter the preset orbit after launch. The satellite then took two weeks to conduct ten orbit adjustments to reach its correct orbit, resulting in large fuel consumption and a shortened working life.

Hu's team has listed Zhongxing-9A as a potential satellite on which to apply the new technology.


China finishes hot-fire test of next generation rocket engine
(People's Daily Overseas Edition) 10:27, July 20, 2018

China has successfully finished its first joint hot-fire test of a domestically-developed liquid oxygen and kerosene engine, Xinhua reported on July 19.

The engine is expected to be used in China's next generation carrier rocket, according to its developer, the No.6 Research Institute of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

A number of innovative technologies were used in the development of the engine to substantially raise its reliability and performance. For instance, special take-off and acceleration technologies were adopted to help reduce the weight of the rocket, thus making it more powerful.
Feature: Unraveling hidden universe with Chinese wisdom
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-22 23:41:19|Editor: Mu Xuequan
by Xinhua writer Yu Fei

BEIJING, July 22 (Xinhua) -- Chang Jin, chief scientist of China's Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), nicknamed "Wukong" or "Monkey King", often finishes his meal quite quickly, a habit formed due to hunger in childhood.

While U.S. scientists were observing the rotation of galaxies in 1970s and beginning to understand the existence of invisible, mysterious dark matter, Chang was a pupil in a poor village in Taixing County, east China's Jiangsu Province.

He had three brothers, and the one who ate slowest would stay hungry.

Hunger not only left him the habit of eating fast, but also cultivated his character of pursuing efficiency in work.
Even after Chang became the chief scientist of DAMPE in 2011, his parents only earned about 20,000 yuan (about 3,000 U.S. dollars) a year in the rural area.

"In my father's last days, he worried that if our satellite failed, the money wasted would be equivalent to the total income of tens of thousands of families in our hometown," said Chang. "That's why I work with extreme caution. We must succeed. We cannot waste the state's research money."

When Chang graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China and started work at the space astronomy lab in the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, in 1992, he was surprised to find that Chinese space astronomy was a blank sheet.

"I felt like I was working in a car factory where no car had been produced," Chang recalled.

All he could do was sitting in the library and earnestly reading all the books and papers about the astronomical satellites of other countries.

At that time, China launched its manned space program. Chang followed his tutor to develop an instrument that was later installed on the Shenzhou-2 spacecraft and obtained a large amount of observation data on solar flares and gamma-ray bursts.

This was China's first astronomical observation in space in its real sense and laid the foundation for the development of space astronomy in China.

The project made Chang aware of the huge gap between China and the world's advanced level in space astronomy. But the detection of high-energy cosmic electrons and gamma-rays had still not been accomplished. If China could devise the detection method, breakthroughs might be achieved.

The observations of the Hubble space telescope in 1998 overturned understanding of the universe: the expansion of the universe is speeding up, which scientists believe is caused by "dark energy." All the things that scientists have been trying to comprehend account for a tiny 5 percent of the universe, and dark matter and dark energy make up the rest.

That same year, Chang made a breakthrough in the detection of high-energy electrons and gamma-rays. It was previously believed that only expensive, heavy detectors could be used, but Chang invented an observation method with cheaper, thinner and lighter instruments.

This was when U.S. scientists were planning to observe cosmic rays by releasing a balloon-borne instrument over Antarctica. Chang found that instrument could also be used to detect high-energy electrons and gamma-rays. The U.S. scientists thought that was crazy.

To persuade them to include his observation method, Chang flew to the United States. The U.S. scientists asked him to calculate all the parameters in their computer. Chang, having no laptop, had to convert his idea into computer programs and calculate and check all the parameters. He had no sleep for 36 consecutive hours.

At last, the U.S. scientists were convinced and agreed to share their observation data with Chang for analysis. One of the most important articles of the program was later published in Nature, with Chang as the first author.

In the research, Chang found an unexpected surplus of high-energy electrons which might be caused by the annihilation of dark matter. Had he glimpsed the "ghost" of the universe? The balloon experiment could not exclude interference from other celestial bodies and "noises" in the atmosphere. A space probe was necessary for clearer observation.

In 2011, China inaugurated a program to develop a series of scientific satellites including DAMPE.

