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China on India's entry in NSG

lol like I said India will not be affected but this will make sure, Nepal and bangladesh comes in lap of India forever :D, good luck with wasting billions on these worthless projects , lol diverting water from Nepal's border with 7000 meter altitude really high IQ chinese hahah. I hope china start doing this, India will become a global player in no time.

We're build dam in Tibet, you Indian cried a river, imagine if we decide to divert the water, you Indians will faint out:rofl:

like I said, media glitch doesnt mean anything in reality, India media will sure change public opinion in India and abroad about china a good tool, on the other hand these stupid policies by china is so much counterproductive that ultimately this will make sure in long run china is doomed.
A more aggressive china is better for India, it will speed up Indian military, economy powers and also open doors for India in major western clubs where India can get its hands on lucrative economy and technology deals.

Lol how can it be counter-productive to preserve our national treasure such as water? :lol: and in contrary, water will save China and no doomed China as you claim but most likely India will be first to be doomed with less water for 1.3 billions Indians.

And please don't brag on how you will speed up your economy or military, our military budge is 4 times of India and our economy and technology is well ahead of you. If we stop water, we can virtually ruin Indian economy and social stability and bring chaos to your nation with a snap of finger and you will have to beg us for mercy.
to tell you the truth India is already doing this ;), and you know world has no goodwill for pakistan thanks to its glorious policies and its only friend is china thats what most pakistais think anyway.

Oh what a revelation, you guys already did to Pakistan and don't want China to do the same to India, now I call this a double standard my friend....what an unfair Indian policy :feminist:
Lol how can it be counter-productive to preserve our national treasure such as water? :lol: and in contrary, water will save China and no doomed China as you claim but most likely India will be first to be doomed with less water for 1.3 billions Indians.

And please don't brag on how you will speed up your economy or military, our military budge is 4 times of India and our economy and technology is well ahead of you. If we stop water, we can virtually ruin Indian economy and social stability and bring chaos to your nation with a snap of finger and you will have to beg us for mercy.
yup. put them on their knees without firing a shot
The sense one gets from the Indian press, social media and Indian posters here that making China loose face internationally is part of their strategy.

Very soon human rights and democracy promotion in China will be on top of Indian agenda. Quite a pressure tactic form Indian side!

Rationally, the pressure form the US, her allies and of course Indian side is going to be great in the coming weeks, months.

If India can force China to retreat from her position, the Indians will have an upper hand in border disputes with China. In the coming time more assertive approah will be executed. All facts on the ground point towards this direction.

SCS pressure from US, combined with Indian pressure...This is rare opportunity for Indians...

How will China react? What are her options? Can India insert itself into Twaiwan affairs?

Can posters here provide rational respose?

According to Indians they are going to be a super power? So, logically they would like to dislodge their only competitor (in their minds) in Asia?

Can Indians here provide a rational framework of their strategy to contain/counter China? Without the US leadership. On your own comprehensive national strength. Apart from being a glorious democracy, of course.

Very soon human rights and democracy promotion in China will be on top of Indian agenda. Quite a pressure tactic form Indian side!

Than India will be twenty years too late. Western media and officials rarely even use human rights anymore against China because no one buys their propaganda. That was so 1990s.

China never cared how others view their nation. IThey do what is best for the country. Kudos to them.

India can cry and beg their way into the NSG.
1. India should try to be more realistic and just sign and ratify the NPT.

2. Why is India seeking to enter the NSG by the backdoor and allowed herself to be exploited by USA and allies?

3. China, Russia, New Zealand, Turkey and a few more nations are right as they could not set a presedent in the NSG. Infact I view the move by China and these states as PRINCIPLE. It will be UNFAIR to other non-NPT compliant states if their applications are not accepted and India is accepted.

4. Seeking to demonize China because of this is both perplexing and totally STUPID as India will have to seeks China cooperation & assistance in many issue in the future.

GOA: China once again refused India's bid to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, stating that there was conflict between members of the group regarding the latter's inclusion.

Before the BRICS summit commences in Goa tomorrow, China once again thwarted India's bid to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The Chinese Foreign Minister said some members of the NSG had reservations over India joining the group.

"Until and unless there is not consensus on India becoming a member of the NSG, China cannot support its claim," said the Chinese Foreign Minister.

The conference begins tomorrow in Goa when leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) will meet to discuss common issues.

This is not the first time that China has signified that it would not support India's bid to become a member of the NSG. China has also not supported India's move to have Masood Azhar designated as a terrorist in the United Nations.
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Doesn't matter, we will eventually find a way to bypass NSG and deal with the suppliers directly.
Ah? Exchange of interests to the present has not been completed yet?:-)

GOA: China once again refused India's bid to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, stating that there was conflict between members of the group regarding the latter's inclusion.

Before the BRICS summit commences in Goa tomorrow, China once again thwarted India's bid to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The Chinese Foreign Minister said some members of the NSG had reservations over India joining the group.

"Until and unless there is not consensus on India becoming a member of the NSG, China cannot support its claim," said the Chinese Foreign Minister.

The conference begins tomorrow in Goa when leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) will meet to discuss common issues.

This is not the first time that China has signified that it would not support India's bid to become a member of the NSG. China has also not supported India's move to have Masood Azhar designated as a terrorist in the United Nations.
what if i told you that dose not matter as we still are a user of nuclear tech and deu to 123 agreement have got NSG waiver to get and imprt any kind of daul use neuclear related technology from any NSG member nation which we are already doing only thing we can have after becoming NSG memeber is lecense to export but we still not there to fullfil our own demands it will take at least 5-10 years till then we will keep up the pressure to get the NSG membership so keep carresing your bruised ego that china helped you tis time but for how long :azn: :sarcastic:
no consenses is the key word,Once our friends in NSG and we manage 46 or 47 votes,china will give in ,it will has no choice,we are not in hurry as right now,even without NSG we will get the tech from other members what china wont get even being the member of NSG.
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