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ESA and China team up on typhoon-targeting imager
17 January 2018

Prototype for ground testing

ESA has teamed up with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to test an instrument capable of peering down from orbit through dense clouds and rain to sound the depths of typhoons and storms.

China’s National Space Science Center – an entity under the Academy – in Beijing has built a 3 m-diameter prototype millimetre-wave instrument for ground testing. A smaller ESA-led instrument that works on a separate, complementary frequency band was slotted into it, then the combined instrument underwent ground testing.

“China has an obvious interest in typhoons, and enhanced weather and climate forecasting is important to everyone,” explains Peter de Maagt, heading ESA’s Antennas and Sub-Millimetre Wave section.

Typhoon seen from space

“We had both been pursuing approaches with many similarities, so collaboration on this ground-based demonstrator seemed like a logical next step.

“We will share all test data while ownership of the hardware remains with their respective designers. If this testing goes well, the next step would be a space mission.”

Flown in high orbit, this instrument would be able to gather 3D temperature and humidity soundings across the atmosphere, even regions obscured by bad weather, which are left as effective blind spots in current infrared satellite monitoring.

Most weather satellites are in geostationary orbit

“Europe is currently flying mm-wave instruments on the low-orbiting MetOp satellites, but these cover only narrow swaths of Earth’s surface at any one time,” adds Peter.

“The ideal would be to fly a mm-wave instrument in geostationary orbit where weather satellites such as Europe’s Meteosats enjoy a continuous full-disc view of Earth. But geostationary orbit is some 36 000 km up, much too far away to deliver a usable resolution for any conventional, practically-sized mm-wave imager.”

As an alternative, both ESA and China have been investigating a principle called interferometry, involving separate signals from multiple antennas being precisely correlated together to produce a picture of otherwise impossible sharpness.

These antennas are mounted on a circular frame, then set rotating at a rate of once per minute, allowing them to fill in further details.

China’s 54 GHz 21-antenna instrument is called the Geostationary Interferometic Microwave Sounder II, while ESA’s is the 183 GHz 24-antenna Geosounder II, designed for ESA by Omnisys Instruments in Sweden.

“This Geosounder builds on the experience of a previous ESA-led project in 2010,” adds Peter.

Geosounder team

“That 2010 array operated at 54 GHz, while this new version works at a more technically demanding 183 GHz. Its antennas were previously arranged in a Y-shape, now moved into a circular shape to fit with the Chinese array.”

This joint building and testing of an instrument with China is a first for ESA, but is well within the Agency’s skillset: different elements of space systems are routinely built by different companies across various countries, with their interfaces planned out in advance.

This ground demonstrator has an aluminium frame, but any spaceborne version would require ultrastable composite material to resist any structural distortion from orbital temperature extremes – the frame would have to remain perfectly aligned for interferometry to go on working.

“It is by working together that we can find solution to common societal problems like typhoons and extreme weather conditions,” comments Karl Bergquist of ESA’s External Relations Department.

ESA and China team up on typhoon-targeting imager / Space Engineering & Technology / Our Activities / ESA
China leader in satellite atomic clocks

2018-01-19 09:15 Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping

China leads development of satellite atomic clocks, researchers said Thursday.

BeiDou navigation satellites sent to orbit last week are fitted with the latest generation of rubidium and hydrogen atomic clocks developed by the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.

Compared with the previous generation, the new clocks are smaller, lighter, perform much better and are among the world's best, Chinese scientists said.

Atomic clocks use vibrations of atoms to measure time. An accurate and ultra-stable set of atomic clocks is essential for global navigation satellite systems that require a high degree of precision.

BeiDou aims to rival the GPS of the United States, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo as an alternative global satellite navigation system. It intends to cover Belt and Road countries by the end of 2018 and operate globally by around 2020 with a 35-satellite constellation.

China to launch first student satellite for scientific education
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-17 15:47:17|Editor: pengying

NANJING, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- China's first nano-satellite with primary and middle school students involved in the development and building process will be launched into space Friday.

The satellite, named after late Premier Zhou Enlai, was sent from its production base in Huai'an Youth Comprehensive Development Base in east China's Jiangsu Province to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gansu Province Monday, where a CZ-11 solid fuel rocket is scheduled to put it into orbit Friday.

Twenty teenagers who participated in the development project accompanied the transport group to the launch center and will witness the lift-off.

Zhang Xiang, chief designer of the satellite, said that the nano-satellite, weighing 2 kilograms, is set to run in sun-synchronous orbit. Equipped with a HD optical camera, it can capture space photos with the highest resolution among those shot by other Chinese satellites for scientific education purpose.