Chang's novel detection technology and method were implemented in the DAMPE satellite, which cost just a seventh of NASA's Fermi Space Telescope and a twentieth of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), a state-of-the-art particle physics detector operating on the International Space Station (ISS).

Hundreds of scientists took part in the development of DAMPE. One of the greatest challenges was to improve the satellite's particle identification ability, which could be compared to precisely picking out 20 people in a city with a population of 20 million.

Another challenge was to extend the detector's dynamic range to one million times, which was like letting the human eye discerning both a 2-meter-tall basketball player and a 2-micron cell on his body at the same time.

When DAMPE was launched on Dec. 17, 2015, Chang showed no sign of excitement. He was worrying about its performance.

Several months later, when he saw the gamma-ray chart of the sky drawn by his team based on the DAMPE data, he couldn't hold back his tears.

"The chart showed the satellite was successful. It had honored the efforts of so many people," said Chang.
So far, the satellite has captured 4.7 billion high-energy cosmic ray particles, which hide the secrets of the universe. The initial detection results were published in Nature at the end of 2017.

Nobel Laureate Samuel Chao Chung Ting, leader of the AMS-02 experiment on the ISS, described DAMPE as "a very good experiment."

Ed Gerstner, scientific director of Springer Nature China, said DAMPE'S discovery might change our understanding of the universe.

As a rising nation after 40 years of reform and opening-up, China now has the ability to contribute to the progress of science and civilization, which is a dream of many Chinese scientists like Chang.

"DAMPE has opened a new window to observe the universe, showing new physical phenomena beyond our current understanding," Chang said. "I believe there will be more surprises waiting for us."

"Spaceflightfans.cn" [chuckle, chuckle]
is simply another website for fanboys that only report some spacenews superficially, it includes insignificant international news -like the Israeli moon hoax-, but it can not be compared with "chinaspaceflight.com", a website that was covering China's space activities only and with a depth that made it unique or similar to @hadukino!

spaceflightfans is the best site for china's latest space activities right now. you can't find a better one. trust me, i've been crawling all over the internet searching for an alternative to chinaspaceflight :D

just go to their chinese news section only. don't bother with the international crap

What about go-taikonauts.com?
It's a good one and very update

China Focus: Capture an asteroid, bring it back to Earth?
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-23 14:43:39|Editor: Liangyu

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Next time when your kids ask you to bring them a star from the sky, you don't have to shrug and walk away. Tell them to wait, instead.

A group of Chinese scientists are mulling a bold idea to capture a small near-Earth asteroid, which might be a potential threat, and bring it back to Earth to exploit its resources.

"Sounds like science-fiction, but I believe it can be realized," said Li Mingtao, a researcher at the National Space Science Center under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Li and his team raised the audacious idea in a contest of innovative future technologies recently held in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, and entered the finals with another 59 projects.

The contest encouraged young Chinese scientists to conceive groundbreaking technologies and trigger innovation.

The process could start with a spacecraft carrying a huge bag to wrap a small asteroid and push it back over the Earth. Then it would unfold a heat shield to reduce the velocity of the asteroid when it enters the Earth's atmosphere, and control it to safely land in a no-human zone, Li explained.

Huang Wei, chief engineer at an institute of the China Academy of Space Technology, said the idea is very creative and could help promote the development of space technologies.

Li said many key technologies would have to be tackled to achieve the goal. One challenge would be finding a suitable target. The smaller an asteroid, the more difficult it is to discover. Telescopes on the ground can only find small asteroids when they come very close.

Li is working with space engineers at the Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, to draw up a plan for a satellite constellation on the heliocentric Venus-like orbit. The satellites will be used to search for and analyze near-Earth small celestial bodies with a diameter around 10 meters.

He said the hardest challenge might be the control of the asteroid after it enters the Earth's atmosphere. They must design a heat shield, and drop the speed of the asteroid from 12.5 km per second to about 140 meters per second before it touches down at a designated area.

To analyze the feasibility of the plan, Li's team has targeted a small asteroid more than 100 million km away. It's about 6.4 meters in diameter and weighs several hundred tonnes.

The asteroid's main components are still not clear, and need more observation and analysis to determine. Li calculated the proper time to launch an asteroid catcher would be 2029, and it could be brought back to Earth in 2034.

