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China May Risk Region Instability: Indonesia Army Chief

Reashot Xigwin

Oct 20, 2012
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By Andrea Tan October 29, 2014
China must not use its “great force” to create regional instability, Indonesian military chief General Moeldoko said, as his nation seeks to avoid being drawn into China’s territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

“China is a great economic superpower, however we don’t want this great force to create instability in the region,” Moeldoko, who goes by one name, said in a speech in Singapore today. “Just a small disturbance within this maritime zone will give a big impact” and create turbulence in the region.

Newly inaugurated Indonesian President Joko Widodo faces a China that’s pushing its claims in the South China Sea with an aggressiveness unprecedented since Indonesia’s independence. For Jokowi, as he is known, ties with President Xi Jinping loom as one of his biggest foreign-policy challenges.

Jokowi has said he wants to stop smuggling of Indonesia’s natural resources, including fish.

The president wants a network of drones to help monitor and stop misuse of resources across an archipelago of 17,000 islands that would stretch from New York to Alaska. “Drones are not only for the military but also for the economy, like for illegal logging,” Jokowi said in an interview July 21, in the period between his his election and his inauguration last week.

“We have to protect the sea from piracy and also those who would encroach on our natural resources,” Moeldoko said. Indonesia’s defense forces has “hundreds of ships” to secure the country’s maritime lanes within its borders, he said.

Nine-Dash Map
Xi told Jokowi last week that China wants to strengthen its strategic partnership with Indonesia. In his first phone conversation with Jokowi, Xi said the two countries are “good neighbors and good friends,” China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported Oct. 24.

In passports issued in 2012, China’s nine-dash line map -- the area it claims in the South China Sea that overlaps with claims from countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines -- encroaches on the exclusive economic zone that Indonesia derives from the Natuna Islands, an area rich in natural gas.

Indonesia has been careful not to recognize the claim. In 2010, it made a statement to the same United Nations body to which China had submitted its map, saying China’s claim “clearly lacks international legal basis.” Then-foreign minister Marty Natalegawa said in an interview in April he wanted an explanation of China’s map and asked the UN to help obtain clarity.

China May Risk Region Instability: Indonesia Army Chief - Businessweek
“We have to protect the sea from piracy and also those who would encroach on our natural resources,” Moeldoko said. Indonesia’s defense forces has “hundreds of ships” to secure the country’s maritime lanes within its borders, he said.

Jokowi has said he wants to stop smuggling of Indonesia’s natural resources, including fish.

The preservation of one's natural resources to be used for oneself is an ideal goal , an ideal mandate of any Government. I hope to see that the Indonesian Government will take active measures to ensure this directive.
That's serious if Indonesia is now saying things. Indonesia has been quiet and in the past.
The fish in South China sea belong to Indonesia? lol

The fish within the waters that are clearly demarcated as Indonesian Territorial Waters DO belong to Indonesia.

same here, Indonesian fishing boat keep came into our EEZ ... :D

why we must at your border, while your ships has been burned here a plenty by our Navy after been caught for stealing together with the Chinese?

You've created such an unnecessary comments Viets
I think the etiology to the issue here is the overlapping EEZs. What is necessary is a binding code of conduct , to evade any unwanted extenuating circumstance from ever happening.
We all know the fish in the worlds oceans are owned by Bengalis, c'mon everyone shoulder known that. Joke Joke.

On a serious note though everyone claiming the south china sea, get your sh*t togather, thank you, from the rest of asia.
why we must at your border, while your ships has been burned here a plenty by our Navy after been caught for stealing together with the Chinese?

You've created such an unnecessary comments Viets

Can you report the case of Vietnamese !?
I read article with picture about Indonesian fishing boat came in our EEZ, that real.
And necessary !?

Some Indonesian fishing boat working in Spartly's water ( the part within our EEZ ), the rest is Chinese, Philippine ...

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I didn't see anything like "your ships has been burned here a plenty by our Navy" in the news ?
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