Zhang said that the students had taken their spare time to join the development and groundbased simulation performance of the satellite, and had learnt to assemble and practice voice data transfer and telecommunication applications.

"A scientific satellite like this is like a teacher in space, carrying cameras or spectroscopes to study the upper atmosphere or to shoot space pictures of the stars. Students can grasp the mystery of the universe through the messages transmitted by the teacher," said Zhang, a professor with Nanjing University of Science and Engineering.

The satellite project was approved in 2016. The administration office of Huai'an Youth Comprehensive Development Base is the main organizer of the project. It is aiming to become the largest and most advanced youth aerospace science museum in China.

"The satellite not only offers an opportunity for local teenagers to engage in such an aerospace project, but stimulates enthusiasm in space science among all students in the schools," said Wang Qiming, director of the administration office.

"It is so much fun to know the secrets of a scientific satellite. I am proud of being part of the development," said Lu Ke, a member of the young team.

The student from the Huai'an Zhou Enlai Red Army Middle School is looking forward to watching the whole launch process Friday.

"Watching our satellite lifting off will be so cool that I will probably be moved into tears," he said.

CZ-11 reported to had launched.
Video -> 长征十一号的发射视频-来自China航天-微博视频

Little scientists readying to build a BIG future! :smitten:







人民日报 5分钟前 来自 微博 weibo.com

People's daily weibo

[CZ-11 Solid fueled Launch Vehicle "One rocket six satellite" Successfully Launched!!]
At 12:12 hours today, the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) developed CZ-11 Launch Vehicle "Six-satellite" mission was a success at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Jilin-1 07 and 08 video satellite and four other small satellites were accurately put into orbit. This launch is the 264th launch of our long march series of launch vehicles.
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Watch: Intense trainings and tests for astronauts in China
CGTN Published on Jan 21, 2018

The Astronaut Center of China has released a video showing tests and trainings astronauts have to go through. It expects China's space station to be completed in 2020.

20 years of China's manned space program! Get what astronauts have to say
New China TV Published on Jan 21, 2018

The astronaut brigade of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) marks the 20th anniversary of its founding. Astronauts celebrate the ocassion in their own way. Find out.

China to select astronauts for its space station
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-22 14:19:25|Editor: pengying

BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- China will begin selection for the next generation of astronauts who will train to work on the country's planned space station, according to Monday's China Daily.

Yang Liwei, deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency and the first Chinese astronaut in space, was quoted as saying the selection work will begin soon and that Chinese scientists and engineers will be eligible to apply.

"We plan to select suitable candidates from space industry companies, research entities and universities and train them into engineers and payload specialists capable of working on the space station," he said during an open day at Beijing's Astronaut Center of China.

"Those who want to apply for an engineer's post will need a master's degree, while candidates for payload specialists will need a doctoral degree," he said. "They will also have at least three years of work experience."

The country is developing and building parts of a manned space station and plans to start assembling it in space in 2020. The station is scheduled to become fully operational around 2022, according to the report.
China develops communications satellite tech edge
By Zhao Lei | China Daily | Updated: 2018-01-24

China has become a leader in the cutting-edge technology of space-based, high-speed information transmission thanks to an advanced satellite, according to the National Space Administration.

The Shijian 13 communication satellite has conducted the world's first experiment on high-orbit laser communication, a technology crucial to enabling a spacecraft to send, receive and transmit a large quantity of data with ground stations, the administration said in a statement on Tuesday.

The experiment was one of the 11 technological demonstration programs made by Shijian 13, which is orbiting nearly 40,000 kilometers above the Earth, since it was lifted atop a Long March 3B carrier rocket from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province in April. It proved that the satellite is capable of carrying out steady, high-speed and high-quality transmission of information with the ground.

The fastest transmission speed recorded during the experiment was five gigabytes of data per second, which means a user could download a high-resolution movie within one second.

The administration said that the laser equipment was designed by Ma Jing and Tan Liying, two professors from Harbin Institute of Technology, and that the devices are the world's best of their kind in this field.

Shijian 13, developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and based on its DFH-3B communications satellite platform, has been called the country's most advanced communications satellite by the administration.

Weighing 4.6 metric tons, the satellite is expected to operate in a geostationary orbit for 15 years. It features a Ka-band broadband communications system capable of transmitting 20 gigabytes of data per second, exceeding the total capacity of all the country's previous communications satellites.

Shijian 13 uses an electric propulsion system, which allows it to carry more scientific instruments than previous satellites. At present, most satellites rely on chemical propulsion, which requires a relatively large amount of fuel that occupies space which could otherwise be used for scientific payloads.