Some near-Earth asteroids are at risk of colliding with Earth. An asteroid entered the Earth's atmosphere over Russia in February 2013, and exploded above Chelyabinsk, leaving more than 1,500 people injured and about 3,000 buildings damaged.

Many scientists believe the extinction of dinosaurs was caused by the collision of an asteroid or a comet with the Earth.

However, many asteroids contain resources with great scientific and economic values. The study of the formation and evolution of asteroids might shed light on the origins of the solar system, as well as the origins of life and water on Earth.

NASA is reportedly planning to launch a spacecraft in 2022, which is due to arrive at an asteroid named Psyche in 2026. More than 95 percent of Psyche appears to be made of iron, nickel, and other metals such as gold, platinum and copper.

"Space mining might become a new engine for the global economy," said Li.

So far, the United States and Japan have landed probes on asteroids. Japan has brought back a sample.

After sending a probe to Mars in 2020, China plans to explore asteroids and even land on one to conduct scientific research.

"Unlike missions to bring samples back, we aim to bring back a whole asteroid weighing several hundred tonnes, which could turn asteroids with a potential threat to Earth into usable resources," said Li.

Li, 36, began dreaming of space when he was growing up in the countryside. He liked gazing at the stars, and watching meteors flying across the sky. He studied spacecraft design at university.

After joining the National Space Science Center, he took part in China's space science programs, and helped design the trajectory for the Chang'e-2 probe to the second Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth system. The probe is China's farthest flying spacecraft.

Li often talked with colleagues about whether they could predict the landing points of shooting stars.

One day, an idea struck him: why not catch an asteroid and control it to land at a designated area?

"Our analysis shows that maneuvering a small asteroid is feasible in principle, and could bring enormous economic and social benefits," said Li.

"Preventing the danger of near-Earth asteroids will also help secure the shared future of mankind," he added.

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Friday, July 27th, is a big night for astronomy. Three reasons: First, Mars will be at opposition--directly opposite the sun and making a 15-year close approach to Earth. Second, Mars and the full Moon will be in conjunction--less than 10 degrees apart. Third, the Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing the longest lunar eclipse in a century:

Almost everyone on Earth (except North Americans) can see the eclipse as the sunset-colored shadow of our planet swallows the Moon for almost 2 hours. During totality, the Moon will turn almost the same red color as Mars right beside it--an incredible sight. [eclipse visibility map]


Because Mars is opposite the sun, it will rise at sunset and stay up all night long. The best time to look is around midnight when the Moon-Mars pair will be at their highest in the sky. The Red Planet will have no trouble being seen through the glare of the full Moon because Mars itself is so luminous--almost three times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.




People in North America will not be able to see the eclipse. The shadow play happens mostly on the opposite side of the world. They can, however, witness the conjunction. Swinging a backyard telescope between the Moon and Mars in quick succession will reveal the dusty-red martian disk alongside lunar mountains and craters. It's a special night. Enjoy the show!



















China Exclusive: World's first space cold atom clock
Source: Xinhua 2016-09-19 15:39:16

BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- The cylinder-shaped black object bears no resemblance to any ordinary clock, but it is one of the most advanced timepieces ever.

It was sent to space with the Space Laboratory of China's Tiangong-2 on Thursday, becoming the first ever cold atom clock working in space.

"This clock is so accurate that it should not lose one second in 30 to 300 million years in space," says Liu Liang, professor and director of the Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Unlike ordinary clocks, the timekeeping device is based on atomic physics.

And unlike the most atomic clocks, this clock uses more advanced "cold atom" technology, ensuring its ultra precision.

A mechanical watch loses almost one second a day; a quartz watch loses about one second every 10 days; the hydrogen atomic clock loses about one second over millions of years; the cold atom clock exceeds all in accuracy, Liu says.

Scientists attribute its accuracy to the microgravity environment in space as well as the coldness of the atoms the clock uses.

Under microgravity conditions, the cold atoms, pushed by lasers, perform a uniform motion in a straight line. By observing their performance, scientists get more precise atomic clock signal than under the gravity conditions on Earth.

Moreover, the laser cooling technology helps to eliminate the influence of atomic thermal motion on the clock's performance.

