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China Outer Space Science, Technology and Explorations: News & Updates

Giant radio telescope to reach even farther
By ZHANG ZHIHAO | China Daily | Updated: 2018-03-27 07:11

Aerial view of the world's largest radio telescope called FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) in Pingtang county, Qiannan Buyi and Miao autonomous region, southwest China's Guizhou province. [Photo/IC]

China will finish upgrading the world's largest single-dish radio telescope next month to help scientists discover more stellar objects that are unique and farther from Earth, according to a project insider.

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, known as FAST, has had more precise and efficient signal receivers installed, said Liu Oufei, deputy chief engineer of the telescope's receiver and terminal systems.

The upgrade includes a more advanced 19-beam receiver system to replace the current single-beam receiver, which was easier to calibrate and test when FAST was launched in 2016, he said.

"Previously, it was like having only one ear listening to the sky for cosmic signals," he said. "Now we have 19 ears, which can significantly increase our efficiency and ability to detect farther and fainter signals."

The new receiver will be at least six times more accurate than the old model, and can survey the night sky 19 times faster, drastically shortening the time needed for data collecting, he said. Before the update, it usually took around 20 days to survey the sky.

Chinese scientists are also looking at setting up smaller radio telescopes around FAST to create a telescope array that has greater resolution and data accuracy, Liu said.

The surrounding telescopes would consist of two to 10 radio telescopes measuring 30 or 50 meters in diameter, and resolution of the array would be about 100 times greater than now, according to proposals from the FAST observation station of the National Astronomical Observatories of China, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"We have the engineering know-how to achieve these goals, but it ultimately comes down to the scientists and their projects to determine whether new telescopes are necessary," Liu said. "Everything regarding the expansion is still in its early stages and is subject to change."

Located in a natural depression in Guizhou province, FAST consists of 4,450 triangular panels that form a receiving dish about the size of 30 soccer fields.

FAST's main missions include finding and studying pulsars, which are superdense, superbright rotating remnants of massive stars that eject beams of powerful electromagnetic radiation from their poles.

The beams are so bright that scientists can detect them millions of light years away, hence pulsars are called "the lighthouse of the galaxy," Liu said. Pulsars can also spin at an extremely stable rate due to their incredible mass and momentum, "like the universe's most precise clock".

Using these two traits, pulsars can be used to track time and coordinates for space navigation with unprecedented accuracy, Liu said, adding Chinese scientists are already working on real time positioning systems involving pulsars.

"Finding more pulsars is not only crucial in understanding the nature of the universe," he said. "They also have profound and practical uses in greatly improving our navigation capability, both for cars traveling on roads and spacecraft flying through space."

Since its launch, FAST has discovered 51 possible pulsars, 11 of which have been confirmed by international organizations. FAST is still in a trial operation phase, but once fully operational, it theoretically could discover some 5,000 to 7,000 pulsars a year, Liu said.

Scientists first discovered pulsars in 1967. Since then, more than 2,500 have been found, most of which are in the Milky Way galaxy, according to the Max Planck Society, a nonprofit research organization based in Germany.

"Every pulsar is unique, just like our fingerprints," Liu said. "FAST will play an irreplaceable role in greatly expanding our pulsar roster."



▲ Flashforward, Kim Jong Un inspecting a model of FAST Radio Telescope. Mar 27, 2018




Photo showing transportation of 10 meter diameter aluminium ring. Reported to be for R&D of CZ-9 or Long March 9 super-heavy rocket.




China’s Tiangong-1 space lab could reenter Earth as soon as Sunday: authorities
By Liu Yang and Deng Xiaoci Source:Global Times Published: 2018/3/29 21:48:42

The re-entry of Tiangong-1, China's first space lab, could take place as soon as this Sunday, give or take a day, and will not cause any damage to the ground, according to the Chinese military and space authorities on Thursday.

The Tiangong-1, or Heavenly Palace 1, is orbiting at an average height of about 196.4 kilometers, the China Manned Space Engineering Office said on Thursday, and the agency predicts that the space lab with reenter the Earth's atmosphere on April 1, which is on Sunday, give or take a day.

The approximate reentry location cannot be determined until the last two hours before it starts to fall, China's space authorities reiterated on Thursday.

Small amounts of the space lab's fuel will be burned together with other parts, and will not cause damage to objects on Earth, Chinese military sources told the Global Times. And the reentry process will not produce any toxic substances, the sources added.
Is China's space laser for real?
It's not a Death Star super laser. It's a space broom.

By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Yesterday at 11:50pm


It's not this.
China's space broom isn't the Death Star super laser. It's an orbiting satellite with a laser only powerful enough to heat up pieces of space junk, so that they change course burn up in the atmosphere.

In a recent article in scientific journal Optik, a faculty member at China's Air Force Engineering University proposed building a laser-armed satellite, a "broom" to do battle with the pernicious problem of space debris.

Laser-armed satellites, naturally, generate a lot of attention, and so the proposal of Quan Wen and his co-authors has made its way into several splashy headlines. But it's more than hype. The concept addresses a real (and growing) problem: there's something like 17,852 artificial objects orbiting earth (PDF), and an estimated 300,000-plus pieces of space debris larger than a marble. At the fast orbital velocities up in space, even large craft like the International Space Station have to maneuver out of the way of small objects to avoid catastrophic damage.

Quan's research looks at the efficacy of a hypothetical laser operating near the infrared spectrum. It would blast away targeted space debris for a couple minutes, at a rate of twenty bursts of laserfire a second. That amount of energy would be sufficient to vaporize part of the object's mass. Contrary to public imagination, space laser brooms like the one proposed don't actually vaporize space debris, but rather "burn off" a chunk. This would create sufficient kinetic force from the chemical combustion to change the object's orbit. With that change in direction, the debris will quickly reenter the atmosphere and burn up. Because of atmospheric distortion, it's much more effective to zap space debris with a satellite than, say, a ground-based laser.

Of course, for now it's all theory. The laser broom would need to be actually mounted on a satellite and lofted into orbit to test its true efficacy. And even then, it'd still face some legal grey areas (technically speaking, space debris are still the property of owners of the satellites they originated from, which is very, very difficult to track) as well as major suspicion about the idea of implementing a weapon-like technology up in space.

