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China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

Man, the Manila Times website is so low-budget - it looks like it was designed by a bunch a monkeys. Is this really the premier pinoy news publication?
We are losing! So now we are forced to use the "scorched Earth" policy to Philippines like we did in 1979 to Vietnam :)

Really? I think if i recall real history like the America you got your @$$ kick by the so called subhuman viets hahahahahaha like Vietnam and other thing What are you? five? do that and again its your country's end the world we see you as a aggressor so go ahead please do so and about that nuke were is it? Only a child will advocate Nuclear war without knowing its after effects hoy totoy! (hey kid!) stop being an idiot! again why do you think? No one has ever fire a nuke out of anger? Because stupid scum bag nobody wins in nuke war!! Think about what your posting because all of your post are stupid and childish the most stupid of all the Chinese drone post here.
We are losing! So now we are forced to use the "scorched Earth" policy to Philippines like we did in 1979 to Vietnam :)

Heha, Chinese learned good lesson 1979. One more lesson from Philippines is too much.

200 nautical mile EEZ rule does not have any say on the issue of sovereignty. The islands belong to China by historical claim. That alone is sufficient.

Historical claim is not an issue in international law! And how is that sufficient? If you people think so, why is it china is too chicken to go to the UN courts to prove their so called historical claims? and how do a single country claim a whole sea as its own? in which planet is what a reality and possible planet china? But this is Planet Earth Rules are Rules and beside china sign UNClOS why are you Chinese so arrogant that you people not going to UN to solve it peacefully?

Why Philippines not your Equals Wow if that's the case then you people are really scumbags for thinking like that! You people have never learn anything and never change from you old style of thinking that beyond your country is subhuman lands and culture and yours are superior! Then your living a dream.
Hey! Guyz China even have right to over some part of the Indian Ocean as well.....So India gotta becareful now.....:D
We wiped out 130,000 Viets in just 28 days. We didn't even have to use agent orange or napalm like USA did to you :)

Sure the US did drop that but why is it that Vietnam is still there? Wow unlike your Army in the Second World war which the Japanese literally rape you because you scumbags were too bc fighting each other and latter united to fight them but you still needed Allied Aid and still have a lot of losses ha funny. Making fun of us smaller countries and yet you stupid large fat snake can't even fight good enough when it clearly had a bigger Army than its enemy! well you arrogant scum never learn anything but to be hateful and jealous and may i add belittle others.

Man, the Manila Times website is so low-budget - it looks like it was designed by a bunch a monkeys. Is this really the premier pinoy news publication?

Wow nice Uncivilized deduction Mr scumbag? i rather read from a low tech "TRUTHFUL AND FREE" newspaper than a newspaper full of lies

Historical evidence and international laws strongly support China's sovereignty claim over Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, said an article carried by the PLA Daily Thursday.

Based on general practice in international affairs, historical evidence and laws are two inseparable factors to judge and prove a country's sovereignty over a certain territory, said the newspaper, the mouthpiece of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

For centuries, China has claimed sovereignty over Huangyan Island while the Philippines' recent arguments were simply tricks and self-contradictions, according to the article.


According to many historical documents, Chinese first discovered the group of reefs and islets about 550 sea miles south of Hainan Island, and the surrounding waters in the South China Sea, and named the area "Zhanghai," or the Rising Sea, as early as over 2,000 years ago.

From the Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) to the Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1912), Chinese called these islands "Shitang" and "Changsha," which included Huangyan Island, as part of the Zhongsha Islands.

In the 13th century, Emperor Kublai Khan of China's Yuan Dynasty assigned an astronomer named Guo Shoujing to conduct a territory survey to unify the calendar nationwide, said Li Guoqiang, deputy director of the Research Center for Chinese Borderland History and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think tank.

Huangyan Island was chosen as one of the 27 measuring locations in the survey in 1279, which was clearly recorded in the official historical documents, said Li, quoted by the newspaper.


The waters around Huangyan Island are traditional fisheries for Chinese fishermen. They have not only fished in the waters but also built docks and other facilities on the islets.

The Chinese government has also sent several expeditions to Huangyan Island. In October, 1977 and June, 1978, scientists from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice conducted field surveys on the island.

In April, 1985, the South China Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Administration sent a research team to the island for a comprehensive investigation.

