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China may 'speed up construction of CPEC'

Yeah well, you can tell yourself whatever you want to sleep well but it is farther from the truth and you know it.

Right now Modi has become a problem for China. The situation has just stopped short of war but tensions have not reduced, one more incident and it could break out into war and that isn't good news for CPEC.

CPEC should be the last worry of Modi once war breaks out, Learn to live in war like situation form now on because Pakistan is not backing off
Kashmiris are our brothers, its just certain fringe elements that are provided with means to create disruptions there. Sure we haven't handled the situation better but that is why I said if China can use CPEC to make Pakistan shift its focus from cross border terrorism to Economic advancement, it would be good for the region.

Hence I understand now why India's ploy of raising tensions has been a master-stroke. By going to almost a war-like situation we have scared Beijing more than Islamabad as they are worried about CPEC.

And how would investing in those help Pakistan by any means? Only thing you could do with that is maybe catch the world's attention that constantly doubt Pakistan's ability to keep those away from terrorist elements.

Wish China could make India shift its policy of cross border terrorism to advancement.
It will be good if India stopped sending its monkeys to Pakistan.
CPEC should be the last worry of Modi once war breaks out, Learn to live in war like situation form now on because Pakistan is not backing off

I find your threat amusing, your misguided confidence of a result in favour of Pakistan in the event of war is funny.

Wish China could make India shift its policy of cross border terrorism to advancement.
It will be good if India stopped sending its monkeys to Pakistan.
That is the difference between India and Pakistan. We make partnerships, we don't become a dependant. So no countries have the audacity to tell us what to do.

As for India's focus on terrorism, well the countries who employ use of terrorism are suffering the fallout and if India was one such country we wouldnt be the world's fastest growing economy. I don't blame you for your knowledge though, that is what ISI and Pak establishment tell you. "We are victims, world is bad, India is evil" :haha:
That is the difference between India and Pakistan. We make partnerships, we don't become a dependant. So no countries have the audacity to tell us what to do.

The countries who tried to tell us what to do are both bending backwards towards us and are even willing to be our friends.

As for India's focus on terrorism, well the countries who employ use of terrorism are suffering the fallout

It took Soviet union 69 years to pay for their crimes. And guess who made them pay for that :)
India's time will come, just like US' and Israel the illegal state's time will come. Enjoy the days while you still have them.

and if India was one such country we wouldnt be the world's fastest growing economy.

You are forgetting that USA is the largest industrial power, which is now growing merely at 2%. American economy is close to stagnant for quite some time now, just because of their war against Afghanistan and guess who made them lose the war? :)
Russia was also a large economical power, until their fallout.

The thing with Indians is that they do not learn from history.

I don't blame you for your knowledge though, that is what ISI and Pak establishment tell you. "We are victims, world is bad, India is evil" :haha:

I understand the constipation ISI has caused you, arresting a camel, a pigeon and even making a fool out of themselves by claiming a surgical strike drama.

Apparently you people lack the ability to think on your own. All of you generally repeat whatever your media is telling you, like a parrot.

But then, the more people like you are there in India, the better it is for Pakistan, so I wish you live a long life :)
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India will start a small scale war in Northern areas. This will most definitely be to kill the CPEC and secure a land route to Afghanistan. There will be false flag in India and that'll trigger this war, and India will claim it to be a war in disputed territory only to avoid rest of the world condemning them.

And China has already committed full military support to Pakistan, as some have observed here as well. China has also warned US and India against any attack on Islamabad.

Loss in this war will eventually lead to a full scale war by India on Pakistan, albeit many years later when CPEC will be fully operational and Pakistan will be prospering with some exceptional speed under new leadership (Nawaz & Co will be long dead and buried by then). Hallucinating Hindus will then be so pumped up with the supremacy bug drugs (& arms) by the US that they'll invade Pakistan. That will lead to the final and complete demise of Hindu India.

Those Hindus who are not hallucinating, sit back and watch all this unfold.
India will start a small scale war in Northern areas. This will most definitely be to kill the CPEC and secure a land route to Afghanistan. There will be false flag in India and that'll trigger this war, and India will claim it to be a war in disputed territory only to avoid rest of the world condemning them.

And China has already committed full military support to Pakistan, as some have observed here as well. China has also warned US and India against any attack on Islamabad.

Scary scenario for the region.