Like many others, China's space program has both civilian and military applications. (The AoLong 1 satellite, for example, has a robotic arm for mechanically de-orbiting space debris that has has potential as an anti-satellite sabotage technology.) And so there's an obvious question: can the space laser broom be an anti-satellite weapon? It's certainly possible, though a cost-effective laser broom would need to be small—just big enough to take care of small debris. To quickly deal serious damage to enemy spacecraft, one would need a much larger space laser weapon; perhaps an orbital battlemoon?

Popular Science

Peter Warren Singer is a strategist and senior fellow at the New America Foundation. He has been named by Defense News as one of the 100 most influential people in defense issues. He was also dubbed an official "Mad Scientist" for the U.S. Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Jeffrey is a national security professional in the greater D.C. area.

Tiangong-1's April 2018 Reentry V1.7 Part1

First posted 10 March 2018; Updated 1 April 2018

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Background
3. The "12 March 2018" laser strikes event
4. Post-"12 March 2018" event's analysis
5. Official Chinese statement after the "12 March 2018" event
6. The geomagnetic storm of 19 March 2018
7. Tiangong-1's final week
8. Tiangong-1's final day
9. The coup de grâce
10.Post-reentry analysis

1. Introduction

Has There Been a Loss of Control?

Where will Tiangong-1 reenter?

How Difficult is it to Accurately Predict a Reentry?

Will objects from this reentry hit me or my property?

As all these questions can only expose how biased and ill-intentioned the Western propaganda machine is, hell-bent in smearing the ever more outstanding Chinese space achievements (due to desperation and jealousy as always), let us reassure all our Pakistani readers and other foes as well, with some clarifications.

China has been working on developing laser weapons since the 1960s, and the People’s Liberation Army in 2015 published the book Light War that gives a central role to fighting a future war using lasers.

As already disclosed by the media, China is known to have operated at least 3 ASAT laser stations, in Anhui, Sichuan and Xinjiang.

In 2005, Chinese researchers have successfully conducted a satellite-blinding experiment using a 50-100 kilowatt capacity mounted laser gun in Xinjiang province. The target was a low orbit satellite with a tilt distance of 600 kilometers. The diameter of the telescope firing the laser beam is 0.6 meters wide. The accuracy of acquisition, tracking and pointing is less than 5 microradians.

Three researchers, Gao Minghui, Zeng Yuquang and Wang Zhihong disclosed plan for even more powerful ASAT lasers in The Chinese Optics journal in December 2013.

All worked for the Changchun Institute for Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics – the leading center for laser weapons technology.

The plan proposed the building of a 5-ton chemical laser as a combat platform capable of destroying satellites in orbit. Given funding by the Chinese military, which is in charge of China’s space program, the anti-satellite laser could be deployed by 2023.

In another study that was led by Quan Wen, a researcher from the Information and Navigation College at China's Air Force Engineering University, with the help of the Institute of China Electronic Equipment System Engineering Company, laser used in removal of space debris have been investigated.
The simulation results show that, debris removal is affected by inclination and RAAN, and laser station with the same inclination and RAAN as debris has the highest removal efficiency. It provides necessary theoretical basis for the deployment of space-based laser station and the further application of space debris removal by using space-based laser.

Although high secrecy is strictly enforced, one could compare the case of Tiangong-1 space laboratory with the ill-fated Phobos-Grunt Mars probe, that reentered over the South Eastern Pacific Ocean on 15 January 2011.

There was no random reentry over highly populated area. This time Tiangong-1 will also reenter over the Pacific Ocean, in a remotely controlled mode.

This suggests that China will secretly use its laser ASAT stations, to produce a series of thrusts generated by heating until vaporizing the outer part of the spacecraft, thus lowering the perigee of Tiangong-1. Notice Tiangong-1 passes every day up to five times over China, heading south-Eastward toward the south Pacific.

Upon reaching the ultimate ~140 km altitude threshold, where a complete orbit is no longer possible, the coup de grâce will be given by piercing the forward part of the pressurized module, thus allowing all the remaining gaz to escape at high velocity, and generating an additional negative vector thrust (think of a coca cola bottle).
Alternately, by piercing the propellant tank (i.e. Hydrazine) would even provide a more powerfull thrust, but the targeting requires a higher accuracy.

If this procedure succeedes, this would eventually allow a safe reentry half an orbit later over the predesignated area over the Pacific Ocean.

What makes the preparation for this highly risky space billiard operation possible is that China can count on its world fastest supercomputers.
As reported by the state television CCTV13, it it took 20 days, instead of the otherwise 12 months, for China's Sunway-TaihuLight, the world's fastest supercomputer, for simulating the numerical reentry prediction, which are in accordance with wind tunnel simulations.

This is the least China could do, as even North Korea has already disclosed its own Korean-style Anti-Meteor Laser System, needed to protect its planned future Lunar base, back in a New Year 2018 show!



▲ Chinese official statement of 8 January 2018: Tiangong-1 not to reenter uncontrolled.



Officially called an "ocean point of inaccessibility," this watery graveyard for titanium fuel tanks and other high-tech space debris is better known to space junkies as Point Nemo, in honour of Jules Verne's fictional submarine captain.

Point Nemo is further from land than any other dot on the globe: 2,688 kilometres (about 1,450 miles) from the Pitcairn Islands to the north, one of the Easter Islands to the northwest, and Maher Island—part of Antarctica—to the South.

"Its most attractive feature for controlled re-entries is that nobody is living there," said Stijn Lemmens, a space debris expert at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany.

"Coincidentally, it is also biologically not very diverse. So it gets used as a dumping ground—'space graveyard' would be a more polite term—mainly for cargo spacecraft," he told AFP.

Some 250 to 300 spacecraft—which have mostly burned up as they carved a path through Earth's atmosphere—have been laid to rest there, he said.

By far the largest object descending from the heavens to splash down at Point Nemo, in 2001, was Russia's MIR space lab, which weighed 120 tonnes.

"It is routinely used nowadays by the (Russian) Progress capsules, which go back-and-forth to the International Space Station (ISS)," said Lemmens.