"Though molecules and atoms can't be seen in a room, they are actually moving at high-speed, and the speed is equivalent to temperature," Liu explains.

"We use laser cooling technology to slow down the atoms to a temperature that a refrigerator could never reach, so they nearly stay still," Liu says. "By observing the almost static atoms we make our measurements more precise."

Scientists believe that putting such a clock in space will help set a time standard to synchronize other atomic clocks in space more precisely.

"A more accurate clock system in space will benefit us on Earth," Liu says, citing possible substantial improvements in navigation and positioning accuracy.

Scientists say the development of cold atom technology could also make many experiments possible, such as deep space navigation and positioning, dark matter probes, and even gravitational wave exploration.

"A lot of research is based on our measurement of time and space. If we could detect subtle changes in time and space, we could make discoveries beyond the range of existing technology," Liu says.

"In the future, there will be more accurate clocks than this cold atom clock and our ultimate goal is to make a clock that will never be a second fast or slow over the life of the universe."
Physics: Atomic clocks in space
Nature Communications
July 25, 2018

A cold atomic clock capable of operating in space is presented in Nature Communications this week. The findings demonstrate that cold atoms can be used as stable in-orbit clocks and may lead to uses in metrology and for testing some of the fundamental principles of physics.

The timing of an atomic clock is based on the energy difference between two atomic levels. This energy difference in cold atoms can be measured precisely by using lasers and clocks can remain stable against external perturbations under laboratory conditions. However, long term operation of such clocks in space is challenging because the environmental field and high energy particles from the Earth’s radiation belt interfere with the clock stability.

Liang Liu and colleagues report evidence of the stable in-orbit operation of a cold atomic clock. The authors trap and cool rubidium atoms and probe them using microwave and laser pulses in the microgravity environment. They detect the atomic population after microwave interrogation and find the stability of the in-orbit clocks to be three parts in ten trillion.

These robust and stable cold atomic clocks in harsh and microgravity environments could be used to develop space based sensors for metrology and to test variation of fundamental constants, general relativity and violations of Einstein’s equivalence principle.

DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-05219-z | Original article

Physics: Atomic clocks in space | Nature Communications | Nature Research

From: In-orbit operation of an atomic clock based on laser-cooled 87Rb atoms
Principle and structure of the space cold atom clock (CAC). The capture zone is a magneto-optical trap (MOT) with a folded beam design. The ring interrogation cavity is used for the microwave field to interrogate the cold atoms. In the detection zone, cold atoms in both hyperfine states are detected. The clock signal is obtained by feeding the error signal to the frequency of microwave source

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Beidou-3 MEO-5 and MEO-6 launched by Long March 3B

written by Rui C. Barbosa July 28, 2018

China launched two new navigation satellites on Sunday, marking its 21st orbital launch this year. The launch of Beidou-3M5 and Beidou-3M6 took place from the LC3 Launch Complex of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Sichuan province, using a Long March-3B/Y1 (Chang Zheng-3B/Y1) launch vehicle. Launch time was 01:40UTC and it will take over four hours to complete the mission.

Also designated Beidou-33 and Beidou-34, the MEO satellites are the Medium Earth Orbit component of the third phase of the Chinese Beidou (Compass) satellite navigation system. The satellites are part of a fleet that will expand the system to a global navigation coverage.

The satellites are using a new bus that features a phased array antenna for navigation signals and a laser retroreflector, with a launch mass 1,014 kg. Spacecraft dimensions are noted to be 2.25 by 1.0 by 1.22 meters. Usually, the satellites reside in a 21,500 – 21,400 km nominal orbit at 55.5 degrees.

The launch comes twenty days after a Long March-3A launch vehicle orbited the Beidou-2I7 (Beidou-32), with launch taking place from Xichang’s LC2 launch complex.

The Beidou Phase III system includes the migration of its civil Beidou 1 or B1 signal from 1561.098 MHz to a frequency centered at 1575.42 MHz – the same as the GPS L1 and Galileo E1 civil signals – and its transformation from a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation to a multiplexed binary offset carrier (MBOC) modulation similar to the future GPS L1C and Galileo’s E1.

The Phase II B1 open service signal uses QPSK modulation with 4.092 megahertz bandwidth centered at 1561.098 MHz.

