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China lists Kashmir as its top priority.


India cannot and will not engage in any trilateral meeting on Kashmir. We made it clear. Since shimla agreement, the issue is bilateral and even UN has say in it.

China has no stakes in Kashmir. :what: Don't create something that never existed.

Yes China has a claim in Kashmir which is Aksai Chin
It's not a claim, it's a region captured and controlled by China. We didn't sell them the area though.
Nice try, the Chinese never accepted the Johnson line which separated Kashmir from Xinjiang and Tibet.

It was never Indian land to begin with.
Who cares...we will bring up Tibet, Taiwan and a bunch of other shit. That's why you China is trying to pump in massive investment in Tibet......
Did you even read the article. Emotional response of Indians is normal but not rational
Nice try, the Chinese never accepted the Johnson line which separated Kashmir from Xinjiang and Tibet.

It was never Indian land to begin with.
Who gives two shiits about China's acceptance. India has an independent policy.
Who cares...we will bring up Tibet, Taiwan and a bunch of other shit. That's why you China is trying to pump in massive investment in Tibet......

always pick the fight within the same weight class, US of A runs when it suits them.
What makes you think China gives a bullshit about India's claims when the Kashmir was never Indian land to begin with.

Since when the so called begin with. Who cares if Kashmir doesn't belong or truly belong to India. We control majority of the J&K. And we are not moving an inch.
What happened to the it's a bilateral issue between India the unsc contender and isolated Pakistan?

Did I miss the memo?

Well Kashmir issue is the oldest standing conflict at the UN. Its not a surprise if serious countries priorities the UN.
That was 2017. This is 2023. No change in the thinking of Pakistanis. If I am not wrong, agar main galat nahi hoon, even this year I probably read a Pakistani post saying, "Kashmir is a disputed territory."

@jaydee This is your thread.
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