The massive, 420-tonne ISS also has a rendezvous with destiny at Point Nemo, in 2024.

In future, most spacecraft will be "designed for demise" with materials that melt at lower temperatures, making them far less likely to survive re-entry and hit Earth's surface.

Both NASA and the ESA, for example, are switching from titanium to alumium in the manufacture of fuel tanks.

China hoisted Tiangong-1, it's first manned space lab, into space in 2011. It was slated for a controlled re-entry but ground engineers lost control in March 2016 of the eight-tonne craft in March 2016, which is when it began its descent toward a fiery end.

The chances of anyone getting hit by debris from Tiangong-1 are vanishingly small, less than one in 12 trillion, according to the ESA.

"Nemo," by the way, means "no one" in Latin.

▲ Official designated reentry area for Tiangong-1: 'Point Nemo' is a watery graveyard for titanium fuel tanks and other high-tech space debris


▲ Map of Tiangong-1 ground track


▲ An official map of the Phobos-Grunt reentry released by Roskosmos by 20:00 Moscow Time on Jan. 15, 2012.
Notice the similarity with Tiangong-1 regarding the relative location of the impact zone and the ASAT laser stations!


▲ Space imagery of Tianshan ASAT laser station. 中国天山部署战略反卫星激光武器


▲ China's Sunway-TaihuLight, the world's fastest supercomputer, used for simulating the numerical reentry prediction of Tiangong-1.


▲ China's Sunway-TaihuLight, the world's fastest supercomputer, used for simulating the numerical reentry prediction of Tiangong-1.
Note that the space lab will present its APAS docking ring forward due to the overall aerodynamics and especially the solar pannels at the rear section, therefore allowing a good view and stable laser targeting of the said frontal section.


▲ At T=40:54 North Korean Lunar base hit by meteor shower; Video published on Jan 1, 2018


▲ 10 North Korean astronauts combining beams of laser to thwart a meteor shower as depicted in a New Year 2018 show


▲ At T=40:54 North Korean Lunar base hit by meteor shower; At T=41:33 Combined laser beams used to protect the North Korean Lunar base from meteor shower, in a New Year 2018 show. Video published on Jan 1, 2018


Target in range, all PLA Laser Stations ready to fire!:flame:


2. Background
The Opening Solar Concentrator

Yang-Sui (阳燧) Solar Ignitor, World’s Oldest Solar Device

During the sixth century BCE, Confucius wrote about the common use of curved mirrors shaped from shiny metal to concentrate the rays of the sun for making fire. These became known as yang-suis – translating to solar ignitors, or burning mirrors.

According to the great philosopher, upon waking up the eldest son would attach a solar ignitor to his belt as he dressed for the day. It was his duty to focus the solar rays onto kindling to start the family’s cooking fire.

According to another early text, the Zhouli, which describes rituals dating far back into Chinese antiquity, “The Directors of the Sun Fire have the duty of transferring with burning mirrors the brilliant flames of the sun to torches for sacrifice.”

Although scholars found over the years many ancient texts discussing solar ignitors, the discovery of an extant yang sui eluded them for centuries. Quite recently came the Eureka moment. Digging up a tomb that dated to about 3,000 years ago, a team of archaeologists found in the hand of a skeleton a bowl-shaped metal object. While the inner side could have passed for a wok, the exterior trough had a handle in its center. That’s what caught the eye of the two archaeologist in charge of the dig, Lu Demming and Zhai Keyong. They immediately brought the relic back to the local museum and ordered its specialists to make a mold from the original and then cast a copy in bronze.

After polishing its curved surface to a high degree of reflectance, the inquisitive archaeologists focused sunlight onto a piece of tinder just as the eldest son would have done so many years past, and in seconds the combustible material burst into flames. “This verified without a doubt that the purpose of the artifact is to make fire,” Lu and Zhai later wrote, assured of having found the oldest solar device in the history of humanity.

Now that the world could see what a real yang-sui looked like, museums retrospectively identified 20 more previously unclassified objects as solar ignitors. Multiple molds for turning out yang suislater found at a Bronze Age foundry in Shanxi province, close to the first find, suggest a mass market once existed for them. In fact, yang suis were probably as ubiquitous in early China as are matches and lighters today. The yang sui “should be regarded as one of the great inventions of ancient Chinese history,” remarked its discoverers, impressed by the ability of their forefathers to figure out the complex optics for such optimal performance so early in time.


▲ Yang-Sui (阳燧) Solar Ignitor


▲ Yang-Sui (阳燧) Solar Ignitor


▲ Yang-Sui (阳燧) Solar Ignitor


▲ Flashforward: Korean-style Gigantic Yang-Sui (阳燧) Solar Ignitor?



Due to the atmospheric turbulence, targeting is made difficult, increasing with the magnification power.
The image is constantly perturbed by the flowing air like the reflected image over a watery surface.

But to be able to target smaller part of an orbiting spacecraft, the aperture of the optics must be increased.


▲ ISS Max 62° Pass On 3/25/18, through an Aperture 355.6 mm (14 in), Focal Length 3910 mm (154 in) optical instrument ( Hedge HD 14 with a 1.6X barlow and red Astrodon filter on my ZWO ASI290 mono camera). March 25, 2018


▲ Chinese Space Station Tiangong 1 on 01-20-18 from Manorville, NY USA. Max pass was 62° at 17:58:37pm EST. The telescope was an Edge HD 14 with a 2X barlow. Imaging camera was ZWO ASI174 mono with an Astrodon red filter.

Thus two solutions. Space based platforms totally immune to the atmospheric turbulences or any stratospheric, near-space platforms. Alternately, ground-based platform operating at the highest altitude possible in order to reduce the atmospheric effect like the Tianshan Mountain or Tibetan Peaks.

For the ground-based platform, the use of adaptive optics (AO) are needed to counter the turbulence.

Current AO Systems require a guide “star”. Using adaptive optics to compensate for atmospherically induced wavefront distortions requires a remote beacon.
For a satellite the beacon can be a retroreflector illuminated by a ground-based laser.
Synthetic beacons, generated by laser backscatter from the atmosphere, offer a solution to this problem.
These beacons are produced by using Rayleigh backscatter, or scattering by the air molecules, at altitudes below 20 km, or by using resonant backscatter from the mesospheric sodium layer at an altitude of approximately 90 km.