The current Beidou constellation spacecraft are transmitting open and authorized signals at B2 (1207.14 MHz) and an authorized service at B3 (1268.52 MHz).

Real-time, stand-alone Beidou horizontal positioning accuracy was classed as better than 6 meters (95 percent) and with a vertical accuracy better than 10 meters (95 percent).

The Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS) is China’s satellite navigation system, approved by the Chinese government in 2004, capable of providing continuous, real-time passive 3D geo-spatial positioning and speed measurement.


Render of a BeiDou-3 satellite by J. Huart.

The Chinese navigation system is being developed and deployed in three phases. Phase 1 (starting in 2003), consisted of an experimental regional navigation system, BeiDou-1, which provided active navigation service.

Phase 2 (started in 2012), consisted of a reduced satellite constellation and provides open service over China. This phase aimed at deploying a system with passive positioning and timing capability over a regional area.

Phase 3 aims for full operational capability by 2020 with a constellation of 27 MEOs plus 5 GEOs and the existing 3 IGSOs satellites of the regional system. CNSS would provide global navigation services, similarly to the GPS, GLONASS or Galileo systems.

CNSS is expected to support two different kinds of general services: RDSS and RNSS. In the Radio Determination Satellite Service (RDSS), the user position is computed by a ground station using the round trip time of signals exchanged via GEO satellite. The RDSS long-term feature further includes short message communication (guaranteeing backward compatibility with Beidou-1), large volume message communication, information connection, and extended coverage.

The Radio Navigation Satellite Service (RNSS) is very similar to that provided by GPS and Galileo and is designed to achieve similar performances.

The long-term goal is to develop a global navigation satellite network similar to the GPS and GLONASS by 2020 eventually consisting of a constellation of 35 vehicles, including 27 MEO (21,500 km orbits) satellites, three IGSO satellites (inclined at 55 degrees) and five GSO satellites.


The Chinese Navigation Constellation – via beidou.gov.cn

The system will be dual-use, based on a civilian service that will provide an accuracy of 10 meters in the user position, 0.2 m/s on the user velocity and 50 nanoseconds in time accuracy; and the military and authorized user’s service, providing higher accuracies. The first phase of the project will involve coverage of the Chinese territory. However, the future Compass constellation will cover the entire globe.

This mission is also the sixth flight of the Long March-3B/YZ-1 (Chang Zheng-3B/YZ-1) version of the Long March-3B.

The launcher was developed from the Chang Zheng-3A. The CZ-3B features enlarged launch propellant tanks, improved computer systems, a larger 4.2 meter diameter payload fairing and the addition of four strap-on boosters on the core stage that provide additional help during the first phase of the launch.

The rocket is capable of launching an 11,200 kg satellite to a low Earth orbit or a 5,100 kg cargo to a geosynchronous transfer orbit.

The CZ-3B/G2 (Enhanced Version) launch vehicle was developed from the CZ-3B, increasing the GTO capacity up to 5,500kg. The CZ-3B/E has nearly the same configurations with CZ-3B bar its enlarged core stage and boosters.


Long March 3B – via Xinhua.

On May 14, 2007, the first flight of CZ-3B/G2 was performed successfully, accurately sending the NigcomSat-1 into pre-determined orbit. With the GTO launch capability of 5,500kg, CZ-3B/G2 is dedicated for launching heavy GEO communications satellite.

The rocket structure also combines all sub-systems together and is composed of four strap-on boosters, a first stage, a second stage, a third stage and payload fairing.

The first two stages, as well as the four strap-on boosters, use hypergolic (N2O4/UDMH) propellant while the third stage uses cryogenic (LOX/LH2) propellant. The total length of the CZ-3B is 54.838 meters, with a diameter of 3.35 meters on the core stage and 3.00 meters on the third stage.

On the first stage, the CZ-3B uses a YF-21C engine with a 2,961.6 kN thrust and a specific impulse of 2,556.5 Ns/kg. The first stage diameter is 3.35 m and the stage length is 23.272 m.

Each strap-on booster is equipped with a YF-25 engine with a 740.4 kN thrust and a specific impulse of 2,556.2 Ns/kg. The strap-on booster diameter is 2.25 m and the strap-on booster length is 15.326 m.

