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China, our ‘great neighbour’, will help Afghanistan forge peace: Taliban

Don’t worry about these Indians their dreams were shattered in 11 day’s after the false hope given by their media over the years.

He’s talking about referendum which is laughable. Not realizing the Talibans were in negotiation with tribal and clan leaders since March of this year and not a single bullet was fired in resistance.
If Taliban only rules through negotiation and does not want to impose on the Afghans, then why is it hell bent on capturing Panjshir?
Why is Taliban not able to reassure the educated Afghans and women who want to keep their civil liberties? Why does it want to push Afghanistan back to medieval times?
Because they were on the losing side and have to leave its pretty simple Indian...You lose you don't want to stick around for being a traitor and helping americans
You are saying that only those Afghans who helped Americans are leaving. So all those Afghans who are entering Pakistan these last 2 weeks are American friends as per you?
The only way is to leave Afghan people alone and let them decide their own future, you Indians should learn to stay out of it, learn from US this time.
We Indians are staying out of it. We have no real skin in the game other than to ensure that the turmoil over there does not reach India. Lets see what the future holds for Afghanistan since most intellectuals and leaders are making a beeline out of the country.
If Taliban only rules through negotiation and does not want to impose on the Afghans, then why is it hell bent on capturing Panjshir?
Why is Taliban not able to reassure the educated Afghans and women who want to keep their civil liberties? Why does it want to push Afghanistan back to medieval times?

You are saying that only those Afghans who helped Americans are leaving. So all those Afghans who are entering Pakistan these last 2 weeks are American friends as per you?

We Indians are staying out of it. We have no real skin in the game other than to ensure that the turmoil over there does not reach India. Lets see what the future holds for Afghanistan since most intellectuals and leaders are making a beeline out of the country.
Far more Indians run to America then afghans so does that mean Indian government is far worse than taliban?
Are you out of mind? I m talking about countries domestic issues, not invading foreign forces.
Domestic or foreign - ultimately they won through intimidation and warfare, not through popular support. Otherwise, we would not be seeing the populace so much in fear, but rejoicing on the street.
If Taliban only rules through negotiation and does not want to impose on the Afghans, then why is it hell bent on capturing Panjshir?
Why is Taliban not able to reassure the educated Afghans and women who want to keep their civil liberties? Why does it want to push Afghanistan back to medieval times?

You are saying that only those Afghans who helped Americans are leaving. So all those Afghans who are entering Pakistan these last 2 weeks are American friends as per you?

If India had a resistance within its borders like Assam you think the government will just sit aside and do nothing? You either negotiate or settle it by force, right now the Taliban have been in negotiation for last 2 weeks with them.

Taliban has allowed Afghans to attain education, and keep civil liberties within Sharia Law which is their right as it's an Islamic nation. None is pushing them back to the medieval ages as it's media propaganda.

I will give you one advice, do not listen to Indian media and find neutral sources like Reuters or something, because you guys are ape shit crazy there.
Far more Indians run to America then afghans so does that mean Indian government is far worse than taliban?
Indians / Pakistanis running to western nations for economic reasons is different than Afghans running to save their lives. You know that so stop making frivolous arguments for the sake of it.
Domestic or foreign - ultimately they won through intimidation and warfare, not through popular support. Otherwise, we would not be seeing the populace so much in fear, but rejoicing on the street.

The one's who are running away are family members of those who supported NATO & Co., who've give support last 20 years in this war. Of course they would be afraid rest are economic migrants who are trying to jump on the band wagon.
If India had a resistance within its borders like Assam you think the government will just sit aside and do nothing? You either negotiate or settle it by force, right now the Taliban have been in negotiation for last 2 weeks with them.

Taliban has allowed Afghans to attain education, and keep civil liberties within Sharia Law which is their right as it's an Islamic nation. None is pushing them back to the medieval ages as it's media propaganda.

I will give you one advice, do not listen to Indian media and find neutral sources like Reuters or something, because you guys are ape shit crazy there.
Assam or other Indian states were not captured by force. Even where there was some struggle to remove colonial or monarchical powers - such as Goa, Hyderabad, subsequent elections and peace have shown popular support for India.
Taliban has not been recognized as Afghanistan's govt by any nation till now. So they are in essence only an occupying force.

"keep civil liberties within Sharia law" - Are you saying then that the Talibans are the best muslims in the world? Better than those sitting in Pakistan and Indonesia and Saudi?
Restricting civil liberties to the bare minimum is what makes one a good muslim then?
Are you talking about your own country?
You know what I am talking
The one's who are running away are family members of those who supported NATO & Co., who've give support last 20 years in this war. Of course they would be afraid rest are economic migrants who are trying to jump on the band wagon.
Looks like half of Afghanistan was either a Nato supporter or wants to abandon their nation for economic reasons. Lets see how many Pakistan would allow before closing their borders.
Indians / Pakistanis running to western nations for economic reasons is different than Afghans running to save their lives. You know that so stop making frivolous arguments for the sake of it.
how do you know they are not running for economic reasons? I feel like i am talking to a 5 year old. lets put the numbers here for you to digest. 1% of Afghans worked with NATO and that 1% doesn't want to stick around when Taliban comes knocking on their doors. That 1% is hundreds of thousands of people. another 1% wants to use the situation to leave the country for economic reasons and thats another few hundred thousand. Add up the numbers and you will see that it is actually very simple but damn..wikipedia is right..Indian IQ levels are very low...
Don’t worry about these Indians their dreams were shattered in 11 day’s after the false hope given by their media over the years.

He’s talking about referendum which is laughable. Not realizing the Talibans were in negotiation with tribal and clan leaders since March of this year and not a single bullet was fired in resistance.

This to from a population that is heavily armed from the day their born. It’s just Pajeet’s can’t get it through their heads, since we on referendum why not hold one in Indian Occupied Kashmir?

Indian tails, as well as certain anatomical components under the tails, are on :flame:. :lol::lol::lol:

These are the people, who illegally occupied Kashmir by force and now these thugs are talking about referendum in Afghanistan.
By restoring peace in Afghanistan, China will tell the world:
What the USA can do, so can China.
What the USA cannot do, China can do.

America is a terrorist state no matter how you slice or dice it... The way things are going I am pretty sure this is a Chinese century.
how do you know they are not running for economic reasons? I feel like i am talking to a 5 year old. lets put the numbers here for you to digest. 1% of Afghans worked with NATO and that 1% doesn't want to stick around when Taliban comes knocking on their doors. That 1% is hundreds of thousands of people. another 1% wants to use the situation to leave the country for economic reasons and thats another few hundred thousand. Add up the numbers and you will see that it is actually very simple but damn..wikipedia is right..Indian IQ levels are very low...
Your logic is flawed if you trust Taliban offering amnesty of all Afghans. If you think Taliban will actually go after NATO supporters, this means you do not trust Taliban to keep true to their promises.
Please solve this contradiction for me.
America is a terrorist state no matter how you slice or dice it... The way things are going I am pretty sure this is a Chinese century.

No, what follows is a multipolar world, an era of globalization. We humans need to work together to get rid of the shackles of gravity.
If only one superpower replaces another superpower, it is not the progress of civilization.
The Chinese will not allow China to become the next USA.
We'll hit the devil, but we won't become the next devil.
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