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Tiangong-1's April 2018 Reentry V1.7 Part2

3. The "12 March 2018" laser strikes event

Confirming earlier assessment, the Chinese PLA ASAT laser stations seem to have already proceeded with their first in a series of corrective laser surgical pinpoint accuracy strikes, as shown in the sudden increased decay rate of Tiangong-1 correlated by the official TLE of March 12!


▲ It is clearly visible an anomalous burst from the TLE 18070.1268 (March 11) to 18072.1107 (March 13), 6 consecutive TLEs.


▲ After the big variation in the decay rate on March 12, the totally controlled reentry is predicted at a slightly earlier date: 2-3 April 2018


▲ Groundtrack of a very good pass of Tiangong-1 over China's laser stations on 12 March 2018, especially a frontal approach over Tianshan ASAT station!


▲ Attitude and Inclination of Tiangong-1, as of 14 March 2018: totally controlled reentry is predicted for 2-3 April 2018

Coincidence? I think not!



4. Post-"12 March 2018" event's analysis

Latest post-"12 March 2018" astrophotographies of China's orbital space laboratory Tiangong-1

Notice the regular and constant brightness of the path, indicating a stable attitude with no tumbling after the first laser strikes!


#天宮1号 (TIANGONG 1)の通過を撮影。予報1.3等級、北西から東へ。最高通過点高度29°(方位28°)。3/13, 19:06~18:08 頃、太陽高度-10°。明るい&雲多い,と状況悪かったが、ちらっと見えました。。 露出10秒x6枚 比較明合成, 対角魚眼 トリミング
▲ TIANGONG 1 pass captured from Tanegashima on 13 March 2018, 19:06~18:08 JST, 10 seconds x 6, fisheye, APS-C10 mm, PENTAX K-5II s
Estimated Magnitude: 1.3


#天宮1号 (TIANGONG 1)の通過を撮影。予報0.5等級、北西から東へ。最高通過点高度48°(方位31°)。18:54~18:56 頃、太陽高度-7~-8°。昨日よりも更に明るいが雲は無かった。目視出来たような・・・。画像調整強。 露出5秒x21枚 比較明合成, 対角魚眼 トリミング
▲ TIANGONG 1 pass captured from Tanegashima on 14 March 2018, 18:54~18:56 JST, 5 seconds x 21, f/4 ISO 100, APS-C10 mm, PENTAX K-5II s
Estimated Magnitude: 0.5

For comparison, Tiangong-2, without any tumbling and with stable attitude:


#天宮2号 (TIANGONG-2)の通過を撮影。3月12日 5:20~5:21, 予報1.0等級。最高通過点高度67°。影出からMax高度を少し過ぎたあたりまで。アルクトゥルスと北斗七星の間を通過。1、2枚目が空いたのは連写用レリーズのロック忘れ。 追尾(ポータブル赤道儀) 露出20秒×4枚 比較明合成,
▲ TIANGONG 2 pass between Arcturus and Uras Major captured from Tanegashima on 12 March 2018, 5:20~5:21 JST, 20 seconds x 4, f/3.2, ISO 2500, APS-C21 mm, PENTAX K-5II s
Estimated Magnitude: 1.0



5. Official Chinese statement after the "12 March 2018" event

More smoking gun, or rather smoking lasers!:flame:

Chinese official statement, suggesting a successful first series of laser strikes:

Descent of China’s Tiangong-1 will not cause damage to earth: expert

March 14, 2018

According to the latest information issued by China’s manned space engineering office, since Feb. 25 to Mar. 4, 2018, Tiangong-1 was orbiting in stable condition and good shape at an average height of about 251.5 kilometers (perigee height: 238.6 km; apogee height: 264.4 km; orbital inclination: 42.79 degrees).

China has been monitoring Tiangong-1, Zhu said, adding that the space lab will burn up after entering the atmosphere and the remaining wreckage will fall into a designated area of the sea, without endangering the Earth’s surface.

Aerospace expert Pang Zhihao explained that an international tradition to handle retired large spacecrafts operated at near-earth orbits is to let them fall to an abyssal zone in southern Pacific Ocean far away from the continents.

Being called the “graveyard of spacecraft”, the water was the falling location for Mir space station and Progress spacecraft of Russia, and the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory of the US, Pang added.


Coincidence? I think not!




6. The geomagnetic storm of 19 March 2018

Due to severe space weather caused by solar activities, a geomagnetic storm on 19 March 2018 is resulting in an increased decay rate, accelerating the date of reentry of Tiangong-1, around 3 April±1 day.



▲ Geomagnetic storm on 19 March 2018

Radar imagery indicating a good physical integrity of Tiangong-1, allowing the final coup de grâce that will be given by piercing the forward part of the pressurized module, thus allowing all the remaining gaz to escape at high velocity, and generating an additional negative vector thrust (think of a coca cola bottle). This would eventually allow a safe reentry half an orbit later over the predesignated area over the Pacific Ocean.


▲ Tiangong-1 image taken with radiotelescope at Fraunhofer on 21.3.2018


▲ Tiangong-1 image taken with radiotelescope at Fraunhofer on 21.3.2018

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Tiangong-1's April 2018 Reentry V1.7 Part3

7. Tiangong-1's final week

Notice a forecast by some Western media, made 24 March 2018, confirming the last pass over China's Tianshan ASAT laser station before ending in the southern hemisphere. But the reentry zone is a little bit farther than in the South Pacific, continuing Northeastward in the South Atlantic, as no coup de grâce laser strikes have been modeled for the numerical simulation.


▲ According to the forecast made by Satview.org on 24 March 2018, the space lab's reentry will occur over the South Atlantic on Monday, 02 Apr 2018 at 21:22 UTC


▲ Other forecasts as of 24 March 2018: ESA 30 March-3 April; Aerospace 3.5 April±3 days; Chinese forum 2 April±1 day

Weather forecast over Tianshan ASAT laser station as of 24 March 2018, indicates that 31 March will be sunny and with some clouds at night, 1 April sunny and rainy at night, 2 April sunny and cloudy at night, 3 April sunny and with some clouds at night, meaning that the conditions for a laser targeting might not be optimal but still feasible.


