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China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it acted on silenced whistleblower’s warning


Jun 19, 2014
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China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

The study published this week by population mapping group WorldPop measured the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions. The researchers examined how China isolated ill persons, quarantined exposed individuals, conducted contract tracing, restricted travel, closed schools and workplaces, and cancelled mass gatherings.

The analysis – which has yet to be peer-reviewed – found that early case detection and contact reduction were effective in controlling the virus and combined measures can reduce transmission. They can also delay the timing and reduce the size of the epidemic’s peak, and thus buy time for healthcare preparations and drugs research.

The simulations drew on human movement and illness data to model how combined interventions might affect the spread of Covid-19.

Coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 66 per cent if the measures were taken a week earlier, the study suggested, or by 86 per cent if action began two weeks earlier. If action was taken three weeks later, then the situation could have worsened 18-fold.

Dr Li Wenliang

Most efforts to tackle the outbreak took place in late January, weeks after Wuhan ophthalmologist Dr Li Wenliang tried to warn about the mystery disease on December 30. He was among eight people who were punished by police on January 1 for spreading “rumours” about the virus.

The Public Security Bureau made Li sign a letter stating that he had made “false comments” and had “severely disturbed the social order.” He died last month of the disease, aged 34, prompting widespread outrage in China.

According to the New York Times, China also ignored offers of help in January from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.


With the virus now classed as a global pandemic, the University of Southampton researchers concluded that social distancing measures should continue for the next few months and China’s approach should be adopted elsewhere as early as possible.

“China’s vigorous, multifaceted response is likely to have prevented a far worse situation, which would have accelerated spread globally,” the study said.


First, China should issue an official apology to the world. Then, they should compensate all victims families.
LOL.. Europe and American continent has enough time and effort to stop the spread but you see, they wait and do nothing much. And only when matter gets worst then they start to get their act and now they try claim its China who cause the spread. The alarm already raise by China in Janaury 23 of wuhan locked down.

Tell me, why countries like Singapore, Thailand despite having closer proximity and having many trade with China didnt suffer such wide spread like Europe? Now they blame its China fault?

Why not accept the terms, its your own government incompetency and complacency that cause all the problem?
Was it verified at that stage? Any one can raised the alarm about anything and you expect to close down all the wheels of the government. Before throwing dirt's at others what about US even with the proven facts about the virus how long it took US to declare the state of emergency. Apart from Italy after huge loss of lives they acted firmly, what about UK after 21 deaths schools are still open and they went ahead with the Cheltenham races what a hypocritic. When did they stopped premier league fixtures from yesterday, it says it all about their measures.
Hong Kong free press garbage. China have no idea what hit them first. Even the doctor who leak it wasn't sure what is it. I doubt any western government would take action on an unknown virus judging from their poor response.
If your hand was bitten by a snake, would you immediately cut your hand off ? Or check if the snake is lethally poisonous or not then make next decision? Of course most poeple would choose latter.
While the medical expert team sent by Chinese government to Wuhan was researching the disease and had not drawn a conclusion , some people(whistleblowers) said it's Sars(Dr.Li is an ophthalmologist). This is like some one asks you to cut your hand off without finding the snake yet.

Everyone can tell the right choice afterward. But you can not criticize people who didn't make a better choice by that.
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United States has turned into a laughing stock with the disastrous response to this virus. Their cases are far worse than Italy, but they aren’t doing testing because it would expose them. Trump is a con man who is a narcissist. He only cares about his polls and the election.
...as for if US has created the Corona virus why it has spread in US....do Zions care...

Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says

As coronavirus pandemic has impacted across the world, white nationalists have found a familiar bogeyman to blame online. But some of them also see an opportunity

Seattle. The nursing home is at the center of the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Washington state. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
WASHINGTON — The coronavirus pandemic has upended the world. China instituted a lockdown on tens of millions of its people. Israel set drastic restrictions on workplaces and public gatherings. And the United States on Friday declared a national emergency, all in an attempt to contain the spread of the novel virus.

As the infectious disease — with no vaccine or specific cure — has spread across the globe, a new conspiracy theory has been brewing on the fringes of society: The Jews are behind it.

According to Alex Friedfeld, a researcher with the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism, extremists began promulgating the notion in January that the coronavirus was created by a cabal of Jews, around the time the virus was first being detected.

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“The most popular conspiracy theory is that Jews are using this virus as a means for profit,” Friedfeld told The Times of Israel. “They are saying Jews manufactured it and are going to take advantage of the markets collapse through insider trading.”

Such ideas have been percolating not only on extremist platforms like Telegram and Gab, he said, but through posts on mainstream platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where memes and statements have been posted regularly.

“What’s interesting to me was I started to see these same conspiracy theories — and anti-Semitic ones in particular — pop-up on social media,” he said.

In some cases, these theories have also appeared on state-sponsored television networks, like in Turkey.

One guest on Turkish television said “Jews, Zionists have organized and engineered the novel coronavirus as a biological weapon just like bird flu” to “design the world, seize countries and neuter the world’s population.”


Pee is sterile and even Muslim religious experts have written about therapeutic value camel pee in their holy books.

And More importantly let me tell you, people drinking cow pee in India for medicinal purpose wont even be 1% in numbers compared to number of chinese people who crowd Chinese wet markets looking of exotic wild animals.

COVID-19 (2019)
SARS (2003)
ASIAN FLU (1957)
LOLLOL... It just show how delusion Indian is. I would not surprised you will tell me cow dung is more nutrition than rice and you will take it everyday and encourage all of us to take it.

Did you see from the video, the guy drink the cow urine directly pass out from the cow? How is it sterile? You Indian are just selective in your judgement when accusing others.
If your hand was bitten by a snake, would you immediately cut your hand off ? Or check if the snake is lethally poisonous or not then make next decision? Of course most poeple would choose latter.
If you're bitten by a snake, instead of being a snake expert, you call an ambulance to take you to a trauma center. Similarly, if there was an outbreak you should've reported it on time. But China being China didn't, just like during SARS outbreak, covered it up, but became too big and got exposed. Only this time China has more money for PR stunts doesn't change the fact that it started in China.
Lets not take it to the personal levels and learn from all this as apparently none of us have got the true picture of all the cultures and YouTube should not be the only channel to find out something. Perhaps we should adopt some sort of international do's and don't list of eating items from animal kingdom with taking care of sensitivities with proper research and not to score points. Apart from monetary losses a lot people have lost their lives and we owe it to them that we should set up some sort of centre of research that it won't happens again. My two cents.
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