In 1994, a research team erected an 1-meter-high cement monument on the island


China's long-term effective jurisdiction over Huangyan Island offers an important proof for its sovereignty claim. There were a number of government actions involving the island, for instance, the territorial survey in the 13th century, the newspaper article wrote.

Li Hongyun, expert with the Law School of the Peking University, told the newspaper that the Chinese government officially announced the name of Huangyan Island respectively in 1935, 1947 and 1983 and all the official maps published by Chinese governments in different historical periods marked Huangyan Island as Chinese territory.

The island has been consistently under administration of China's Guangdong province first and Hainan province later. It is currently administered by the administration office for the Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Nansha Islands under Hainan province.

Since the 1970s, the Chinese government has approved many applications from foreign adventurers requesting to visit the island, Li said.

These actions are entirely official and governmental, which directly proves China's sovereignty over the island, Li said.


The territory of the Philippines is set by a series of international treaties due to its special history.

Zhang Haiwen, deputy director with the China Institute for Marine Affairs, told the newspaper that all the related international treaties, including the Treaty of Paris (1898), the Treaty of Washington (1900) and the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States (1930) have stated clearly the west limit of the Philippine territory is 118 degrees east longitude, while Huangyan Island, located 117 degrees 48 minutes east longitude, is outside this limit.

Moreover, the 1946 Treaty of General Relations between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines, the 1952 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, the 1961 Republic Act No.3046 and the 1968 Republic Act No.5446 have reaffirmed the legal effects of the above-mentioned treaties and once again expressively defined the Philippine territorial limits which never included Huangyan Island.


"During a rather long period, the Philippine legal documents, official papers and national maps never involve Huangyan Island," said Li Guoqiang.

Under the Philippines domestic laws and regulations, including the 1935 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Huangyan Island is outside the territory of the Philippines and even the baseline points and baseline of the Philippine territorial waters have never touched upon Huangyan Island.

Philippine maps published in 1981 and 1984 also indicate that Huangyan Island is outside the country's territory.

Until 1997, the Philippines never challenged China's jurisdiction over Huangyan Island and repeatedly stated that Huangyan Island was not part of its territory.

The documents issued by the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority of the Philippines on Oct. 18, 1994, and by the Philippine Amateur Radio Association to the American Radio Relay League on Nov. 18, 1994, both confirmed that the Philippine border and sovereignty was stipulated by the Article 3 of the Treaty of Paris (1898) and Huangyan Island is outside of Philippine territory.


The Philippines argued that Huangyan Island was its "inherent territory" because the island was in its 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone.

Li Hongyun told the newspaper that, as a basic principle clearly stated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a country must have sovereignty over the land before it claims sovereignty over the adjacent sea waters.

The Philippines claimed sovereignty over the waters before making a claim for the land, which was obviously wrong, Li said.

It recently claimed sovereignty over Huangyan Island on the basis of exercising jurisdiction on the island and cited the case of the Island of Palmas, which confirmed the principle that a country could claim sovereignty for its long-term and effective jurisdiction over the land.

"China agrees on the principle and, it is based on the principle that China has sovereignty over Huangyan Island for it has implemented long-term and effective jurisdiction," Li said.

In addition, geographic proximity, which formed part of the Philippines' claim, is no solution to territorial entitlement as international laws and practices have early defined.

Such examples can be found everywhere in the world that a country owns a remote land that is geographically nearer to other nations, the article said.

The principle of geographic proximity would no doubt cause big chaos if it was applied in territorial affairs, the article said.

Solid evidence supports China's sovereignty claim over Huangyan Island - Xinhua | English.news.cn

China is way too soft alright. That's why even Aquino sent his biggest warship to arrest her fishermen.

Then why are you people afraid of going to the UN then? If my country claim is so wrong in the first place! Said your poor idiotic propaganda no mean quote and quote Newspaper!
1 thing which i notice that indian members are deeply supports anti chinese in this thread
i ask them will they accept to share indian ocean
In a show of what it called restraint, Manila has proposed to bring the disputes to the International Tribunal For the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) to decide the ownership of the island.

"We do not wish to escalate any tensions right now," Philipine President Benigno Aquino's spokesman said. "Therefore, what we're doing for now is to just to document the situation ... and consequently raise (it) before the tribunals."

However, analysts doubted whether the proposal, which is short of legal ground, could provide a way out of the current stalemate.

