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China not threat to any nation: Malaysian PM

He's still denying what LKY said.
Must be still sipping the Singapore Spin, oops Sling..

If you all don't go around inviting the Israelis to visit so much, not look down on and start pissing matches with Malaysia and Indonesia, threaten Malaysia with war if they don't renew the water agreements, maybe people in ASEAN will like you all more.

His spin strategy appears to be to repeat this spin and ignore factual statement hoping that the lie repeated enough times will be belief. Be warned.

If you believe so much in statements then do you believe Clinton statement that US is not trying to contain China, or that the missile shield in Europe is to protect against Iran and not Russia ? Or that the US-Korea exercise in the yellow sea is a message to N Korea and not China ?

Statements are just that statements. Actions are more important.
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