The second stage is equipped with a YF-24E (main engine – 742 kN / 2,922.57 Ns/kg; four vernier engines – 47.1 kN / 2,910.5 Ns/kg each). The second stage diameter is 3.35 m and the stage length is 12.920 m.

The third stage is equipped with a YF-75 engine developing 167.17 kN and with a specific impulse of 4,295 Ns/kg. The fairing diameter of the CZ-3B is 4.00 meters and has a length of 9.56 meters.

The Yuanzheng-1 (“Expedition-1″) uses a small thrust 6.5 kN engine burning UDMH/N2O4 with a specific impulse at 3,092 m/s. The upper stage should be able to conduct two burns, having a 6.5 hour lifetime and is capable of achieving a variety of orbits.

It will be adapted for use on the CZ-3A/B/C series mainly for direct MEO/GEO insertion missions (mostly for the navigation satellites of the Beidou GNSS).

The Xichang Satellite Launch Centre is situated in the Sichuan Province, south-western China and is the country’s launch site for geosynchronous orbital launches.


The Launch Site – Google Earth

Equipped with two launch pads (LC2 and LC3), the center has a dedicated railway and highway lead directly to the launch site.

The Command and Control Centre is located seven kilometers south-west of the launch pad, providing flight and safety control during launch rehearsal and launch.

Other facilities on the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre are the Launch Control Centre, propellant fuelling systems, communications systems for launch command, telephone and data communications for users, and support equipment for meteorological monitoring and forecasting.

The first launch from Xichang took place at 12:25UTC on January 29, 1984, when the Chang Zheng-3 (CZ3-1) was launched the Shiyan Weixing (14670 1984-008A) communications satellite into orbit.

China’s next launch will take place on July 31. The nature of the cargo on the launcher is not know, but rumors point to a Long March-4C launch vehicle orbiting the Gaofen-11 remote sensing satellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.



Friday, July 27th, is a big night for astronomy. Three reasons: First, Mars will be at opposition--directly opposite the sun and making a 15-year close approach to Earth. Second, Mars and the full Moon will be in conjunction--less than 10 degrees apart. Third, the Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing the longest lunar eclipse in a century:

Total Eclipse Of The Moon In Conjunction With Mars At Opposition



▲ Total Lunar Eclipse. Taken by Zhan Xiang on July 27, 2018 @ Beijing, China

Camera Used: Canon Canon EOS 6D
Exposure Time: 15/1
Aperture: f/2.2
ISO: 6400
Date Taken: 2018:07:29 17:37:31

In the early morning of July 28, 2018 (UTC+8), a total lunar eclipse was staged in the sky. With some friends, I came to a volcano in Inner Mongolia, China, and took this picture. In the picture, the two conspicuous red objects on the left are the moon and Mars. Because of the umbra of the earth, the moon appears dark red. Mars is on the favorable opposition, so its very bright and close to the moon in the sky. The light belt hanging down on the right is the Milky Way. On the ground, a volcano stands far away.
Equipment and parameters: Canon EOS 6D + 24 f/1.4 lens, ISO6400, f / 2.2, 15 seconds, combing with a low exposure picture which makes the exposure of bloody Moon correct.




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China university to build simulated gravitational wave observatory
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-31 00:30:04|Editor: yan

SHENZHEN, July 30 (Xinhua) -- Sun Yat-sen University in south China's Guangdong Province announced Monday that it will build a ground simulation system for space-based gravitational wave observation.

The system is expected to provide a complete simulation environment and new research methods for China's research on space-based gravitational wave observation, the university said.

It will be built on the university's campus in the metropolis of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong, with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan (146.6 million U.S. dollars).

The ground simulation system is part of the gravitational wave research project "Tianqin" launched by Sun Yat-sen University in 2015.

With an estimated cost of 15 billion yuan, Tianqin would be carried out in four stages over 20 years, ultimately launching three high-orbit satellites to detect the waves.

Over the past two years, the university has started construction on several pieces of research infrastructure for the Tianqin project at its other campus in the city of Zhuhai.

The first-ever discovery of gravitational waves by the American Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) announced in February 2016 has encouraged scientists worldwide to accelerate their research.

Gravitational waves are "ripples" in the fabric of space-time caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the universe. Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity.

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