"President Benigno Aquino and his officials have been ... complaining to the world that China is refusing to have the dispute settled by the International Tribunal for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)," Rigoberto Tiglao, former ambassador of the Philippines to Athens, said in an article carried on the website of the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

"They're in for a surprise: The Philippines isn't also with the UNCLOS -- when it comes to sovereignty disputes like that on Scarborough (known in the West for Huangyan Island)."

He pointed out that back in 1984 when ratifying the treaty, Manila has made it clear that the convention could not apply to its sovereignty disputes.

To put it simply, the Filipinos would deem the treaty null and void when it comes to territorial disputes, Tiglao said.

Aquino has made no mention of such a thing when he proposed to let the international tribunal handle the case.


The Philippines said Huangyan Island, an uninhabited shoal, lies well within the country's 230-mile exclusive economic zone that is recognized under the UNCLOS.

It has been convincing its "shoal mate" -- the United States to throw the support behind its territorial claims based on the UNCLOS.

This seems all the more weird because the latter has even yet to endorse the treaty, said Tiglao, also former Presidential Spokesperson of the Philippines.

"It's been awkward -- even comical -- for the Aquino administration to be begging the United States for arms to defend" its claims to Huangyan Island, he said.

The United States is among 34 nations that have not ratified the UNCLOS and therefore officially do not recognize it, he added.


Since China refused to bring the disputes to the international tribunal, some media reports have interpreted Beijing's response as a fear to lose the case.

Yi Ping, a lecturer at the School of Law of Peking University, said Beijing has no obligation to accept the invitation.

As early as 2006, the Chinese government submitted a written statement to the UN, making it clear that China does not accept international arbitration "as described in section 2 of part XV of UNCLOS in disputes ... concerning maritime delimitation, territory and military activities," he said in an article published by the China News Agency on April 27.

By that time, Beijing had already asserted its claims to Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, which means even if the Philippines does bring the case to the ITLOS, China is not obliged to appear in the tribunal, he said.

Tiglao put forward a similar argument, speaking of China's declaration following the ratification of the convention.

"The People's Republic of China reaffirms its sovereignty over all its archipelagos and islands as listed in article 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, which was promulgated on Feb. 25, 1992," the document reads.

"That law declared as part of China what it called the Zhongsha Islands, which included Huangyan (Panatag to us)," Tiglao said.

Meanwhile, a brief glimpse of 19 cases submitted to the Tribunal since 1997 showed that maritime disputes, rather than territorial ones, fall within the competence of the organization, he added.


The Philippines said it would go it alone if Beijing insisted on turning down its invitation.

The paradox that Manila is seeking a solution which it had declared earlier it would not recognize raised questions about the true motives behind its aggressive push.

"He (Aquino) insists that the dispute be decided by a court which, however, can't have jurisdiction over it. This President is making us the laughing stock of the world," Tiglao said.

The hardball tactics, Yi said, aimed to complicate the situation instead of appease it.

"The Philippine government, fully aware of the consistent position of the Chinese government, still had its own way to push forward the invitation," he said.

"The purpose is nothing but to discredit the Chinese government as ignoring the international judicial system and rejecting dispute settlement through legal means," he added.

News Analysis: Int'l tribunal not solution to South China Sea tensions - Xinhua | English.news.cn

This is much more valid than a third rated blog in the OP.
Historical claim is not an issue in international law! And how is that sufficient? If you people think so, why is it china is too chicken to go to the UN courts to prove their so called historical claims? and how do a single country claim a whole sea as its own? in which planet is what a reality and possible planet china? But this is Planet Earth Rules are Rules and beside china sign UNClOS why are you Chinese so arrogant that you people not going to UN to solve it peacefully?

Why Philippines not your Equals Wow if that's the case then you people are really scumbags for thinking like that! You people have never learn anything and never change from you old style of thinking that beyond your country is subhuman lands and culture and yours are superior! Then your living a dream.

Then the latest document or treaty puts those islands under the control of ROC.
this article is really a crap and not worth refuting
Didn't China lose 100,000 Troops in the War with Vietnam in 1979?

Whatever China "lost" I am sure Chinese members will not remember or "filed claims" for its.

Compared firepower between China and Viet Nam during that time like 10 to 1, so China lost 100K soldiers that's meaning "China huge big lost". Doesn't it?

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