We don't know whether China has 'already committed' or not but China should make it clear that disruption of CPEC--which is strategically critical for China's own reasons--will be a declaration of war, requiring active Chinese support to Pakistan, short of Chinese weapons firing on Indians.

I think China should position significant joint-troops with Pakistan all over Gilgit Baltistan to thwart any aggression until CPEC is up and running and firmly established.
While India continues to spend billions on arms procurement, India is definitely up-to something no good, with rafale's and S400 soon to be in India's list of weaponry, they will be used against Pakistan, either to get a chunk of land access to Afghanistan or to disrupt CPEC, I'm sure Pakistani military is carefully assessing India's war doctrine. This is the reason CPEC needs to be completed ASAP to counter India's evil design.
India will start a small scale war in Northern areas. This will most definitely be to kill the CPEC and secure a land route to Afghanistan. There will be false flag in India and that'll trigger this war, and India will claim it to be a war in disputed territory only to avoid rest of the world condemning them.

And China has already committed full military support to Pakistan, as some have observed here as well. China has also warned US and India against any attack on Islamabad.

Loss in this war will eventually lead to a full scale war by India on Pakistan, albeit many years later when CPEC will be fully operational and Pakistan will be prospering with some exceptional speed under new leadership (Nawaz & Co will be long dead and buried by then). Hallucinating Hindus will then be so pumped up with the supremacy bug drugs (& arms) by the US that they'll invade Pakistan. That will lead to the final and complete demise of Hindu India.

Those Hindus who are not hallucinating, sit back and watch all this unfold.

Would China allow it happen that India makes a war to get a land path to Afghanistan? It would cut off the China -Pakistan link. Chinese and Pakistani military perhaps should make a plan of joint war against Indian aggression. I don't think that China would stand by if Indians want to damage CPEC through military actions.
Scary scenario for the region.

We don't know whether China has 'already committed' or not but China should make it clear that disruption of CPEC--which is strategically critical for China's own reasons--will be a declaration of war, requiring active Chinese support to Pakistan, short of Chinese weapons firing on Indians.

I think China should position significant joint-troops with Pakistan all over Gilgit Baltistan to thwart any aggression until CPEC is up and running and firmly established.

This northern areas war was foretold 800+ years ago by Naimatallah Shah Wali and he named the exact areas too. And Indian NSA has recently been talking about GB invasion to cut off Pak-China. Indian FM made a statement too that GB is part of india and objected to CPEC through it. So it's all a matter of time, USA will give the Indians a nudge and that localised war will start.

Below covers it pretty well ... and that too by a Russian analyst

Would China allow it happen that India makes a war to get a land path to Afghanistan? It would cut off the China -Pakistan link. Chinese and Pakistani military perhaps should make a plan of joint war against Indian aggression. I don't think that China would stand by if Indians want to damage CPEC through military actions.

it will be as much a strategic blow to China as it would be to Pakistan.
Looks like CPEC will be a tool China will use from time to time to make Pakistan toe it's line. China may well force Pakistan to cease its support to terrorist elements if it finds it is a threat to the project.

As any war or major conflict could hamper the progress of CPEC. I must say a brilliant move from Modi and Indian govt to rise tensions at this time. India knows now that whatever it has to get done in Pakistan can be done so only through Chinese intervention and what better than to warn of a major conflict that puts CPEC at risk?

It will be interesting to see if China can force Pakistan into going for development rather than indulging in proxy wars.

Mate let Modi make all the moves he wants their all failing the Afghan government will keep milking Indian money an the day India fails to give them $$$ they will switch on you so I'm not impressed by your logic of starving Indian citizens an giving their money to buy afghan government... Wait an see its honeymoon period for your relationship rocky road ahead lol
How do I know that CPEC is ultimately in favour of Pakistan..... Every time CPEC is mentioned Indians start wailing. "Moo par Ram Ram, bakhaal may chouree!" But lately from Modi it's been the reverse, "choori, choori for Pakistan... Ram Ram to the UN". Which in turn has been a blessing in disguise for pakistan. It has brought the Pakistani people together and marginalized the pro-indian appeasing neo-left of Pakistan (i.e exposing Dawn and Co.).

As with anything in life there are trade off. Especially, in geopolitics and economics. CPEC is an opportunity for Pakistan to get to that next level.

Give me a progressive pakistan where the basics of life are available....

So... please China, speed up CPEC ... because I for one can't wait!
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