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China-made aircraft engine has started mass production of three generations of an ann

every part of SU-30 is manufractured in INDIA from bars radars to the AL-31 engines under TOT......
This is a great start, and we have proof too since all the J-11B and J-11Bs in recent photographs show that they use taihang engines.

Solving the "heart problem" is an important step in overcoming the production bottleneck. Now we can expect hundreds if not thousands of J-11s to replace the aging fleet of J-7s and J-8s.
This is a great start, and we have proof too since all the J-11B and J-11Bs in recent photographs show that they use taihang engines.

Solving the "heart problem" is an important step in overcoming the production bottleneck. Now we can expect hundreds if not thousands of J-11s to replace the aging fleet of J-7s and J-8s.

Even surprising that China can build 4++ gen jet engine and jump straight toward the 5th gen that is supposed to be more superior to the F-22 one.
This is a great start, and we have proof too since all the J-11B and J-11Bs in recent photographs show that they use taihang engines.

Solving the "heart problem" is an important step in overcoming the production bottleneck. Now we can expect hundreds if not thousands of J-11s to replace the aging fleet of J-7s and J-8s.

I wonder whether they'll be mass producing J-10Bs when WS10A is ready.






中国军事图片中心 记者乔天富 摄影报道
horrible Chinese to English translation!

It says that self made taihuang engine debuts at the 8th zhuhai exihibition.

For a long time taihuang engine has been an major setback for aeronautic development in china. The taihuang engine exhibited has a thrust of 12.5 tonnes, which puts it in the same class as AL-31F engine. Taihuang has begun mass production and equipment of J-11B fighters.

Successful development and adoption of taihuang engine signifies ability of chinese aerospace industry in independent development and non-reliance. Engines based on the taihuang series can find use in chinese large transport, civilian airliners and naval ships.
Indians: 30MKI is manufactured using Russian kits in India. If that's "indigenous," then you don't even know the meaning of the word. Production lines require maintenance and spare parts. Neglection of such will lead to lower peformance and quality engines. Not to mention that it'll erode the line even further.

And please, TOT isn't about mentoring you on how to produce production lines from raw material. It's about teaching you how to intergerate parts into planes. Most MRCA bidders offer full "TOT," which is simply assembly techniques, but is important if your supplier is down. Let's say UK stops supplying India with engines and radars for Eurofighter after US pressure. India without intergration technologies for the EF will be unable to shove the engines and radars in to make the plane fly even if India had both. Now, with intergration tech, you can even go to Russia for compatable engines and Italy for radars.

I think the only Chinese part of their version of B737/A320 is their intergration techniques. They import different parts from different suppliers and assemble it into a narrow body plane distinct from its Boeing/Airbus counterparts. Now this also applies for their supercomputer. But when you know how to intergrate parts you can often find subsitute suppliers, which is much safer than having whole planes imported and supplies cut off when diplomacy gets ugly.

Ask yourself this: If India can manufacture Al-31FP -- a 28k lbf engine, why is HAL having trouble with a 18k Kaveri?

I find it irritating when new members state their opinions as facts. But don't worry, you guys will soon realize the decade-gaps between US, Russia, China and India.
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Indians: 30MKI is manufactured using Russian kits in India. If that's "indigenous," then you don't even know the meaning of the word. Production lines require maintenance and spare parts. Neglection of such will lead to lower peformance and quality engines. Not to mention that it'll erode the line even further.

And please, TOT isn't about mentoring you on how to produce production lines from raw material. It's about teaching you how to intergerate parts into planes. Most MRCA bidders offer full "TOT," which is simply assembly techniques, but is important if your supplier is down. Let's say UK stops supplying India with engines and radars for Eurofighter after US pressure. India without intergration technologies for the EF will be unable to shove the engines and radars in to make the plane fly even if India had both. Now, with intergration tech, you can even go to Russia for compatable engines and Italy for radars.

I think the only Chinese part of their version of B737/A320 is their intergration techniques. They imported different parts from different suppliers and assembled it into a narrow body plane distinct from its Boeing/Airbus counterparts. Now this also applies for their supercomputer. But when you know how to intergrate parts you can often find subsitute suppliers, which is much safer than having whole planes imported and supplies cut off when diplomacy gets ugly.

Ask yourself this: If India can manufacture Al-31FP -- a 28k lbf engine, why is HAL having trouble with a 18k Kaveri?

I find it irritating when new members state their opinions as facts. But don't worry, you guys will soon realize the decade-gaps between US, Russia, China and India.
Good Heavens...It is amusing that the man cannot even see how he exemplified the very thing he derides...:lol:


Technology transfer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Technology transfer is the process of sharing of skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples of manufacturing and facilities among governments and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users who can then further develop and exploit the technology into new products, processes, applications, materials or services. It is closely related to (and may arguably be considered a subset of) knowledge transfer.
A true 'transfer of technology' will not occur if the donor deems the recipient:

- Lacking in natural resources.
- Does not have access to resources.
- Is outside of the donor's technological sphere.

If the above conditions are satisfied, meaning the recipient is NOT bound by those conditions, then a 'transfer of technology' is very much about 'how to produce production lines from raw material'. Political considerations falls under a different argument. The process can take years but as long as both parties are patient, such transfer will be complete and the recipient will eventually no longer dependent upon the donor for assistance. Adaptions or 'jury-rigging' or 'integration' is not a true technology transfer. Basically, they prove cleverness, not innovations.
seems like the so called full ToT is just assembling kits as many have suspected..

this is from reputable russian source, no bs.....sorry to burst your bubble guys..



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