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China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it acted on silenced whistleblower’s warning

If you're bitten by a snake, instead of being a snake expert, you call an ambulance to take you to a trauma center. Similarly, if there was an outbreak you should've reported it on time. But China being China didn't, just like during SARS outbreak, covered it up, but became too big and got exposed. Only this time China has more money for PR stunts doesn't change the fact that it started in China.
It's not cover up. It was very hard to find out how dangerous the virus is. The desease has long window time. Some people who had intimate contact with patient turned out not to be infected. A lot of paradoxical information. It is like finding the snake costed a lot of time.

Please read properly what you posted.

Doctors interviewed by People’s Daily said urine is metabolic waste discharged by the kidneys which the human body no longer needs, and that drinking this waste may only add to the burden of the liver, intestines, stomach and blood circulation.

“Five per cent of urine is nitrogenous waste, which is mainly urea, while the other 95 per cent is all water. If the person is ill, there will also be sugar, protein, red and white blood cells and ketone bodies in the urine. Because the toxin dispelled by the body may end up in metabolite products like urine, there is no good in drinking it,” nephrology doctor Chen Wenli explained in the report.

Their action is never endorse by most Chinese and national medical board. It is just small minority of ignorant old folks who endorse such unorthodox method.

Every countries has this small group of weirdo who never represent the majority of their normal minded citizen. By your theory, there is a serial murder in your country so I can concluded all your country men are sick serial murderer?
after watching at 4 minutes ,i guess chinese govt will ban Shoaib Akhtar from entering China.

Similarity the cow urine therapy would be less popular in India these Chinese who are drinking their own urine.

But Chinese wet markets are ubiquitous and even after they were banned after 2003 SARs outbreak, they came up again in few years and clandestinely these market are always running because there is huge demand in Chinese customer who loves eating wild animals, birds and insects.
You are just a pathetic liar using bogus source to suit your selective stance.

@waz @The Eagle Please help to clear up this thread. Thanks
I have enough with you.
Maybe yes and maybe no.

The government itself can't declare an emergency as whatever they want based on just rumor, because of the responsibility to the public for social order.

They need time and a lot of meeting to make sure that it's really a threat, and then announce it to the public.

And maybe... coronavirus is just another kind of flu, which is it's quite normal if people die from the flu.

And maybe... The Chinese government doesn't need to declare it as something dangerous that makes the whole world panic.
So why is Europe and the US worse off than the rest of China outside of Hubei, despite the obvious geographical distance and having more than a month's time to prepare?

Singapore started screening travelers from Wuhan since Jan 3 and formed a multi-ministry taskforce on Jan 22 (which means the planning and coordination must have been done before that) before the first imported case is confirmed on Jan 23. Contact tracing team was also set-up.


On the same day the first imported case is confirmed, Singapore started acquiring facilities to prepare for quarantine centers should the numbers spike in the coming months. Many measures followed after that, such as reactivating 900+ clinics (PHPC scheme) which are decentralized over the island to better detect and isolate cases.




But what have the US and Europe been doing in the meantime? Basically inaction.

Why? Complacency.

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When China decided to shut off the whole country, cases outside China were insolated single digit, China succcessfully contained the virus within China and largely in Hubei province, we bought the west time, but governments in the west never take it seriously and dimissed it as no more than common cold, the west squandered the precious window of time away.

When China decided to shut off the whole country, cases outside China were insolated single digit, China succcessfully contained the virus within China and largely in Hubei province, we bought the west time, but governments in the west never take it seriously and dimissed it as no more than common cold, the west squandered the precious window of time away.
We sacrificed a province to buy these idiots time. Warned them, gave them the genome, gave them the

When China decided to shut off the whole country, cases outside China were insolated single digit, China succcessfully contained the virus within China and largely in Hubei province, we bought the west time, but governments in the west never take it seriously and dimissed it as no more than common cold, the west squandered the precious window of time away.
They just laughed... I remember F22 and some others were rejoicing and said China would collapse. Judging from the situation in US and Europe. I think they are more likely to collapse now.
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