▲ Weather forecast over Tianshan ASAT laser station, as of 24 March 2018: 31 March sunny and with some clouds at night, 1 April sunny and rainy at night, 2 April sunny and cloudy at night, 3 April sunny and with some clouds at night.


▲ According to the forecast made by Satview.org on 25 March 2018, the space lab's reentry will occur over the Pacific on Monday, 02 Apr 2018 at 3:09 UTC


▲ According to USstratcom (United States Strategic Command) forecast reported by Satview.org on 29 March 2018, the space lab's reentry will occur over the Pacific on Sunday, 01 Apr 2018 at 00:52 UTC


▲ Other forecasts as of 29 March 2018:
China Manned Space 1 April±1 day (UTC+8)
ESA 31 March-1 April afternoon;
JSpOC 1 April 00:52±15 hours (UTC);
Aerospace 1.1 April±1.0 days (UTC);
Chinese forum 2 April±1 day (UTC+8)

China Manned Space Engineering Office's (CMS) first official forecast



"姿态稳定" (stable attitude) no longer mentioned since 19 March 2018
"形态未发生异常" (no anomaly occurred) no longer mentioned since 28 March 2018.



" 2018-3-29:



▲ Tiangong-1 28 March 2018 solar transit. Equipment: 150mm F/5 Refractor, Baader Herschel wedge, ASI 174MM, Red filter.


▲ Tiangong-1 28 March 2018 solar transit. Equipment: 150mm F/5 Refractor, Baader Herschel wedge, ASI 174MM, Red filter.

From the above ground images, it is obvious that the APAS docking ring is no longer pointed forward, as very small period rotations have been observed.


▲ Highly topical radar image video of Tiangong-1 based on data recorded 27 March 2018. Altitude: 200,5 km perigee, Rotation speed has increased, now 2,2°/s -> 2:23 min per one turn


▲ Tiangong-1 Pass By Jupiter. March 30, 2018


▲ Other forecasts as of 30 March 2018:
China Manned Space 1 April±1 day (UTC+8)
ESA 31 March night-1 April late evening (UTC);
JSpOC 1 April 21:29±10 hours (UTC);
Aerospace 1 April 20:30±14 hours (UTC);
Chinese forum 1 April 12:00±18 hours (UTC+8)


▲ According to USstratcom (United States Strategic Command) forecast reported by Satview.org on 30 March 2018, the space lab's reentry will occur over the Pacific on Sunday, 01 Apr 2018 at 00:52 UTC

Notice, the European Space Agency Space Debris Office (ESA) inacurrate forcast is due to the wrong assumption that a high-speed stream of particles from the sun, which was expected to reach Earth and influence our planet's geomagnetic field on March 30th, did not, in fact, have any effect. This means that the density of the upper atmosphere, through which Tiangong-1 is moving, did not increase as ESA predicted.


▲ According to USstratcom (United States Strategic Command) forecast reported by Satview.org on 31 March 2018, the space lab's reentry will occur over the Pacific on Sunday, 01 Apr 2018 at 21:29 UTC

Real time tracking:


▲ Real time tracking and forecast
北京时间: 2018-03-31 06:06:29

Real time forecast:


8. Tiangong-1's final day

China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMS) official forecast on 1 April 2018



On-Orbit Status Update for Tianggong-1 (Apr.1)

According to the announcement of China Manned Space Agency(CMSA),at 8 am, Apr.1,2018, Tiangong-1 stayed at an average altitude of about 167.6 km (perigee:161.0 km; apogee:174.3 km; inclination:42.70°). The estimated reentry window is 2 April, Beijing time.


1 April 2018 TLE (0500 UTC):

1 37820U 11053A 18091.00304286 .02715064 91996-5 19001-3 0 9990
2 37820 42.7428 200.6065 0007470 347.8126 12.9725 16.40004788373879


▲ According to USstratcom (United States Strategic Command) forecast reported by Satview.org on 1 April 2018 03:08 UTC, the space lab's reentry will occur over the Pacific on Sunday, 02 Apr 2018 at 00:15 UTC


▲ Other forecasts as of 1 April 2018:
China Manned Space 2 April (UTC+8)
ESA 1 April afternoon-2 April early morning (UTC);
JSpOC 2 April 0:15±6 hours (UTC);
Aerospace 1 April 20:30±7 hours (UTC);
Chinese forum (航天爱好者网) 2 April 5:00±10 hours (UTC+8)

Note: From the chart, the Apogee's altitude is seen temporarily rising as the perigee is lowering. Possibly due to external factor, maybe simply the barycentre during the Full Moon.

Fenyun-2 weather imagery of Tianshan ASAT laser station as of 1 March 2018, indicates that most of China including Anhui and Sichuan have clear sky, unlike Tianshan that is suffering from a band of clouds coming from the North-West, meaning that the conditions for a ground-based laser targeting might not be optimal. The alternative would be to delay the laser firing, a little bit until nighttime.


▲ Fenyun-2 weather imagery of Tianshan ASAT laser station as of 1 March 2018, indicates that most of China including Anhui and Sichuan have clear sky, unlike Tianshan that is suffering from a band of clouds coming from the North-West, meaning that the conditions for a laser targeting might not be optimal. The alternative would be to delay the laser firing, a little bit until nighttime.

Weather forecast over Tianshan ASAT laser station as of 1 April 2018, indicates that 1 April will be cloudy but with clear sky at night, 2 April cloudy and clear sky at night.

4月1日天山天气概况:今天:多云,气温:6℃ ~ -1℃;明天:多云,气温:8℃ ~ -3℃; 后天:多云,气温:7℃ ~ -1℃;

天山1日天气: 白天 多云 -1℃ 西北风3-4级转4-5级 ; 夜间 晴 6℃ 西北风3-4级转4-5级 ;
天山2日天气: 白天 多云 -3℃ 西北风3-4级转<3级 ; 夜间 晴 8℃ 西北风3-4级转<3级 ;



▲ Weather forecast over Tianshan ASAT laser station as of 1 April 2018, indicates that 1 April will be cloudy but with clear sky at night, 2 April cloudy and clear sky at night.


