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China moved huge military hardware into Tibet after Sikkim standoff: Report

Will appreciate if you can elaborate on this assessment please.

Win or lose, beyond the point of a localised skirmish, India has the capability and intent of hurting China grievously should it be pushed (arm twisted) into another war.

A lot about China is not known by careful design to the outside world. The true nature of their populace and their economy.

A lot of what was unknown about China yesterday, will be known to the world, the local adversaries, and the big predators, tomorrow after the war.

China will no longer be the crouching tiger hidden dragon.

India, good, bad, ugly, is already an open book. No surprises there ....

Or is it?

China will be made to find out.

Cheers, Doc

I am sure Indian Army doesnt think the way most of the members on this forum send messages. They must be very well prepared. God save us if they also has the same mindset and feelings as you and others in this forum do.
My intension is not to degrade our soldiers. But I am certainly not OK the way people post Chest thumping messages in this forum. Its Over Confidence.

It's a professional army.

That's all that's needed to be said.

They do this on the ground, everyday.

Their mistakes do not have an edit or delete option.

Cheers, Doc
I dont think there is enough time for PRC delay further due to Snow factor.
A lot of Chest thumping already by both already. They are into a situation where they cannot go back. It is a matter of Ego now.
1. There is enough time to initiate offensive action. September to early November is ideal.
2. Also - more crucially - the winter itself is not a substantial deterrent anymore for aspiring superpowers. A limited surprise attack may very well be possible.

That is why China must finish India off this time. Take south Tibet back, Kashmir control by Pakistan again, Sikkhim be a kingdom again, Nepal and Bhutan free from Hindu rule. . Peace in south Asia after.
PR China's ultimate objective SHOULD BE to eliminate India FROM the map. It should try to impose a Chine rule in the North and North East and let IR Pakistan Islamize the rest.

Not that any of that will be allowed to happen. :)

It is a matter of Ego now.
PR China is an expert in swallowing ego and suffering diplomatic reversals in silence.
To be honest,China do not want war with India, it gain little.
You get nothing when you beat a poor beggar
But there are lines, if you cross the line too much, even if you are a beggar,you still will be taught a lesson

What is wrong with India mentality?
To be honest,China do not want war with India, it gain little.
You get nothing when you beat a poor beggar
But there are lines, if you cross the line too much, even if you are a beggar,you still will be taught a lesson

What is wrong with India mentality?

China just backed down from its stated position, they said 'no talk before India withdraws troops'...we didn't withdraw our troops, but now they are talking. Hence, Chinese can just stop blabbering and simply go back to stitching our shoes and earning some money that we throw at them.
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