Shijian 13 has been used to give 15 schools in southwestern China access to the internet, the administration said, explaining that students at those schools could not reach the internet because their schools are out of the reach of ground-based communications networks.

Wang Min, deputy head of the Institute of Telecommunication Satellite under the China Academy of Space Technology, previously said China plans to establish a constellation of advanced communications satellites based on the more advanced DFH 4 and DFH 5 platforms by 2025 and, after the plan is fulfilled, people will be able to use high-quality Wi-Fi services anywhere and anytime, including on bullet trains and planes.

Watch: Intense trainings and tests for astronauts in China
CGTN Published on Jan 21, 2018

The Astronaut Center of China has released a video showing tests and trainings astronauts have to go through. It expects China's space station to be completed in 2020.

20 years of China's manned space program! Get what astronauts have to say
New China TV Published on Jan 21, 2018

The astronaut brigade of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) marks the 20th anniversary of its founding. Astronauts celebrate the ocassion in their own way. Find out.

China to select astronauts for its space station
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-22 14:19:25|Editor: pengying

BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- China will begin selection for the next generation of astronauts who will train to work on the country's planned space station, according to Monday's China Daily.

Yang Liwei, deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency and the first Chinese astronaut in space, was quoted as saying the selection work will begin soon and that Chinese scientists and engineers will be eligible to apply.

"We plan to select suitable candidates from space industry companies, research entities and universities and train them into engineers and payload specialists capable of working on the space station," he said during an open day at Beijing's Astronaut Center of China.

"Those who want to apply for an engineer's post will need a master's degree, while candidates for payload specialists will need a doctoral degree," he said. "They will also have at least three years of work experience."

The country is developing and building parts of a manned space station and plans to start assembling it in space in 2020. The station is scheduled to become fully operational around 2022, according to the report.
Damn, it's been 20 years? Wow, I still remember the day I watched the first Chinese go into space. Brings back some memories, so proud about how far we have traveled.
China conducts 1st two-way high-speed laser comm test

2018-01-24 10:24

Global Times Editor: Li Yan

China announced Tuesday that it has successfully conducted the world's first two-way high-speed laser communication test, using a laser communication terminal installed on high-throughput satellite Shijian-13 orbiting 40,000 kilometers above Earth, marking the satellite's official use.

The successful test shows that the country is at the forefront when it comes to high-speed space information transmission, according to an article posted on the official WeChat public account of the equipment development branch of China's People's Liberation Army Daily.

Pang Zhihao, a Beijing-based space communication expert, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the satellite, transmitting information on the KA band, can carry more data and has great anti-jamming capabilities compared to traditional ground-based technologies that use lower frequency C and KU bands, enabling better internet access for passengers of planes and high-speed trains.

The laser communication can also facilitate communication in space, laying a great foundation for the country's future space probe projects, Pang added.

The website of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense said Tuesday that the communication satellite officially started operating following the test, and will strongly support China's space power-building and Broadband China projects.

The satellite will provide services mainly for customers in China, covering a range of fields including the Chinese companies' private networks and remote education, the administration said.

The test was conducted by a Chinese laser communication research team led by Ma Jing and Tan Liying, both professors at the Harbin Institute of Technology, and has overcome many problems including satellite motion and platform vibrations in stabilizing the linking track from the satellite to the recipient station on the ground.

It achieved an average reception margin of 2.5 seconds and a 100 percent stable link lasted an hour, with a maximum transmission speed of five gigabytes per second and great accuracy, the WeChat article said.

China Satellite Communication Company has successfully set up 15 education projects for schools in remote areas, including Northwest China's Gansu Province, connecting these schools with fast broadband internet service, the website said.

China's first successful lunar laser ranging accomplished

2018-01-24 12:46

Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping

China has accomplished its first successful Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), with a 1.2-meter telescope laser ranging system.

Based on the signals of laser pulses reflected by the lunar retro-reflector planted by the U.S. manned mission Apollo 15, the applied astronomy group from the Yunnan Observatories measured the distance between the Apollo 15 retro-reflector and the Yunnan Observatories ground station to be 385823.433 kilometers to 387119.600 kilometers, from 9:25 p.m. to 10:31 p.m. Beijing Time, on Jan. 22, 2018.

Theoretically, LLR measures the distance between the Earth and the moon by calculating the time a laser pulse takes to travel from a ground station on Earth to a retro-reflector on the moon and back again.

LLR technology traverses fields such as laser and photoelectric detection, automatic control and space orbiting. Compared to other methods, LLR can achieve the highest accuracy of distance measurement between the Earth and the moon.

"Although LLR in China has not achieved the same level as pioneering countries like the U.S., our initial success still means the progress, which started from scratch," said Li Yuqiang, an associate researcher with Yunnan Observatories.