9. The coup de grâce


▲ Artistic representation of the controlled reentry of Tiangong-1 through PLA ASAT laser beams

Target in range, all PLA Laser Stations ready to fire!:flame:


10. Post-reentry analysis



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Photo of core module of Chinese space station released by CCTV.










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Photo of core module of Chinese space station released by CCTV.





As Tiangong-1 will reenter by 1 April 2018, this sudden release of images of the next Space Station seems obviously extremely timely.

Coincidence? I think not! :lol:


Astronauts Training For China's Space Station Mission

According to reports, due to future space station missions, a large number of scientific experiments such as long-term on-orbit resident, normalized outbound activities, space station rail assembly, and maintenance will be carried out. This poses greater challenges for astronaut selection training, as well as for astronauts The overall quality and ability put forward higher requirements.

Huang Weifen, deputy chief designer of the China Astronaut Center: In response to the enormous challenge of space station missions to astronauts, we are on the one hand training on the theory of space station technology and outbound activities, including space station professional technology and medical related Knowledge and training, as well as training in operational skills, manipulator operations, and more. We are about to carry out the field survival training in the desert and the training for the emergency evacuation of the escaping runway in the section to further enhance the astronauts' ability to save and survive, honing their will, and fully preparing for the mission of the space station.

April 1st of this year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the China Astronaut Center. Since the launch of the manned space project, the center has selected 21 astronauts and developed more than 4,000 pieces of heavenly products including space suits outside Feitian. Successful completion of six manned space missions. At present, the selection of the third batch of astronauts in China is ready.

When talking about the selection of the third batch of astronauts in China, Huang Weifen revealed that it is different from the selection of two groups of astronauts. The scope of this selection is more extensive.

Huang Weifen, deputy chief designer of the China Astronaut Center: Our third astronaut includes aerospace pilots, engineers and load specialists. Then we are pilot-oriented pilots who choose from pilots, but our space flight engineers and load specialists face It is related to manned space projects, especially those related to aerospace technology, as well as scientists.



▲ Astronauts Training For China's Space Station Mission


▲ Astronauts Training For China's Space Station Mission


▲ Astronauts Training For China's Space Station Mission

2018年03月30日 14:53 央视新闻




中国航天员中心副总设计师 黄伟芬:为了应对空间站任务对航天员的巨大的挑战,我们一方面是针对空间站的技术和出舱活动所做的理论的培训,包括空间站专业的技术和医学相关的知识和培训,同时也进行操作技能方面的培训,还有机械臂的操作等等。我们即将开展沙漠的野外生存的训练,以及待发段逃逸滑道的紧急撤离的训练,以进一步提高航天员的救生和生存的能力,磨练他们的意志,为空间站任务做好充分的准备。



中国航天员中心副总设计师 黄伟芬:我们第三批航天员包括航天驾驶员、工程师和载荷专家,那么驾驶员我们还是面向飞行员,从飞行员中来选,但是我们的航天飞行工程师和载荷专家面向的是跟载人航天工程有关的,尤其是航天技术相关的专业技术人员中、以及科学家中来进行选拔。





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Pictures of robotic arm used in Tiangong-2 space-lab from CCTV.





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China moves to 10 for 10 in 2018 with launch of three Gaofen Earth observation satellites

by Andrew Jones Mar 31, 2018 08:13


The CBERS-4 satellite blasting off atop a Long March 4B rocket on December 7, 2014 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre. CNS

The successful launch of three small satellites on Saturday from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre marked China's tenth orbital mission of 2018 and added to a civilian Earth observation system.

Launch of a Long March 4C rocket took place at 03:22 UTC (11:22 Beijing time) on Saturday, carrying the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 satellites into a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of around 645 kilometres.

The satellites carry with them 2-meter resolution CCD cameras, 8m resolution multi-spectrum imagers, and 16m multi-spectrum imagers.

Together with the Gaofen-1 satellite launched in 2013, form a constellation to provide a 2 days revisit coverage and 11 days global coverage.

These and other Gaofen (meaning 'high resolution') satellites are part of the China High-resolution Earth Observation System (CHEOS) program, consisting of multi-spectrum imaging and synthetic aperture radar satellites.


One of the Gaofen 1 02, 03 and 04 Earth observation satellites before launch. CAST

CHEOS is intended to provide high temporal, spatial and spectral resolution Earth observation for resource and environmental management, disaster prevention and relief, and meteorology, climate, hydrology and global change monitoring.

It will also assist China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaboration, and could include airplanes and stratospheric balloons.

The satellites were developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), subordinate to the main space programme contractor, CASC.


Specifications of the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 triplets. CASC

The last launch of a CHEOS satellite, Gaofen-10, ended in failure when an upper stage issue with another Long March 4C resulted in the satellite not reaching the velocities required to enter orbit.

China's intense 2018 launch schedule

The launch follows China's ninth launch of the year on Thursday, which sent a pair of Beidou satellites to medium Earth orbit from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre.

Overall, China is aiming to launch around 40 times in 2018 - nearly double the national record of 22 set in 2016.

Major missions will be the return-to-flight of the Long March 5 heavy-lift rocket from Wenchang, and the two-launch Chang'e-4 lunar mission to the far side of the Moon.

Gaofen-5, another CHEOS constellation satellite, is expected to launch from Taiyuan in April.


Stacking of the Long March 4C rocket to launch the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 triplets in March 2018 at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre. CASC

Gaofen imagery

China already has Gaofen 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 satellites operating in low Earth orbit, as well as Gaofen 4 placed in geostationary orbit.


The Pearl River Delta captured by the Chinese Gaofen-4 geostationary satellite. SASTIND


The Northeastern city of Harbin, in Heilongjiang Province, imaged by Gaofen-2. SASTIND


Vegetation and dried rivers of a mountain range in Gansu province. CHEOS

Saturday, October 21, 2017, 10:36
Chinese-French satellite nearly ready
By Jiang Chenglong

This image obtained from the official website of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CENS) shows an artist's rendition of the deployed CFOSAT spacecraft in orbit.

Chinese and French space scientists are working in Beijing on the final assembly of their first jointly developed satellite, which is scheduled to be launched in the second half of 2018 to assist in oceanographical research.

Based on China's CAST 2000 satellite platform, which has been applied to dozens of satellites successfully, the China-France Oceanography Satellite, known as CFOSAT, will be equipped with two major high-tech instruments - French-developed surface waves investigation and monitoring radar and Chinese-developed wind scatterometer.

Unlike others, it can measure the wind and waves at the same time, which relies on two countries' most advanced technology

Daniele Hauser,
director of Laboratoire Atmospheres, Milieux, Observations Spatiales in France​

The China National Space Administration said in a news release that the French-developed parts were delivered on time to their Chinese partner in August and the two nations' science teams are working together on the final assembly in Beijing.

"After the assembly, we will run a series of tests in different simulated environments similar to those in space in terms of temperature, vacuum and radiation," said Wang Hui, deputy director of the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering.

The satellite is expected to be launched in the latter half of next year in China and will operate at an orbit 500 kilometers above Earth for three years, according to the administration.

ALSO READ: China's new-generation weather satellite put into service

The satellite is tasked with detecting the wind and waves on the ocean's surface and helping analyze their effect on the air-sea interface, which will enhance what is known about climate change.

Daniele Hauser, director of Laboratoire Atmospheres, Milieux, Observations Spatiales in France, said the satellite will observe the wind and waves in both normal and extreme weather conditions.

"Unlike others, it can measure the wind and waves at the same time, which relies on two countries' most advanced technology," she said.

READ MORE: Breakthroughs confirm China's rise as a global high-tech player

The wind and wave data collected by the satellite will be extremely significant for an exact marine meteorological forecast, which will benefit sea transportation, marine pollution prevention and the yacht industry, according to the China National Space Administration.

Huang Yaohui, deputy chief commander on Chinese side of the project, said, "The data gathered by the satellite will be shared by both China and France."

The CFOSAT program started in 2009.

"Both Chinese and French side have utilized their rich experience and developed this satellite with a number of world-leading technologies," said Wang Lili, chief designer of the satellite at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.
China-France Oceanography Satellite to be launched in September
Source: Xinhua| 2018-03-31 14:21:35|Editor: Xiang Bo

BEIJING, March 31 (Xinhua) -- An ocean-observing satellite developed by China and France will be launched in September, according to China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT).

The China-France Oceanography Satellite will be launched aboard a Long March 2C rocket, which was developed by the CALT.

The satellite is the first to be jointly developed by China and France.It will monitor ocean-surface wind and waves and the monitoring data will be shared by scientists from both countries.

The satellite will further promote technological cooperation between China and France. It is also to facilitate the implementation of Paris Agreement on climate change, the CALT said.
With gravity waves, every second makes a difference
By QUAN XIAOSHU | China Daily | Updated: 2018-03-28 09:10

When a gravitational wave reaches Earth, every second counts. So data processing speed is crucial when it comes to how much astronomers can learn from these space-time ripples.

"In an era of multimessenger astronomy, we have to shorten the time as much as possible so as to trigger the alert quickly enough for follow-up observations," said computer scientist Cao Junwei, who leads the Chinese team collaborating at the international Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

In October, scientists from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, together with astronomers around the world, declared they had detected a gravitational wave from the collision of binary neutron stars and corresponding electromagnetic signals-the first such direct observation ever made.

The discovery was achieved through high data processing speed. Just 1.7 seconds after the wave detection network received the signal, a gamma ray burst was detected by the Fermi space telescope. LIGO and Fermi immediately triggered alerts around the astronomical community, bringing about 70 ground and space detectors into follow-up observations of electromagnetic signals at various wavelengths, which helped locate the source of the wave more precisely.

Cao joined the LIGO Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a computer scientist in 2004. On returning to China, he led a team from Tsinghua University's Research Institute of Information Technology in joining the LIGO collaboration in 2009.

"We were the only Chinese group in the collaboration. None of us specialized in astrophysics, but we were accepted," said Cao, who is vice-dean of the institute at Tsinghua.

In the first five years, the Chinese team mainly helped build the computing platform and analyzed data. Then they began devoting most of their efforts to speeding up data processing.

The faster, the better

Few understood the importance of speed at the beginning.

"We suggested, from the outset, that fast computing would serve multimessenger astronomy, which requires follow-up observations as soon as a gravitational wave signal is confirmed," Cao said. "The faster, the better."

In 2015, LIGO first detected gravitational waves from the collision of binary black holes, which verified the general relativity theory that Albert Einstein proposed a century ago. But it took scientists months to vet, validate and interpret the discovery before it was publicly announced.

LIGO detectors collect more than 16,000 data samples per second. To confirm that a signal is generated by gravitational waves, scientists remove "noise" from the data, and then compare the data patterns with templates of gravitational waves.

More than 1,000 scientists are working in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, more than half of them on data analysis. The data quality categories are defined by multiple analysis groups: compact binary coalescence, burst, continuous waves, stochastic and others.

"Our team, which is only a small group in the collaboration, is now focusing on graphics processing unit acceleration for searches and exploring the application of machine learning to real-time data analysis," Cao says.

Their accomplishments include a set of new data processing pipelines, in cooperation with the University of Western Australia.

"The new pipelines help speed up data filtering, so we can finish comparing data patterns with tens of thousands of templates within a second," Tsinghua Associate Professor Du Zhihui said.

"Now, the time between the arrival of a signal and the confirmation of it as gravitational waves has been shortened from several minutes to dozens of seconds. Next, we hope to shrink the time to three to five seconds," Du said.

Scientists began to enhance LIGO's detectors in 2008. The Advanced LIGO finished its second run in August 2017, and is expected to start its third run in the middle of this year. Scientists will further upgrade its detectors between the two runs to improve its sensitivity, which should greatly increase the odds of discovering gravitational waves.

"With a higher sensitivity, the number of signals that are detected may soar from a few a year to several a day. We will fall far behind if we don't accelerate data processing," Cao said.