Results of LLR are vital to advanced research in astro-geodynamics, Earth-moon system dynamics and lunar physics. Until China made its first LLR, only the United States, France and Italy had successfully harnessed the technology.

The LLR was conducted in the context of China preparing to launch the Chang'e-4 lunar probe in 2018. The lunar probe will undertake the first soft landing on the far side of the moon, conduct in-situ and roving detection, as well as relay communication at the Earth-moon Lagrangian 2 (L2) point.

"In the near future, China will plant its own retro-reflector on the moon, which will further boost the development of LLR in China," Li said.


2018-01-24 16:40:40












China launches remote sensing satellites

Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-25 15:40:09|Editor: pengying

XICHANG, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- China launched a series of Yaogan-30 remote sensing satellites at 1:39 p.m.(Beijing Time) Thursday on a Long March-2C carrier rocket from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

A micro-nano 1A satellite was also sent into space along with the Yaogan-30 satellites.

The satellites have successfully entered their preset orbit.

They will conduct electromagnetic environmental probes and other experiments.

The launch was the 265th mission for the Long March rocket family.

February 2 (~07:30) - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/603 - ZH-1 Zhangheng-1 (ESEM Experimental Satellite on Electromagnetism Monitoring); Fengmaniu-1; Shaonian Xing (Youth Star); ÑuSat-4 'Ada' (Aleph-1 4); ÑuSat-5 'Maryam' (Aleph-1 5); GomX-4A (Ulloriaq); GomX-4B

February 2 (~07:30) - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/603 - ZH-1 Zhangheng-1 (ESEM Experimental Satellite on Electromagnetism Monitoring); Fengmaniu-1; Shaonian Xing (Youth Star); ÑuSat-4 'Ada' (Aleph-1 4); ÑuSat-5 'Maryam' (Aleph-1 5); GomX-4A (Ulloriaq); GomX-4B
200 days on 'moon': China life support lab breaks record

2018-01-26 14:18 Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping


Volunteers have work handover in the simulated space "cabin" Yuegong-1 at Beihang University in Beijing, capital of China, July 9, 2017. (Xinhua/Zhang Chenlin)

Two men and two women volunteered and spent 200 days in a simulated space lab in Beijing, setting a world record for the longest stay in a self-contained "cabin."

The biomedicine students from Beihang University, the second group of volunteers staying in Yuegong-1, also known as Lunar Palace 1, completed the second phase of its 365-day on-ground experiment Friday.

The first group of volunteers, who had previously stayed in the cabin for 60 days, re-entered the cabin Friday to the replace the second group, starting the third and final phase which will last 105 days.

The experiment was designed to see how the Bioregenerative Life Support System (BLSS), in which animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist, works in a lunar environment, as well as the physical and mental conditions of humans in such an environment.

Water and food can be recycled within the system, creating an Earth-like environment.

A successful 105-day trial was conducted in 2014.

Liu Hong, chief designer of Yuegong-1, said the purpose of the new program was to test the stability of the BLSS when "astronauts" take turns living in the cabin.

"The longer-than-ever stage, during which time three unexpected blackouts happened, has challenged the system as well as the psychological status of the volunteers, but they withstood the test," Liu said.

The stage has broken the record set by an experiment of the former Soviet Union, in which three people stayed for 180 days in a similar closed ecosystem in the early 1970s.








人民日报 5分钟前 来自 微博 weibo.com

People's daily weibo

[CZ-11 Solid fueled Launch Vehicle "One rocket six satellite" Successfully Launched!!]
At 12:12 hours today, the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) developed CZ-11 Launch Vehicle "Six-satellite" mission was a success at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Jilin-1 07 and 08 video satellite and four other small satellites were accurately put into orbit. This launch is the 264th launch of our long march series of launch vehicles.
China to launch 60 Jilin-1 video satellites by 2020
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-27 16:12:27|Editor: Yurou

CHANGCHUN, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- China plans to launch 60 Jilin-1 video satellites by 2020, the satellite developer said at the ongoing legislative session of northeast China's Jilin Province.

The high-resolution optical remote sensing satellites were independently developed by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. for commercial use.

Currently, China has launched 10 Jilin-1 satellites into space.

In October 2015, four Jilin-1 commercial satellites were sent into space. In January 2017, Jilin-1 Video 03 was launched, and Jilin-1 Video 04, 05 and 06 were put into predetermined orbits in November last year.

In January 2018, Jilin-1 Video 07 and 08 were also launched into a preset orbit to provide remote sensing data and products for government and industry users in conjunction with eight satellites.

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