He hopes the Chinese work at LIGO will contribute to the country's own gravitational wave detection projects.

"China will participate in international cooperation actively to foster talent and accumulate experience," he said.
China's space lab Tiangong-1 re-enters Earth's atmosphere
New China TV
Published on Apr 1, 2018

Tiangong-1, China's experimental space lab, has re-entered the Earth's atmosphere and burnt up over the central South Pacific. The space lab had carried out docking and orbit experiments as part of China's manned space program.
Chinese media report,


Shanghai Observatory overcame problems such as visually non-visible and fast moving target, using Sheshan 60 cm diameter satellite laser range finder to accomplish laser ranging of Tiangong-1 at 03:53 on April 1st, BJT. The observation period is about 1.6 minutes, a total of more than 12,000 valid observations were obtained, ranging accuracy is around 1 cm.



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Tiangong-1's April 2018 Reentry V1.8 Part4

9. The coup de grâce


▲ Artistic representation of the controlled reentry of Tiangong-1 through PLA ASAT laser beams

Target in range, all PLA Laser Stations ready to fire!:flame:


China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMS) official forecast on 2 April 2018

On-Orbit Status Update for Tianggong-1 (Apr.2)

According to the announcement of China Manned Space Agency(CMSA),at 5 am, Apr.2,2018, Tiangong-1 stayed at an average altitude of about 138.8 km (perigee: 136.0 km; apogee: 141.6 km; inclination:42.70°). The estimated reentry time is at 8:49 am (the earliest time is at 8:11 am and the latest time is at 9:33 am ), 2 April, Beijing time. The reentry center is located at 19.4°W and 10.2°S.


On-Orbit Status Update for Tianggong-1 (Apr.2)

According to the announcement of China Manned Space Agency(CMSA),at 6:20 am, Apr.2,2018, Tiangong-1 stayed at an average altitude of about132.75 km (perigee:130.9 km; apogee: 134.6 km; inclination:42.70°). The estimated reentry time is at 8:42 am (the earliest time is at 8:24 am and the latest time is at 9:01 am ), 2 April, Beijing time. The reentry center is located at 40.4°W and 27.4°S.


Tiangong-1 reenters the atmosphere

According to the announcement of China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), through monitoring and analysis by Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) and related agencies, Tiangong-1 reentered the atmosphere at about 8:15 am, 2 April, Beijing time. The reentry falling area located in the central region of South Pacific. Most of the devices were ablated during the reentry process.


2 April 2018 TLE (0500 UTC):

1 37820U 11053A 18091.67159643 .06702538 93469-5 14209-3 0 9996
2 37820 42.7393 196.1141 0005983 335.0657 25.0237 16.46560555373989


The TIANGONG 1 satellite reentered the atmosphere Apr/02/2018 at 00:16 UTC with an approximate error of +/- 1 minute(s)


▲ According to USstratcom (United States Strategic Command) OFFICIAL MESSAGE reported by Satview.org on 2 April 2018, the space lab TIANGONG 1 satellite reentered the atmosphere Apr/02/2018 at 00:16 UTC with an approximate error of +/- 1 minute(s)



▲ Groundtrack of a very good pass of Tiangong-1 over China's laser stations on 2 March 2018, especially a frontal approach over Tianshan ASAT station, followed by a perfectly remote-controlled reentry over the South Pacific!


▲ Reentry near Mutaura, Tuamotu Archipelago.
根据中美权威官方分析,本次落点的位置如下: 周围几乎没人,如果有这附近岛屿人拍的照片到可能是真的再入现场照片,其他地区都是假的


10. Post-reentry analysis

As witnessed by the most privileged visitors and members of PDF, who read it here first, the only version available on the internet, as closest as the truth, all languages included, and updated daily since 10 March 2018, has demonstrated:
1. The fruitless and self-defeating heinous Western propaganda machine frantic smearing campaign against China, before the reentry and continuing after the said reentry, making it even more reckless!
2. Not only the existence of the Chinese's PLA laser ASAT capability, but also its vital credibilty under real-time combat situation!


To sum up, friends and foes, never overlook the might of China!


We can grasp the mightiness of China, a great neighboring country. More excellent scientific successes will be achieved under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Kim Jong Un on March 27, 2018.



Instead of living in an alternate revisionist world, by simply recklessly overlooking the outstanding Chinese milestones in spacefaring, strongly advise all delusional foes to abandon their frantic denial mode and prepare themselves for the inevitable outcome, the way Europeans do!

The Moon Race As Seen From Europe

"Im Lauf der Zeit: Ein Ausflug zum Mond" is a typical TV program for children presenting the history and future of the Moon Race.

Over Time: A trip to the Moon



▲ The Moon Race, illustrated by a strange flashforward... obvious message intended to prepare the European little children to the inevitable outcome.


The Mars Colonization As Seen From Europe

"Im Lauf der Zeit: Dschingis Khan, das Steppenreich" is a typical TV program for children presenting the history and future of the Mars Colonization.

Alternate History: The Empire of China conquers Mars


In the desert, in a hostile world, man has managed to gain a foothold and to sustain life. After decades of cold war, of technological races to dominate the world, the Empire of China won its showdown with the European Union: after the Moon, Mars has just been colonized.

For years, this unmatched feat has mobilized all the resources of the country. Barely 20 years after the first step on the moon, the Empire of China, from the height of its 5,000-years history, today shows the world the grandeur of its civilization. His success is such that we are already talking about the Chinese century.

But all this has never happened! 900 years ago a small grain of sand will cause a series of events that will decimate more than a third of the Chinese population and slow down its development for centuries.

1174, Mongolia. A clan leader is poisoned by a rival tribe. He dies under the eyes of his young son named Temüdjin. A few decades later, riders ransack a nomad camp, they leave with a captive, a beautiful woman, her name is Börté.
1214: Beijing is taken and pillaged by the Mongols. In the years that follow, China will lose a third of its population.

These three tragic elements are intimately linked, they are key moments in the life of a unique conqueror in the history of mankind, Genghis Khan!



▲ The Mars colonization, illustrated by a strange flashforward... obvious message intended to prepare the European little children to the inevitable outcome.


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